Truly Making America Great Again

So tell me, Holla Forums. What laws and policies need to be implemented to MAGA? When we look at the Don, we already have a number of policies he plans to enact in order to effect some positive change in this country. When you add in rumored policy changes, as well, we could truly be looking at some wonderful changes for America.

What else would need to be done? In my opinion, we need to move away from a debt-backed currency and legitimately rebuke the banks over their nation-wrecking monetary systems (I realize that this will lead to war, obviously, but somebody needs to name the jew), businesses need to be made to invest more of their money into their customers and workers (CEOs should not be making several hundreds of thousands of dollars a year), and business and government should be implementing measures to scan high-level workers for both conflicts of interest and mental disorder/psychopathy to give people who legitimately want to HELP THE CITIZENRY a chance to do so.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill 95% of the human population and revert technology to the level of the middle ages permanently.

1. Ending no-fault divorce
2. Drug tests for welfare
3. Ban lobbying
4. End dual citizenship
5. Impose a tariff system
6. Re-instate Glass-Steagal
7. Voter ID laws a federal requirement
8. Sodomy laws back in place
9. Ban pornography
10. Nationalize voter machines, make their code FOSS
11. Interracial marriage illegal
12. Remove the female vote

These are all things I would love which vary wildly in attainableness.

Repeal Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. Reinstate Immigration Act of 1924. Deport.

Just a couple things


End birthright citizenship for children of illegals

Good goy


Iron Curtin style immigration, tbh after deporting all nonwhites of course.

Gas everyone except the Amish

OP here, if we wanted to change the backing for our dollar, what would we change it to? Would we go full Hitler and have our dollar represent the value of goods and work, or would we change it back to a gold-backed system? Even if we went full Hitler and went the way of post-WW1 Germany with our monetary system, would that even work long-term, or would we need some other system further down the road?

Here's my law list

The Waltons seem to want to MAGA, that's a good sign.

sterilization a prerequisite to receive public assistance.

revoke right to vote from all who work for the govt or receive public assistance.

This. This so hard.

Also we need some kind of constitutional "anti-big brother" amendment for the post-internet era, for companies and government.

foreigners cannot own land and no business can be foreign owned.

I know yall may not care, but do you known how many illegals pick how much crops/fruits/food for how little? That if citizens had to do this work, the price of food would raise how much?

I am not advocating the way things are, I am just wondering if it is truly understood, how the way things are, may be negatively effected by your desire.

Do you have any numbers regarding that; Percentage of illegals working in the farming industry being paid x amount under minimum wage. Prices of food associated with illegal work help. Price increase due to non illegals taking over those jobs demanding minimum wage.

And yeah I know, your argument might be, well they cost a lot due to taxes and health care and welfare. but crunch those numbers first, and then tell me what you think the realistic alteration to welfare program will be (inb4 mein fuher Trump absolutely abolish it entirely)

I would agree, but not yet. There are too many people in this country receiving some form of federal assistance right now, it would be met with too much resistance.

A MILLION TIMES THIS. The fucking Chinese have been buying properties like mad in this country. I lost a fucking job because a Chinese conglomerate bought the property we operated on and our owners just closed the business because "nah, fuck the Chinese"

Yuri Bezmenov was right when he said we fix it by repealing/reforming the anti-discrimination laws, which gave teeth to PC. Title 9 reform would be a good start.

It used to be that Jews couldn't even work at universities before anti-discrimination laws.

If we kick out illegals, and fix the trade deficit, labor costs will rise. White people will pick our crops and they will do it for for far more than what the minimum wage is right now. This WILL lead to food being a lot more expensive.

So be it upon our own heads.

We will be better able to afford rising prices of produce and manufactured goods when the value or labor increases, there will be improvements in all sectors.

You need to EARN those Hitler dubs.

Good start.

Also needs a new policy: Paper ballots -> Scantron counter, with paper ballots saved. Of the contested voting districts, several random districts are hand counted for accuracy and compared to the voting machine's count. Should any one fail, the entire state does a hand count.

And the voting machine provider, worker, whatever, fined for fraud, if found at fault.

Literally nobody cares, faggot. We will just kill traitors like you and there will be less mouths to feed. Problem solved.

And ideally food would cost most of a person's income. Normal people with money are cancer and should not be allowed to acquire luxury goods. Simple house and enough food to live and that is all they get/deserve.

We will be better able to afford rising prices of produce and manufactured goods when the value or labor increases

If the nation becomes more isolated, isnt that more money just sloshing around in the nation, so how does the value of labor increase, if everyones cost of living goes up, people will not be able to afford as much, so the cost of labor would go down, because people will not be able to afford rising cost of labor, so laborers will have to compete to have the lowest cost (as always with competition) that the populace can afford, though also like always, there is a relatively large class of people that never really have to worry about money because they have so much of it.

Do you think part of the desire, would be to increase exports while lowering imports? But even then, I do not think America would be able to internationally compete in exports, like developing nations could for the same reasons, because developing nations people have lower quality of life, do more work for less money, are willing to sell their product much cheaper.

It seems like having all these illegals for so long, gave americans a large advantage, for the same reasons slaves gave slave owners advantage, leverage, history would have been a lot different if the past 30 years there were absolutely no illegals in the Us and there was absolutely no one working under min wage, in regards to the economy, I would only be able to imagine, because I dont really know enough about this stuff.

Dont know if ironic, larping, or serious, but with that attitude and thought you are not going to get many onboard. The grand purpose of human life is to work and eat, nothing more. I personally think there is potentially a lot more to life than that, the limitations of your ideal is to return to a simpletons wild west, no reaching for the stars, no ubermench works of art and science, just to be a cow in a house?

What kind of retarded industrial pseudo-puritanical bullshit is this? Traditionally agrarian societies only worked a few hours a day and people had plenty of time to devote to leisure and could spend their money however they want. This work ethic bullshit was invented by industrialists that wanted an excuse to keep their factories pumping out crap 24/7. These are the kind of people that say, "What's the point of being rich if poor people can enjoy life too?"

Dead serious. Useless subhumans will be killed. It is inevitable.

Just the truth. 99.99999% of economic activity is objectively worthless. We will have a centrally planned economy that produces only necessary goods and a totalitarian state that controls reproduction.

Do chew havisfact a singlicious satisfact to snack that up?

You are right. I understand that a tomato might cost $0.50 right now and deporting all the illegals would make them cost around $2 (not exact, rough comparison). The farming industry is completely borked right now because they constantly complain about how they pay too much money because illegals are demanding higher wages and moving from farm to farm to get them.

If you ask me, we should implement a slightly lower federal wage for farm workers to allow them to not be forced to raise their prices, and slowly phase minimum wage back up to federal minimum wage when the economy starts booting back up. At the same time, these farming corporations should be investing more money in customers and workers in general.

Speaking generally, I legitimately see no reason why executives should be making $500k or more a year when they don't even pay their workers enough to live on; I think that's absurd and it should stop.

Why do you need all others to bend to your fascistic heel, instead of rounding up all others who beleve in your ideal, and implementing that ideal somewhere?

Anyone here under false pretenses (jumped the border, overstayed visa, lied on passport, engaged in criminal activities) does not have birthright citizenship extended to their children.

Because a small amount of producers cannot create a large amount of products a large amount of consumers pay for.

Which is the essential thing socialism and communism comprehended, and attempted to curtail. By not allowing people who simply had a lot of paper, to simply get a lot more. But to try to allow the public to be, they with a lot of paper, so instead of an individual adopting a lucrative enterprise, the people as a whole would invest in necessary and lucrative enterprises, so the people would receive the returns on that investment.

cannot = can

De-enforce the holocaust.

I would say rewriting the constitution to be explicity pro-white would be the BEST. The details matter less, although I would sure as hell keep free speech, gun rights, and the personal rights in the Constitution of the US.

The primary issue is getting rid of foreign enemies by whatever means (peaceably is fine for the ones that are sane and willing to leave) and the cracking down on traitors (this shit will not be peaceable AT ALL) where everyone that's part of the anti-white system–with a burden of proof–gets executed.

Other than this, I recognize that I am not qualified to be the Fuehrer, so I make no further claims. I think that if we defeated those screwing everything up, it would be okay, though.

the end of this empire and starting a whole new nation out of the none pozzed states. NO Texans allowed

We had pro-white policies for ~150 years with the constitution the way it is, if you want to bring back pro-white policies you need only do this: close the borders and institute a refined version of the national origins formula.If you want to actually change a single damn thing on the constitution after that, fuck you for being a traitorous yid

The basics of a strong economy. The average working person needs to have money, which they in turn spend on goods and services, which pays the wages of people in those industries. Lather, rinse, repeat. Our current system is broken beyond belief. If I had it my way, I would seize the assets of most mega-millionaires and billionaires and put them directly into the economy and the budget, but that would never reasonably work.

Why do you not think more realistic and practical would be to just carve out a specific area (like there already relatively is in some areas of america), and just have that states laws rule that state, and federal laws and federal taxes be spent for what you deem appropriate

But the thing is is invention/innovation/novelty;

Just for example, a famous pop star singer. They are the means of production and the owner, lets hypothetically say it cost them 5,000 dollars to produce this specific hit record, and 100,000,000 people in the world pay 20 dollars for it.

That is an example of how you see, it stems from an individuals desires (I am going to invent the light bulb, or the car, or this sneaker, or this refrigerator, or this dildo, and maybe someone else could have or would have invented it, but i right now am the only that will do it, and I will invest my time and energy and money, to produce my product, so when it is in demand, I deserve the money that people are paying for it… where does anyone, let alone everyone fit in)

There would still be trade, not like what we have now, but trade with Europe and Japan, that would involve more exports and fewer imports. The trade deficit is truly the crux of the problem. There are many ways that trade can help an economy instead of hurt it, but this is NOT the goal of trade deals like the TPP or NAFTA which are focused on lowering the cost of labor in the US.

Improvements to the economy, are largely based on improvements in technology, which lead to high productivity. For instance, when companies are forced to pay more for labor, they will need to find ways of reduce the amount of labor they use without reducing what they produce. Automation is one such way that this can be done. If you cut the necessary work force in half, you'd be able to pay the remaining workers twice as much, they spend that money, create more demand for goods and services, provide high paying jobs for that other half. Many people fear automation as something that will replace workers and force them into poverty, but the opposite can be true if they are paid well enough in the mean time that they can invest some of their income and ultimately earn dividends from these investments once automation becomes a reality. Someday, the typical American worker will be able to buy the robot that replaces him, and receive the full benefit from the labor it performs.

Automation is going to happen no matter what, but restriction on third world labor will incentiveize its development, and provide workers the means to invest in it so that it does not destroy them.

What if everyone was a shrewd saver, just hoping to retire asap?



They would invest that money into funds that will finance the development of new technologies. As the economy become increasingly automated, they will be able to reliably earn money from these funds, regardless of whatever labor is performed.

A bigger concern would be if people choose to spend all their money instead of investing. That could halt economic growth. Keepi in mind that rich people invest a larger percentage of their money, if all money was equally distributed, the amount put into investments would be much smaller as most middle class individuals would be focused on household spending instead of long term investment. It might be necessary to force people to invest, something like social security but privatized could provide investment capitol for all manner of businesses, and provide dividends to people who are too shortsighted to invest willingly.

She also says bad things about israel and good things about Trump. She sounds all right but remember, you can never trust a jew. Take it all with a grain of salt and pay attention to what she does. I'm sure that she's more trustworthy than most of her tribe but I doubt that she's our friend.

What the hell IS this kike? It wants BDS, destruction of kike media, and a few other agreeable things. I don’t understand the play here. Is THIS the real controlled opposition, like they claim about Trump?

Trump isn't doing anything against Jews, I don't know where this meme is coming from.

Reminder that Natsoc Germany had trusted and respected juden in their ranks. Some are alright, I'd like to believe, but most have that kike hivemind.

They would be able to pay twice as much. They won't. Automation is used to cut costs in the first place. If it didn't save them money, they wouldn't do it.

Incorrect. You can have a better centrally planned economy. You just need to control consumption, which is something that should be done anyway.

Eventually it will be necessary to raise wages in order to attract talent and stay viable. As it becomes possible to do so, some companies will, and eventual other companies will be forced to follow suit. A company that does not use automation to cut costs, will still have to compete in an economy in which other companies do.

end the fed
criminalize usury
remove taco once and for all
remove homo and shlomo