Don't worry, TLJ is going to be different than the Empire Strikes Ba-
I wish to retain this feel of mild content forever.
I don't care
Genuinely hilarious, did you idiots expect anything else form (((Disney)))?
Why do they even bother remaking them? Can't they just re-release the OT once again but with CGI niggers and interracial breeding inserted?
Don't give them ideas
It's getting blatant to the point where even normies should be able to see through this charade.
You're underestimating normalfags' ability to turn a blind eye to this shit.
Post kylo ren's "tie fighter"
Real original design it has.
No, the normies are cattle. The kikes and their talmud is right too a certain extent, and it's quite depressing how many braindead idiots exist. It's one of the reasons why they want to wipe out whites, not because the majority for whites aren't idiots, they are, but there is a higher percentage of whites who can become enlightened than there are of other races. But of course, the white elites had no problem selling out their own race for a few shekels, so really humanity is a big problem that needs to be dealt with.
It wasn't sarcasm.
How original! Im impressed.
Also, isnt that the Resistance base planet from the Cuck Awakens. Boy, talk about SECRET base the (((Resistance))) had!
I just noticed kylo never I a 'ship' for over a year…
I mean for crying out loud all three villains in the prequels had a personal ship of some sort.
grievous, dooku and even maul had one…
The Prequels were actual movies, what Disney's doing is marketing commercials. They're selling the idea of a product, not even an actual product.
TFA showed him traveling in an edgelord version of Vader's transport.
Cucklider will do a 180 and say copying ESB was the best idea ever, they're literal Disney shills.
I feel bad for people who actually liked Star Wars. What was once quality escapism is now a corporate cult that you aren't allowed to criticize.
That doesn't really mean much when the character amounts to nothing, does it. They actually could of gone somewhere with an ex-stormtrooper character, but in the end he's just the bumbling gay best friend of the protagonist. He's C-3PO.
anyone who likes Star Wars just Enjoys the first three, we're not bothered by this new nonsense.
True, kino aristocrats will continue to enjoy the first three episodes and no matter how hard Disney tries to subvert the OT the best part of Star Wars remains untouched by kike claws.
I grew up with Star Wars. Specifically: I grew up with the stories about Luke Skywalker. I also liked the games, and I read some of the books (I stopped when the stuff about the Vong started because I don’t care about fanfic). But all the other stuff is just garbage. I don’t give a shit about the prequels and Anakin Skywalker. The same goes for Kyle Ren and Ray (or whatever they’re called).
Every year there’s going to be a new Star Wars movie that has no plot other than ‘member Star Wars’. At which point do people stop watching this shit?
You're the reason the new movies are so bad. You know that, right?
Self awareness is rare among OT fags. Jew Jew gave them their retro nostalgia fanwank and they don't even realise why it is so bad.
The only cohesive story in Star Wars is about Luke. All the other shit is just brand recognition.
I don't care about the new ones at all. Not because they're not about Luke, but because they're about nothing. Same goes for the prequels.
Seriously, how fucking difficult is it to write a space adventure that makes sense and isn't about identity politics? It's not like Star Wars is complex literature.
The prequels were about lots of things. Execution may have been shoddy in places, but you can't say there was nothing there.
It's always the leftists that are intellectual midgets for some reason. George made the prequels for teens and yet you didn't understand them.
Agreed. The story about Anakin falling to the dark side because of love and all that makes for a good premise (i.e. classic Greek tragedy). Unfortunately it was handled so badly that I can’t believe any of it.
Fair enough. As long as you don't think the problem with the prequels is that they "didn't look or feel like Star Wars" or some such other nonesense.
I disagree about execution being shoddy, it did what it set out to do brilliantly.
Literally no one says that. If anything, the aesthetic of the prequels is one of the few things they do well, managing to be original and have a sense of belonging.
People hate on the prequels because George is an autist who doesn't know how to write or direct and wants to micromanage everything, and it shows.
The prequels are completely bogged down in mundane, technojargon filler interspersed with completely sterile scenes of computerized violence and overly choreagraphed lightsaber duels to keep manlets and children interested. Now these same children browse Holla Forums and shitpost on how great le prequels are because a couple of critics with no integrity shit on them and then did an about face when Disney Wars came out.
Prequels and Disney are both shit, but for very different reasons. I'd rather watch the prequels but they're still bad movies that can't stand on their own merits.
Meh. For me the story comes first and the presentation comes second. If I look at a frame of the prequels or TFA they both certainly look like Star Wars (with the prequels being slightly better whenever humans are present in the scene), but ultimately there’s little for me to care about.
Example: I liked the scene when Palpatine executed order 66. I thought to myself: “wow, if I actually gave a fuck about any of these characters I might be sad about this”. Visually a good scene, story wise completely forgetful because Lucas can’t write.
Prequelkino is here to stay
So Luke either dies or he stays on that water/rock planet since the Crait scenes are now confirmed to have Rey in them.
Since they're going for full ESB rip off I'm guessing he stays on the planet and tells Rey not to leave either, they'll then have a Yoda like death scene for him in their ROTJ rip off.
As long as there is a 'good' space battle at the end. Without a CG dogfight these movies are less than nothing. What people want is a decent movie with a great space battle at the end. Disney has the only franchise with the potential for any space combat. Start Trek is like submarines or battleships slugging it out. Enterprise actually had some good space battles in seasons 3 and 4.
Plebs make that argument all the time. That nu-Star Wars is better because at least it "feels like Star Wars", whatever that means. Aparently Star Wars is supposed to feel like a combination of JJ Abrams Star Trek and Disney Marvel movies, because that's what TFA felt like to me.
I have been a huge star wars fan for most of my life and I couldn't care less about this sequel trilogy. And I loved Brick but I dont have any hopes for this
well from the time I was 4 or 5 in 1994 untile 2005 I was a fan and stayed one until disney
Anakin and Obi-wan's supposed brotherly relationship should have been the core of the prequels. Have them be a closer age. Show them bonding over the course of the first movie. Show how Qui-gon's death brings them closer together. Have them actually seem like brothers, so that when Obi-wan says that line we feel it and aren't left scratching our heads thinking "they seemed more an an exasperated dad, and an angsty teenage son to me".
What the fuck is that?
We're still looking at maybe two decades before these things become unprofitable, at minimum.
An AT-ST with spider legs.
The limits of their creativity.
There was one similar to it in attack of the clones and revenge of the sith that george actually came up with
At least the death was quick as soon as old Georgie sold it to Yidsney. They'll never be able to take 1-6 from me.
You know hwhat? I feel sad for Boyega. He will be remembered as the gaynigger in Disney's Star Wars.
We'll always have Republic Commando, KOTOR 2 and TIE Fighter.
The fact that we won't ever get any more KotOR 2-tier stories that explore Force Morality beyond Light and Dark polarization triggers me
The fact we won't get a good Star Wars game ever again, because the filthy yids had to rub salt in the wound and give EA the exclusive rights to video games fills me with a boiling anger.
Empire at War
Give the Rebels the D
The Death Star
It's the best Star Wars RTS, thought that's not saying much. I just wish the land combat had been less anemic and space combat had more depth to it. The general idea and implementation was okay, but it could have used more depth.
True, but it helped scratch that itch for SW space battles. Those were my favorite parts as a kid, the ships and armadas smashing into each other like naval fleets of old.
If you want some more of that you can play the X-Wing and TIE Fighter games. It's not strategy, but they do have the atmosphere down, and the VA and writing is pretty good too, it's like you're playing a Star Wars TV show.
Also, there's a bunch of good mods to dick around with if you want a different take on the strategy.
Which ones are you talking about? Are they emulateable?
LOL kiddo
TIE Fighter
X-Wing Alliance
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Pirate the GOG versions and you're good to go, so long as you have a flight stick. If not, look up this guide here on how to run them using a gamepad:
Also, Rogue Squadron for the various Nintendo systems (staring with the N64). They're pretty arcadey but very fun to play.
>__ is boring therefore good because only I can understand it
Wow what an argument!
Watching a bunch of emotionless drones talk about government procedures, prophecies, business, and off screen adventures is not "good" cinema or entertainment.
Those things actually looked cool and weren't just an AT-ST head on different legs though.
Why is it that the entire starwars aesthetic turned to shit when TFA came out? Practically every new ship/gun/character now looks out of place. It all looks like a parody of starwars in that iphone/razor style every single scifi property uses now.
You have to understand, TFA and everything related to it is fanfiction written by Jewish autists with an inferiority complex.
That seriously looks like some shit a 5 year old cobbled together out of a bunch of grey lego bricks and one or two colorful pieces.
How the fuck does that move, are those spider legs or tank treads, it looks like it has wheels what the fuck is going on here hahaha
Your flick was shit, Jew Jew.
It's weird that they had to make goldmember a CG character. For aliens and stuff not possible to do practically I get it but a scarred human?
You are why we got TFA. The fact you mentioned prophecy too make me think you didn't what it properly since it is all about the failure of said prophecies and the flexibility of fate.
They couldn't even be bothered making him look threatening.
That's something that's true for all their villains for some reason. Phasma who's the primary henchman never shot a single shot but was thrown into the garbage after fucking over the entire not-Empire. Kylo was complete pussy who got the shits after meeting The Boypusser and had cringy teen outbursts. All the villains are compete jokes while Mah Rey Sue can do anything and can do martial arts from the start.
I suppose this was Disney's way of trying to avoid the bad guys looking much cooler than the diversity squad of heroes.
Sad, because star wars are the last well designed lego kits, now that the space and castle themes are dead
don't start with that fucking "le prequels are le good XD" meme, kiddo.
Only RotS was
I've been trying to get my hands on the new Lego Saturn V kit without paying scalpers prices.
Any "grey" force is just a metaphor for jewish relativism.
Thats what I was saying George did good there
Creator and Concepts are there only generic themes. Now most of the rest of it is licenced (usually movie) themes
Aren't there autists on ebay who will pay good money for bags of loose legos by weight?
Is that hard to just copy/paste Legacy Era star destroyers?
Prequels are objectively great films. If you can't see that, 99% chance you aren't white.
Can't wait for the Starkiller Base 2.
Found the kike, you don't belong here Disney
Great logic nigger. Is this the sum of all prequel defense? "If you don't like it you must like this other equally shitty movie!"
Will Rey Mixer do flips and grueling exercise with Luke strapped to her back?
Breathe, just breathe.
The tranny conspiracy is real. Either Mark is a manlet supreme or Daisy used to be a boy.
Yet another part of childhood memories killed by (((you know who))).
This is why LDD was made, user. Don't give 'em a cent, and build your dream creations virtually, fuelled only by your aspergic desires.
Is that supposed to be one of those wind powered walking sail things? Anyone know what I'm talking about?
That looks fucking horrid. Fuck you Mike Stoklasa. You ruined Star Wars with your fucking nitpicking. Now we have this.
Thinks he means this: ldd.lego.com
Almost like they're about politics and plotting or something. Fucking mush-brained moron.
Politics and world building shouldnt take precedent over characters and story. Why do all you prequel defenders struggle woth this basic tenet of film making? Your deepest lore doesnt mean shit if your characters and dialogue sucks.
George is a great world builder but a terrible director. You can appreciate the prequels but at least be honest with yourself.
Fetishizing characterization leads to crap like nu-BSG, where all your scenes are actors pretending to cry and reaction shots. Nobody can remember any characters in Asimov's Foundation yet it is one of the greatest sci fi stories of all time.
Stoklasa was, again, wrong. Maybe Qui Gon is hard to describe, but he's memorable. What the hell is the name of the Asian monk from Rogue One? I don't even fucking remember. All I know is he was blind and he had some Mongolian Husband with a rocket launcher.
You are right that in the prequels Lucas got Anakin wrong. He botched the romance between Anakin and Padme and the relationship between Anakin and Obiwan. If maybe three or four scenes were reshot in AOTC, the Prequels would be considered masterpieces by even the most reddit of faggots.
Lucas needed people to tell him he was being an idiot like back in the old days
Underrated post
The only person who showed luke any backbone was gary kurtz. Marquand, kasdan and kershner were there as george's guests.
Dunno how i managed that, should say george.
More lenflares and plot holes.
Lucas is one of those authors like Heinlen, who can write good stuff not in spite of, but specifically because of, things that would kill normal stories.
Good thing they already did a "Luke I am your father" twist…right?
As much as I hate megabloks, at least they had one good licensed tie in
Make it blue, give it some arms and we could have the star wars equivalent to a tachikoma. That'll appeal to the Chinese that we can blow up the image of it on the poster, with Boyega behind it with a worried look.
This time it will be a Dyson sphere.
May as well just play minecraft at that point.
What's more progressive? BLACKED or gay BLACKED couple as the main leads?
He's not saying he wants more movies. He's saying that he only cares about the original
World building is half of a movie.
Gender non conforming Blacked Hebraic Queer Force-kin.
The issue is that the story of the prequels is fantastic in broad strokes, but the fine details and dialogue weren't handled competently and the actors aren't that great.
In Disney Star Wars movies, it just copy pasting worlds you know, so why build them? Of course you cannot forget blowing other planets you only see for 5 seconds.
It's literally an AT-AT with a frontal turret mounted on the main body.
It's the same sort of creativity we've seen from Disney like the new TIE Fighter design with a turret that points to the back.
In other words: FUCKING BULLSHIT
I'll try patricide!
Whut in God's name
oh….oh….god…..why??? yeah this pretty much makes me not want to pirate the movie now, not even worth a watch.
this is what happens when everything is designed by committees and focus groups
Even I could tell from the fucking trailer.
Then there are mods.
Text at the end should be lower, but otherwise 9.5/10 at least it's original.
Did the Script for The Last Jedi been leaked yet? I just want to know if the force tree was true all along.
good goy
I laughed.
please at least learn proper english before you attempt to communicate with us.
anyways, just watch empire to get a feel for how the last jedi is going to happen.
but i'll tell you based on the trailer
- rey trains with luke
- those penguin things show up, muh foreshadowing
- might be force tree scene, that might be later, idk
- return of villains, setting up further plot
- cut to resistance
- finn either still in coma or awakens
- first order attack (that scene of poe in the hangar as it asplodes)
- possibly leia dying
- literally the battle of hoth with lava and b-wings
- rey and luke go to battle but too late
- kylo ren is there
- either a small duel or just exchange of words and glances
- possibly snoke shows up
- first order leaves
- luke mourns the loss of leia
- for reasons, the MCs travel to not-bespin
- white girl, asian girl and benicio del toro there
- one of them is shady and the other two are legit
- first order shows up
- rey vs ren, luke vs snoke
- luke possibly dies, more than likely based on the way they're hyping him up, just like harrison tried to hype up the movie
- space battle from trailers
- end credits because fuck you
i still find it amazing how they couldn't be assed to make new designs
like, even going by canon with that "sheev held back the universe on tech" it would make sense that being empire-free would allow for tech to advance in the same way it did between the prequels and originals
Found the new snow speeder concept art.
Wait is Rian a jew? fuck I liked brick
they so fugged
picturing daisy with a cock just feels right
pick one, faggot