Will there be a redemption arc?
Will there be a redemption arc?
Yes. It begins and ends with his suicide.
why does Holla Forums hate him?
why does anyone like a fucking youtube comedian/critic let alone one who looks like a fucking piece of shit
i like him
It is funny how he became what he hated the most (hipsters)
No, he went full Trumpshill.
Holla Forums is full of Holla Forumslacks who hate anybody right-wing and Holla Forumslacks so embarrassed by their sincere belief that Trump was their savior that they now hate anyone who convinced them to vote for him.
Euro/pol/ would be laughing if they weren't so fucked up too
He can't redeem from this
They can't really laugh considering they supported Le Pen and Geert Wilders.
When he converts to Judaism and becomes rabbi Samuel Hydowitz, his final form.
That ended up not being him. I was sad. He may have put furshit in World Peace though.
You wanted that to be him sucking dick? Why?
Poor phrasing. It would have been funnier if it were him.
That sounds like some damage control Sam would shill out. It's ok Sam, it's 2017, dick slobering is the new normal.
Fuck this guy and fuck anybody that knowingly supports this scamming, cheating, lying piece of shot. You represent everything that is wrong with modern day America and you have no idea how much decent folk despise you. Winter is coming Holla Forumseddit, how will you who have only ever known summer's survive?
but he rejected trump after the syria strikes
too late, he already spent a year shilling him on his twitter and in videos and then even had Charls say "vote trump" in an episode of World Peace, its too late for him to regain dignity (of healthcare) now.
So you would have preferred Hillary Clinton?
If Sam turned full HillShill or BernieBot it would have sucked just as much.
Holla Forums has always been a pro-democrat board. Fuck off back to Holla Forums Trump cuck
I think the real reason for the the anti-Sam sentiment here (aside from the /leftycucks/) is that he's become a loser. He was doing well, gaining momentum and scoring hits, and then he lost his show. And he hasn't recovered. Nobody likes a loser.
Modern day Bill Hicks.
Are you a mad brony that gave money to his kickstart by any chance?
but bill cucks was a faggot
He's still alive
Holla Forums was right wing up until about mid-2014, ever since it has been strictly left wing. Lurk more.
The complete lies aside, isn't it funny that a leftard would invoke tradition as an argument.
"Sudocuck" is just an elaborate spook created so that the mods can collaborate with the Holla Forumsluters that have trashed our once great board, they just use "le sudocuck" meme to dismiss legit criticism.
I'll say one thing about "sudocuck", love him or hate him, he was right.
dude, you're just not as funny as the original sudosperg, get out
Can't be our Sammy
Nah man, modern day (((Kaufman)))
all the leftyshill drumfposting is from /int*/ goons who hang around here because this is the only board that harbors them instead of blowing them the fuck out
No he didn't, he criticizes trump very heavily in the first part of this hydewars
Nice reading comprehension. Protip: There never was one.
i told you you're not as funny, stop trying
You're the corrupt mod aren't you?
People only hate Sam because he is slightly popular. Holla Forums is full of hipster fucks who thinks it's cool to hate on everything. By there logic, hating on stuff is "trolling".
>(((Sam Hyde)))
Pick one.
It's more of an Holla Forums thing to ruin this board than a Holla Forums thing. But I can't even remember what the Sudo guy's original complaint even was, and the name is definitely used by shitposters to deflect blame.