Three cops are reported dead and the gunman is still at large.
Three cops are reported dead and the gunman is still at large.
Other urls found in this thread:
Here's a link confirming three cops shot.
Great news! Hopefully he can bag some more before they extra-judicially execute him with an exploding death-bot
Statistically speaking, all he has to do is shoot five cops and he'll hit a full-blown Neo-Nazi.
hadn't even seen that before, fucking hell the police are rotten
even better is that baton rouge was the scene of a huge crackdown on BLM protesters, no doubt some of the officers shot played a part
Good. This summer is going pretty great.
Shit is getting real it seems.
The fire rises!
At least 7 officers have been shot. Only two have been confirmed dead.
live stream
East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff and Baton Rouge Police - Live Audio Feed Web Player
Here's a source:
One more cop is thought to be dead, as well, though only two have been confirmed.
anyone else see that recording they just showed on the livestream?
seemed like there were a lot of cops surrounding him, man did really well to get 7 while (presumably) escaping unscathed himself
also that sudden burst of fire was crazy, was it an automatic weapon?
another live stream
Three officers finally confirmed dead (first it was three thought to be, then two confirmed, then three confirmed).
I mean rah rah fight the system and stuff but that is only making things worse.
I'm scared to talk to any of the black students at my uni now.
Why would you be scared to talk to black students?
I agree it's going to make police more authoritarian and average people less sympathetic to the anti-cop left, but I don't know if that's what you mean by "making things worse".
Wow this was actually really informative, thanks
what do you mean, are you racist or something?
or are you a cop?
yeah, can you imagine what would happen if cops stopped exercising restraint? people could get killed!
Blacks can be racist too, the constant mediatic polarization about race can lead to radicalization in both sides, and races based militias fighting each other on the streets. That how i interpret his post.
Jesus Christ man what's up with these past two months
american spring?
They've released photo of the suspect
Why a mall tho?
more dead pigs
has any of the shootings so far been targeting at non-police white people? chill out dawg
I think this is just regular criminal vs police shooting that the media is over-reporting bc they're trying to incite a race riot as always.
Your work is being continued
We will never forget you
RIP legend
Are you a cop? Otherwise why would you be scared?
shame if true, but I guess it goes to show even lumpens can do some good.
ITT: Retarded anarkiddies
fuck off police apologist
Where did you hear that? The only source I got was that there were police reports of a guy walking on a highway with an assault rifle and when the cops came, he or multiple shooters ambushed them.
I'm not really sure what this is supposed to mean.
I'm not an anarchist and I don't support individual terrorism but I'm still addicted to shit like this for some reason.
Do you realize the past shootings are more than enough cause for the state to declare martial law?
which brings the objective conditions for revolution closer to fruition
They have created conditions so intolerable already, martial law would just be the official declaration of their occupation.
The fact of the matter is, there is a standing army occupying the United States and it is the police force.
I don't care that cops are dead but I guess if some people get off to it, fine.
We already live under a police state. We're under constant moderation, we have secret courts with no due process, and cops that murder without a trial. But I guess it could get worse.
Reactionary forces with their own agendas can form as well and with the left in such a bad shape, what makes you think they won't win?
Can 2016 just fuck off already
It can always get worse.
That's the part you should care about though. You seem to have it backwards. Where you value a state of things (i.e. less tolerable conditions due to martial law) as opposed to actual people getting murdered. I don't get it. And furthermore, you're identifying the value of human life with their profession.
The reactionary forces are the police. The white nationalists, KKK, what have you, they've already merged with the police. Even the FBI has admitted as much.
The death of any cop is an advancement of the left.
Holla Forums here , tell me why I should side with the niggers instead of the police?
BLM narrative is not backed by facts and statistics , it's based on a lie ever since the Micheal Brown thing where he was rightfully killed.
BLM is cuddled and supported by corporations, the mass media, and the goverment, they're obviously useful idiots of some kind to push for gun control of federalization of police
take off your flag before you say something really retarded and give trots an even worse name
this is the type of thing yer mum posts on facebook tbh
Because the police will one day come for you. You feel safe now but this isn't just an isolated war against blacks, this is a war waged on our class, which, like or not, you are a part of.
What? And people are unjustly murdered by police all the time, but you shouldn't let the injustice of the world cloud your judgement.
This is why we can't have a discussion though. You have no idea what people on this board believe.
Nonsense. You act like the state wants either the left or right to disrupt capital.
Do you realize that this must inevitably happen?
Timing is everything…
how about you tell us about timing when you have a vanguard, faggot. otherwise you're just wanking off to your armchair fantasies.
The state has recognized the advantage of letting the right control the police and military. While the extreme right, via the police, national guard, whatever, attack the working class, the liberal elite then demand non-violence, and the disarming of the workers.
Obviously its wrong when people are murdered by police. I never said it wasn't. In fact, it's even worse when cops do the murdering because they're betraying the public trust, and are in a position of more power.
Nice on Friday, attempted coup in Turkey on Saturday, Baton Rogue on Sunday. What happens tomorrow?
What does the rubber they use for pig boots taste like?
how do white racists "disrupt capital"? They forment racial hatred, insulating capitalism from criticism.
Trotsky> Lenin >Stalin
Same to you, if you think this is going to produce anything but idpol related conflicts.
Don't cut yourself on that edge, anarkiddie.
Capitalists typically don't like conflict in their backyard, they prefer exporting wars they can make a profit from than one's that bring property values down.
There is no war by local police on the people.The war is between big government, corporations,corporate media, political elite, banking elite on the people
America has 320 million population, high violent crime rate, armed population. When you count in human error, deaths of some criminals and few innocents by hands of police is unavoidable.
BLM narrative is not based on facts and statistics. Statistics show the opposite of that. Even the very thing that spawned BLM was a media fabricated lie
This is a reaction to a perceived persecution by the police; you can ignore idpol, but obviously it was already a factor.
If you could also explain what kind of idpol related conflicts you're talking about that'd be great. You're being pretty vague.
why won't obama share power with the rebels?
You think this won't be framed as a racial conflict?
If the war is corporations, media, and the political elite, and the government against the people, then who are their footsoldiers?
why do you think that? the ruling classes have encouraged racial conflict in their own countries for time immemorial.
Propaganda is alright tbh if it's for a good cause.
Right now?
Black Lives Matter.
In general the economy benefits from stability. Regular access to materials and regular production enables regular consumption and steady, reliable profits. If there's a riot on mainstreet, people can't get in to starbucks to get their coffee.
But capital, being capital, has to exploit every possible demographic, and subsequently plays their game of trying to support it just enough so that people can buy their t-shirts with a Confederate flag on it or #BLM, but not enough that shit actually starts popping off.
More Americans have been killed by cops than have been killed in and during the duration of both the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts.
So long as it doesn't disrupt business as usual. Ruling class wants the status quo interrupted.
That's only because reactionaries and conservative liberals ignore BLM distancing themselves from actual murders to propagate the idea that law enforcement need more power or that black people are getting too uppity. And then at the same time a conscious effort to put BLM in the same boat as The New Black Panther Party and black nationalists, when we know that they're actually very tame liberals. I'm not falling for it.
We'll see once they radicalize which way they swing. With the state of the US, I'm not optimistic.
Which is exactly what is happening now. But you are foolish if you think this will evolve into some sort of full blown "race war". The US is the most powerful country on earth, heavily authoritarian and has a militarised, heavily armed police force.
This, tbqfh lamafam.
I don't think i'm being very clear. I think there's a very real effort to increase the identity tension from the right, but that it won't get far. BLM has its own set of idpolitics, but the core message is so agreeable and they're so obviously not radicalized that i think that nothing drastic will come from these recent strings of violent reaction to police aggression.
We'll see, I suppose.
BLM are supported by Hillary, Obama, mass media, corporations, media giants like facebook, twitter, they added BLM emojis.
So what system do you think they're fighting when it's on their side?
Again and again, that the police are unfairly targeting black people is a lie, it's not based in reality,statistics don't show that.
Black people kill black people, police. Black people killed by police maybe accounts for less than half of one percent killed black people
Right, Hilary supports BLM, that's why she's continuously silenced them and had them removed from her campaign events.
The police, and military are the only forces that have state authority to use violence and kill civilians, they are the soldiers of they state, and they will be lined against the wall same as their masters.
They're saying these two, maybe three people were shooting at each other and then police showed up so they started shooting at them instead and 10 of those morons managed to get shot.
There's one suspect dead and they're saying one is a female so we might have a qt criminal on our hands.
Hillary can say she supports BLM, but there's going to be at least some members that will protest her and the rest of the democratic party.
Could it be that Porky is beginning to lose control over the idpol monster that he created? Has the illusion finally become too close to reality?
imo this is a historic parallel to the narodniks and spontaneous terror of early 20th century Russia. For all the lamenting about individual terror…I don't know exactly how to express myself but…when people talk about organized, popular action, I don't see how they can see it coming into being without having individual cases. After all, what is a collective really but individuals? Can collectives have an emergent consciousness, or will, outside of individuals? I'd say no. These attacks are an objective advance of struggle. It's up to communists to not try to monopolize action or violence (looking at you ML's) but to give theoretical coherence to what's going on so that new things can happen. Already, struggle has engendered new phenomena (both forms of protest and forms of repression).
As for BLM as porky or not, maybe it has porky finance but it is fueled by real anger of ordinary black people. BLM is good insofar as it is truly popular. It's not quite the citadel that the Democratic Party or the big unions and that's exactly why we need to capture and steer it.
It's already been captured by liberals. One of their most popular guys, DeRay Mckesson ran for office, was for privatization of the school system and basically is a huge corporate shill.
That just shows BLM is weak. Well of course: the entire left is weak. It doesn't show that BLM is fundamentally wrong or something. It's a step towards a bigger, better movement.
Completely agree with the Narodnik comparison, also worth noting that the Narodniks were completely unsuccessful despite going as far as assassinating the tsar.
The fact is, there was no mainstream movement behind the violence, making it easy to denounce the Narodniks as maniacs, cold-blooded killers etc.
And that's exactly what's happening now - the individual anger is there (whether or not this particular shooting was targeted or not) but any sort of organisation is not.
The reason why BLM is wrong is not because of its message, but their limited action and goals. Just having more black representation and police cameras doesn't really solve fundamental problems with the political/economic system. And the "microagression" "white tears" "safe space" stuff is silly as well.
How do you think the ruling elite enforces it's edicts, you retarded faggot? Via police force, which is overwhelmingly composed of complicit local jurisdictions. My town of 8,000 has a MRAP, so if you think local departments are not responsible you're just another cuckold of the ruling class.
And I'm not BLM fanboy, but I have seen the statistics and the ratio of blacks killed (and native americans) is much higher than that of whites or asians. Do some research before you spout of your inane faggoty bullshit :^)
Of course they can, because consciousness is defined by what sort of goal you can realistically set based on the agency you have.
As individuals, people take desperate measures because they can't change the current system. As a collective unified by class interests we can afford different tactics, because we can change the current system.
That's just what the figurehead shills like Deray are asking for. If you actually listened to real BLM organizers, you'd know they are proposing real radical changes.
Definitely. I think that the B████ campaign has really put this type of thinking out of fashion though.
The BBC had links to articles on "the racial divide in america" all over their reports on this shooting.
Remember that the MSM will desperately push this "Race war" narrative at every opportunity because it is EXACTLY what they want
But they're owned by the jews!
There's a minority faction within the bourgeoisie which has a semblance of a social conscience, or believes it has a vested interest in appearing to do so, so they will make some quick, vague, hollow gesture of support for the idea of the movement, like a pro-BLM tweet or something, and that will be that. No material support, no involvement in the movement whatsoever and certainly a condemnation in the strongest possible terms of any violence committed by BLM, which by the way at this points adds up to some broken windows and a few trashed cars.
That does not come close to matching the majority bourgeois narrative of "DEY TURRISTS! DEY GON KIL WHITE FOLK!"
This fucking week.
What's so extraordinary?
It's like 9/11 all over again. Something minor happened, but Americans run around like headless chickens.
Are you slow in the forehead?
Lol no I'm not a cop. Basically by making things worse it means in America islt will further push the whole everybody vs the evil whites mentality that Tumblr wants to badly, and gives politicians the means to push for more gun control and more spying and surveillance without question.
I'm white, I'm scared to interact with anyone black because of recent events they see anyone as white being a racist. If you are born with white skin, you already have permanent racist ideals in you brain and are not fit to breathe, in the eyes of everyone else. Any black person could just kill me and feel like they are "doing the right thing" and getting justice for black people murdered by pigs. Twitter and Tumblr and Facebook would light up calling my murderer a hero and a martyr when he went to jail. Me? What about me? I was just some mouth-breathing neaderthalic white guy, barely even a person.
I just want everyone to get along and work together to smash authority, mass surveillance, censorship, and the state.
Fuck off bootlicker
Think it through: two buildings destroyed, several thousand dead. That's it. Ten times more people die every year hit by cars in America alone.
As if it all wouldn't have happened without 911.
More Americans died in Iraq/Afghanistan (hundred times more locals) and a hundred times more money was spent there. And then there was Patriot's Act.
No. I don't think it all was caused by 911.
It begins.
Read the thread, faggot.
Wow, the update is going to come fast this time. Let's see where the trend goes form here.
It's not just this event. A lot has happened this week, and the Republican National Convention is tomorrow…
Police have arrested the alleged shooter in this photo and he's in police custody.
A whole week of FUN!
Here on Holla Forums there are two options. You are either an edgy anarkiddie who wants to kill every cop you see or you're a bootlicker tankie who worships cops and think they can do no wrong.
Cheer up comrade, you would be surprised at how small the number of "kill whitey" black radicals there are and how many genuine class conscious folks there are. The vast majority of black people just want justice and equality. Porky wants us to think that we are too different, too separated, too divided, we aren't.
Even elections are non-event at this point. Enemy of the People might've been amusing, should've he somehow managed to get himself elected.
Let's wait until the markets collapse again and new Great Depression begins properly.
If you ameriburgers think this is good, wait for the coming Police State that will result of all of this.
From one of the cops killed.
We already live in one retard
tankies want to see cops dead pal
it's weird peace loving trots you have to worry about
Can't I settle on being a tankiddie?
Oh yeah, he had a child only a few months old.
Local pigs exist solely to oppress and war against the people. How the fuck does them being "local" make it any better? Is getting raped by a "local" rapist better than by one who lives further away?
"Big government" wouldn't be able to do shit to us without its number one tool: the local police.
dead cop had a FB account, big whoop.
Pretend it's written by a Nazi soldier instead of a cop. Sure he seems like he at least has some decency, but as long as he's a soldier of Nazi Germany he is our enemy.
This, tbh. The sad truth is that the worst monsters are always people too. No matter how human they are, no matter how good their intentions, no matter how genuine their motivations they can still be in a position that makes them your enemy. The most "evil" people have always been mentally deficient, under false impression, or both and usually the victim of some kind of emotional trauma.
None of this changes the fact that they are your enemy. The choice you face is to either fight for your goal or give it up. They made the choice to put their lives in the way of your goal. That is not your fault.
You do realize they're still human beings, right? Them getting shot in by some angry guy doesn't advance the cause of socialism. I'm by no means defending cops, I'm just saying their deaths shouldn't be celebrated, especially if it's just senseless violence that gets nothing done.
One can, of course, make the obvious point that cops in a western democracy are not really being used as instruments for the same policies that Nazi soldiers were.
But that would be ruining our dystopian role-playing with facts, and we don't any of that.
What difference does that make? How does them being "less evil" and "more liberal" make them any less of an enemy?
You're right. It would be more accurate to compare American police to the SS.
IMO, celebrating things like that is symptomatic of the western Left's refusal to accept reality.
American leftists seem to have this problem where they really want to think of themselves as brave voices of dissent in the fascistic United States of AmeriKKKa that is out to get them. When they compare their government's activities with that of previous totalitarian societies what they're really trying to say is that they're like those brave Resistance members and revolutionaries we read about. It's not a criticism of the system, it's a compliment to themselves.
And this is why their self-image always seems out of tune with reality, their rhetoric and tactics calibrated according to some revolutionary fantasy instead of pragmatic goals.
And, in turn, they must think of the average pig as the enforcer of the wishes of this ruthless system.
It's an strategy of self-aggrandizement, which gives people in their teens in early twenties some reason to think of themselves as really "out there" for being a campus radical and activist, while also wrapping them in comfortable delusions about how courageous their day-to-day praxis of listening to bad pop music, talking about how Stalin didn't kill enough people and how essential revolutionary violence is. I mean, we don't have to kill cops ourselves, just celebrating it makes us brave revolutionaries! I mean, they can come after us for that!
That way they can fulfil their dreams while also remaining firmly within the boundaries of the law and on a safe sheep route, so when they hit their 30's they'll stop with all that radical nonsense and "grow out" of Leftism without any bad personal history that might stop them from getting a job and a loan.
honestly, this just seems like a fucking huge projection.
and you haven't really addressed the actual issue of whether or not killing cops is justified - just gone after proponents of it with the "edgy" meme
Careful lad, you're going to pull something if you keep bending over backward that hard.
maybe if they spent more time going after violent criminals rather than protecting porky from civil disobedient protestors they wouldn't have this problem where civilians have declared war on them. Wonder why shit got out of control in Syria?
How long until we find out they died in police custody?
And what's with these police shooters being ex-cops or ex-military personnel?
America is quite literally the worst place on earth
Or it's a chan and we tend to bask in schadenfreude?
…You realize that state names aren't just made up right? They're named after things.
I lived in the area for a while and it still seems completely stupid in perspective.
I'm the one who originally posted with the CBS link (sorry) and it's definitely silly especially since most of KC is in Missouri and KCK is a joke. However, the Kansa tribe lived on both sides of the river if I recall 7th grade Kansas history correctly.
And it'll be by a robot-delivered bomb because entering their room where their cells are was deemed too dangerous.
More awareness of he situation maybe, but definitely because they have a better sense of what to do and how to do it when shooting people.
Kansas City had the name before Kansas Territory though…
I can see why it'd be and that they're more successful given their training and so they make headlines, but it's kind of weird that no plain ole civilian has gone for it yet in the past few years. If we're on the cusp of some cop-killing spring I suppose it's only a matter of time, though.
Also, cop killers happen fairly often. It's just they usually only kill one cop before being gunned down. Having military/police training would give someone much more ability to know how not to get shot immediately in retaliation.
How often are they deliberately anti-cop, not just criminals looking for an escape, though?
Good point.
Probably quite rarely since they know how stacked the odds are against them. Only veterans and cops would have the ability and confidence in their ability that they wouldn't just die after getting one round off, so other people probably don't bother.
"Celebrating a pointless death" ain't my definition of "pointing out police state practices".
Nice try, but the original post said.
That's not "Celebrating a pointless death" it's literally "pointing out police state practices".
I got stopped by a cop today, there was a robbery nearby, I matched the description of a possible suspect, we talked for a bit and I continued on with my business.
Where are all these horrible piggies that want to crack your skull in at a moments notice then mag dump you? I can't seem to find them.
you're white and not poor
Obligatory shitpost
The Monarchy returns to Brazil
Who's MSM?
He upheld the bourgeois laws. Sworn to protect them. He took part in the Big Blue Shield ideology. He gets no sympathy from me for I know he wouldn't spare any for myself.
why didn't he quit?
We disrupted their government to the point of it's collapse and slaughtered them till they were hiding in underground like insects, so we didn't get to put stars and stripes on the tallest hill and left early because of some stateside faggots whining, big whoop. Wars aren't clearcut like your movies little shit
All of this damage control
Have you guys seen the shooter's youtube channel yet?
People are going with the "oh he was crazy/schizo" thing but honestly he seems pretty lucid, just maybe thick enough to buy into some pretty retarded logic and rhetoric.
You were so afraid that communism might be the next step in human history, that you send all ya kids to die for nothing.
inb4 taken down
any highlights to the vid? he just seems like he's going to repeat some pretty mainstream rhetoric.
I wouldn't know because I got bored after 2 minutes.
That's why I think he was sane btw. I could listen to Elliot Rodger all day because of how hilarious his rants were, but this dude is just banal
this actually isn't so bad so far. he's not a kook as far as I can tell. he's wrong that nonviolent protest is pointless though. nonviolent protest is required as a component in a revolution, alongside militant action.
It may not be pointless, but sure as hell it isn't effective
lol never mind
This guy has a good point.
You are aware we destroyed their governments ability to function independently and caused them to secefe the economic embargoes in place with france, the entire reason the war was fought? This is why you sound like a retard when you say the US didn't win vietnam, we literally accomplished what we went there for, we just didn't get to raise a flag and declare it officially.
Because it's hard to become a NEET when you have a family.
So you are saying you did the frenchies bidding like good bitches? Ooohh, nice accomplishment
Police officer reprimanded for not profiling blacks and latinos
We destroyed them pretty good, but yeah, it was an absolute strategic failure for the US.
It's saddening that he, among other police, have been killed in these shootings, but they are inevitable manifestations of the increasing tensions produced by police brutality and the summary execution of civilians, particularly ethnic minorities.
Do I wish these shootings didn't occur? Of course I do, and not only because they are counterproductive to our goals and foments the possibility of a Nazi masturbation fantasy. I don't think these tragedies are avoidable at this point, though, and they will only continue and increase in frequency until the causes and tensions which produce them are addressed.
The comparison of the police with Nazi soldiers is nothing more than a ludicrous attempt at justifying the murder of police under the pretense of class war. Most police officers are unaware of their role as guard labor upholding the interests of the state, and are often to duped by a liberal false consciousness that they legitimately consider themselves to be public servants of the community for the greater good. Unlike Nazi soldiers, who were generally aware of what they were doing and often willingly served, the police officers are ignorant and unaware of their place in protecting capitalism and moreover lack the class consciousness to have any hope of reconsidering it.
Contrary to the rhetoric, we are not in an actual state of war. Class war is a metaphorical term, not a literal call to declare war on an entire class and those who serve it. Interpreting it as such is not only politically dangerous, but it impedes our short- and long-term goals and leads to a glorification of violence that is not only reminiscent of fascist ideology, but which is an integral philosophical position therein. If you are seeking "divine violence", go join Daesh or some other cryptofascistic death cult.
Perhaps when a violent revolution occurs and many of the police fight against it, openly attacking them would be an appropriate and justified measure. Until then, however, violent attacks like these—especially when they are committed by idpol-addled racists and mentally ill reactionaries—will only increase tensions and incite state violence at a time when the left is in no serious position to take advantage of the opportunity while fascists definitely are.
srsly do sum divine violence on urself
When I say you are wrong, it's not just because some cops and some black people died recently. It's because the contradictions of bourgeois society have been in America since its inception. Polce Depts in the south were founded on pre-existing slave patrols,
and it seems like you are ignoring the everyday violence against Black people in this country, and the lives lost by both black people and law enforcement over the decades. But MOSTLY I think I see the repression of black people as a class thing and you see it as a race thing. But this kind of shit is also happening
You know that 'revolution' that will 'perhaps occur' won't just pop into being, it will be a culmination of contradictions? If he police really don't know they are enforcers of bourgeois law, should we explain it to them by debating, or getting in their faces? Class struggle is an ideological counterpart of an objective process.
I'm not trying to glorify the violence I'm just trying to point out that it's gonna happen no matter what. Decolonization is always a violent phenomenon.
Hippies need to go and stay went
I didnt read the thread through yet but the shooter is a hotep
I hope we at least get our own black republic out of this bullshit
I wouldnt say ANY COP but i wouldnt be excessively whining about 'good cops versus bad cops' and related apologia ad nauseum…
I dont think that guy shot any police he was an open carry BLM member i yhought.
The Soviet heavily Union was pretty powerful as well
The USSR had that too
So did the USSR.
Race wars mean the american state appparatus fray amongst racial lines. I.e. some army unit or whatnot which is majority black sides with the black forces. But given how the American Empire melted everyone together into integrated units id expect a lot of desertions and defections instead.
So all that state power isnt useful if its paralyzed by black or white nationalist insurgents hanging out in the Gerogia woods sniping each other and whatever local military units which are aligned with their enemies.
I doubt youll be shot jist due to being white. You arent a police officer or a probation officer or anything are you? Of you are i suggest you resign soon and find a better (as in more socially beneficial) job
Given a lot of these seem to be anti state violence you should be safe. I havent seen racial terrorism against whites on the level of planting bombs into white churches or schools (yet?)……
The US has pretty good terrain to resist in if some hardcore "Dirty War" shit occirs. Also, shall we say fracturng of the military as a possibility
WWII German soldiers didnt have a. Hoice to go to war. Modern american police officers DO. Honestly pretending its a German soldier in 1942 or so humanizes him more and provides a bit more of a "removes close connection and bias" thing.
Black soldiers who fought for white american bullshit and reacted badly against it? They have first hand experience on how bullshit their actions were in foreign lands.
Thats not surprising. The second guy in Baton Rouge did a sojourn in Africa Chapelle style after his military tour so he got "woke" to use hotep speak.
It is intetesting but then again there's that saying of honor and duty. They felt a duty to their people to kill their preceived oppressors. Note something similar to Chris Dorner who had a similar outlook.
Theres articles online of american soldiers who occupied Iraq saying american police are shit at training and are just jackasses and compared how soldiers had better policing and ROE than some of the white police
I had some shithead railroad cop threaten to throw my bike off the station and destroy it because it was inside the station (the commutter rail company…corporation..government agency something for my metro hires off duty police to guard their metro )
Fuck douchebag pigs like that, i wouldnt feel sad if he got shot by an anti police activity. Though to be fair a lot of people at that commutter rail organization are fucking dicks. Conductors, ticket sales people, etx
What the fuck? So people postire in front of them theres running the policr crack down on the group?
Also, lol "suka"
Mainstream Media
Black Lives Matter scares me. They're shooting cops now but how long until they're shooting ordinary white citizens like me?
I don't deny the historical conditions which produced police departments in the United States, but I do object to treating all police officers in those departments as therefore continuing (and knowingly so) the legacy of those slave patrols and the like. It's simply untenable to assert something to ludicrous. Those historical conditions notwithstanding, police officers in the United States are not generally KKK-tier racists getting into the profession for the sole function of hunting down minorities. That's probably a significant portion of them, but by no means such an overwhelming majority that blanket generalizations are justified.
I see these events as based on both class and identity, specifically their ethnic and "racial" identities. I'm not ignoring the everyday violence against black people in the United States and in fact vehemently oppose it. That nevertheless does not justify the "open season on pigs" attitude that many on this board and, increasingly, in the United States have adopted. That might be acceptable in a revolutionary scenario, but not in the one we are currently in.
The wanton murder of police officers is not essential for that culmination.
Yes, explain it to them by debating and publicly promoting it among the radical left through protests and media. We need to start reporting on these incidents and capitalizing on these unfortunate tragedies by pointing out that they will only continue if the police don't recognize their role in oppressing their own class and serving their oppressors. Violent action against the police is almost certainly inevitable, but it's unnecessary to start now. In fact, it's counterproductive to our cause.
I recognize the virtual inevitability of these events, but I don't think we should embrace them as a celebratory phenomenon. We must recognize that these events are tragedies which may be necessary or useful to furthering our goals. In the end, however, lives are being lost and many people—who might simply be ignorant or unwittingly intoxicated by false consciousness—are dying under the sincere belief that they are doing what is best for people like you and me. If we lose sight of the human cost of these events, we will lose our humanity and open the doors for sociopathic opportunists to co-opt our revolution for their own personal bloodlust and aggrandizement.
In times of actual revolution, perhaps, but class war is above all a metaphorical description of the class antagonism inherent in class-based hierarchical systems like capitalism and the contradictions they produce.
Thay alreddy fuccd ur waifu so…
there wasn't a Nazi masturbation fantasy against arabs after 9/11
their wont be one now so calm down shabazz
I found this on facebook
The baton rouge shooter wasnt affiliated with BLM and the Dallas shooter HATED BLM im guessing because its leadership is full of reformist drivel (lol aligning woth police unions)
The US white population doesnt have a bred-in-the-bone anti arab animus. It does have an anti black one, given for example amendment II was structured to allow slave patrols as the slavers in the south knew the non slavinghold north would use any federal phrasing to halfass abolition through.
Or the declaration of independence mentioning slave rebellions as a grievancr
Or the whites who were triggered by black slaves fleeing for freedom and joining loyalist units
Or the black population being pretty pro British in general..
Or the seminole war basically being a war against freed black slaves AND native seminoles
You get the point. The US was built on racial animus and it probably will die on that same racial animus, likely triggered by a group descended at least partially literally from the early group of African slaves….
Nations deserve states to preserve and rebuild their cultures. Especially nations whose cultures were so horrifically brutalized and destroyed by imperialism.
Maybe when were more African and throw out all the cancerois foreign influences forced on us we can dissolve the state and go post scarcity with whites….
What do you tell those who the most aggressively have the hard boot of the american prison industrial complex to do then? Politely wait for 20 or however many years for the drug war to weaken even further? For weed to be legalized?
And this isnt even just black people. Theres the bullshit which sex offender registries are and how theyre causing new problems. The prison industrial complex is creating new victins, and sex offenders seem like a good target. And you know theyll target that shit on black people first.
On the bright hand itll make a lot of sex offender laws and whatnot statements bullshit in society (and perhaps pushing for removal of age of consent laws)…..only after a generation is sacrificed on the alter of permanent underclassness, likely poor black males disproportionately.
So, the option for those who who say on Ferguson are basically being used as a tax farm (look up the bullshit some cities do with cameras and whatnot)
Either do nothing, or target the people who enforce and have the choice to enforce bullshit laws.
Its better for would be insurgents to targrt judges and politicians, and given how….weakly defended some of them it would make sense. But the immediate threat which attracts the lightning rod is the police.
I am surprised thete arent more MRA aligned people, or feminists, or whatnot shooting up Judges given how vulnerable they are and how much bullshit some of them do and have done.
I would tell them to stop playing defense and to start politically organizing into a serious organization, and to begin using media attention on them to run political campaigns that seek to improve conditions for them by challenging offices that are or will be up for grabs. I would also recommend that they ramp up the protests and begin organizing marches on capitol buildings in the order of magnitude of tens of thousands or even millions. The current strategy of groups like Black Lives Matter are too meek and defensive and do little but pay lip service to these issues.
Already aware of it. I've been following these issues moderately closely, since I have noticed some revolutionary potential among them.
If they want to take out targets, at the very least shoot higher up in the chain of command, such as political officials who are promoting and causing this mess. I consider such violence to be counterproductive at this time, but if violence must be had, it should either target higher-ups or be performed en masse in the form of militant protests which antagonize the police into a skirmish. Lone gunmen are major liabilities and distract from the issues being protested by causing people to focus on gun laws, mental illness, and the ramblings of the shooter (which are generally not helpful) instead.
That based word-filter strikes again!
When will this postcolonial nonsense die?
What is the word being filtered?
When reparations for extracted wealth. Black cultural genocide and other ill harms are extracted
Alternatively, the dissolution of the variois countries in tbe new world which prwctices slavery and racial balkanization
Let me rephrase that. When will your ilk stop being retarded?
Hippie here, does not represent me.
gotta keep on the anarkiddies
Ah but there are some other things actually
This is just out of the question. There just aren't that many people who are gonna come out and march just on orders. At the very least you'd have to bring in the majority of people from out of the area or out of state. And tbh there isn't much difference between the BLM current strategy of 'lip service' vs what they could accomplish in bourgeois politics. I'm surprised to see an eco-anarchist talking about getting involved in state politics.
Again, my claim is that the history of US has been class struggle, both in slave plantations and industrial cities, involving workers and police. It's not that history is, or could (but preferably shouldn't) escalate into class warfare, it's that the violence of private property is always under the surface of apparent social phenomena, and surfaces when contradictions in the society become inflamed. Basically your notion of violence as counterproductive is itself counterproductive, and clearly self-contradictory ('if we must be violent, let us incur even greater losses to the enemy!').
Hey dude ever heard of divide and conquer? The fact is, when it comes down to it the people who are going to be serving for the corporations and the big government are the police and not some activist group who wants to curb their power.
I sure don't. I'm not a fucking hippie.
Class war is metaphorical, but it reifies once revolution is imminent.
Oh, my bad, did I not virtue signal my leftist allegiance for you? I'll be sure to never ever suggest that we maybe not act like complete fucking maniacs again, since clearly that's just milquetoast liberal incrementalism.
What I'm saying is that if you're going to engage in violent action, at least make it worth your fucking time and do some serious impact rather than "lone wolf" shootouts that always without question further discredits the radical left among the general populace and aggravates gun control advocates into a fever-pitch frenzy. Either go big or stay the fuck home and continue agitating, educating, and organizing.
That's just what they should do. BLM should coordinate interstate marches, rallies, and demonstrations, and perhaps even take after OWS with doing long-term demonstrations. These are the least the BLM movement can do to have a chance at making an impact, yet they aren't even doing that. I know they have revolutionary potential; I've listened to many of their speakers and everyday supporters. That #StayWoke nonsense is their version of class consciousness and, believe it or not, many are actually beginning to get class conscious. They need to start "staying woke" on the streets as their second homes rather than just whenever another person gets summarily executed.
At a municipal and county level, they can reform police departments and serve as model communities, or at the very least use the public positions as a bully pulpit to incite popular activism in the area. I'm not expecting much from it, but it's the very useful next step if they want to keep this movement alive and well-connected.
I'm an anarchist for lack of any more suitable place. Marxism, especially on here, is rife with Leninists, ML, and MLM reactionaries who belong right alongside Nazbol and Useful Idiotites in terms of their revolutionary potential. I'm fine with using state power if we absolutely must, but only as a last resort and only as a temporary measure in order to subvert the bourgeois state. The goal is ultimately to dismantle the state entirely, but until then, we don't really have much of any tools left to revitalize the radical left. Local office can serve as a platform for organizing, if only until a strong union or syndicalist movement can survive without it.
I'm saying that we don't have the social and political capital to be starting these stunts at this time. We don't have enough sympathy or support, and it'll only play into the hands of the political right. If we insist on doing them, though, then might as well strike fear into their hearts with high-value kills and just hope we don't start get hunted down as a terrorist group for doing so, or to use some method in order to convert civil protests into open skirmishes. I think all of them are terrible ideas at this time, but these sporadic shootings are not benefiting us while only hurting our standing. If we're going to blow our standing anyway, let's at least register as a serious threat.
Sure thing, hippie
I'm sure BLM is doing that.
I think its [email protected]/* */ war. See Nazi masturbation fantasy
Race war?
race war?
Thanks eco-user. I was just giving you a hard time. The reason I poo-poo'd the mass actions is because people just don't have time to manifest or access to transport. That isn't to say that BLM could do better organizing, but I would be happier to see the rank and file self-organize.
I agree, the next development of the struggle could be a change in trend from lone wolves to organized fire teams or cells. That would be a huge change, and I think the frustration and social consciousness is there.
If we don't address anthropogenic global warming and climate change first, we will no longer have a civilization to transform into a socialist or communist society. The issue of climate change is so exigent that we must, at all costs, address it as soon as possible, even if that means postponing the communist revolution and even if that means the rise of green fascism or other authoritarian forms of government which can forcibly reorient society into one that is at least environmentally sustainable. If that does not occur, game's over. We won't be able to afford the luxury of waiting for the opportune time because we're at a point that it's going to be too late to save human civilization itself, if it isn't already.
I can only hope so.
Addressing global warming and being a environmentalist are not the same thing.
Care to explain the difference? If you mean that an environmentalist cares more about the environment than just global warming and its threat to human civilization, then I agree and I am an environmentalist.
Environmentalists would stifle human progress to save a random fish because that river needs to be diverted for agriculture or whatever you have it. Global warming is a serious issue that must be dealt with. Stopping human progress because of some wild animal species isn't.
Oh, in other words you have no fucking clue what you're talking about and you're more interested in propping up intellectually lazy strawman than providing meaningful commentary.
If humanity cannot progress without destroying its own habitat and killing off countless animals, then it is clearly an invasive parasite unworthy of continued existence.
Just grape them
not that anarcho greens or primitivists or whatever aren't retarded but you're seriously just dumb
Hiding behind "muh pure ideology" isn't an excuse for the objective fact that humanity is a parasitic and invasive species that is literally destroying its planetary environment. I don't need to decide that humanity is unworthy of continued existence if it fails to change; nature will do so itself and kill us off for the reasons described previously.
is there DearBoomers shilling going on or what
There is nothing objective about something being worthy or unworthy of existing.
Then fine, I'll use its synonym: humanity is unfit for continued existence. Better?
No. Not better.
Clearly, we aren't masters of our environment. Or are you saying that we are intentionally and consciously attempting to render our entire planet uninhabitable? I wasn't aware that we are already actively engaged in the deliberate deterraforming of Earth. Here I was believing that it was just an unintentional externality of the capitalist mode of production!
Sure thing, hippie.
We are powerful enough to reshape the world, but we are not masters over it. Mastery implies control. We obviously don't control how we're reshaping the environment. Just because we are powerful enough to do so, that doesn't mean we have mastered our domain. This should be obvious, or is that too much nuance for you, retard?
And animals are class concious too right? Shoo shoo, comradeVAC.
Stay in your containment chat, cancer.
stay mad
Are you legitimately retarded? I'm more of a transhumanist and posthumanist who actively encourages technological progress and civilizational growth. Anarcho-troglodytes aren't even taken seriously among eco-leftists, nor should this flag represent them, given they don't even support the technology required to produce flags. They are indeed reactionaries and should be treated as such.
If you are so ignorant about contemporary leftism that you think this flag represents only anarcho-troglodytes, then you're clearly unqualified to be having a serious discussion on such matters and shouldn't be taken seriously when you participate. Lurk more, newfag, or get the fuck off the board.