Tiling Window Manager Thread

Let's have a tiling wm thread.
Ask questions, post experiences, recommendations, tips, share configs, etc..

I've been trying out wmii and this 9p filesystem gimmick is really neat.
The tiling kinda sucks though because everything is in columns and also the floating windows are borderless.
It'd be nice if there was a more modern wm with a filesystem control interface.

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Here are some tiling window managers you might wanna try:

< i3wm - i3wm.org/
Babby's first twm, easily customizable from a central config file, superb documentation, usable out of the box.
Inspired by wmii, but written from scratch.
They dropped tags for workspaces and 9p fs control interface for i3-msg.

< bspwm - github.com/baskerville/bspwm
Binary Space Partitioning Window Manager
bspwm is a tiling window manager that represents windows as the leaves of a full binary tree.

< herbsluftwm - herbstluftwm.org/
Manual twm with similar tiling system to i3.
Can be reconfigured on the fly using herbstclient.

< dwm - dwm.suckless.org/
Dynamic Window Manager written in C.
Developed after wmii by the same author.
"Tags" are used instead of workspaces (as in wmii), since they are more flexible.
Slightly higher learning curve than some other twms, basic knowledge of C might be necessary for configuration as it takes place in the header file.
Dwm is very small, the executable is only 28k and the source code is less than 2000 LOC.
Because dwm is so small and cleanly implemented it served as a foundation and inspiration for several other window managers.

< Xmonad - xmonad.org/
dwm clone written and configured using haskell, so knowledge of haskell is recommended.
Highly extensible, stable, and dynamic.

< awesomewm - awesomewm.org/
dwm derivative configured in Lua, it has a system tray, information bar, and launcher built in.
There are extensions available to it written in Lua.
Awesome has other features as well, such as an early replacement for notification-daemon, a right-click menu similar to that of the *box window managers, and many other things.

< spectrwm - github.com/conformal/spectrwm
Another dwm fork. Easy to configure, since the config is in simple plain text. It has a built-in status bar that can be fed from a user-defined script.

< ratposion - nongnu.org/ratpoison/
Ratpoison is a simple window manager with no fat library dependencies, no fancy graphics, no window decorations. As the name suggests, it's entirely keyboard driven.
It's a lot like GNU Screen, only for X.

< StumpWM
Highly extensible rewrite of ratpoison in Common Lisp by the same author. Can be configured on the fly.


Don't forget sway - i3 for wayland (just drop your i3 config and it should just werks).


Serious question: What's the point?

I realized that the main thing I got out of a tiling wm was having certain specific windows in particular places, but that I liked all the bells and whistles of proper desktop environments and managing windows in floating mode. I wrote a script that uses xdotool to tile windows to particular positions and set up keyboard shortcuts to execute it in Xfce. This is the most comfortable setup I've ever had.

I too would like to know this.
Seems really bad, especially for programming, to reduce your screen real estate by cluttering it with many windows.

So all these are backdoored now. Thanks for the heads-up n-s-yayyy kun. There are about three maybe four window managers that have not been subverted yet and one is mentioned here already and is a buggy application that uses far too much CPU idle time just to run. Which is to say sway.



If your strings are taking up the width or more of your screen, that is really bad for programming.

You might be writing while keeping an eye on a compile. Or watch a vid while chatting.

You're not supposed to put everything in the same tag/workspace you dumb fuck.
Usually I have 1-3 windows per tag (in some rare instances I go above it). If I need documentation the browser is in two tags, one only for it and another with the code. One large terminal for code, one or two terminals for testing. Same for latex, one tag with emacs, another with emacs and the pdf. I suggest you try it, it's damn good and works without the mouse.

those people need to be shot

Nigger this is shit and you know it

I can't tell if you're retarded or just baiting.

Pic wasn't my setup, look at the file name. I think it's from the fibonacci patch for dwm.

I am completely serious. Literally everything related to computers is subverted with few exceptions. There is a reason everything is a fucking botnet newfag. What you are discussing here is level of subversion, not if it is subverted.
Take sway as an example, it is hosted on cianigger github, it has some odd bugs and is written in c, it is a useful way to lock your screen somewhat more securely then using X based screen lockers, and it is subverted to the degree it has IPC mechanisms for exploitation via the clipboard from the X server you could be running with it.

For a test,use sway to open a image in VIM or VI doesn't matter what image. Copy the binary data from the entire image via terminal in sway. Then paste it from a pure wayland application to a Xorg based one. It crashes so hard just like if you used pure Xorg. It's a fucking botnet, even if less subverted then things like gnome.

4/10, made me chuckle

So what's wrong with dwm? It has no IPC at all, no run-time configuration system, and the git repo is hosted directly on suckless.org. It's less than 2k lines of very legible C, so it should only take you a few minutes to find the alleged backdoor for us.

Subverted or can be in transit to your computer. Not touching that shit.

Are you even trying nigger?

Tell me exactly what you think is wrong with that and why.

Why would you lie on the internet like that?

Try again.

Not an argument. Tell me what is wrong with it, and point to some examples in the code. Back your claims up with data and cite your sources.

Ok three things.
First I am glad they use https for the marginal extra security it provides. Secondly I couldn't point out errors in the code in the case of it being backdoored as you download it. Hence my arguement about http. Thirdly what ssl certificate does their website use?stil not clicking nigga.

You could edit the code while it transfers to my computer with laughable ease if you owned their ssl certificate. So any errors that might be in the C code would be impossible to point out without uploading my own codebase of it. But then you could say I subverted it instead of uploading what I downloaded.

I didn't lie, 's link is http only for dwm. I was just too lazy to go looking for the git.suckless repo.

You made a false statement.
(You) 's link is http only for dwm
That's not true. The page supports https.

You can go through the entire source in less than an hour.
And if you can't, you have no idea what you're talking about.

It's on the front page. Apparently TLS is a relatively new thing for suckless.org.

On my end, the SHA512 of dwm-6.1.tar.gz is 875644bbc246088f2c87e50debbadd4bc179444b396b1b327149087e8bc5303325ebc9103a7e3c864266ee1ac683ea3cd8f0a08285c8e46fc4389d5b83a555f1

pretty much nobody uses dwm properly. There's a blog somewhere that explains how you are meant to use it.
The fact that they fucked up the actual usage so badly is pretty bad.
However, dwm once you know the usage and have rebound the keys is actually the best wm around. Nothing else that I know of comes close but I'm sure there's something out there.

dude.. take your meds

Don't you already have information on everyone n-s-yayyy-kun? Is there a problem here? You still didn't address what ssl certificate their website uses.

Also I fucked up, the archive link of it is in http only. But the https link is loading for it now in archive.org. Fuck my life.

>uses (((Let's encrap)))
Botnet all the fucking way. Especially considering how new the https support is and it still doesn't use HSTS.


You were just bitching about it not being https you fucking nigger.
True, you can't.
Someone who isn't retarded can get that with "laughable ease".
The only reason that may not be a lie is that you're stupid enough to believe that.
Yeah sure. It seem Russian hackers replaced your smart reply with crazy ramblings.

What's wrong with Let's Encrypt? Why does lack of HSTS prevent you from reading the source? I already posted my SHA512, and others will be able to verify that we are all looking at the same code. Nobody is asking you to execute any code, so this shouldn't compromise any security on your machine. If you are truly autistic about your opsec, you can even read the source on the git link and point out line numbers without downloading anything if you prefer.



>be (((lets encrap)))
If (((anyone))) gets that master certificate then all https traffic using (((lets encrap))) can be read like if it were http using wireshark.

Tiling WM's are usable and effecient in some scenarios. It's just different from windows is why you don't like it.


Just like every other CA ever made, minus the renewal fee.
I'll need some citations on those sources that you forgot to post, and an explanation on why any of this prevents you from reading a .c file that is literally two clicks away.

Just like every other CA ever made, minus the renewal fee.
I'll need some citations on those sources that you forgot to post, and an explanation on why any of this prevents you from reading a .c file that is literally two clicks away.


mind digging it up?

read the whole post before replying next time

Following your reasoning, you post on the botnet, and you run 100% botnet software already. You apparently trust the compromised CA and/or the compromised Tor nodes to post on 8ch and enough to download software from your distro's package repo, but you can't trust your web browser and/or text editor enough to read source code. Sure thing, pal.

If you decide you want to rationally explain your case, I'll be lurking. Until then, the burden of proof in regard to a backdoor in dwm is still on you. 9/10 had a lot of fun.

And fuck cloudflare.


t-those were o-o-o-only meant for u-u-use by m-me!


Can your wm work on ssh?


I'll agree with you on understanding your (((enemy))). I disagree with the assertion that they are omnipotent. While it may be true that a lot of software developers have a hotline to Langley/Tel Aviv/Whereverthefuck, their reach is finite for the time being.
The attempted shifting of the goalposts to TLS and unprovable hypotheticals came too early and made it clear early on what you were doing. Next time around, string me along a bit before switching tactics. I actually did have to think about some of my replies, and I actually did feel twinges of frustration replying to the brick wall, so good job there.

T-ten o-o-out of t-t-t-ten i-i-image, A-user.
We're well off topic, so this is meant as a polite sage.

>If (((anyone))) gets that master certificate then all https traffic using (((lets encrap))) can be read like if it were http using wireshark.
No, that's not how HTTPS certificates (as signed by Let's Encrypt) work.
If someone gets the master certificate they can start signing their own arbitrary certificates. However, they cannot decrypt traffic sent using other Let's Encrypt certificates, because those use private keys that are generated locally and never sent to Let's Encrypt.
The most it allows someone to do is (detectable by someone comparing certificates, and therefore conspicuous and very risky!) impersonation. It doesn't allow decrypting traffic that uses existing certificates.



Anyone tried velox? Compared to sway, it seems a little more minimalist (tarball 38K instead of 5.2M).

Which 7.62? NATO? x54r? x39?


I'm pretty sure there's one between the bottom and the shaft.

That's odd, because I find it's easier to have a text editor on one side and file manip on the other. It's a lot easier for me not to take my hands off the keyboard.

Why would you need xdotool to accomplish that?

I don't see why a tiling window manager is necessary to accomplish that. I already do it in Openbox.

How would you do it? There are other ways, but xdotool is a very simple one.

It's not strictly necessary. You are correct when you say that you can accomplish the exact same thing with a stacking WM. A tiling WM just makes window management faster and easier in some use cases. It's just personal preference.

For many reasons. They don't have all the extra shit that comes with a desktop environment. They are light on system resource usage; I'm running Void with i3 and my startup memory usage is

For many reasons. They don't have all the extra shit that comes with a desktop environment. They are light on system resource usage; I'm running Void with i3 and my startup memory usage is

All of this is exactly as true of floating window managers you mongoloid.
This is the same shit as those autistic monkeys who think linux not coming with an X enviornment or an installer equates to Arch.
Window management:

It goes like this, keyboard+shortcut buttons < mouse < keyboard. The only reason you ever need a mouse is copy paste. There is no good way to do it from the console that I am aware of. You can hop between files in the same text editor and acheive some copy paste. But mouse with gui beats all for copy paste.

Ugh I am such a pajeet.
keyboard+shortcut buttons > mouse > keyboard


Yeah, no. Manipulating windows mainly with the keyboard is retarded. Placing and selecting windows is an inherently visual task, unless presented through a list of available windows, which combines nicely with mouse oriented window movement and selection anyways. Its objectively faster and easier to take the second to move hour hand to the mouse, or your fucking thumb and index finger to the trackpoint and button with a thinkpad, to do things like select a certain thing on screen, move it somewhere else you want it, change it to a certain size, etc. by engaging your brains visual processing capabilities. Particularly so when combined with simple keyboard modifiers(alt, ctrl) which eliminate the need to precisely grab the border or a titlebar, but instead just click anywhere on the desired window. Even moreso still with such mouse+keyboard modifier binds for lowering windows in addition to selecting them.
Its not better because its looks more "hacker" to stacy and chad. Nor is it because windows uses floating windows badly.

Xfce already has quite a good keyboard shortcut management program, what would you need xdotool for?

Has anyone tried wmii? Looks pretty interesting

xrandr --scale .6x.6 is pretty neat, it zooms the screen in so that i have 547x308 resolution on a 1366x768 laptop. honestly i've found the smaller screen helps with focus, reading and writing concentration in particular. it makes the system seem more retro and simple to me, which i like.

and dwm makes navigating it all seamless. hardly need to use a mouse and i have a script in the startup that disables the touch pad so it doesn't fuck my typing up.

the coolest thing is dmenu and how easy it is to throw programs in there. so i can hit alt+d and have access to launching any program + the shell scripts i've written

also to other dwm users, something that i found pretty darn useful as far as keyboard configs go was setting my f1-f6 keys to switch between the respective tags. also if you're wondering how i got my transparent terminal: xcompmgr

xdotool is for moving the windows, not for binding the keys.

I've started using i3wm instead of xfce. Everything is good so far except that I want a lockscreen when I close my laptop. How can I do that?


What you said only applies to floating window managers. In tiling window managers keybindings to manipulate windows makes more sense because the windows are already put in a grid for you. Moving windows between workspaces makes more sense with the keyboard. Same goes for selecting windows, mod+{h,j,k,l} makes more sense than hovering over windows since you know where the windows are. Floating windows, however, are indeed a pain with the keyboard, so I agree with you for floating window managers.


i3-lock, create script that checks the procfs for the laptop lid status.

Not sure if there's a proper way to do it, but you could just monitor /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0

>using something apart of the (((GNOme))) pajeet script botnet

Have any of you fucked around with tiling Wayland compositors? I'd love to try sway but Nvidia's awful drivers are holding me back.

Yes, but floatingkeyboard.
I dont really disdain tilers as much as it looks like, even though I think they look like shit to use and would therfore not bother with one.
I was being so smug because posts like that first one I replied to and the replies to my first one make it look a hell of a lot like people just think in /g/ memes, and therfore the alternative to GNOME/KDE/xfce/binbows is i3/dwm/awesome. Tiling is so much better because its not gnome/kde/binbows, it doesnt come with all that extra bloat and offers better keyboard modifiers. Also looks more hacker/ricer.
like I said, the same logic that if you're not using ubuntu, you're using arch.

Gotta say this is actually looking quite promising if I can get tags setup like i have dwm then I may even switch to this.

lol right after posting this I realised I couldn't oh well

what was better about it compared to dwm?

I liked the idea of everything being a file. Seemed like a cool idea for a window manager.

>>using something apart of the (((GNOme))) pajeet script botnet
what? Compton is written in C.

>floating floating == 1).
Also, that's like, your opinion man. Tiling is better because (keyboard > mouse == 1) for everything not related to free movement.

The other guy made the same mistake

No, the point is retards think theres no distro that doesnt come with shit other than arch, just like they think the alternative to bloated DEs is tilers.
Tiling is shit because it forces windows into a cramped grid, with every inch of every window visible. Even when I tile manually, I overlap windows to hide the parts I dont care about. I have a video over firefox as I type this, just not obscuring the bit of the text window im using.
Keyboard shortcuts have nothing to do with whether a window manager is tiling or floating, either. All or nearly all of the binds you need that don't fit on the mouse can be made accessible with one hand. Pinky/ring and thumb for modifiers, index for pressing the key.
Moving your hand to an dfrom the mouse isnt nearly as much time as it feels like, and pretty much everything thats the job of a window manager is better with one hand on the mouse than with both on the keyboard.

Windows are automatically put in a grid but aren't forced into it. You can have floating windows if you want to, for gimp for instance. Also nobody has every window visible all the time.
That really depends what you use the computer for. I have very little use for the mouse (vimfx for firefox, terminal for everything else) so moving from the keyboard to the mouse would be a bother. If you're a graphic designer on the other hand, you'll most likely prefer to keep your hand at the mouse.

most of the contents of a terminal arent relevant at any given time. making a grid is rarely beneficial, when you want to see all of two windows at once its easier to just put them next to each other.
And I said, specifically, 'everything thats the job of the window manager'. Placing, moving, selecting windows, etc etc. I use the terminal a lot too, but the mouse is still vastly better for managing windows. And most any graphical programs.

That's why you resize windows, retarded dildo. Yes, tiling WM can resize.
Where your argument? It seems you need to move your hand more with the mouse. Example: switching workspaces: simple one hand chord vs moving the pointer to the top or bottom of the screen on a small rectangle (you also need your eyes, not only your hand).
Take your meds, babby duck.
PS: I also use floating (cwm and icewm). Tiling IS superior unless you have an ant screen.

You can switch workspaces with a hotkey in floating window managers too.
Using a hotkey to switch workspaces has nothing to do with tiling, you can and should use modifier+number hotkeys for that in a floating window manager. One hand on mouse, one hand on keyboard.
The moving your hand takes less time than it feels like it does to you. The fact that it makes you use your eyes actually makes it faster and more automatic. Your brain is good at visual processing and hand-eye coordination, its better to take advantage of that for something like, say, rearranging rectangles than to use a more concious approach with the keyboard.
cramping the other windows even further to see the one you currently want better
People regularly cite rice as the reason to use tiling window managers, because they're retarded children who think in memes. I just riced out rio for fucks sake.

Sway is basically i3, but on Wayland, and with some extra bugs. If you've ever tried i3, you've tried Sway. They use the same config files.


I really don't understand this mindset. Do you realize that this board is used by many people with many different opinions? Don't you understand that if two posts in different threads express incompatible opinions it might not be because of hypocrisy but because they were made by two people who don't agree with each other?

is there a WM that doesn't have this fucking issue? maybe i'm just out of touch for using xmonad for the past few years

shhh do you see his gentoo logo
*leans in*
he has autism and doesnt understand basic social cues

Holla Forums and /g/ are exactly the same retard
/g/ is dead on 8ch


for i3 put this:
no_focus [tiling]
in your config

safe. i will try it

Shit color scheme. Solarized is much better and easier on your eyes.


If you actually do this you should just end yourself.


Just set it in your config to open firefug/whatever in Workspace 2.

kill yourself tripfag. monokai on Atom on my MacBook Pro is the best color scheme.


Theres literally nothing wrong with it. Far better than having one open next to the other.

stop impersonating me

>Steve Klabnik !Steve.RD..

I've only tried sway and way-cooler 3 months or so ago only to go back to i3wm+Xfce goodies.
Sway would slow down to a crippling halt as I opened more windows but otherwise almost identical to i3. Way-cooler was pretty smooth and snappy can't recall the issues I had with it most likely related to multi monitor support.
In both cases I couldn't for the life of me find a function similar to xrandr to rotate one of my displays.

I don't have any major problems with Xorg after fixing the horrible screen tearing.
Still waiting on wayland to mature and support GPU hotswapping with a decent tiling manager at least on par functionally wise with i3. I use my dedicated GPU on both host and guest interchangeably.
Would be great to switch between my iGPU and dGPU without logging out and loosing my current session whenever I want to boot up a windows VM with GPU passthrough since I always have my dGPU bound to host OS when not using a VM.

Speaking of which, I'd hate to impose but I do have an annoying issue I couldn't find an online solution to that happens only after I use i3-logout with tty1 set to autologin.
Xorg or i3 workspaces plugin would hit 100% cpu usage on a single core it is either one or the other and sometimes an application such as qbittorrent does not show up in the icon tray although its process exists.
Currently I have to manually intervene by killing the process using 100% cpu and kill/restart qbit. if it is Xorg at 100% the login process is repeated after killing it after which I have to kill the i3 workspaces process which is now at 100% cpu and kill/restart qbit.
Not the biggest deal in the world but It does get irritating.

Anyone else try bspwm? It is very respectful of the unix philosophy. It does one thing and does it well, which is manage windows. It does not accept input. Instead, you use a keybinding daemon called sxhkd to do that. Sxhkd does one thing and does it well, which is run commands when certain keys are pressed. Also, you install your own bar as a separate thing, rather than having one come with it like i3 or awesome. It all adds up to a system that is low on bloat and ram usage, and once you get it configured, high on comfy. It goes well with a systemd-free distro of your choice.

Also you don't need a shitty fork to get gaps support.

How did you bloat your system this hard?

>I'm running Void with i3 and my startup memory usage is

I only use 1 window/workspace as my screen is small. The tiling wms itself don't waste much screen space.

dwm is one of the smallest wm currently supported.

If mitm attacks would be this simpleton.

You should try out cwm man.
It's about as bare bones as a tiling wm but has a lot of the simplicity and convinience of a stacking wm.

well thats my point
minimalism has absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with whether its stacking or tiling.
if you say you use a tiling wm because its "so minimal" or "barebones" you're beyond retarded.

I want into tiling mangers.

Should I go with XMonad or i3? Which is better and which is easier to setup/use?

i3 is easier to setup, rest is a matter of taste

herbstluftwm is actually the best just nobody ever tries it out

If you have a widescreen, tiling windows makes sense, otherwise you just have unreadably long lines of text.

dwm is fine, but it runs on Xorg, which is full of holes. And their planned replacement, wayland, is by the same developers, so it too will be full of holes.
Only thing that's even halfway safe is framefuffer console, and there's no WM for that unless you consider terminal multiplexers like tmux, screen, dvtm, and so forth.
Anyway even the graphics libraries and applications are suspect. Theo and some others touched about this on openbsd-misc some years ago.
If you want "real" security though, be prepared to abandon Unix altogether. It's just a hack job with hacks upon hacks. Multics was much better in that regard, but even it was only designed for very controlled conditions, not ad-hoc deployment into a hostile environment. And that was before all this hardware botnet crap.