Calling it, this is gonna be the next big feminist outcry a-la Cisbusters when it comes out and inevitably flops.
Calling it, this is gonna be the next big feminist outcry a-la Cisbusters when it comes out and inevitably flops
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Kill yourself Alicia
When did they turn Lara into a teen boy? Is this Larry Croft?
Hardly. The outcry was because feminists kept insisting that people hated the movie because women were in it. Tomb Raider was a beloved franchise and the same people who played it were the ones feminists think are sexist, just they still played it. If it flops, there will be no outcry.
It's based on the new shitty SJW Tomb Raider games.
Even nuLara didn't have shoulders that manly.
She looks like a first time adventurer because she looks like amateur hour and cant act
You have no clue how SJWs work. If this flops = men hate strong independent wommyn and didn't go watch it because they are evil alt-right Trump supporters. All they need is a catalyst for their cancer and this is a perfect one.
The really hilarious part is that the old Lara Croft character was everything they actually wanted in a female protagonist. But then again, we know they don't give a fuck about the shit they sprout, they just want to spit in the face of heterosexual, white men. Pic related.
Well, this is probably a tranny.
She doesn't look like Lara Croft.
Well yeah, SJWs don't play video games, only some casual mobile shit. That sneak clip must always be brought up of Anita saying she never actually played games before making her thesis on videogames, where she posed like a hardcore gamer.
Neither did Jolie, but at least she was much better looking and had some semblance of tits and ass. What they've basically cast for the role is a castrato.
Jolie looked perfectly the part, what are you talking about?
it's about time a woman will take the lead role in a lara croft movie, and shitlords can't handle it fucking bigots drumpfers
They had to pad out her chest to make her tits look bigger.
And? Nobody has natural tits like that. It's actually good they did instead of making them smaller cause muh realistic wommyn.
Is it just me or it seems like women in general are more occupied with how things look like they are, instead with how things actually are?
They had different models.
Jolie was still fine and was the first omage in the search. All of them are better than the new one.
The fuck is it with movies looking all desaturated and artificial these days? Every frame is washed into one or two muted colors. It's so disgusting. I think the only movie with realistic colors I've seen recently is Zootopia. A fucking cartoon!
Well yeah, only the new one is based on agenda.
All of them in one pic.
I remember when Legend came out and they were promoting that sweet honey voicing Lara in every magazine.
Good times they were all hot.
More innocent times, a Golden Age defiled by Jewish hands.
Calling it, Holla Forumseddit will impotently rage and cry about juice and fleminists when this film proves to be a box office hit. Remind me reddipol, how did your predictions about Ghostbusters turned out?
It flopped hard and canned an entire franchise in the making. Good stuff.
The shit game it's based on also bombed hard.
Statements like this really make me not want to go see a movie. Do Hollywood people not realize how obnoxious this shit is?
Er, were you going to see it otherwise?
There was a chance. A small one.
Wow. The first ever Tomb Raider movie starring a woman! Take that misoginerds.
Her clothes were slightly scimpier than what I approve of though. I mean, shorts, really? What is this, porno?
Wearing shorts in damp, tropical environments is borderline counterproductive.
Realism is for fuddy duddies.
That was sarcasm.
Im sorry but Jolie was never good. She was "cute" in Hackers a shit movie, however, she hit the wall fast due to likely cosmetic surgery. She later became the human forehead known as Angelina Jolie. The tomb raider movies were shit, but we just loved Tomb Raider and Lara Croft. We all however knew there were better actresses at the time.
I'm going to give the movie a chance, but the current actress needs to keep her airhead views to herself. It will only add cringe to the movie and make people want to stay home. Plus, lets be honest, hollywood cant make a good movie out of fucking Star Wars material. If she adds sjw shit to it and the movie fails (which odds are it will) its going to add to the hilarity of feminism adding weight (pun intended) to the box office collapse.
Hothead enters the thread.
Fair enough but I faped tp Jolie at the time.
That takes me back.
this was long time ago my first years of internet fapping
Good times, lads.
Not really.
It did better than Ghostbusters 2 and they will likely profit from it in some years.
Literally nobody was comparing it to how Ghostbusters 2 did and they already scrapped anything related to this shit, including toys that did not sell - the main revenue for movies in the long run, and returned the property to (((Reitman))). You're and Paul Fag both BTFO.
Lol nope because of all the money put in the marketing.
Now go away
>>>Holla Forums
Still holds up. Gonna try and find HQ version.
Budget without advertising cost 144 millions.
The worldwide total came to $229.1 million and Sony would see returned about $126 million after theaters take their percentage of the gross.
Total Domestic Video Sales $36,451,975
Now Ghostbusters 2 budget: 25millions
Box office 215 millions I am not talking even about what would it make in constant dollar if we take into account the inflation.
Poor fucking sjws.
mm no, jews were fucking things even back then, this is more of a current year issue.
Seems like these cunts have severe amnesia if they haven't seen heroines on screen. They should be taken for therapy, seriously.
how is it ever worse than current year TR?
Where's the big titties, the tight waist, the curvy hips, the long legs?
Good job, feminism.
Producers have the idea that if Lara is too attractive
Women will refuse to see it
Women will not allow their boyfriends to see it
If they made Lara attractive enough, men would see it of their own damn initiative. Now it's a movie for nobody. No one wants to see flat, mannish, stronk womyn Lara except 200+ lbs. blue-haired dykes.
What else haven't they ruined yet?
This is why I never bought the "Wonder Wymenn is nawt fyminizt!!" opinion. Every movie that comes out now with a strong female just has this unrealistic forced femenine supremacist vibe. This is why these movies are ruined for me and I will never bother watching them.
Unmodded Fallout 3-tier body.
Congratulations, you discover that water is wet
Ha ha, great post. Well meme'd my friend
Ha ha, terrible post. Poorly meme'd my friend
I don't get why we needed to rewrite the character into thie current "I hate tombs" abomination. Lara Croft already became a strong, independent womyn after her plane crashed in the fucking Himalayas when she 14 or whatever. She refused marriage and built her fortune looting old shit. How does putting her in a grubby tank top make it a force for (((change)))?
This shit comes from cucks and bitchy feminists who didn't play the games and only see Tomb Raider as some women with huge knockers. What incredible fucking irony.
Yeah, it's incredible how much CURRENT YEAR Tomb Raider shits all over CURRENT YEAR values.
I miss the old Lara who was sexy, fun and didn't take herself so seriously. I miss the 90s before all this emo realism shit took over.
9/11 happened.
What a piece of shit, fuck sony.
rofl that orbiter in the back ground
it was in the original concept art for the newer games
looks like the average Holla Forums user
Why did they drop this necessary feature? Do they hate money?
You sound like a bigot. Reported for wrongthink.
Did 16 yo design this?
Don't feminists hate Laura?
women don't even play the new Tomb Raider games, it's just numale console cucks.
They don't play those either because women forbid them. That's why the Nu Raider games flopped, they were, like this movie, made for no one.
Yes, because she's everything they want to be but never will.
The biggest irony of Tomb Raider reboot is that because it's the latest iteration of Lara, that iteration is the one featured in every SFM porn video ever made. Let me reiterate that to emphasize how ironic all of this is. The version of the character they intentionally tried to make the most modestly attractive and backed by a marketing campaign bolstered by the SJW clique of 2012-2013 and onwards, is the face of every Tomb Raider porn in Current Year +2.
They incidentally made nu-Lara the biggest slut of all Tomb Raiders.
thats hilarious
That's what (((they))) want you to think
I love it.
You mean you're lovin' it.
Have it your way
We shouldn't have killed gorilla of wisdom
The voice acting was actually provided by Keeley Hawes.
Alison Carroll is missing in this picture.
Friendly reminder Crystal Dynamics wanted to make Tomb Raider Ascension the next installment in the franchise after Underworld. Lara would have stranded on a Japanese island full of ghosts and spirits.
We will never have a proper Tomb Raider horror game.
t. Tomb Raider fag
She is so hot.
Fuck, I used to destroy my teenage dick to Nell McAndrew
Who taught her to talk?
Those shitty plastic buckles. Pants and belt aren't tightened.
She's ready for adventure guys.
I'd love to see the behind the scenes shots of her pants dropping to the floor though.
t. reddit
But those games were made by the nords IIRC
What the hell is going on
that's why