What's some pig kino?

What's some pig kino?
Obviously I'm aware of Babe and Okja, but what else is there?

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Vase de Noces

Pretty much nothing else good. Pigposting is a pretty dead end meme because there are hardly any films about pigs, apart from the recent Okja.

Holla Forums has to corner the marker on audiovisual pig media.


Sr. Pig!

got any more info on that? sounds really cute


neato! thanks

So cute!


Which of your forced memes did I bump off the front page, friend?

Is this the next big meme?


shit post tbh fam


Pigs are food not pets

I can't imagine being this pozzed. Meat eating is peak degeneracy.


Pigposting is the worst meme to come out of this board in a long time, and that's saying something.

Pigs are friends.

*best meme

Someone has colon cancer.

Likely a """minority""" savage who hate piggos.


tell me about these pig posters, what is there motif and end goal ?

Some men just want to

here's Le Cochon Danseur (1907) for starters
these early Pathé shorts possess some rather disturbing memetic qualities btw: youtube.com/watch?v=ed1kBEO1bPs