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Lol aut-right neets btfo


I hate all three of those people.


Friendly reminder to hide politisperg threads and Ignore politisperg posters.

Her face reminds me of something… maybe the dwarfs from Snow White?

Holla Forums - Anime, politics, and cuckoldry


unsubscribed tbh


awww what's that, hearing different opinions crushes your fee fees, drupling?

You waifu is and always was shit.

nope, the correct answer is
Holla Forums - redditpol, cumskins, cuckposting and maisiefaggotry

Ha ha great post, well meme'd my friend

They get utterly wrecked EVERY SINGLE TIME and I love it

Posting The Young Turks here?

Since this is the designated political thread, reminder to join the battle for net neutrality so you can continue arguing about ecelebs and waifufaggotry.

Who needs a waifu when you have someone like margaret though?

u gand egspegd drupquks 2 taeg a joek 2bh
al u gan do is bosd an wadge dem sgwerm

it's not the young turks, retard
at least check out the vid before sperging out

sudocuck apparently

Is he retarded?


I can't watch the Turk due to my serious medical condition.

Why do people listen to an octoroon? Anyone who has watched more than 3 atheism videos on youtube is more informed than Sargon of Cukkad.

Not as offended as you on election night.

reddipol is a glutton for punishment

being retarded is not a medical condition

bigotry has a cure

Bacon's not the only thing that is cured by hanging. Niggers and leftists are too.

The difference is that after bacon is cured you get something usable. The remains of niggers and lefties are only for disposal.

Kinda redundant there.

You know why the ones "fighting" for net neutrality are netflix, google, facebook, etc?
Because not having net neutrality is allowing in the future a tax to the shit internet centralizers that have closed gardens and paywalls, and those who run those companies are the jews.
Normal people with a home server won't be affected greatly.

Because businesses never pass taxes on to their customers, right?

And their idiot customers deserve every shekel they lose. Other options will be more prevalent without net neutrality.


this, people pushing for deregulation think the customer has all the power, and they are only half right, because you aren't the customer.

The shareholder is the customer. They could lose every consumer they had and it wouldn't mean anything unless there was a drop in shareholder confidence.


Better to split the power up than have it all in one groups hands.

It's why anti-trust laws were created.

Depends on the government, doesn't it? And if you don't trust your government to do a better job than the usury kikes then maybe it isn't the Internet that needs to be out of the hands of the government but rather you need a different government?


You are a fool if you think the corps and the government aren't one and the same. There is no splitting of power just even more concentrated in unassailable federal writ of law.

No shit we need a better government but putting the internet even more firmly under their thumb is not going to help that goal at all.

Since when have laws mattered to companies, the financial crisis showed that, no matter how bad big companies fuck up, they can buy their way out of anything, or threaten the collapse of infrastructure of an entire country otherwise.

You put more faith in a corporation to protect you? When their only mandate is profit. And investigations lasting years turn out that companies had informal agreements to maximize profit returns and pass taxes on to consumers in order to stay competitive in the marketplace and report record profits.

Governments only mandate is ever increasing power and control. Even less faith in that, yes. Sure the companies ignore laws but they would love even more to have ironclad legal backing which the government will grant them instantly since the two are one and the same for all intents and purposes.

Who said anything about voting? Democracy is a system that only produces shit governments by design.

All governments are shit by design. They exist only to control you.

what could go wrong?

More or less, nothing wrong with that. By working as a collective we are able to accomplish and compete on a much larger scale. Pure individualism is death, as can be seen demonstrated in the modern West.

Man, I know Holla Forums got subverted bad last year, but this is something else.

I think you might have misspelled Holla Forums.

You're a newfag if you don't know that people have been arguing against this for years. I'm not against the idea of net neutrality, but I am skeptical of what it's proponents actually want to achieve. It's like they're trying to solve a problem that doesn't actually exist, and it seems like they're eager to support any legislation that claims to support 'net neutrality' no matter what it might actually contain, and they'll shill for it until the bitter end. It seems less like, "let's break up these telecom companies and make the internet a free and open place", and more like something that'll end up as, "Don't you goyim want a free and equal internet? This is why you should give the UN total control over it, so then we can really stick it to those nazi telecom companies by forcing content quotas, and banning hate speech(not free speech), wow so free!".

I thought that was supposed to happen like 5 years ago. Still waiting.

If you want go full ad-hominem then, the corporations will just eventually block any site that isn't "official-DMCA approved sources of content" enjoy the internet when all you have to browse is Netflix, approved Youtube channels, and some Major news websites.

If you think that any legislation they draft to regulate and control the internet is going to end well for free speech, ability to dissent, or actually hamper any of the things you are worried corporations will do then you need to join my weekly poker game. I need a new sucker to fleece.

too fucking long. what's the point?

I think I've found the answer guy's…

Can someone give me a quick rundown of this?

there are no bug eyed nip cartoons in the video. you wouldn't be interested.


I don't understand how anyone can defend her.

No it has not.

It'd be funnier if the mouth was animated the whole vid

you called?

I love it when losers are libertarians. The openly lying to yourself genuinely brings me a chuckle.

Sargoth is a monkey nigger


the only way a monopoly can exist in a free market is if people only buy from one seller, because without government-enforced barriers to entry there's always the chance of a new competitor entering the market if the current only seller doesn't do a good enough job.

the point is you anti-femminist shitlords just got BTFO

Nice false flag, smiley.

Only sudocuck calls people that.