why is he so intense?
Why is he so intense?
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Because he's /ourguy/, and we, user… are intense people too.
Does not compute
but he's mostly talking about really trivial stuff. Don't get me wrong it's pretty entertaining watching a guy act like every little thing is the end of the world but I don't know what his angle is here.
He's an actor but most importantly he needs your donations
a youtuber pandering to the alt-right for donations? who'd have thunk it. At least he doesn't have a patreon
At least he actually has some interesting things to say unlike sarcuck.
He wants to be the pope of the church of no spanking. The only way to achieve that is to convince the alt-right that he is their guy. Plus, he's jewish.
he has to appear that way in order to fool his retarded teenage audience into thinking he's a serious philosopher with opinions actually worth listening to instead of a clickbaiting scammer who's considered a joke by everyone intellectual and spends every video reading article headlines for an hour.
That term holds no cache with me after the last couple of decades of listening to the absolute garbage that spews out of the mouths of the "intellectual elite". Never listened to this guy but you aren't convincing me of much with that line of logic.
I think he does a nice job but I don't care for the melodrama
Lol, no.
t. butthurt Holla Forums
I wish he did more shows when he talks to broken people, those are the best.
I admire him for writing up so many lectures or whatever you call them, it's a lot of work, but his presentation is awful.
their politics don't matter if all they do is pander to edgy redditors and channers. He might as well be alt-right.
is he an asshole to them? I've had enough of cunt youtubers
No, and he's not pandering to them. He's constantly whining about how howwible wacism is.
He's not.
but user Hitler was the greatest SJW
He tells them harsh truths, he's not an asshole about it he genuinely wants to help.
would it not be better to have a trained psychologist do that?
I mean that in a "everyone with more than two brain cells can figure out this guys a scam artist" kind of way.
Probably, but I guess this is the best the callers can do.
He suggests them to.
I approached him and said I'd like his autograph and I bet he hates it when people bug him all the time in public. He sighed and did a nearly maniacal looking grin and said in a forced dramatic angry voice
I just stood there speechless, and finally when I found the right words he kept cutting me off. I decided to leave, and he kept trying to lecture me on how much of an experienced public debater he is.
I saw him again checking out at the register later. He had bought several milk jugs and canned produce, and the cashier explained she would scan one of them multiple times. Stefan waited impatiently for her to do this, then told her he'd like for her to re-scan them all individually to avoid "electrical interference… and so forth."
When the time came to pay instead of doing so Stefan asked that she consider giving a dollar to freedomainradio.com and the cashier politely contributed a dollar to Stefan which in turn caused Stefan to burst into a burning rage and when she tried to explain he still needed to pay for the groceries Stefan kept telling her "that's not an argument" and made for the door. The manager stopped him, and the manager explained he needed to pay. Stefan then tried asking the manager if he "supported the use of violence against him" and when the manager summoned security Stefan asked the manager if he "supported him being shot". He finally paid, and left.
I again ran into him in the parking lot. Apparently, a single mother had been spanking her kids for misbehaving in the store as he passed by. By the time I got there, he was explaining to her how "using violence to intimidate children into fearing you and obeying your commands can cause genetic trauma and be passed on to their offspring" and how the lady was nanny state whore. Stefan then got into his car and started recording a podcast while driving off.
Just as he drove off, I heard Stefan screaming for a guy named mike to "cut him off".
He had cancer, he saw death in front of him and told her to go fuck herself. He is not loosing more time anymore, it is all or nothing for him.
I am evil!
Not realistic, he would've been recording the whole time. Stef records every verbal interaction I believe. He is mental.
Where does he keep his porn then?
Still butthurt after getting BTFO, Fritz?
you mean marx?
I love ironic humor.
и в чем проблема?
No, he's a fucking kike.
I don't think he's a kike, but he certainly is led by kikes. Just look at his libertarian ideology. He also refused to look into whether Hitler did the holocaust or not, proving that he accuses people of being brainwashed while being brainwashed himself.
He really isn't a libertarian anymore.
Only other libertarians are this assblasted about the stupidity of left libertarians. Only way I se him abandoning libertarianism is if he admits UPB is bullshit (arbitrary classification system), and he then becomes a white nationalist. That is both extremely unlikely and it would actually hurt white nationalism, he's far more effective at red pilling normies from the perspective of a "non-racist". Given that Jewtube is his income, jeopardizing his family's well being by saying "I'm a nazi xd" is not an option for him.
He's come a long way.
That's the ancap flag, Stef is an ancap.
Is he shitting on his own beliefs or did he not notice it?
He's shitting on libertarians/ancaps who dismiss the notion that racial demographics are important aspects in regards to the viability in achieving a minarchist style state.
Sauce on third webm?
Well here's one where he talks with a very intelligent German couple
The webm kind of spoils all of the best parts, but the full thing is still worth a watch.
I've seen that one, the thumbnail was very persuasive. Great episode of Molyneux Densetsu.
Thanks, user.
That image is an extreme blackpill.
I like Stefan, but I also like those copypastas.
The good (or bad) news about this is that the US will no longer be tenable under those conditions.
I watch him to see witch way normie lolbertarians are shifting.
Now all of his videos top comments are GAS KIKES RACE WAR
Yet another Trump achievement
Like pottery
You suck at this.
because he's surrounded by people who want him to be shot.
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