Today, I want to make two little polls about leftypol's class and "ethnic" origins in order to refute Holla Forums ambivalent accusations. I'm tired to read their arguing when they come on this board, because it always revolves around two ad hominem rhetorics : either they call us racecucked petty bourgeois, either they think that we are all issued from ethnic minorities. Maybe should we get some stats for the next time.
Plus I'm curious about who are my fellow comrades ;). My guess concerning "race" is that we are representative of the general US population, most of us being perfectly white in Holla Forums's definition, with perhaps a greater proportion of blacks and Latinos (due to class conditions). My guess concerning class is that we are mostly (at 90%) from lower classes and inferior middle class.
Also, lets discuss about Holla Forums's way of thinking. I still don't understand what they exaclty think about the RadLeft. Do they conceive us as white traitors, "ethno-masochists" or deluded ones ? Or do they believe we are a coalition of non-whites or something like that ?
Xavier Richardson
Angel Lopez
They think of us as traitors, mostly towards are race or nationality. At the end of the day they think that we should be thrown in a deathcamp and shot. we're also massive cucks
Either way, I think most people on this board are white and certainly in the lower end of the class spectrum. It's hard to get many people to join Marxist circles becuase, as we know how they system is made, they're either too bogged down in their job and life that they can't read theory and look into how Capitalism has failed them. Other than that it's typically lack of interest becuase it "dosen't affect them" or they "can't change it."
Socialists and Marxists are scarce in the more well-off levels of society which dosen't come as a surprise, other than that they're typically just pesudo-liberals who are on their high horse becuase they give £5 a week to a charity of their choice and they went vegan. fml
Liam Ross
what the fuck is this class division
Ethan Diaz
Does it really matter how shit my life is or my job is compared to a Holla Forumsock? I still have to work for a living, or rather i would if i could since the last job i had almost ending with me getting crushed to death. All that matter is whether or not you're a worker or not, not if you're a slightly better paid worker, were still getting fucked up the ass.
Nathaniel Green
I chose to divide population on the basis of job and patrimony because "traditionnal" class division was too vague. Some would say a middle grade manager is a higly paid proletarian, while an artisan would be considered as a "petty-burgeois". How do you classify a surgeon issued from modest background with no heritage ? It would be necessary to delimitate at least 10 or more classes to encompass everyone. And even, each of these class would not be enough precise and some categorization would be arbitrary
I preferred a simplistic stratification based on affluence. I assume this choice.
I fully agree. And that is true objectively. But not subjectively : people from upper middle class must be statistically less class consicous and more tied to the established order than to most "down-to-earth" workers
Hudson Gutierrez
As much as i understand where you coming from (fighting a narrative and so on…) I'm not sure you can really have a point when using an anonymous strawpoll.arguing with a Holla Forumshack.
Jayden Garcia
Nothing but a reaction to Holla Forums's views.
Holla Forums hates jews - Holla Forums loves jews. Holla Forums hates SJW - Holla Forums warms up to SJWs.
Kayden Mitchell
When they are not claiming that we are unconcerned petty bourgeois, they are suspecting us to be the "racial enemy".
Of course a strawpoll proves nothing in absolute, but perhaps it could inspire them some doubts …
Daniel Bell
Not a very good predictor of politics: even very poor small business owners tend to be reactionary as fuck. Same with lumpen-proles.
Justin Howard
Holla Forums will find a way to mock us no matter what races we are.
Michael Campbell
This may be true. Im not actually sure if it is or not because i dont think a statistic like that actually exists but a class conscious "upper middle class" worker is still a class conscious worker.
Lincoln Hughes
I voted, but most people today have distorted view of what class is today.
Upper middle class is today the petit bougeoisie, while everything below is working class and the destitute poor.
Jaxon Reed
I mostly just think you're naive, sheltered college students who have been mistakenly led to believe you're smart.
Parker Garcia
I' tolerant of Leftist ideology, but I think you're woefully misguided when it comes to race.
I don't wanna throw blanket accusations around, but many of you just don't see that racism is the taboo #1 for the Establishment which you claim to hate. If you were more open to ethnonationalism, I'm sure you could find common ground with many on Holla Forums who also take a dim view of capitalism.
The non-Whites have to fucking go. Everything else is negotiable.
Chase Walker
I think you're naive sheltered minimum wage suburbanites who've been not only mistakenly led to believe you're smart, but that academics aren't as smart as you, and ultimately, to act against your best interests based upon tagging of your insecurities and emotions.
Ryder Bell
I will gladly listen to your exposition upon Marxism-Leninism (well, not really, but I'll feign interest) if you agree to make the West white again.
My best interests do not involve having non-Whites in my country. Yours, ultimately, don't either, for the people could focus wholly on economic inequality if racial minorities, and with them, racial resentment, disappeared.
Jack Lewis
Thomas Cruz
Aiden Peterson
Why did you post a poll about class on a left wing board and not include working class?
Robert Ward
David Brooks
Racial resentment is a spook. Once we seize the means of production the jew will not have enough power to force silly beliefs like that on us.
Luke Diaz
The fact that he used income strata for "class" should tell you everything.
Brayden Barnes
OP, you are pursuing a fool's errand.
One of my ancestors signed the Declaration of Independence (at least according to family) and I have quite a few relatives that fought in wars; my uncle was a Catholic priest and died early this year; all of my extended family that live in my state are in safe, sterile suburban neighborhoods like the one I grew up in. I am as white as an American can possibly be. I do not feel a tiny tinge of guilt for it or anything my ancestors might have done, and I am not a fan of political groups like BLM.
Despite this, I am a passionate socialist, consider religion an opiate of the masses and have more contempt for racism than a typical liberal. A stormfag would screech at me until my ears ring about how much of a "cuck" I am and how I am taking a fat, greasy shit all over my proud Aryan legacy, how I am an incomprehensible aberration of natural selection for refusing to defend myself from the hordes of dark-skinned marauders.
What Holla Forums will never understand is that I do not care.
Race is not merely a logical concept to them, it is integral to their psychology. It has become part of their identity and how they conceive the world around them as sapient beings. They cannot mentally function without it. To see past this charade is not an intellectual achievement in the slightest: it is so obvious to a developed and complacent society that mass media has to constantly drill it into our heads to keep us from forgetting.
This is why they project so much, user, not just because of us-versus-them mentality or sexual repression, and god knows there's plenty of both. They are spoiled children. They want to believe they are super duper perfect, but never have to prove it, to themselves or anyone else, so their lives can be an endless orgy of narcissism; if someone is unlike them, they are inferior. The God Emperor will slaughter anyone that dares to criticize them so they can have their little kingdom and never, ever feel bad about anything, and they'll just keep dividing people in new ways as the old divisions become socially irrelevant, forever finding excuses to never see themselves as fallible and unremarkable idiots like everyone else.
All the talk of building nations and loving "their people", it's a farce. They're willing to let the world burn if it means they don't have to grow up.
Samuel Green
Josiah Bailey
I'm curious who the lower-upper and upper-upper class people are and what they think of Holla Forums.
Jack Cruz
I have a friend whose family lives on maybe 10k a year in the US and he thinks this place is a little too anti-SJW for his tastes though I personally think this place is a good mix of both reasonable and unreasonable opinions on the subject. Also he's an anarchist so take that as you will.
Xavier Phillips
It never "became" part of our identity. It is part of us and even people who deny it like you in our biology that you can never change
Every other group establishes an in group and an out group and acts in their own rational self interest except for White people
White people not accepting the unchangable identity of their biology is a new thing it has caused us to lose everything our ancestors built in about a century.
"people" like you who cannot bring yourself to act in your own rational self interest are fucking disgusting and do not deserve to live or spread your cuckold genes
"my people totally shouldn't fight for what is real, intrinsic and physical like our shared biological success as [Insert race of people here] and instead we should fight for fantasy made up abstractions like an impossible socialist utopia."
Yeah man that is so different from religion which is an opiate for the masses but, you have a religion of socialism. Impossible abstractions like a socialist utopia is totally not the same thing as living in paradise in heaven which is also an impossible abstract idea that people just made up.
inb4 >capitalist inb4 >christian
Fascism is the only answer for the White man
I hate capitalists and christians in a more real sense than any of you ever can because you are the same as them just under a different name
Jace Brown
I bet you even let wops and slavs into your society, you fucking cuck.
Camden Wright
good job ignoring my entire post. wake the fuck up and realize your people are being destroyed
Angel Wood
Expropriating the capitalists is in my best interests.
So why do you support movements that have historically supported capital and religion?
Jack Morales
The proletariat is my people.
Anthony Hill
you know, if you want to improve the gene pool you should just practice eugenics based on iq scores. there's no need to generalize based on race when we have far more accurate ways of determining someone's fitness.
Michael Powell
socialism is a science you cuck.
Why should a system white people support become sacrosanct because you were born into it coincidentally. You don't take "pride" in something you didn't work for. You are gracious if you like it, but pride and animosity towards others is ridiculous.
Jacob Torres
I'm OP.
I know what are the differences and implications of a social stratification thought in term of stratas instead of classes. And also I knew that I was going to be criticized, although it is obvious that a such classification is intentionally simplistic. I did not chose it for "ideological" reasons but for pragmatic ones. I just failed to find a satisfying class stratification. See
If I remember well, Karl Marx changed his mind many times about the number of classes (varying from 3 to 7 or more), and he wrote at a time where there was fewer social classes in the industrialized world. This just shows how it can be difficult to identify and properly name all social classes in a given society.
And come on, my social "stratification" is not that bad : - LOWER classes are those concerned by the SURVIVAL even if they have a job, and so they have nothing to lose at social change (politically prone to radicalism). They have virtually NO LEISURE - MIDDLE classes have NO PROBLEM TO SURVIVE by their job but must conserve their situation (prone to socdem dead ends, populism, …). They are A BIT concerned by LEISURE - UPPER classes have NO NECESSITY TO WORK. (prone to libertarianism, elitistic conservatism, …). They are FULLY concerned by LEISURE
By the way I voted upper-lower and white, and I'm an ecosocialist.
Sometimes, I too have this impression. You have very well summarized it. But I can't believe that all their sophisticated shittalking is only designed to rationalize and mask some conscious immature narcissim. They must really believe in their own lies, at least in part, in order to spend so much time and energy at spreading their bullshits everywhere
yesterday, I was looking at the class poll before turning off computer, when the first upper-upper appeared. I was curious. So I then switch to the ethnicity poll tab. After a moment, the click was for "slavic" !
James Bell
Want to wipe out stable society and destroy civilization by flooding the place with subhuman niggers.
I really don't give a shit about anything else that is attached to communism. It is just that, open borders -> instant "wants to kill" me tier. Gassing you all is just self-defense tbh.
Aiden Lewis
Jaxon Perez
Camden Perry
I'm married and have children. The one who decided that I deserve to spread my genes was my wife when she wanted to copulate with me. Not you or the rest of you gutter crawling worms. Now slither off to a corner and cry, little worm
Aaron Peterson
How can the white people be destroyed when they're the master race with unparalleled intelligence? Any destruction heading their way should be easily resolved with their intellect.
Grayson Lee
It is resolved though, people just don't want to implement those solutions. It's really more akin to a suicide than a genocide.
Bentley Brooks
Whites bitching non stop about a non existent genocide while accusing the jews of faking a genocide will always be my favorite meme of nonsensical hysterical internet liberals, and their children.
Connor Hall
Critical lack of lurking detected
Sebastian Fisher
Matthew Rodriguez
It's possible to be communistic and not be a degenerate
Julian Thomas
Peole who call Fascism anto-capitalisy really get to me. Like fam the first people the Fascists persecute are always the workers, trade unionists, and socialists. If they were really against capitalism, they wouldn't shill for Trump so hard or post about how great Hitler, who gave slaves to big business, was. They also wouldn't support the firmly free-market American Nazi Party or the basically reactionary/crypto-capitalist TradWorkers. They wouldn't be so enthused about Daily Stormer, which never talks about class or class issues. They wouldn't read Breitbart, which is essentially anti-worker and anti-welfare. But as we can see, when the bosses relocate plants to the third world, they immediately blame the only logical party - immigrants. When Porky hires an immigrant who can't organize and has no solidarity or supports, they blame the immigrant. When big businesses close company towns and annihilate entire industries and communities to bump pay bonuses, it's the fault of everyone but the businesses. The alt right blames the Jews for the collapse in 2008. Was George Bush a Jew? How about Cheney and Rumsfeld? He will critique Mexicans for being poor and criminal, but never bothers to question why. If he did, he'd find that their poverty is the product if a system where a single man can own an economy, and their criminality comes from having no other resorts and a police force that shoots teachers in the streets.
The fash doesn't care about workers as soon as he's in power, because people fighting for their own interest and the interest of humanity aren't fighting for the phantom known as race or its state manifestations. He's not anti-capitalist, because he never objects to the structure wherein companies outsource and oppress. The fashy is only ever anti-capitalist when he can make racial commentary and blame it on his real targets. He's a faker with only a superficial understanding of what we want, and should stop bothering with his petty qnd foolish outreach attempts.
I'd think we understand him a bit too well for that.
Jackson Scott
fug. The left is dead.
Dylan Perez
So, south europa is "other"? And "Latino" is a race?
Are Spanish latinos? Portugese?
Easton Clark
"middle class" is 'Murican for "Proletariat".
Eli Turner
Good point. But the poll defined income levels pretty well. That feel when "upper-lower class".
Austin Gomez
I am one of pol’s worst enemies: an Asian-Hispanic mutt married to a German woman.
I’m a leftist out of self-interest and principle; and unlike pol, I’ve actually lived before in an ethnonationalist state and realize it’s fucking shitty.
Tyler Long
In America, at least, people of lower class tend to have lower intelligence, on average, and hold more reactionary political views. Do you think the average lower-class American is smart enough to read and digest tons of Marxist literature?
Adrian Stewart
I see your point. Also, upper-lower class is working class. How do we organize the bydlo?
Adam Edwards
You don't. I honestly think the only way something approximating socialism is technological abolition of the proletariat, by which I mean moving towards ending work. Think about how much effort has to be put into educating the lower class, and how easily they fall prey to spooky ideas like muh Nation, muh Race, muh Religion. Even those more receptive to left-wing thought tend to fall prey to idpol.
Caleb Butler
We have no chance, then.
Aaron Hill
People who will defend this
Dominic Russell
Yep, Holla Forums is retarded. Nothing new here.
Luke Taylor
I'm poverty class I read tons of marxist-leninist literature what are you talking about
Caleb Reyes
I believe in a classless nationalistic Society
Noah Myers
Nation and religion maybe not race
Josiah James
We don't defend this, we explain why this happens.
Liam Brooks
Have you not paid attention to American politics at all? Even minorities who are allied with the liberals tend to have socially conservative, ethnocentric views, but would never ally with the American conservatives because many of them are sympathetic to racism or even white nationalism.
Dylan Johnson
great googlie mooglie
Blake Carter
Anthony Edwards
Do you really think the majority of working class people in America would even attempt to honestly engage with Marxist literature, let alone get more out of it than "rich people bad"?
Remember, in the eyes of many white working class Americans, America is declining because the country is run by a globalist Marxist nigger who's destroying the country with "socialist" policies and Mexican immigration and enabling "degeneracy".
Kevin Ortiz
Yes, obviously some are lost to propaganda on the other side but most people are pretty receptive to Marxist ideas if you present them well and don't just spout nonsensical ramblings and shove books in their face. Most people are insanely willing to believe the richest people are fucking their lives up. Surplus value isn't a very complicated thing to explain and it's enough to convert people who already want to blame someone.
Isaiah Sanchez
Many of them already believe the rich are fucking their lives up. However, they seem to view it as a problem of evil globalist elites exporting their jobs to China and Mexico and bringing in immigrants to drive down their wages. It appears that they would be quite happy surrendering their surplus value to an American capitalist who paid them slightly higher wages and didn't do the aforementioned things. In their eyes, capitalists, especially those who employ Americans, are like heroes, and are justified in extracting surplus values because of the risks they take in starting a business and creating jobs.
Liberals, meanwhile, just think we need to tax the rich more.
David Rivera
It's not too hard to explain how the exportation of their jobs is the fault of the capitalist. Seriously, just engage with more people and don't use the words 'marxist' 'communist' 'socialist' or whatever until they're actually hooked. If you can answer a serious of questions on economics without sounding like a fucking idiot and offer them more than 'duh free market' they will be impressed and listen. Most people know the free market equilibrium meme is bullshit and want to see it disproved. Help them user, spread class consciousness.
Sebastian Torres
Allied? I'd rather everyone be their own dictator
Kevin Wood
Sounds like a great way to get nothing done.
Kevin Sullivan
Oh it'll get SOMETHING done
Luis Garcia
Andrew Wilson
OP here
Well after 3 days of polling there has been a lot participation and we got some interesting results (assuming everyone responded honestly and that poltards stayed away).
On the "ethnicity" poll, the only surprise is that there is very few blacks on leftypol, but just as expected we are mostly white. Howewer, it seems we have much more "class diversity" than expected. I'm wondering who are all these upper and upper-middle class dudes, who represents a bit more than 30% of us.
Especially, now, I want to ask to the twelve "upper-uppers" and "upper-lowers" how they came to the radical left. If you are still there. What made you radicals instead of classical indifferent bourgies ?
"Occidental" there includes "South Europa" (Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece)