ITT: fuck you I liked it
ITT: fuck you I liked it
what's she doing there with her hand?
waving it while going 50mph+
is this the onw about the assburgers
t. has posted in 11 spiderman and wonder woman threads
Meant for
should be punishable by death tbh
The trap on the right passes better than the one on the left.
No you're just a reddit faggot tbh, that guy is actually gy, also she's one of the few that looks good with short hair, very nice in the film.
Ii'd like to perk the wall of her flower, if you know what I mean
Reddit loves Emma. They go wild for trannies.
They don't though, they like her in the same way that reddit would like water. You know the reddit test that's fullproof? 4chan is reddit and 4chan hates her and instead likes every single actress on this list.
lol phoneposter. Image is useless anyway for your argument as there is no favorite tranny list. Emma is not an actress. Emma is a tranny.
What are you even talking about family I have posted that from my computadora and she stole the show arguably in the highest grossing film of 2001 shes been an actress longer than you have had love life. She isn't just an actress though, she likes to paint,dance,write,sing etc.
Rebbit REddit Riibbit
It is actually a good film tbh
I didn't expect much when I watched it but I was pleasantly surprised, it's enjoyable but also has some deeper meaning
It's kino
Phoneposting tranny lover
Still no
I know right, I usually don't like high school era set films, its good
The tunnel scene is pure kino too tbh
It just seems to work tbh
This got me spooked, I thought she was going to slam into the side of the tunnel.
lol fat fingered the wrong post on your touchscreen
I'm on my computer
It did work very well and it happens to be one of my favorite bowie songs, pure kino
Posting some good bowie
Get some taste, faggot.
I do have impeccable taste of every genre, philistine.
nigger please. if your waifu was in it you would watch the typical whedon shlock and call it kino.
He must be playing one of those beasts.
Nope because she would never do that faggot she did good blockbusters for a decade and has since afforded to not do capeshit and schlock like Kong Skull island, shes picked things with good scripts and directors since, again sorry for your horrid taste. Noah was basically a big budget indie mobie.