Featuring the She-Venom appearances in… Sinner Takes All, and Along Came a Spider.
She-Venom Thread
I don't actually remember which issue Ann becomes She-Venom.
This guy's habit of citing his Bible passages is unintentionally hilarious.
We killed the wrong guy. Woops, it's not like the press will be all over this, but since it's a white on white crime nobody cares.
It's like he is straight out of WH40K.
Oh there she is.
Gotta admit, this is one of their better covers.
And here is along came a spider
I gotta say, venom being able to travl through the phone lines is utter bullshit. Do they even know how hot those things are?
I vote we change the name from symbiote to plot device.
I'm ready for my close up Mr. Deville.
It's funny that she seems to care more for eddie with the suit on.
Oh my stars, and garters."
Meh it's fine enough, I might use it later.
And that's all I have. Anyone can post the she-venom stuff they have, porn, or whatever.
damn Brock better not stand her up on a date for his sake
This artist really has trouble drawing faces.
Does he only have one eye or something?
As one does.
And Seinfeld appearance, but it's hard to tell because it looks like it was inked with a laundry marker.
This is one drawback to better paper and printing, with 90's comics you can really see just how fucking awful the art is.
Porn would've been better than this trash.
Well what did you expect the fucking Odyssey? All these comics were about was coming up with some asinine reason to have a venom with tits.
Yeah, but the words suck. This shit reads better when you're not reading, and even then the graphic part of the graphic novel isn't all too modeled, either.
So? Why does she have to reject him? For drama? Boring.
The only good thing to come out of this was the fifth pic in that I'm pretty sure OP didn't intend to post.
Might as well have been a symbiote thread, at that.
Love me a sharp smile on me monstahgoils.
I forgot where the ending was.
Since when can Venom travel through phone lines like Air Wave?
Since when does turning into monowire allow you to travel through phone lines?
That's the biggest ass-pull power since the last time Namor puffed himself up like a puffer fish.
Since Carnage Unleashed, it was the 90s, don't be too hard on them.
Wew lad, those hillbillies were thirsty af.
I know this was when you weren't allowed to swear, but this is the wrong side of "creative."
Right, so you posted something good, instead. Got anything else like it?
I have lots of other venom comics, there was a short story unrelated to venom at the ends of these ones.
The comics about the Jury? I'd love to see The Jury show up in the new Venom comics, they were good Venom villains.
…I wouldn't have needed the bag…
No, no, user.
I want pictures. Pictures of She-Venom.
That poor keyboard…
Porn you say? I know she is not She-Venom but Mania is close enough
meant for
No. I want the symbiote.
best I got fam, sorry
I didn't know I wanted this.
Soooo, you're dying because of your own incompetence at securing a dangerous substance, and choose to blame that on the intended target. Uh huh. Real responsible.
Nutty comicbook science aside, I can get behind this.
I'm starting to think that Venom's loopy humor comes from the Symbiote, not Eddie.
Yo Brocktimer, what's this about Venom holding Reilly's "parents" and Ann hostage? I'd appreciate a storytime of that.
Also, can you do Planet of the Symbiotes?
This, yes
I'll have to go find it bust sure.
Isn't that this comic?
Huh. I thought you'd have that in there.
Well, is it or isn't it? Storytime it until Brocktimer gets back.
Don't know user. I'd think even with super human powers or symbiote power, anons would still shit post in an image board.
They would travel through the phone lines as a monomolecular thread to do it.
Fuck you I'm on wi fi
Aren't telephone lines very hot though?
Sorry but same :(
I know it's comics, but would anyone really believe that? I guess you could say he's just trying to trick her, but she's a lawyer, so even in that context it's dumb.
Is it too much to ask for some consistency? Was there not a bible somewhere, with a rough outline on what the symbiotes do and to what degree they can do it?
Why do people besides Eddie refer to the symbiote as "the Other." Is it a branding thing? Is it a "the readers are retards" thing?
I think it's more the rush you get, when you know you're invincible. You don't have to filter, so you're not afraid to say whatever stupid thing comes to mind.
Okay story timing planet of the symbiotes.
Yes the aliens have an appropriately evil looking spaceship. I guess they got Aku to build it for them, in fact Aku and the symbiotes have a rather striking resemblance.
Part Due
So the symbiotes are actually a race of malevolent adrenaline junkies.
When I was a kid I would have thought this was kind of cool, but now I can't help but wonder if it was put there because the writer had a giantist fetish.
Final part.
Das it mang.
Is that you, Eddie?
Oh? Was this the first Carnage saga or around that time?
It's a real shame they just killed off the entire symbiote planet in just a few panels. Really bad world building there. In any case here is an image for you collectors.
Separation anxiety is where some asshole extracts a bunch of baby symbiotes from venom, and makes some new venoms.
Wait never mind after reading that disclaimer, I realized I was wrong about seperation anxiety.
Heyyy, Ben Grimm is back to looking like a golem instead of an alien. Must've broken through his 90s sickness.
Gee, Mister Richards, it'd sure be nice iffen you shared that wit the REST OF THE PLANET.
You ever get that feeling that the writer/artist has just seen Alien for the first time? At least this basically confirms that Venom's evolution is influenced by the Xenomorph.
Somebody should post that 4th pic in the next Jojo thread and ask which part it comes from.
Man, what a touching character arc for Eddie. It's frustrating reading things they intended to be powerful moments, like where they mention he will never be "Brock" again, knowing they will later be ignored so we can have a cavalcade of other Venoms. And what's their explanation for Space Knight Venom? Do they just ignore Planet of Symbiotes? Was there a whole genetic line of defective…ugh…"Klyntar"?
Okay, what the FUCK is it about Symbiotes attached to women that makes for such a bangable combination?!
She's basically naked
This and the fact that they're skin tight and accentuate the curves.
Plus, it's got pretty good /monster/ appeal
Fucking plebians.
So, I forget, what was the reason in-universe for all the symbiotes showing up in the '10s (or was that 00s) before Brock tracked them all down?
Read the thread.
Which one, nigger? Most of this has been 90s so far.
I bet you don't even wear underwear under your trousers.
I know there's a Planet of the Symbiotes, you fuck. I'm talking about the ones Brock hunts down and kills, even the heroic ones, as Anti-Venom.
Hang on. Does screwing a Symbiote-bonded host count as a threesome?
Well, I meant in the theoretical scenario of not being one yourself.
Thanks for the read.
It's all hypothetical. She'll never be real.