This is the story the media won't report. It's wiki leaks final leak the day before the election just so the people of Holla Forums can finally relax. The final leak is directly for us Holla Forums since we obviously appreciate it the most.
I'm always worried by things like this. Even if what you say is true (source fucking needed), there is no point "relaxing." Its better to fear a loss and fight against it then fall into complacency.
thats my point, this isn't a poll, this is a survey done with a google van, apparently clinton's sign is being outnumbered by millions of trump sign, if trump loses, it was definitely rigged, you just can't make this shit up.
Jack Hill
Not in this election cycle.
Nolan Powell
No where in the article is
I'm not listening to the video because I can't look at the hamplanets or listen to the nasally cunt. Where is your source for above info?
Easton Thompson
Can confirm, I live in fucking Commiefornia of all places, in an upper class coastal town no less, and never see Hillary yard signs actually in people's yards; only two times I saw one here were on road medians. Meanwhile there is a Trump sign prominently displayed in the window of a house I pass by every day. I rarely see Hillary bumper stickers or clothing either and when I do it's a fucking cat lady who has them.
Grayson Nguyen
I can believe that there are more trump signs… but 150m…? half the US population? are there even that many houses?
Grayson Johnson
user, they put up election signs in places other than homes.
Andrew Mitchell
some yards have multiple signs
Jordan Richardson
I'm probably wrong but it might be extending beyond residential zones.
Hudson Flores
Do you think they counted billboards as well? I've seen a shitload here in TN.
Sebastian Rogers
Totally anecdotal but I couldn't keep count of the Trump signs I saw driving 85 miles from where I am in central Ohio to my parents in northwest Ohio. I saw three Hillary, yeah its pretty rural but just throwing it out there.
John Murphy
Disgusting. I drove 300 miles to Memphis and even there I never saw a single Hillary sign. Trump signs were uncountable within 10 miles. It's ridic.
They used an algorithm. The algorithm probably counted the same signs multiple times. Remember how google street view works; you move down the street a little but the signs might still be visible. Whose property is the sign on? This is an algorithm that would be nearly impossible to code perfectly, but at least it is going to screw up the numbers equally for both candidates. That means there might only be 5 million for hillary and 75 million for Trump… or less even.
Colton Phillips
Let them have this one. There's like 3 demoralization threads on the first page of the catalog. CTR is fucking itself over with this one even if it is a slide.
Camden Miller
how many of those 5 million were "hillary for prison" and other ones? Only Hillary signs I see on my drive to work is one that says "Hillary for prison 2016" and another with a cow pissing on Hillary. See around 5 or 6 Trump signs
Charles Gutierrez
Eat shit you one upping faggot.
Where were you driving from though?
Carter Nelson
Meant for
Colton Hill
I didn't mean you, cunt. I meant the shillary sign. I'm in TN. I know we can't all be perfect.
Henry Wright
Trump will undoubtedly win the popular vote.
Chase Myers
TN is nice tbh, would be my choice state if I moved south.
Luis White
how can you rig this election with all those numbers so much on the contrast?
truly it would cause a fucking shitstorm if trump loses.
Isaiah Garcia
Yeah, it will.
Angel Harris
Pretty simple: the majority doesn't even know its real strength, nor the unaltered survey findings (which would indicate Trump is ahead).
They consume mass media. Even the majority of Trump supporters is consuming it.
And the mass media is already paving the ground for a rigged outcome of the election ("Hillary ahead in all polls" etc.). This has gone so far that even hardcore Trump supporters started to doubt Donald's chances.
The funny thing is: a couple of weeks ago, before the media ignited the final stage (telling downright lies) Trump was ahead even in their own polls.
Mason Williams
Nothing but Trump signs all up and down my state. I only saw one for Clinton. Fucking Johnson has more signs than Clinton here, not even joking. There's at least one Trump sign on ever road. Frequently multiples.
Even the Clinton bumper stickers are rare. The last one I saw was on some bitch's Kia that force merged me in a work zone.
And somehow the electoral maps keep showing my state as blue. I bet there's been some Upton Sinclair Chicago shit going on here for decades.
How the fuck are they going to spin this? Calling the level of Trump support a landslide at this point is a serious understatement.
Liam Edwards
Fellow Commiefornian here. Lucky you. Where I live, I get the sense that everyone's blackpilled (They're both terrible) or an occasional bluepill who believe it's not easy to rig elections and it doesn't happen. However everywhere I've gone, I've only seen one "I'm with Her" bumpersticker. No signs. Occasionally a pro-police blue American flag, and once a Trump flag accompanying it.
Ayden Ortiz
Commiefornia is the one place I'm not going to blame people for being blackpilled. It's so lopsided that presidential candidates have ignored it during general election campaigns for at least 12 years, if not longer.
Jonathan Moore
Nathan Garcia
Here in FL I see far more Trump stickers and signs (even a group that stood at a busy intersection for a few days during rush hour waving Trump signs: high energy), and that is even despite Trump signs being removed within three days of being placed.
Here's the great thing: the signs are always put right back up within two days. It's just an anecdote, but the energy and numbers definitely appear to be strongly in Trump's favor here.
Henry Stewart
If (((they))) try ti rig this election, its going to make the 1955 State of Vietnam referendum look a PTA argument.
Remember, that shit spun out of control in a country and time with ni internet, limited phone networks, and terrible road service. Imagine how quickly the fire will rise thanks to the star trek technology in your pocket.
Liam Hernandez
Even assuming the algorithm double/triple/etc counts, it would do it for both parties, thus the ratio itself, if not the actual numbers, of 5 Clinton to 150 trump (1:30) still stands.
It's true it might also count billboards etc. but of course we all know Hillary is putting much more money into advertising than Trump, so factoring that in would only widen the gap. With every reason to distrust the MSM's polling, alternative metrics like these provides some of the only genuine inights into actual popular support. The only others I know of are 1. Trump's rally turnouts vs. Hillary's and 2. The very nervous comments in the podesta emails referring to Trump's strong lead, both of which overwhelming favor Trump
Get this to the trump campaign, get this to the people. The country is not just leaning trump, but all in for him. If only we make sure they know it, and make sure the establishment knows they know it, the election won't be able to be stolen without blood being spilt.
Hunter Turner
Kek assures it.
Captcha read qCRTgk. spooky shit.
Jayden Gonzalez
Jayden Watson
Your dubs have spoken.
Carson Adams
hah! Just like I was saying with my trusty, bumper sticker count. Lawns work just as well for what's real.
Day after the election, ctr fags should Jonestown themselves.
Easton Anderson
Only 125 million people voted in 2012, I call bullshit.
Unless there's a shitload of people with multiple signs.
Mason Harris
in LA I always see hillary stickers but only once say a trump sticker. Many people still like him of course but don't want to get harassed.
Kevin Nguyen
A poster that I wish I screencapped provided an interesting alternative metric. It was a big rig driver who reported a deluge of Trump signs across the country with Clinton's support nowhere to be seen.
More reports from truckers who weren't too tired to note the signs would be good. Anecdotes to back up the algorithmic proof of Zerg rush.
Wyatt King
Owen Taylor
Elijah Gutierrez
"She got Dat money, I ain't gonna spend no time out voting for her Azz. Maybe she shud pay my gas money if she want me out there so much, she so rich"
Samuel Lopez
My only question is how often is the entirety of Google Street View updated, because that can have a big impact on the results.
Also in a state like Minnesota where there are zero fucking Trump or Hillary signs anywhere, but you can be sure that SOMEONE in this state will be voting for them.
Kevin Ross
driving to and from work in the outer Bay Area this past year, I have personally seen: 1x Hillary sticker 1x Trump sticker 1x Hillary for Prison sticker 2x Johnson signs, in road medians
Not counting the Hillary for Prison sticker on my car or the one I gave to a co-worker. I also put up a Trump sticker in the window while I drive, and take it down when I am about to park somewhere (especially at work where there are a ton of illegals loitering around - REEEEEEE I hate them so much).
It really is eerie that there is like…nothing…either from "they're both bad" or "I will get fucked up if I show support for Trump"
Jason Gomez
Anonymous voting means people don't realize how many there are. We keep telling you they rig the msm polls for this reason. They may have doubts, but with not enough confidence in their suspicion they might let them get away with it. That's why wearing red is important.
Easton Edwards
Wouldnt be surprised if true, but this smells like a CTR false flag to discredit wikileaks like that other "leaked document" that had some bullshit about projecting the image of aliens onto the sodium in the atmosphere
Why do I think this?
overall I am thoroughly skeptical. my kike senses are tingling big time here until OP gives evidence
Caleb Butler
Nigga were is de proofs for verification?
William Williams
In my blue state (paradise), I have only seen 4, yes four clinton/kaine signs. In Chicagoland area I drive around the upper 85% of income earners as well as the lower 15% of income earners and in all my travels I have seen all of 4 yard signs, and maybe 5 or so bumper stickers. Now I seldom see Trump signs or bumper stickers, (this Chicago were talking about) I would some credit to OP. However, vigilance is still needed. Go out and vote!
Sebastian Watson
Can confirm in my county that there are more Trump signs than Hillary, yet they can't find enough people protrump in order to act as election officials to allow voting. Decent chance that the early voting session will be lost on account of not finding some 150 Trump supporters.
We require voter ID, both sides having notarized officiates, paper ballots, and encourage early voting. But some 300k votes for mostly Hillary will be lost it seems on account of actually being fair.
Where does that count on the rigging scale?
Its rather curious to me, like all the Hillary support went down like showing nationalism in Shoaha land. Seen more old bumper stickers than new, save one of the Trump sticker coated pickups/the one. Its making me very curious why, if its nobody wanted this choice, people are sort of MAD about the signs and property? Sadly missed my session with the representatives this year on account of travel to ask first hand.
Jack Turner
Make that 150 million and 1
Joshua Barnes
opnigger where the fuck is the source for the street sign count. The article you posted just talks about cheap dykes.
Elijah Richardson
Jaxson Morris
I've only seen one or two Clinton signs. This is in Missouri.
Josiah James
Our turnout will probably be yuge. People like to virtue signal on goybook for Hillary, but how many of these millennials will make it to the polls? Trump is bringing in a major chunk of people who normally don't vote because they know there is no difference between a cuckservative and a democrat. And Hillary's supporters are overconfident, which could lead to low turnout on their side.
Gabriel Baker
What, like in the OP?
Kevin Barnes
I have a third anecdote to report. In the past week I drove across the state of Michigan diagonally from the SE to the NW, and the ratio of Trump to hillary signs was around 7-2. I counted houses or businesses as "1" rather than individual signs, however there were far more and far larger Trump signs than hillary.
Jack Fisher
Good news never means that one should relax. When coal is thrown into the fire chamber of the Trump Train, does the fire then cool itself because something it wants has been presented? No, it burns hotter, providing more heat to boil the water and give more power to the train.
Jacob Reyes
Polls or voting means jackshit when the system is rigged from the beginning mate.
I ask this, What will pol, or what can you do knowning the system is RIGGED? What are you going to do? Post memes? Post more threads about it? GO ahead, it will matter little.
You know this to be true that Trump is in trouble. He will probably not get in due to the rigged elections. And if somehow he DOES get in, he will GET assassinated, maybe within a few months if not weeks or days after elections.
Either Hillary wins, or Trump, and then he gets elected, with a topping of assassination.
Do you honestly, think Trump winning means we won? Or that good things will come? No, he will get killed, and then what? Wouldnt Hillary fill him in? or the Vice President? Do you think they will LET Trump be president for full term? Pfft.
Don't be naive Holla Forums, you all know how this will end up.
Parker Davis
Cheese head here. I see fucking Hillary signs and stickers all over the place in urban areas. But once you get out to the countryside it's all Trump or even Johnson.
Thomas Smith
In DC suburb here. No one flies a Hill flag. Not even in town, she's just so poisonous that no one wants to think about her. Some will vote but I suspect that shit loads of libs will nig out and sit this one out at home.
Same goes for nigs, I expect half of obabos turnout, plenty of those for trump. I know there are trump supporters here as I talk to them but they hide it. One guy at a fair recently had head to toe maga, everyone was afraid to look at him because he pretty much knew he wasn't going to be talked to by supporters, but was willing to bite a libs head off, was pretty funny.
Evan Jenkins
It would be curious if all the people in the blue States on this board would count out the number of Trump signs vs. hillary signs that they have seen. I live in the Chicagoland area and I have already posted the number of signs I have seen (>>7932744). Because to me, there just isn't any real support for hillary in even a hard core blue states.
Dominic Sanders
I live in Minnesota, and I've seen Trump signs out in the countryside. Not one Clinton sign, though.
Nicholas Johnson
Enjoy a steam locomotive in Flir thermal.
Have fun with the EXIF data.
Benjamin Barnes
I live in a border city with a majority of spics and despite that I have only seen 4 shillary signs at most. All of the local gun ranges have Trump signs both inside and out but that's expected.
Colton Turner
How often does Google update the pictures on street view?
Also, 150 million seems unrealistically high. There was only like 127 million votes total in the last election, and most voters don't have a sign.
Ian Taylor
The year were Civil War 2 and World War 3 have a equal chance to happen. With addition of mass redpill. [CURRENT YEAR] 0 is being a great year.
Julian Cruz
You're telling me there are over a hundred mil Trump signs? That's impressive.
Wyatt Thompson
Does this poll account for all of the stolen Trump signs? It doesn't obviously, but I=if it did… bricks would be shit
Camden Bailey
Well like OP's pic, I'm obviously assuming people have multiple signs.
Carson Hernandez
Actually, a fire cools as you add fuel until the fuel ignites and a proper fuel air ratio is regained. Coal is a very poor thing to use for this, as it has a high ignition point, much like tar and crude. The Trump train should be nuclear powered, like our future, once turned on it, can only ever be paused, never halted, and always ready to go again.
Parker Diaz
CHAD eat literally only PIZZA while you are working out in the GYM all DAY he FUCKS stacey with his superior HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME
kys fgt
Angel Jackson
HOLY FUCK Why am I not surprised though?
Eli Sullivan
nice b8 8/8
Dylan Martinez
I'm going to echo this. How often does Google Maps update? I know of I Google my own house you can still see the previous family from five years ago. You can look around town and see businesses that don't exist anymore thanks Obama. Using Google Maps to count Trump signs sounds really strange.
Justin Campbell
Austin Carter
Joshua Collins
it's an explanation point ya dips
Carter Harris
Carson Ross
My friend just went on a long ride for work that took him on a loop through the entirety of upstare new york
he said there's Trump signs on nearly every single lawn and it would be a surprise if she got even ten votes.
Jeremiah Bell
(and the ones without trump signs were just empty, not a single sign for crooked hillary)
Jose Baker
Angel Wright
This is CTR trying to be sly and make an excuse for why we're all seeing so many Trump signs and zero Shillary signs. Kikel-media had to address this phenomena and this is what they came up with. Move along, slide thread.
Liam Ward
That's very telling. Hillary Clinton's supposed to be the 'safe' option. Open support for Clinton doesn't get you attacked, or threatened or targeted by insane leftists who are so hostile to different opinions. You would think, considering this, that there would be widespread open support for her but there isn't.
Josiah Green
Nathan Brown
The majority of Clinton's support is among low agency minorities.
Jacob Williams
This is it boys. 2 years of meme magic to summon an egyptian frog god.
4 of clubs, path of light.
Zachary Barnes
You must be passing by Scott Adam's house.
Nathaniel Fisher
120m dwellings in the whole USA 150m political signs in "front yards" Yeah, nah.
Brayden Gomez
That was me user. I drive a tanker.
For months now, everywhere I drive I see Trump signs several times a day. It's common to see a big Trump banner or billboard in farm fields, RV windows and front lawns of houses in little towns. The ratio must be 100:1. I asked a room full of drivers a couple of months ago if they were seeing the same thing and they all agreed.
In contrast, I've seen a handful of small Hillary yard-signs or bumper stickers - total - in months.
The enthusiasm gap seems obvious to me.
Brandon Edwards
wikileaks said we can't win though
Austin Hughes
Praise kek. >w-what do you mean i cant just show up to vote i had to register??
Camden Mitchell
Hey remember that guy Bernie Sanders. He had similar internet/social media numbers.
Not a shill btw just this shit means nothing.
Luis Lewis
Talk about your evidence that wikileaks is compromised what the absolute fuck is this drivel?
Hudson Howard
And he lost the nomination because they rigged it. And we know they rigged it.
Trump is not Bernie. He's more vigilant and he doesn't roll over. That's why Trump could succeed.
All you goyim should read this. It's from the leftist perspective of transfat activist Michael Moore, but it's really energizing to read. He's basically telling all his fellow marxists "no, stop celebrating like you won. Trump is going to win and you need to accept it". How demoralized he sounds makes my dick rock hard. And he actually makes some legitimately good points about why Trump is going to win.
Michael Morales
What did he mean by this?
Levi Gutierrez
God he's such a salty faggot
Wyatt Fisher
I honestly don't know. You're expecting a coherent world view from a marxist. Marxists fall into one of two groups: the followers are just dumb cattle who genuinely believe all this bullshit and are blind to the glaring contradictions. And then there are the (((leaders))) who know very well that it's all bullshit, but they argue in bad faith and push their narrative anyway.
It's actually hard to say where Moore is. Is he actually a moron who genuinely believes this bullshit?
The funny thing about Moore is that back in the 00s, not too long ago, he was making documentaries about how the evil corporations were outsourcing all the jobs and killing the midwest, how china is bad, how the iraq war and interventionism is bullshit, etc. But for some reason, he absolutely hates Trump. But it's most likely because he's intellectually dishonest and never actually gave a shit about "the workers" or blue collar people or any of that shit that he presented himself as caring about.
Samuel Richardson
Where is the quote originally from? What's the sauce on this?
How many of these signs did they even produce?
As much as I would like to believe the polls don't reflect reality, everyone was saying the same shit about Romney and he still lost.
Even if Trump has the majority vote nationally, the electoral college may still give it to Hillary. Even if we assume the most favorable poll for Trump (ABC) is accurate, Hillary still wins with 272. For Trump to beat her, he has to win ALL of the toss up states, and then a few states that are leaning Hillary.
I'm sure it's entirely possible, and yes I urge you to vote Trump on election day, but if he loses that really should not surprise anyone at this point.
Julian Morris
I'd normally love reading this, except that Moore has been wrong about literally every prediction he has ever made.
Asher Collins
Lucas Reyes
If i were a US citizen and voting with the only information available being his blog entry, i would vote for Trump. He's not very coherent.
Admitting people voting for Hillary are so dumb and lazy they won't even move from their coach…
So Trump was/is right and Clinton screwed up.
Sure in hell won't vote for a democrat!
muh gender, if i were bluepilled i wouldn't care, it is not an argument
I wouldn't either. She seems like you cannot trust her.
So Clinton will make us go to war? Sure in hell won't vote for her. Trump is "psycho" though
What? Not voting for Clinton definitely.
The system is broken? So probably I will vote for Trump to give (((them))) a message.
Perfect. Let's shake things up. Made my mind.
Michael Parker
(reluctant check) CALLING BULLSHIT Google street view doesn't constantly update. It's literally a dude driving around in a car. I just looked up my small town on street view and the last time it was updated was about two years ago.
Maybe streetview updates more frequently in the cities but the cities=/=all of america. The only way this could happen is if google used their satellites to get real time footage of an overhead view of yards… in which case you couldn't see what's on the yard sign anyway beause yard signs point to the street not to fucking space.
All that the article states is that Trump gives his signs away for free and that Hillary charges $20 for her in the form of a donation. The only thing that proves is why Trump signs are so fucking abundant and that Hillary voters may be incognito because they were too cheap to donate.
Fuck off with this bullshit.
Lincoln Roberts
it's probably because the GOP primary was more heated and conservatives are probably more likely to use actual signs to promote their candidate
Liam Lee
My town has only trump+Pence signs. I have never seen a Hillary sign and only 2 Bernie bumper sticker ones.
These KIKES know the score, they are so alone and scared in their shit filled corner like the rats they are.
Camden White
I dispute this. Liberals are often shoving their politics in people's faces + Hillary's the 'safe' option so it's not like they fear repercussions for showing open support for her (although God knows what their paranoid delusions are telling them)
Landon Rodriguez
There used to be obama signs all over places like PA, Florida, and Ohio. Hillary signs are nonexistent now.
Daniel Morgan
Can confirm. I live in a swing state and have seen exactly 1 Hilary sign in a sea of Trump yard signs. This is across about 4 different counties.
No Hillary signs outside of the cities, that are mostly black, and the signs are put up by the white liberal residential minority.
Aaron Watson
live in ohio.
only clinton signs ive eer seen were by a jews house and his neighbor
Alexander Green
Wouldnt the # of signs also be a bit high because there is a off chance that people might steal your sign and you have to replace it?
Thomas Edwards
So you are telling me that all the roads in the U.S got updated again?
I think that's kinda bullshit.
Jason Allen
Michael Lopez
Hillary supporters are too poor to have houses, yards, or buy signs.
David Johnson
Luke Rivera
None of your shit makes any sense. Brain parasites?
Austin Lewis
You must be new, we live for the happening! Chaos is a ladder and traitors get the gallows.
is this accurate in how bernouts and niggers feel about hillary?
Jace Parker
yes, but niggers still love shill4hill
Camden Bell
there were 125 votes in 2012 election if you are enthusiastic to buy a Trump sign, you're probably going to vote for the guy
Jason Smith
TBH there's alot of soccer moms and millenials who aren't into politics, so they're not putting signs up. However they're voting for hillary because they're bluepilled or they're SJW/liberal and want to stop trump evil meanie racism.
There's people voting for shillary but they dislike her, they just dislike trump more because they're bluepilled. Signs aren't a good sign to measure vote count.
One can say that trump voters definitely are much more enthusiastic about making a difference and making the country better.
Lincoln Anderson
He predicted general Wesley Clark becoming the democratic nominee in 2004. Then Howard Dean. Then predicted Romney would be president in 2012. Just to name a few. The guy is like the opposite of a crystal ball.