Fake news.

How will whitey ever recover?

This will not be cuckkino.



fuck off CNN.

Holy shit my sides


they didn't cook him long enough.

What did you mean by this?

If he is a cuck then who will be the buck?

A strong white man.

Never thought I'd live long enough to see the cuck meme become inverted.

Looks like she went for the gwc.

It's the Modern Age now.

when memes backfire


Who will play the strong white man?

Whores literally can't stop being whores, this is like that bitch who got "knocked up" by swiss beatz and sued for child support only to fail the paternity test. ALL they have to do for millions of dollars and fame is only fuck one man, or at least use protection with the other men they're fucking and they just can't stop being stupid whores even with millions on the line.

Could work.

This nigger is also playing Roland in the Dark Tower movie.



manlet bth

I would literally let Idris BBC'D my wife and my daughter.

Will they heightwash Manson? I honestly don't know many 5' 4" hollywood stars.

Race War When?

looks like somebody already did it to his wife xD
why are niggers such cucks?


Because they know that on a level playing field they can't compete with that Great White Dick and their only allure is through what the media provides for them, so they're stuck in a situation where they have to just sit and take it unless their Jewish bosses give them the go ahead to chimp out. Rich nigs are constantly praying that their wives are sucking off the yoga instructor up in the Hollywood Hills while they're working.

lol triggered

you have to go back >>>/cuckchan/

Those type of filenames work on Holla Forums now.

Everyone know Tarantino will pick Sam for nigg role

He didn't just take it like a cuck though. If he was a ((((wh*te))) """"""male""""", he probably would, but he's one tough manly buck wh*te bois won't fuck around with.

White Men fucked his wife, nigger. Your skin will always look like poop. Deal with it, you are the least aesthetic race.

Anyone who fucked his wife was a pussy because he did it behind Idris' back. He's the actual cuck.


back to your shed, white boi

I'm sure somewhere in your small nigger brain that made sense while you typed it



Who will play Roman Poolanksi?

Say what you like nigger, taking care of someone else's child is the definition of cuckold.