The Jewish Plot

Jews are 15% of the world's population.
Yes, they are using deception to take over the Earth in a move towards Globalism, but how exactly do they plan on enslaving the entire human race? Doesn't this imply we are willing to be slaves, as the rest of humanity could easily defeat the Jew.

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correction: Jews are .2% of the world's population - there are about 15 million Jews worldwide.


checked. yes, thank you. i mixed up the % with the population #

does anyone else find it implausible the Jew could enslave the rest of humanity, at least under the current understanding of The Plot?

what are we missing…

Nobody ever said it was a good plan.


Don't be anti-semitic goy, there's no Jewish plot to control you all.

Jews running politics? Oy vey it's just a coincidence you're literally committing anuddah shoah

None of this matters to them.
Not even the fact that they never created civilization, only observed and parasitized it.

But that doesn't stop them, now, does it?
They have their prophecies and stuff, and they want to see them through.

The Jews' plan works because normies are too brainwashed to see that they are slaves and shitskins are too dumb to ever figure it out.

Diluted sub jews maybe.

As for how? By controlling peoples opinions and breeding mid-low iq muttalows who will see them as saviors from the ebil white race. Eternal "we saved you, you owe us". though if it is anything like the time machine, the muttalows will be as morloks and kill the jew minsies out of feral rage.

nice numbers.

so you're saying we need more exposure of the Jewish Plot

Read or listen to The Protocols.

Nice hitler dubs
And you can, but normalfags hate the truth with a passion and take shelter under lies.

fug, forgot a /


this is how.

politically incorrect zeitgeist.
golden rule.

thanks user. ive never actually read the protocols. tonights the night!

why do you think this is tho? theres always a 'why' when it comes to human behavior..

I need the picture that compares the Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn quote with the Jew Stewart rant about Trump.


People forget that if people do not follow your lead, feel free to follow theirs to a 12
If they cannot make way for peace, then feel free to slaughter and rule over their ashes in war.

If you ever figure it out, let the world know, I have no clue.

thanks i have a background in Qabalah. this will be a good read.

working on it m8

Fucking newfag/ retarded kid detected.

why try so hard to fit in tho fam? smdh ijs tbqh

The agenda is very clear.

thanks will give that a read

Never ever.

More like 2-5% max.

yeah i know thank you

Going the opposite direction, less subtlety now, eh?

Whites aren't even 15% of the world's population.
Jews are less than half of 1% of the world's population.

Slavery comes in variable forms.
An organism could easily defeat a single pathogen under the majority of conditions, but under the right conditions, a single pathogenic infector can bring a much-more complex, 'powerful' organism to its knees.

can we get past this? see:

how is the Jew planning to do this?

Ball and chain slavery on a massive scale is not realistic. Plus (((they))) know normal people can be controlled through bread and circuses.

very true…but this runs the risk of the normal people waking up at some point. we woke up, right?

I'm going to leave you with this thought:

Yes, the Jews are actively working to conquer and enslave the goyim. But you aren't part of their plan. No one alive today is part of their plan. We are all disposable.

So, who are the goyim they want to enslave? Figure it out. It has to do with a single skin cell.
