
Sept. 15, 2017 (5:45 a.m. PDT) Cassini has completed its mission at Saturn. As predicted, the spacecraft lost contact with Earth at 4:55 a.m. PDT (7:55 a.m. EDT).

The Cassini spacecraft was 6.8 meters (22 ft) high and 4 meters (13 ft) wide. Spacecraft complexity was increased by its trajectory (flight path) to Saturn, and by the ambitious science at its destination. Cassini had 1,630 interconnected electronic components, 22,000 wire connections, and 14 kilometers (8.7 mi) of cabling. The core control computer CPU was a redundant MIL-STD-1750A system. The main propulsion system consisted of one prime and one backup R-4D rocket engine. The thrust of each engine was 490 newtons and the total spacecraft delta-v was about 2,040 meters per second.

Also general embedded system design thread.

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with cable management like that no wonder it crashed


Daily reminder none of Cassini's software was written in Rust, thus proving its toy language status.

Jews do not worship Saturn.

Daily reminder none of Cassini's software was written in C, thus proving its toy language status.

What was Cassini's software written in?

Probably forth

Nvm, it's actually programmed in ada. I assumed they used JOVIAL as it was meant to be used with MIL-STD-1750A. (p. 52)

an office

Jews worship Satan, not Saturn.
they abandoned god and started worshiping a cow, now to spite god for making Christians his new children they worship Satan and fuck over the rest of the world, again, out of spite for god leaving them because they thought he'd stick with them after they abandoned him, because kikes are lazy and greedy and also retarded.

Is this ironic retard posting? Well done I guess

will pour one out tonight for Cassini. rip.

this, Saturn is a cover story basically.


Why destroy it?
Ok but why not have it float away in space like Voyager so that aliens can find it?
No, that's just an excuse to destroy it and start working on an exciting new probe.

Why the fuck would aliens give a shit about our primitive space probes? They're already here and trust me, they didn't find us because of some shitty little satellite that we sent to Saturn.

What kind of qualifications/skills would I need to aim towards a career in embedded systems? I'm currently in an EE Diploma but I'm not really sure where to go once I'm done, best option at the moment seems to go for a Bachelors since that will only need another 12-18 months of study.

this thread is about cassini not your personal school questions blog, faggot.

Not only would Cassini need to escape Saturn's gravity (it would need to be moving at 35.5km/s), but also the Sun's (617.7km/s). The only reason that Voyager 1 got that fast was by using the gravity of Jupiter, Saturn, and Titan. Voyager 2 used all the gas giants as slingshots.

Fuel is hard to come by in spacecraft, to the point where NASA has to go mega-Jew just to get probes to other planets. Instead of going straight from Earth to Saturn, they had Cassini fly by Venus twice, then the Earth-Moon system, then Jupiter before getting to Saturn just so they could save fuel. Add the fact that Cassini had to adjust its orbit over 300 times, and it probably didn't even have the fuel to escape Saturn without gravity assists from moons.

Also, the chance of aliens finding a tiny probe is astronomical even if it did somehow manage to come within a lightyear of their home planet.

You had these infographs prepared very quickly mr nasa propaganda maker.

ADA is ok for secure and consistent programs. But I wouldn't have expected it in a embedded system. What kind of cpu is the MIL-STD-1750A? It is RISC or CISC? Is it based off of previous designs and if so which ones?
How energy effeicient is it?

aliens don't travel through space using relatavistic dynamics.
ftl travel is only possible at the quantum level.
they shrink themselves down and freeze their ships to 0 degrees Kelvin using superconductors to induce a Bose-Einstein condensate which allows them to allowing them to move to any point in the universe instantaneously by pulling it towards them, not propelling themselves towards it.

aliens don't travel through space using relatavistic dynamics.
ftl travel is only possible at the quantum level.
they shrink themselves down and freeze their ships to 0 degrees Kelvin using superconductors to induce a Bose-Einstein condensate throughout their ship allowing them to move to any point in the universe instantaneously by pulling it towards them, not propelling themselves towards it.

Kill yourself for stupidity.
There have been tests to get light to move faster then was previously predicted possible.
First how do they "shrink" their mass into a smaller, more dense state insomuch it is possible. Second how the fuck to they get their atoms to stop moving which is to say 0 degrees kelvin, the point at which atoms stop moving entirely and then get them moving again while also moving a ship?!?!? What material would you possible use as a electrical component that can cool things to the point of 0 degrees kelvin? How do you overcome the force of friction even at a atomic level?


Yes, and expected similar responses from mundanes such as yourself.

Then explain to me how it is possible. Pretending you harvest unlimited energy via pic related. What material can you even use to cool something down to the point of the atoms not moving whatsoever?

This entire screencap is bullshit. Jesus christ.

I can't explain the science behind it, and of course you're going to call me retarded because of this, but just because you don't understand or see something does not make it untrue, and does not make it magic. If you're actually interested in the theories I've proposed instead of just calling me retarded then look into The Science of Extraterrestrials by Eric Julien. Otherwise, remain in your realm of materialism and determinism and never bother expanding your mind by thinking about other possibilities.

fix your shit codemonkey

Then you are not qualified to be proposing "theories" (read: hypotheses).

"Expanding your mind" is useless when you're opening it up to more bullshit.

I'm qualified to post and propose whatever I like, fucker. You couldn't explain it any better. Now if you're just gonna be a cunt I'm done replying to you.

T.retard who doesnt understand what he speaks of

Some of it is bullshit like the parts about UFO's, aliens, and time travel.
But the test with a magnet is something you can do yourself. Look into the revised hertz/maxwell equation for energy.

Let us once again look at a summary of an article 6 written by a French ufologist, who lists the following techniques for anti-UFO propaganda. It is an excellent résumé of the means used to keep us in check. So far they have worked quite well.

• Reveling in abstract theoretical arguments in order to avoid having to consider the facts.
• Making believe that the world of science is opposed to the world of beliefs.
• Using the prestige of an authority to disguise the truth.
• Looking down upon the presented evidence by underestimating it.
• Dismissing the unknown as a known fact at the expense of a significant part of a fact.
• Indicating that common sense is the best policy. This is historically false.
• Abusively using the principle of parsimony, or Occam’s razor, in spite of recognized scientific contradictions.
• Saying that the testimonies, even if there are numerous, are senseless, whereas scientific experiments are testimonies themselves.
• Affirming that there is no truth to inexistent phenomena, whereas it is scientifically impossible to prove the inexistence of an object.
• Making systematic connections between cases that are dubious and others that are not.
• Asking questions based on truths that are unfounded and come from reducing beliefs.
• Attacking the entourage of an advocate of the paranormal if it is unattackable.
• Attacking a person instead of responding to the relevance of his arguments.

I don't need to explain it any better, you're the one trying to explain something, something that isn't remotely believable.

Condemnant quod non intellegunt.

UFO's are fake as a transportation mechanism that you can touch, feel, and use. All anyone has ever done is seen/witnessed light taking the form of a UFO that then does unexplainable things if it were physical and not a scalar wave. Gas yourself.
For your next trick the zero degrees kelvin shill is going to claim the earth is flat. Because he is beyond retarded. He is a paid shill.