White Kino 1896-2016
White Kino 1896-2016
There's no way people aren't being paid to make threads about this shitty movie. I do not believe for a second that any regular Holla Forums users went to watch this trash. The last 2 years have been nothing but Disney bashing on here, no one defends these worthless "films"
oy vey
All you're doing is advertising the film. It's obviously pozzed, the same way a McDonalds hamburger is obviously terrible for your health. Pointing out the pozz in a Disney film is like pointing out the shit in a toilet.
By that logic we advertise everything on Holla Forums, so let's not talk about anything and spread awareness and have the jews win. Nice plan there, Shlomo.
This. If you don't talk about, it doesn1t get exposure. No exposure = no interest. People only watch these "movies" because they are advertised to death, and they just mindlessly go in and watch what's the next projection is. And guess what, if you tell them enough about your "movie", be it good or bad, they will want to see it
They will win, no matter what some Anons on a Mongolian throat singing board say…
haha, great plan Ishlamul!
Wow, you're dumb. You should make threads about movies you actually like, or even movies that are terrible and propaganda, but aren't obviously so. Pointing out how bad a Disney film is, is a total waste of time. They're all bad, and they'll continue being bad.
You're an idiot.
Spoken like a true millennial.
Spoken like a true jew kike
What happened?
Left Flash looks like he's played by a guy named Chad. Right Flash looks like he's played by a boy named Ranjeet
Is this a joke? The elite are the kikes
There will never be a better Spider-Man movie trilogy than the Raimi one.
Some of the elite are kikes but all of them are masons.
They look so perfect.
The first Spider Man movie was the best one.
Find it yourself you lazy fuck.
You weren't here for what we did to Ghostbusters 3?
Then be content with what you got, newfag.
but the highest grossing film this year is white and the leads are emma watson, dan stevens, luke evans ewan mcgreggor and kevin kline. all literally white