Germanic Heathenry is the true religion of the Germanic people. It is the one we developed naturally; Christianity is a Jewish religion unnaturally forced upon us by the Jewish yoke. No, I'm not a Viking LARPer. If we want to preserve ourselves we must go back and honour our ancestors before we are destroyed by the Jew.
Leviticus 19:33-34
“When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God."
Literally open borders. I don't even see how you can be both a conservative, in terms of preserving your Nation's culture, and a Christian. Christianity has systematically wiped out Germanic culture, in Germany, in Scandinavia, in England, and in Iceland.
Please explain your religion, tenants of faith, dogma, rituals, symbols. If you cannot then you do not have a complete and viable system. You have a LARP-fest.
Saging because faggotry.
Charles Lee
This isn't D&C bait at all.
Blake Diaz
This honestly, I'd say that some form of Wotanism is the religion I most identify with, but you really can't create a mainstream public identity without a system of organization, rituals, tenets, and traditions. That's what made the Abraham faiths so successful, was church hierarchy, organized rituals that can be performed anywhere, and a holy dogma that can be agreed upon by all members of the faith. Asatru is yet to organize a single international organization, has vague references to scripture that lacks ritual explication. If we could succeed in creating an organized public image that allows anyone to join the movement with little background information, boil down the theology to a few simple statements of faith, and mandate standardized rituals I believe it could replace Christianity as the standard cultural religion for Western Civilization.
Hunter Bell
only jews hate christianity and jesus
Christopher Hall
I agree. Good luck. You have your work cut out for you. Successful religion crafting is extremely mentally challenging work.