Chaos Walking, starring Tom Holland and Daisy Ridley, is set to hit theaters March 1, 2019


Nobody gives 1/10 of a shit about this. A starshit actress and a capeshit actor and Doug Liman who can't direct directing

Our literal guys!

I got a serious deja vu feeling with Passengers last year

I want to rape her in the mouth.

I want to grape her in the mouth!

Is this a remake of A Boy and his Dog?

Which dog

Get it? GET IT?

No it's a genderbent adaptation of Y: the Last Man.

Sound like heaven…

Not watching this shit, Holland is a terrible actor and my newfound obsession for Daisy's jaws is unhealthy.

Omg she is so quirky xDD

Just like us xDDD

Fug, Daisy looks good here. Shame for her shit body though.

Is this supposed to be a horror movie? What if it turns out she was an alien all along?

Googling this shit, and most of the fanart looks tumblr-tier, confirmed to be absolute crap.

The twist is she boypussed her compressor.

Her only issue is her small tits and that isn't inherently bad, she has a nice tight body and a slightly above average face, she is very fuckable. Only a faggot wouldn't want to take a ride on the Rid.

Do you know some pornstars that look like her?

No, she has a unique look. I think they intentionally made her look disgusting and clammy for star wars, she's actually a qt outside of that.

She is nothing more than pleb fodder


So basically a romance fan fiction of Children Of Men?

That sounds about right in this case.

REALLY makes you think

Isn't Ridley infertile? Seems cruel to cast her in a movie where her character would need to get fucked and pregnant as often as possible to save humanity.

u wot m8

Sounds like a rip-off of A Boy and His Dog.

>she's very handsome

They could not have picked two worse actors.

So this is going to be some shitty feminist deconstruction of A Boy and His Dog, without the cool ending where they eat the whore?

It's young adult trash.

Hunger Games was a direct rip off of Battle Royale.



The faces of our generation.


really makes you think



Without an attractive female either

Well Y: the Last Man was more or less about how women don't need no man, and how shitty men are, so is this going to be about how men don't need women and how shitty women are?

So hot.

Is the book any good then?

The Y: the Last Man comic book? It's okay, nothing special.
Or did you mean the Chaos Walking young adult novel? I have no fucking clue.

I was referring to Y. I remember seeing praise for it everywhere but good reception for comic books always makes me a bit skeptical.

No, it's crap.


Where is this land?
GPS please.

Why? No one looking like that will ever touch you user, except maybe to slap you for getting too close

No bully pls.

we're all in this boat, man

why lord, why


kek. The director actually could have made a good Alien knockoff where the kid doesn't know what a woman looks like, so he assumes Ridley is one. Of course Ridley then goes for the kill and is obviously a monster.

Well at least with the ugly "there is something wrong with her actress" I guess aesthetically it will be more realistic as I doubt a lot of good looking women would survive in a post apocalyptic world for very long.

They really seem to be pushing old acting face as an actress shes being dumped into a bunch of new movies….

The point of the movie is that ALL women are dead. So it makes sense to cast such a creature as Ridley.

Hollywood is once again at the stage where all the famous actors are getting old/dying/retiring. So they have to force new actors, good or bad, into the scene so that they have someone people will want to see. Though honestly, I think they have only managed to find some male actors, all the female ones they have been forcing are ugly/feminist scum.

like I said when you look at this unfortunate woman you get the feeling there is something not quite right with her….
They could make a killing casting this bitch in jump shot horror flicks like a female Bela Lugosi.

I think casting ugly feminist scum is on purpose tbh.

I can imagine the retard groans leaking from that mouth as I cum on her cross-eyed face.

Y: The Last Man was about how women can be savage cunts when left to their own devices.