Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?



confirmed /ourguy/

Who acts like that besides white trash and niggers though? Who acts like that when they are rich and can just get out of jail sooner than later? It doesn't even have to do with drug and alcohol addiction I think he's just an asshole.

Louis C.K is the only guy who can play him at this point.



How long before he starts ranting about Frankenstein radio controls?

At least you had enough sense to clear your cache before capping your own post.


How is he wrong though?

shia is the cuck poster.

That would make perfect sense actually. It would explain some of the unfunny attempts at political memeing here as well

Top cuck.


It wasn't my post /polfag/


oh it was definitely your post

i'm his age to the year.. who are tehse people who care about him??

12-22 year olds? I never cared about him.. annoying as fuck actor. and attention whore Who fucking cares.

literally /ourguy/

It's pretty clear he is in the middle of a lulzy breakdown so it's worth a thread.

I know right

No for real I didnt make the post I saw Holla Forums get triggered so I had to cap it

It would be better bait for a board that has nothing to do with actors.

It's still good bait to throw at Holla Forums tho

you cared enough to post

I like how butthurt he makes drumpfanzees

We've broken shia.

What's he addicted to? Cuck porn?

Is he this generations Andy Dick?

I feel like we should send him Get Well cards

I'd pay serious money to see that

He is a very profound young man, no question, but it seems that he has lost his way in this crazy jewish race.

No it's not

He'll play himself by having a theater livestream 24/7 a gopro strapped to his chest. You'll get the full Shia experience like you're Shia himself!

I like how you're easy to spot across boards.
I'm starting to wonder if you're actually sudocuck, he hasn't been using his previous forced memes very much recently.

These look delicious.

Maybe we should put Shia in a 'justice park' like in Black Mirror. Except instead of a 'White Bear' it's a 'Green Frog'.

Reminded me of this. Quality film, if you can find it.

this. it reminded me of this.