Future Meme Job

How long until "software engineering" becomes a minimum wage job? As we know, programming is not hard, any monkey can do it. Sure there are very hard programming problems to solve, but most people do not have such problem in their daily work. Most just implement X and Y in the existing code base.

There is a movement for "everyone should code", "women in tech" etc. Kids learning to code in school at early age. Not only that, developer jobs are easy to outsource to third world countries who also is increasing in quality for every year. Everything to increase the pool of people to employ and increase competition.

Cry some more pajeet. Making shitty pajeet script applocations, dime a dozen. Make applications which never crash and are secure? Skill you would never have in five lifetimes middle aged pajeet. Making the libraries to run make the apps? Two lifetimes ahead of you for quality. Making the hardware API's being exposed for software? Skill beyond your grasp till eternity.

When the average IQ is about 130, so never, considering current immigration trends and birth rates.

lol no
go check out on Freelancer.com, pajeets that apply for a job, can't actually do it most of the time

wrong. I have some monkeys in my classes and they cannot do it.

Pipe dream because women are more free than ever before to pursue what interests them, and programming is fundamentally uninteresting to 99% of women. This isn't going to change. Don't worry about (viable) competition from women. Do worry though about legal sexist discrimination in favor of the few women who do enter the field.

Seeing how much money software engineers make it's no wonder companies are desperate to lower wages by any means necessary. But in the long-term companies that try too aggressively to save money in this area will fail. You don't save money in a hospital by hiring the cheapest doctors. You don't save money on a space station by buying the cheapest materials. Our jobs secure themselves.

All you have to do imo is to focus most of your time on something that fits your interests so you won't get tired of learning more and more about it over many years. If you can do that then you'll be specialized enough, even smarter SEs can't beat your head start. Of course the specialization needs to be in something that is actually in demand. I guess there's some luck involved with what you are curious about and whether it becomes/stays important during your career.

i hate those sites. fucking pajeets. they'll underbid at like 1/4 fair value even though they can't do it. and the only people who post jobs on those sites will only hire pajeets because they care about price and not quality. someone wanted a knockoff of uber, the whole thing, for $1000.

You are full of curry bait pajeet but whatever.
No pajeet, just blindly increasing the quantity will not automagically raise the quality or competence. Open sores has an important requirement that faggots like you seem to forget or deliberately ignore. It's not actually "everyone can and must be allowed into tech because it's open sores", there is still some basic competence requirement that should be met. You can cry sexism racism all you want, it does not change the fact that if a nigger or a cunt can't do the job, their race or genitalia should not give them a pass. With that out of the way, please go fuck yourself with your progressive stack dildos you curry faggot.
What you're trying to sell is shit grade outsourcing. Is every instance of outsourcing bad quality work, not necessarily, but a large amount of it is. The money and time "saved" by going with the lowest pajeet bidder often winds up more expensive when the work turned in by street shitters does not meet spec, and has to be re-checked and re-done by the few remaining competent people. This is not just limited to tech, I've seen it in customer support, and in trades and construction field.

The average IQ will always be 100.

software engineers are "overpaid" in the ridiculously inflated tech sectors of the united states. retards don't understand that 100k in san francisco or new york is equivalent to 40k outside of the city. they see the flashy salaries listed on glassdoor.com and think that for some reason they deserve 100k developing PHP from home so they do a tutorial on codecademy then deem themselves a pro. there are millions of people doing this every single day in the united states alone. the only "good" programming jobs remaining belong to the military. everything else is code monkeying that any mongrel thinks will make them rich. but really, code monkeying is shitty soul-crushing work with 99% of positions undeserving of a high salary.

Explain why the usa military is not a codemonkey unto itself? The only exception being those assembly written applications that run bare metal on ARM. But even that is of dubious quality(because ARM). Everything else I thought was just being a good sysadmin of openbsd and codemonkeying.

It will be redefined that way, but actually the average IQ in the world is dropping as long as any of us have been alive. What is 100 now will be above average in the future, and be called something higher than 100.

Unless you're launching rockets, calculating the trajectory of satellites, or developing systems where peoples lives are otherwise at risk, you're code monkeying. That's by no means saying that the majority of the programmers in the military are not code monkeys.

I am OP, but I can assure that I am no Pajeet. I don't spell like poop for starters. I am just worried about the future and thinking I chose a meme job and wanted to hear speculations to why it would not be a problem in the future. I mean, it seems like everyone I meet online is a programmer nowadays.

Are they actual programmers, or just 'tech evangelists'. Do they know how to do the job and do it well or are they just posing with a laptop and a salad and just stink up everything with pajeet level quality work.

Programmers spend all their time with their browsers open to look at documentation, google those things you only do rarely so you forget how they worked, and because we're mostly computer addicts since childhood. You can't make assumptions about the real world based on whom you meet online. If the people you meet online were representative of the general population imagine how weird that world would be, everyone would be over age 10, under age 50, at least somewhat educated, 80+% of all people would be White, basically the world would be amazing.

Young pejeet gas yourself for not everyone uses a browser to just look up documents. Read more manpages and GNU info pages. Oh and maybe open a command line and type -h or --help for the programs name. Or fuck maybe even using the help command on a unix shell.

Yes, I'm gonna open the command line in my text editor to find out if Math.atan takes radians or degrees. Thanks for the tip.


Preety much this. Also just because you use pajeet software like math.atan doesn't mean everyone else has shitty documentation offline. Document it yourself. Or maybe use a better app/library/whatever that pajeet shit is.

Go check out Qualcomm. Their entire staff are in the country illegally from India. Programming won't be a viable career within 10 years.

I agree that radians are the proper way to do it but it wasn't my choice to use degrees.

I'm a beginner.

actually most programmers try to solve problems that are too hard for them, as well as solve trivial problems in complex ways that are too complex for them

Women are pushed into every high profit industry tbh. Programming is just one of many examples and yes, It may not be hard but writing anything even remotly usable demands lots of patience, focus and time spend in front of computer - and women hate all of those things with passion since they involve no attention giving or socialization. So I don't believe that women or minorities will manage to significantly lower wages anytime soon, problems still need to be solved and pool of people capable of solving them is limited no matter how many sunday school "programmers" you create.
