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Greg-Not A Jew-Lansky worked on this trash again?



Immersion broken

More like 5 or 6 ranks actually

How's the movie? The first one was ok but the second one was pretty good. If this one is as good as the previous one then I'd watch it.


How do tropical animals even survive in winter environment? And it's winter the whole damn time in the previous movie AND the trailer.
The whole ape army would die of frostbite and hypothermia in 2 hours.

And how the fucks aren't horses afraid of them. The reason why they tolerate humans is because they've been bred that way for 10 000 years.

People want to watch niggers and humans fight, but remaking Zulu (1964) would be racist.

Those are trained horses. And those are not wild apes.

They conveniently had circus horses bred for warfare around?

Good lord you are really are an idiot, aren't you?

Ever hear of a ranch?

Ranches in USA have circus horses trained and bred for warfare?

I figure they got them wild and not from ranches.
Since you know.
Apocalypse and all that.
And apes smell nothing like humans and are a complete unknown to them. They would probably be scared shitless of them. Like camels.
Plus you need to train horses specifically for warfare so they don't scare when machine guns rattle at them.

Why the fuck does it matter if it's wild or not. All of these are adapted to 30C all year round with high humidity.
Hence the body adaptations I described.
And I made a mistake. Apes like those wouldn't last 15 min in open air at -10C.
They don't even wear clothes. Like humans and neanderthal did who were the only ones that adapted to the ice age enviroment.

You'd need a wookie to survive that shit and even those with longer hair since Kashyyyk is full of rain forests.


Are blue fleece vests a political symbol now?
If I wear my green one am I gonna get shot by apes?

I thought it was a trilogy. I liked the second one but since this is apparently Apeshit now I guess i'm dropping it

Always putting the Black Man down.
We wuz!


Location: King's Landing

No problem of cultural appropriation of course. We wuz.
deray mckesson

Lol one article on his profile

Fucking Sheeboon.


"Muh nature"

I haven't seen War yet. But the previous two didn't seem to have any sort of message about one species being "better" than the others. The reboots are about simple survival, and conflict and there's good and bad characters on both sides. That's why I like them, there's a refreshing lack of preachiness.

An ironic euphemism for negro uprising.

Made more ironic by the fact that everybody knows exactly what it is but no ones calling it racism.

Your in for a real turd I'm afraid. The humans are evil skinhead christian american nationalists. Not even shitting you, they go out of thier way to show how evil they are at every opportunity.

And the humans force the Apes to build a FUCKING BORDER WALL

It's not some BLM shit. If it was, they'd get under fire for portraying niggers as apes.

Face it, the only reason they didn't get under fire is because there was originally a Planet of the Apes movie to begin with.

If this was an original creation the left would shit themselves non stop.

It's "you're," like "you're autistic"

I hate niggers.



It gets worse.

The cgi in these movies i top tier

i wonder how long until they look dated



Who wouldn't fight a war over a 12 year old QT?

Daily reminder that egyptians created white man in the temple of Bix'Noodagh and then got betrayed by their inferior creation.

The Jews want to make a movie where whites are on their knees serving their ape masters.


why did they spoil who this little girl was before the movie
I hate shit like this

There are more surprising things in the movie.
t. your friend Shekelstein

Sounds like the good guys

I'm confused. Are the apes siding with the humans slaves or willing?

does the lil girl get raped by evil white nazis and saved by the ooga booga smart monkey?

In the movie, one of the apes says that he's just trying to save himself, and all of the ones onscreen are afraid of being dominated by humans. They were trying to invoke systemic oppression with the prison setting, but failed hard because the simian virus muting people would've weakened humanity enough for apes to replace them anyway. Ironically, the villain was right in this case, he didn't shoot the apes while they were captured, and genuinely cared for what was left of humanity's traits. Almost as if they were explaining Trump as a tragedy of circumstance, if you read the subtext.

Next movie's remaking the first to poz it up, they didn't even bother explaining the Statue of Liberty being destroyed. If they're doing a straight remake with the astronauts, they're gonna have a black lead and back off on the apes = blacks angle.

What happened to Africa? Seems like apes proved that they are better then niggers.