So, Holla Forums, what's your excuse on Trump's speech at AIPAC[1]? 6000000D chess? Tactical pandering? If he lies here, why not lie elsewhere? Either his words have no weight, or he says what he means. Which is it?
So, Holla Forums, what's your excuse on Trump's speech at AIPAC[1]? 6000000D chess? Tactical pandering? If he lies here...
nice try d&c
Nice reddit tier pic faggot.
How about neither. The truth is the bulk of republicans are israel loving christcuck retards and he would never have been nominated without sucking kike dick.
Nice reddit spacing.
But he will stay in power without keeping it thoroughly wet?
He'll be bad for jewry in other ways. Auditing the Fed, defeating ISIS, stopping foreign lobbying. Posterity declared Stalin an "anti-semite" for less than what Trump said in his speech about the "small international clique".
It was a year ago kike go look up archive links to see what we thought. fuck off.
wtf i hate trump now
guess illjust wait for hitler
My wild guess would be that he wants Mossad on his side to win the election. A pact with the devil.
*ahem* :
False Dichotomy.
Get gassed kike.
And of course OP ignores this post. Of curse he ignores the fact that Trump has attacked international bankers and so on.
Or so he says. He said Israel is America's greatest ally, and the model democracy. He is proud of his Jewish grandson, etc.
The goyim obviously know too much. Time to destroy known facades and build new ones.
Enlighten me.
2/10 for getting me to reply
Hi /leftpol/
And congress can just impeach right? I didn't fucking think so.
Vetoes sure have been stopping king nigger from passing his agenda. For example 'marriage equality' being thrown through on NYE.
If he can do that I'm sure there's an easy opening for us to push our agenda.