Movies You Actually Liked 2015-2017 Edition

I know there will end up being shitposting and some dumb faggot will post Get Out and The Force Awakens, but just ignore them and post films you actually enjoyed. I'll start off with Hacksaw Ridge.

Directed by Mel Gibson:

Other urls found in this thread:

I forgot to include the trailer.

Fantastic 10/10 movie, I'm glad I went to the theatre to watch it with my dad.

I wanted to like Hacksaw because Mel made it, but it was kinda autistic, so I didn't like it.

I don't watch modern movies otherwise.

Hacksaw Ridge is White Kino. Very rare these days.


Directed by Joon-ho Bong

Haters gonna hate


Nocturnal Animals

Directed by Tom Ford

Great film. Vince Vaughn killed my immersion. If he was recast politics and connections aside and that scene where he's shooting Japs while being dragged on the blanket sled was removed it would be perfect.

Land of Mine

Directed by Martin Zandvliet

Democrat detected.

Fuck off, retard.

Wow, what a comeback!




u got rekt bruh

< K I

< K I N



< K I N O




user, but you are the autist

Damn straight brother! We true Aryans have to stand strong against the jews and their Satanic system. Every time I meet a White brother I make sure to educate him about it and tell him not to vote. Hail Victory!

Name one thing Trump has done to help white people.

getting rid of Jewish ((net neutrality) ) laws for one

>opposing net neutrality because (((Holla Forums))) told you to
Good goy!

Even if it did, which it doesnt, that's a pathetic accomplishment.

Black Mass (2015)
Welcome to Me (2015)
The Lobster (2015)
High-Rise (2015)
The Tribe (2015)
The Nice Guys (2016)
The Neon Demon (2016)
Arrival (2016)
Hail, Caesar! (2016)
The Handmaiden (2016)
Okja (2017)
The Circle (2017)
Raw (2017)

Pretty sparse but cinema is mostly dead, mainstream is capeshit and indie is all social commentary bollocks about young teens bravely getting their knickers off or the 'horrors' of gentrification. There is just odd blips of kino here and there.

Looking forward to Brigsby Bear being the best film of the year to be honest.

takes one to know one

What the fuck?

Victoria was pretty good

stop advertising your cringy stream site faggot

It's ran by actual niggers.

Best movie about war since Dr. Strangelove.

Look at these plebs

Does it point out how the Iraq war was done for Israeli interests? Or is it just more basic bitch fake woke shit?

Yes, it shows how gullible the goyim are. Kikes absolutely hate this movie, no wonder it was made outside of Hollywood.

Post webm proof.

Ex Machine (2015)
The Lobster (2015)
Macbeth (2015)
Colonia (2015)
Silence (2016)
The Lost City of Z (2016)
The Circle (2017)

Literally kino of the year.