
any other prominent dems or Hillary campaigners getting wrecked on Facebook right now? Shit like this gives me hope, I see so many comments on Facebook from people who used to be Democrats who are voting for Trump now. Go to Hillary's page, Correct the Record has trimmed her page mostly nice so that the first two comments are usually good but if you click "more comments" you'll see just a pit of hatred for her underneath the surface. Trump doesn't have that, his page is full of fans.

Someone should make a compilations of the top 2 comments from Hillary's page vs all of the others that she's hiding, I think Facebook rigs it for her on purpose and you could probably shock normies with this. It really is jarring, the difference between what she's presenting and the reality. It has to be rigged because it happens too many times too. Seriously… go see what I'm talking about.

Other urls found in this thread:

These are the top comments on a post she made 2 hours ago. I dare you to find me a Trump post where the top 6 comments look anything like this

moar pls

Does anybody actually support HRC?
I've only seen the MSM and copypasta comments claiming to like the cunt.
Are there yard signs and bumper stickers to be seen over there?

I've seen three Hillary yard signs in the last year, compared to thousands of Trump signs. I've never actually met one in person though. All libs I've talked to are still pissed about Bernie.

It's not even a good indication of support after what was revealed.
I think it was part of some veritas video where it was mentioned how they put yard signs on lawns in liberal areas with the argument that even if they don't care to place it they won't go out of their way to remove it.

No, they're going to fucking rig it though. They can't afford to lose the US as we're the attack dogs for the globalists. Trump and the rest of us are going to have to fight against the rigging, which is why I'm thankful that he refuses to say he'll accept the result if he loses.

I've only seen GenXers and cucked Boomers saying things like "I know Hillary sucks but C'MON we gotta vote for her or else Trump wins!". I don't see jack shit in terms of hillary support, and I'm in the middle of cucky SWPL libcuck center city philadelphia

I've said this a million times: "Vote for me because I'm not the other guy" is not a winning strategy. When one candidate is able to capture the hearts and minds of the nation while the other is running on a lackluster platform (or lack thereof), the outcome is obvious. Not amount of media falsities and shilling can change this.

In (((Brooklyn))) they're in several (((windows))).

Right. Here in my country (Argentina), we had a similar situation as you.

We had a corrupt government for 8 years, and at the reelection, the winning party drew enthusiast people to it's side, while the corrupt one was just defending ("we did everything ok") and doing "fear campaign" ("don't vote the other, he's bad").

Finally, the enthusiast side prevailed and the fear campaign failed, although by 3% or so.

Almost everyone in my area hates Trump, but I don't think anyone is voting for Clinton. I have seen exactly one "I'm With Her" bumper sticker, ever. I've seen a kid wearing a Trump shirt, there's someone near the Target I go to .who has the MAGA sign and Trump/Pence flag, and one customer at my job openly said "Vote Trump!" to one of my coworkers. But most political talks I hear are about how they're both awful and blah blah blah.
Plenty of fuckheads on Facebook support Hillary out of spite for Trump. They're pathetic liberals. Most the liberals from my facebook are still voting Bernie, lol.
I deleted fb over a month ago so I actually don't know if this still holds true

Relating to this, something else to note is that it's completely socially unacceptable to be seen supporting Trump, whereas no one will give you shit for openly supporting Hilldog.

So if you see basically no support for either candidate, it probably means that Hilldog's support truly is nonexistent, whereas Trump's lack of public support doesn't necessarily mean he truly has no support. It could totally be there are tons and tons of closet trump voters who are scared to be vocal, and rightfully so. I'm one of them. I'd get completely fucked over if people at my job knew my feelings

I have a few Trump memes in my online store (not much and not worth it), and a couple of anti-Hillary bumper stickers. Those sell as far away as Australia, but I haven't moved shit of the pro-Bernie or pro-Obama crap I've been slinging for years.

Don't judge me for that other shit, by the way. Money is money.

Well, you might find some people shitting on you for voicing support for Hilldog. Don't forget, lots of normalfags are fence-sitting cucks. "Hur dur why would you ever vote" kind of people. But you're right, very few people will be found supporting Trump openly because in some cases it's social or workplace suicide.

I wouldn't blame you for that. It's funnier than fuck to see conservatives make money off of dumb liberals.

You're right, most people are fence sitters who haven't the slightest idea about what is going on around them. They need a bandwagon to jump on. rate my OC, pls clap

I openly support Trump whenever someone asks me about politics and a lot of people I'd least expect tell me that their leaning towards voting Trump. I don't even go full redpill when asked why. I just bring up trade, immigration, and the economy.

Even with massive voter fraud I have a feeling this election is going to be a total bloodbath with Trump easily getting over 300 electoral votes.

Anyone LARPing as a Hillary supporter should start dropping this image on Twitter.

I've got a black one too.

I think someone on cuckchan the other day had an actual hashtag for #DoneWithHer but I don't think it gained much traction.

I have met one person, exactly one, who genuinely supports Hillary and isn't just backing her out of party loyalty or to oppose Trump.

Unfortunately, that person is my mother.

How can we not be winning the fuck out of this? Look at what we're up against! (Lightly censored to preserve user, anons, though all of the non-Jeff ones are me.)

Here is how I look at your post…
In 1964 Barry Goldwater went up against lbj with this argument; you know the outcome
In 1972 George S. McGovern went up against Nixon with this argument; you know the outcome
In 1976 Gerald Ford went up against Jimmy Carter with this argument; you know the outcome
In 1980 Jimmy Carter went up against Ronald Reagan with this argument; you know the outcome
In 1984 Walter Mondale went up against Ronald Reagan; you know the outcome
In1988 Michael Dukakis went up against George Bush; you know the outcome
In 1992 George Bush went up against Bill Clinton; you know the outcome
In 1996 Bob Dole went up against Bill Clinton; you know the outcome
In 2000 Al Gore went up against George Bush 2; you know the outcome
In 2004 John Kerry went up against George Bush 2; you know the outcome
In 2008 John McCain went up against Barrack Obama; you know the outcome
In 2012 Mitt Romney went up against Barrack Obama; you know the outcome

In all of these races, one common theme comes through, "I'm not the other guy" almost always loses.

I'm not the other guy is all hillary has, if history has its say, well, you know the outcome.

You're fresh from r/The_Donald aren't you?

It was me, but it was on fullchan.

The idea of the thread was for all of us to comment and post as a democrat who finally got fed up and dropped hillary. It seems to be more effective than coming in and screaming about the God emperor.

Ignore this, I missed the part where you said it was you.

We should all be larping as fed up former Hillary supporters-it's more effective.


Unfortunately your thread probably died due to the massive number of happenings this week. But don't be discouraged, we need shill as hard as possible until Nov 8th.

Women are the most vulnerable to groupthink and virtue signaling so I think it's more potent if you larp as women, especially black or minority women. Hence the high heel kicking over the logo rather than a jackboot.

Let me guess her positive reasons

That's smart.

Maybe add it to the thread if you feel like it:

every dem's social media account looks like the bathroom at a taco bell in detroit. they literally have no followers who have a spine so they get shit on every second of every day

I'm going to ask seriously. Has ever EVER in all US history a candidate more corrupt and criminal than Hillary?

Yea it's a good thing of course user.

Probaby, but they're much better at hiding it. Hillary and her team are so fucking stupid and careless, thank god for that.