not trying to slide but this is pretty absurd
Failure to find a sexual partner is now a DISABILITY
Tfw no gf
And suddenly 60% of the male population under 30 has become disabled…
Now everyone on this board can claim gibs :^)
So….who the hell keeps track on this? The sexual partners you've had? How do you become "disabled"?
This is probably for those feminists that no one wants to fuck but neets will totally have fun with this.
No reason to be rude, user.
Government provided waifubots when?
Looks like perma virgin Autists will be considered more disabled.
Feels weird man.
Reserved NEET parking.
The memes, Jack…
Good goyim, embrace welfare programs for this disability. :^)
The best goy.
But it is. If you fail to reproduce then you have failed to ensure a future for your children, thus you are a failure to your people. Every single one of your ancestors had a sexual partner.
Having an unmarried sexual partner is pretty degenerate though.
Can I get my welfare check now?
he's right
you should be redpilled enough to know that taking welfare is not ok. Makes you as bad as the blacks we criticize all the time.
Are you retards really so autistic that sarcasm goes this far over your heads?
parking spots will make up for nogf
Sooo…I finally have legitimate reason to demand gibs?
good goy. those blacks need it more than you and deserve because of oppression and stuff
well not all of you are being sarcastic this I know for certain.
this is literally the fall of rome we are living in
read about the late emperors decrees making it illegal to be unmarried as a male
hopefully we can perfect waifubots and artificial wombs this time so the worthlesscunts won't drag us into the dirt with them
They just want to return to the mud ages where they will be raped by strong barbaric animals, because that is all walking cunts are, pathetic luddites who only have any power in a tribalistic society built around worshiping fertility
You can now get NEETbux for not having children white man. Nothing (((suspicious))) here you fucking conspiracy theorist.
This is dysgenics in action. Autism bux = NEETs stay NEETs because they get money for it. Incel bux = virgins stay virgins because they get money. If you are caught in a relationship you lose your benefits.
Realistically, if a lot of whites just stopped fucking working we could have society collapse and rebuilt in a decade.
Whites are too comfortable for that to ever happen. Not as long as commercial goods still stand, and general order remains will working whites suddenly talk away from society as the way you're describing.
So basically it will boil down to two things:
MGTOW folk will be able to claim disability.
Organized meetings, I mean support groups, to help shy introverted white folk mingle with no outside interference.
Sounds okay.
Pretty much this. One of the last roman emperors lamented that Rome controlled the world, but women controlled Rome.
Why could have seen this coming?
No. Nobody is serious. Read the fucking article next time. It's about IFV.
Most people can't afford to do that and probably couldn't justify it if they could.
Nobody should take welfare at all. Do we not hold the ideals of self-sufficiency, responsibility, and being independent highly here? Being a welfare recipient is shameful, but so is paying taxes that get redistributed to people who get welfare.
I'm gonna go down to the SSDI office RIGHT NOW and ask for MAH GIBS!
I'm not an lolberg, so no.
I did read the article lol, and a lot of people just read the headline so they could be serious. Excuse me for assuming the worst of people.
So you argue that being dependent on the welfare system is not a bad thing?
Be careful, user. You'll walk out with a kid.
As long as you're working in some capacity then I have no issue with people taking welfare. See NSV under Hitler.
You’re a goddamn retard.
i wonder what the cause could be of this disability…
it couldn't possibly be the use of women as political puppets (a female golem) as an act of war against a particular population… nah that's just conspiracy theory.
thanks, kikes
So how will they "cure" it? Government funded whorehouses?
You can name one time and place where welfare was not a bad thing. A time when a homogeneous population pulled themselves up from the crippling post WW1 economy. But I can name 70 years of welfare that has created a population of entitled, violent monsters, both black and mexican, that want nothing but whitey's head on a silver platter.
There's not a single system that works with shitskins around so that's entirely irrelevant. They have to be gotten rid of regardless.
The system is so fucked up and anti-white that pretending to have principles at this point is cuck shit. You should be exploiting it and trying to cause it be that straw that causes it to fail before the demographics become irreparably bad.
So being an ugly neckbeard is now a disability? The NEETs are going to fucking love that.
They're messing with forces they cannot control.
Britbongs who can't find a wife
apply for this, have kids, and raise them right.
But no one wants to be labeled as disabled. If anything that might push people into getting married.
So get rid of the system that a majority of non-whites exploit. Most whites think that being on welfare is disgraceful, while non-whites encourage it.
We ought to have principles regardless. Having principles doesn't mean you're a cuck. In fact it makes you more human like your ancestors. We shouldn't exploit welfare because it makes us like them. We would also have to live around other welfare recipients which is awful. Besides, having economic freedom is a virtue and gives you more opportunities. Being a welfare recipient does not. I argue that paying as little tax as possible is better because that hurts the system without hurting you.
Will we get benefits checks?
Are you?
Facebook relationship status.
This is such a sad cuckchan tier thread just like that nation of whores one and you should all kill yourselves for bumping it.
Fucking communist useful idiots.
I do, but that doesn't mean that I'll ignore reality in favour of muh principles.
You can do that if you want, but don't complain that you're a lonely autist watching anime and LARPing on a burmese soup recipe imageboard while jews get to fuck lolis because they have no principles and they play unfairly and get filthy rich doing so.
No, you will get access to IVF.
Please address how this proposal isn't a benefit for Brits.
As I said no matter what system is in place it will be shit because of shitskins. Go ancap and it will still be shit because shitskins are around. Go libertarian and it will still be shit because shitskins are around. Go fascist and it will still be shit if shitskins are around. Your entire argument is irrelevant because you're basing it off there being shitskins around and instead of addressing the problem you're just hoping your magic system makes niggers into people or at the very least thinking they'd die without welfare. They won't, they'll just chimp out and loot even more.
This is fucking great: I hate everyone and can't trust anybody because I was an abused kid, and now I can't quietly die alone the WHO has to call me retarded too.
I'd be more than happy to be given either a bi-montly visit to a government-mandated-STD-tested prostitute or be given a mandatory 20 hour/month relationship with a real life girl or even simply girls to be forced to go out on at least 2 dates per month for me (in a government-mandated-dating-house).
Hell, I'd settle for just the whorehouse visits.
When do I get gibs?
Makes one wonder about those threats of banning gun ownership for disabled people.
You'll be given a kid. It's not a right to have sex but a right to reproduce. They recently made a functional artificial human ovum and are preparing for artificial wombs.
Can I get wizbux?
You are in a war right now. You just don't know it. Being le principled autist at this point is fucking stupid. Use whatever tools you can to deny the enemy and his proxy mud people army resources.
I'm already a diagnosed autist. Totally useless, unless it entitles me to more gibs.
Just because there are other people out there who don't abide by principles that I see constantly referenced on this board doesn't mean we should too. That's irrelevant. If we set an example ourselves people will follow, be it just the few people around you or more if you can reach out to them.
I don't agree with you because if destroy the system where the worst non-whites thrive then things can get better. Prior to welfare the black community was actually doing quite well. There were stable nuclear families. Now they are on welfare, have no fathers, are constantly told everything is whitey's fault, and are constantly incited to do violence by the media/George Soros. It's not just that they're non-white, it's that most of them are scum because of the reasons above. To ignore these truths and just say it's cuz they're non-white is the easy route. If george soros and welfare fucked off natural selection could take its course.
Taking welfare denies them resources? This just isn't true with the government printing shit tons of money all the time and funding entitlements with taxes. The absolute best option would be to leave the country or form a new one like the NWF.
Uh… Why is this a bad thing from our perspective?
Most people can't find sex partners because they are NEETs at sea in a degenerate atomized society. Piling more pressure on those people to have families is a good thing.
This is more traditionalist than progressive. It's a good thing.
How is this concept bad? Enlighten me as to why the WHO labeling tfwnogf being infertility is a bad thing.
Yeah, I'm sure they will.
Keep true to muh principles tho, that's gonna get you so far in life.
Loook at Africa you mouth breathing retard. Niggers are not even the same species as us. They can't fit in regardless. It didn't have shit to do with welfare ruining them, if that were the case then their communities would have been horrible after the New Deal, not after the 60s. The reason they went to shit is because we started treating them like they were people in the 60s. No more Jim Crow. No more lynchings to keep them in line. It has absolutely nothing to do with welfare.
Note that even with all that it doesn't make them good, it makes them subhumans that can be forced to obey if treated as subhumans and forced into submission. That's pretty taxing on whites though, because most of our people have a high degree of empathy and eventually they'll be trying to get the niggers rights again which is why they have to fucking go.
This is about people who want to have kids having access to IVF.
Guess im "disabled" right now. Will the gov't provide me with a hot girlfriend now? It's a human right.
it's a step in the right direction
But I don't criticize blacks just for taking welfare. I criticize blacks for being criminal underclass scum who need to go back to Africa. I criticize the government for giving handouts to criminalize, not for giving handouts per se (not in this post-industrial age, but hopefully Trump can bring some jobs back for a while).
Welfare should go to good boys (whites) who don't destroy cities and deal drugs.
Who /virgin/ here?
Eat shit, leftists!
You get the privilege to pay alimony to your government assigned baby mama, and you get to claim Tyrone's kids as your own
This is literally an excuse for us to not get a job and live off autism bux and crash the system with no survivors.
So I get to pass my genes on without having to take care of the kid?
Meaning, I get to donate my sperm or impregnate a woman (or more than 1) while getting paid by the govt to do so?
Does that mean I can finally get a substitute for neetbux despite being a burger?
I can't wait to riot because my government-granted woman isn't as good as the 2D waifus I was promised.
They'll probably only use sandnigger sperm.
No, this is for people who want a kid and care for a kid but can't find a suitable mate. It's pretty much a feminist's nightmare.
Not really.
I'm past the point of no return
medicalization of dissent
At first I was like, "How dare you."
Then I was like, "Yeah, hit 'em with a nailbat."
Well memed.
God, I so hate moralists.
at least you don't have STDs m8.
Women already have relatively easy access to sperm banks. It takes away their monopoly on procreation especially with the advances in artificial human eggs.
You're right, I saw anons talking about IVF and didn't realize they were also giving men the right to have kids easily.
I'm going to claim so many disability bux
Good thing if you can lock fags up a mental hospital forever.
I bet you believe that hispanics are natural conservatives and the dems r da real racists as well?
Freerepublic might be more your speed, no offense. Otherwise, lurk more and check out some stats on nigger average IQ, and look up the MAO-A allele to see that niggers are primed for high time preference and impulsive aggression.
You can't make a square peg fit a round whole. Niggers can't live among whites. There's no way to make it work.
The only reason they were "doing well" before is because we kept them segregated and in line, but they still committed tons of crime which is why there were lynchings. Niggers will do even better if we separate them even further and send them back to Africa.
It's not just the easy route, but the truth. Look up average IQ of races, and look up the MAO-A allele. Blacks are a combination of low IQ, and high impulsiveness, plus irritability. Perfect recipe for high crime society and destroyed cities.
They have to go.
Now that just warms the ol ticker right up it does
Lets be honest. It doesn't mean white virgins are now classified as "disabled", this shit means to provide refugee immigrants with wives, by classifying THEM as disabled for not fucking your white women.
There will be organizations that will hire and educate teenage women to become wives for muslim refugees, trust my word.
So I get to be forced to marry in order to raise a kid?
Absolutely disgusting.
This is just a desperate attempt by liberals at fighting natural selection since cucks, fat femnists, and faggots can't reproduce without help.
And it comes at the cost of normal couples with genuine health issues.
i got 4 year before I become a wizard. I don't care, I got my hobby and I am learning how to mold and casting alongside with prospecting metal. I got a stand selling custom chess piece. I'm not bitter about it, I figure that all I need is my bestie, a my bro, and keep doing what i'm doing.
No, you get access to IVF.
Stop with the knee-jerk moralism and look at the big picture. The main argument for immigration into the west is that western societies aren't producing the population necessary for growth a bullshit reason, but under our current economic system, a grave concern. This has the potential to alleviate the pressures to accept immigration.
hol' up
IVF involves six main stages:
Suppressing your natural cycle – the menstrual cycle is suppressed with medication
Boosting your egg supply – medication is used to encourage the ovaries to produce more eggs than usual
Monitoring your progress and maturing your eggs – an ultrasound scan is carried out to check the development of the eggs, and medication is used to help them mature
Collecting the eggs – a needle is inserted into the ovaries, via the vagina, to remove the eggs
Fertilising the eggs – the eggs are mixed with the sperm for a few days to allow them to be fertilised
Transferring the embryo(s) – one or two fertilised eggs (embryos) are placed into the womb
Once the embryo(s) has been transferred into your womb, you'll need to wait two weeks before having a pregnancy test, to see if the treatment has worked.
So it's nothing?
Does it only apply for donating sperm?
Also, let's not forget that pedophiles have easy access to kids.
That has nothing to do with moralism, you retard.
Oh cool
Do I get disability support from the government now?
Do do I get a free girlfriend or hooker coupons or something?
it's never to late to fuck a degenerate.
But with welfare you can focus on software development and later sell it and (hopefully) get rich
I knew I shouldn't have married…
Say again?
28 yr old virgin here.
Are we all like this?
I wonder if being an outcast is what made me less susceptible to egalitarian bullshit and made me seek out answers. I bet there is a similar story for a lot of us of going from being a deluded liberal to a confused libertarian and then going further and further right and deeper into nationalism the more you learned, making it even harder to relate to normalfags, until you have to keep your mouth shut in pretty much every conversation that is even remotely related to society.
The people you most feel at home around are those few who know the truth. We started to form an underground parallel society waiting for the day when could bring sense and order back to the world.
We traded having sex for far-right wizardry powers, gents. Use them well.
I don't understand. I thought imageboard permavirgins were the enemies of the kikes. Why are they moving to give us free money?
I misread it too. Turns out its only for IVF treatment so that ugly people and gays can have testtube babies.
It might backfire and lead to singles getting free waifus but I kind of doubt it.
They're not. They're finally realizing that third world immigration isn't a good answer to the pending demographics issues a lot of developed nations will be facing in the future.
You belong to kek now.
Except that it won't because liberals don't need a real reason to accept immigration other than "muh feelings" and kikes want an oversaturated workforce they can pay slave wages
Creating more white kids and then immediately giving them to dysfunctional(and most likely abusive) parents isn't very helpful.
If Western countries want to fix their growth rates then they should examine the root cause of the problem and just admit feminism was a gigantic mistake
And spergs like us
Yes, all of the natsocs were robots.
NatSoc was basically beta uprising.
Can I still be a wizard or is it too late for me?
Sage because this thread really doesn't deserve to be on front page, you faggots.
Not if Trump gets in and saves us from the eternal jew
Born too autistic to get pussy. Feels bad man.
Born too normal to get sympathy. Feels bad man.
Born just autistic enough to gas the kikes. Feels great man.
The (((elites))) push pathos because it's the easiest way to get a significant support. The real reasons are economic for the free marketeers and power for the political beneficiaries.
Stop projecting. I'm neither dysfunctional nor abusive. Every woman I've dated has turned out godawful, and it would be nice to have a back-up plan.
What do you think we've been trying to do? This isn't admitting defeat but prolonging the battle.
The argument sucks because these parasite 3rd worlders are directly affecting our fertility rates which will never recover with continued influx and parasitism.
Haha, homosexuality is now going to be a disability again.
Also anybody who is involuntarily celibate has a disability already. I mean come on, it's the decadent western world, if you just go outside at least 50 days a year and can string a sentence together some girl will be giving you signals that she wants to sleep with you. Then there is Tinder and other stuff. If you can do a background image search for your hentai you are almost overqualified to use an app like tinder.
If you are not getting a girl and you think you are normal it is likely because you have lost your libido and desire for actual women due to the availability of porn, poor diet with xenoestrogens and/or crippling depression.
I'm not disagreeing, but it's amazing what people will support if you say their pension is at risk and you may have a solution.
Sometimes it almost feels like the only way to get a girlfriend is to go to church, but then you get a lot of boring, liberal, zombies.
You've transcended your body?
Why you losers use the word wizard? Is the word virgin too much for you to handle? Maybe that's why you are a virgin.. you refuse to admit it by calling yourself "wizard". Fucking losers..
Hey anons I just had a thought. What if the jews are planning on using the IVF shit to create their subhuman slave race they seem to want so bad? I've thought over that point a lot lately and it always never made much sense to me, why in the fuck would you want niggers and mexicans for slaves? They make really shitty slaves, even in these times the jews get away with paying a mexican 2 dollars an hour for hard labor but they always do a shitty job and they're a giant burden on society because they take out welfare just like niggers, and niggers hate working to start with! They have zero work ethic and mexicans are also losing that work ethic now that their anchor baby kids are subjected to the decadence of the modern world.. So is the end goal to create a subhuman that has the work ethic and intelligence of whites, but the slave morality of brown people? That's my feeling on this. And it scares me.
Having a waifu will soon count as a disability.
you went to the church you piece of worthless shit or you only imagine what happens there?
>probably cropped out the primejailbait logo
user, she's only like 13 yrs old…
They won't pay you, it doesn't prevent you from working.
They will simply put you on a list and maybe force some mandatory mental healthcare.
They don't care about you, they just want one more way to datamine.
Couldn't this new law be used to even further support all the arabs and africans flooding Europe? I bet those guys aren't getting regular sex, the government could ignore the white men claiming they fit this definition and just give money and support to all the niggers and muds.
They can't stop me. I love her dearly.
So a 10 year difference, just like my parents. That's what I like to call a green light.
Its going to be white sluts who have to pay more taxes to suplement white men getting welfare, who yhen pool it all to destroy the jews.
Ach Leftypol.
aaaaaaand that's why you're still a virgin.
>use checks to fund Right Wing NEET Squads and kick off the great purge
Sounds breddy gud
Pathetic mortals such as you shall never know what it is to transcend beyond the trivialities of the flesh.
With that body?
What the fuck do they feed kids these days?
I just want a waifubot running with an artificial womb and eggs from my own DNA.
I mean its 2017, come on.
absolute shit tons of estrogen
Sick quads.
Quads demand Tay waifu's!!
I used to model for a catalog tbh but even then it never helped. everyone is always moving around, nobody stays in the same spot for more than a year anymore. everyone expects relationships to start within like 2 weeks of knowing somebody, everything is so superficial. pretty much gave up on it at age 21.
it's shopped, for one
Get out of the house more, 13 year old girls are bigly now.
Wew. The future is looking bright.
Never underestimate the fury of unmarried white men and those who have their eternal lover on the other side waiting for them. The bindings of this world mean nothing to those who see paradise in sacrificing the mortal coil.
If she is in school? Or you date only women of your age?
(((Churches))) are full of heretics, religious propagandizes who care only about making their religion/denomination more popular and rich, and base their faith around a ring of other corrupted churches and therefore corrupt everyone who gets inside of it. Christ and his apostles never taught "theology", and all false pastors worked together to make philosophical/scientific attitude a thing in their communities instead of faith and truth given by His Spirit. Then there's lots of other heretics who scream about miracles and shit while twitching on the ground from obvious possession, who only increase their love to false teachings of fundamentalists since they close their eyes on their wrongdoings, when someone who is more evil is around. For some listening to world tendentions set by catholics and jews is more important than listen to Jesus Christ. If they were on right side, devil would get rid of them quickly.
Seeking women in those communities means seeking crazed fanatical heretic on your shoulders. Better seek wife from pagan or atheist women, to be free of problem when a woman if a whore against God, than a whore against man.
Thanks for killing my boner.
t. chad
so much cringe
user, pls…
wew, she's looking quite manly. She's the one they call the fridge, right? What is it with hollywood and the idolization of completely flat and undeveloped women? Is it just a pedo thing or a conspiracy to lower white male test?
user, please be less of a newkiddo when posting next time.
Hollywood actresses are quite ugly now. I was watching older movies and the women were much better looking. You can see on the street often much better looking women than what's in movies now.
I see. Pizza incoming.
chloeposting is retarded tbh
Pretty sure they'll have contingencies against that.
Why are these spurdo videos so comfy?
No. I honestly cannot fathom how degenerate you guys must be to not have attracted at least one woman in your life. Unless you have some horrible physical deformities or are legitimately mentally disabled, there is nothing holding you back. If you're fat, get fit. If you don't read much, read more. If you find yourself spending way too much time shitposting here, get another hobby. Do you know who and what you are? Undergo individuation. Then finally, understand where the sort of women you'd like to meet are. Go on nature walks, go to the shooting range, go to a classical performance, then just talk to people you meet there.
idk what you mean user, everybody in my stage of life is always in le internship/constantly moving phase of life and its impossible to get to know people
How about when it comes to doin rapes?
This. All denominational Christianity commits the heresy of dogma to varying degrees. Dogma only ever makes sense by putting words into, or taking words out of God's mouth to come up with things God never said.
Gondola is supposed to be comfy. He has a sublime serenity no matter the situation.
It's not "B URSELF" at all. It's "improve yourself in meaningful ways and then frequent areas desirable women appear in". Stop pretending to be more retarded than you really are.
copy pasta:
Gondola was not a mistake
Gondolas are relaxed, harmless creatures that observe their environment. They rarely interfere anything, but just keep observing. They rarely talk, just look around and smile. This makes them very different from other creatures such as spurdo, that feel, pepe, yoba, etc.
Gondola is the silent walker. Having no hands he embodies the Taoist principle of wu-wei (non-action) while his smiling facial expression
shows his utter and complete acceptance of the world as it is
This story was where I learned to start to hate women
Not at all. Are you capable of communicating without memes, or are you just another subhuman who has stumbled into this place meant for humans?
Yeah, yeah, I get it, you're the girlfriend having alpha who is of higher social status than me.
So basically you are saying I have to improve myself and make myself desirable before I can go out and fuck some girls?
It's because they're filling Hollywood with mystery meats and jewesses.
yeah user if you are a normalfag having sex is the ultimate purpose of existence, you work hard and get good at things so you can have sex and ejaculate everything else in reality both immaterial and material is inferior to ejaculation.
This doesn't mean shit for neetbux until the governments themselves update their internal guidelines for disability eligibility. It's only a matter of time though. Bleed the system dry, friends, and improve yourself until it finally does crash.
World (((Health))) Organization
Where's that welfare office at again?
You clearly do not "get it".
The kind of women I would assume that most people here are interested in do not engage with people who transparently have no direction and no self-discipline. The best way to consider it is not improving yourself for the sake of women, but improving yourself for your own sake and enjoying the bonus of women taking interest in you. I find the opposing mindset to this one typified by fat people who buy expensive clothes and items to "look good"- they can see that successful people have these items, and seek to ape the benefits of their success without understanding that these are just side effects of direction and self-discipline. There is only ever a superficial and cynical understanding of what it is to improve oneself. If you can find within yourself the spirit to pursue excellence for its own sake rather than for external rewards, you will paradoxically receive those rewards all the more.
Thx Wyatt, but das raycis :^)
daily reminder that in classical marxism non-whites are not considered part of the historical process and are thus considered material to be utilized or undifferentiated mass at best
If you are disabled you wont be able to own a firearm.
This is a plot to take firearms away from fit NEETS who sit on jovian thread puking image boards plotting revolution and lone wolf attacks.
this is damage control against the trump crowd
the ru1e cuck faggotry on this board is out of control tbh
What does this mean for those not in the UK? Or not in Europe for that matter?
This is an excuse to declare NEETS unfit to own guns. They fear the beta uprising.
Its a mix, most are virgin by choice. Its really not that difficult even ignoring the modern dating plague that is online. If you REALLY wanted to get laid you'd do it. Most virgins who complain about it, myself included simply never put themselves out there. I'm 25 and I've really put no effort into it outside a short stint of being a beta orbiter when I was a teen before I smarted up. Plus my mother is a witch and I'm the only one suitable to carry on the tradition, semen demons be damned.
Well duh, goyim are always expendable.
handouts and whitewymyns for immigrants
They don't give you welfare if you're white.
t. welfare expert
Straight Outta Cuckchan
Go back and read it. It's neither.
SRS. Everything we do is either in order to get the pussy or to overcompensate for the feeling of not getting any.
I'm going to TRUE AND HONEST Catholic Church this Sunday; I fucking hate meeting dumb single mothers while I'm reading at the bar.
Dear Abby was/is a Jewish subversive.
I just argued that they can sustain the system if a few million received welfare by printing money you fucking monkey.
or there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 2:5
While [a]Jesus was saying these things, one of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed.” 28 But He said, “On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.”
Luke 11:27-28
I live in SoCal ymmv
My brother was an alpha and a total manslut, but had bouts of depression because of how empty and alone he felt. So I put him on the ride that never ends, now he is a alpha who hates kikes and has a super3.14qt aryan fiancée. When he used to drag me to parties and I would strike-out, he would talk to women and try to understand why so I could change. Everyone was the same thing explained differently: I was too intimidating. The women who were attracted to me physically were intimidated how I spoke, and the women who were attracted to by my conversations were intimidated by my physique.
Now matter how /fit/ or Holla Forums-savvy I was with approaching women, nothing ever took off. Eventually we stopped trying, and he tries to comfort me saying I'll find a woman worth my effort. I try not to feel about it anymore.
TL;DR: After a certain point, improving yourself doesn't work. Women have a natural "normalfag sense," they sense people who are too different from the crest of the bell curve.
That being the case, why in the absolute fuck do they not just use Asians? On the face of it they sound like perfect slaves with none of the downsides you highlight.
I love how everyone's checking their new privilege.
You know, when a shekike really likes you, she will reject you at first. The more she likes you the harder she'll reject you.
does this mean gay people are permanently disabled? (by these standards, not yours, you cucks)
Does this mean I can get virgin bucks and become a neet? Do I get more virgin bucks for being a virgin at 20?
pls tell me theres some goldmine where you guys get these. and then pls share its location
That is some orwellian bullshit.
Hey faggotron, there are no words filters here. Lurking more is advised
See, nobody cares
I think the concierges sans salaries do a good job here, personally
I take no issue with this. It could serve me well as a wizard. I want my piece of the free pie to.
It will lead to the collapse but we are alrewwdy headed there. Why should I work at a job.until then? No point being a slave until the reset.
t. ape
Ru!ecuck is filtered. Blow your brains out, nigger.
i know this experience well user
Looks like I'm the asshole. Guess I never wrote that cuckchan shit here before. Fucking hotpockets unfuck your shit, I stood up for you
fucking hang yourself
I should have waited then, because I was a virgin until 36 and only lost it thanks to Craigslist 5 years ago.
Had I waited I could claim disability and get money from the government. Western women are so fucked up that unless you've got trophy-worthy money coming in or a prestigious job they can brag about, they don't want anything from you. People laugh about MGTOW, but they're right.
It used to come from a reddit sub called the "Red Pill" but I wouldn't go there anymore, now it's nothing but shitskins talking about how easy it is to fuck white women and white men praising them for it.
I'm 6'4 and sometimes I wonder if I intimidate girls because of it
Also I dunno if I intimidate them because of the way I talk or not, I try not to talk like an autist anymore, try to mimick them as much as I can (normies)
That's what I fear more than anything, I am waaaaaaaaaaaay off the crest of the bell curve, and sometimes I wonder if its just impossible for me to get a girl outside of paying or her being too drunk / promiscuous / in the mood because of the environment (like a club with music) to get to know me before she's already done it
this woman I know literally scoffed at me when I told her I was helping to insulate houses on the side to help pay my way through grad/technical school.
What, for never once writing cuckchan terms on fullchan? Nah, I'd rather hang you, migrant.
I take it back, I'm glad the pockets filtered that faggot shit since it has not and never will affect me.
you are huge fucking newfag just fuck off already dipshit, if you didn't know that the word filter was on you are clearly a newfag. if you haven't watched this board descend into cuckchan tier faggotry with faggot shitskin mods ruining everything and enabling bottom bin normalfaggot larpers to ruin the board you are blind as a bat
That level of reverence for a base carnal act is disgusting, I'm sure heroine addicts feel exactly the same about their next fix
you'll never break your chain, animal
I'm a bit over 6'3" and I had a girl say "woah" when she came out of her dorm room as I was walking by. But that's most likely not your problem. You're on 8/pol/, you're no fuccboi. None of us are. We're going to have to look long and hard for a good woman.
This right here.
thats too bad, i could read those fucking things all day long
womanlets are cancer tbh
hiterdubs confirm
Women, gentleman.
People ask me all the time how tall I am
How do I pretend to be one, why cant I pretend to be one
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I have all the clothes, I have an undercut, I know the slang, I've hung out with people and smoked pot, I've done shots of raw vodka, I've had guys hang out with me, I even got a girls number recently and hung out with her twice but now she is ghosting me
I don't know what else I can do and my will to live is rapidly draining because all I want in life is post related >>7928406''>>7928673
And these assholes can bitch at me all they want but being a virgin at 19 does that to you
all I want in life is post related
And these assholes can bitch at me all they want but being a virgin at 19 does that to you
Whatever nigger, this is the only place I even visit since the infamous second exodus. Take your oldfag posturing elsewhere, i just ignore the board drama because it's some girly shit that doesn't interest me. You'd recognize my oc but that's not really important, and anyway I'm outside my basement phonefagging. Unlike your autistic ass I won't be signing up for this particular neet program. But you're a really cool guy :^) and so important
You really can't see this ending in some sort of horrific manner? You really think you're gonna get cripple bux now?
Rapefugees don't need this really…they're already getting all the white university girls without even trying
Sounds about right to me
Control social pressure, control all women. Feminists defend legalized wifebeating because they don't want to be called "islamophobes".
Cities were a mistake. Women need to be isolated from other women for their own wellbeing.
Nice. I can finally accuse people of being ableist.
Didnt mean to sage
filtered for pathetic newfag who uses a phone to reassure himself about minutea even though he BTFO out of himself and revealed his newfaggotry and decided to keep shitposting like a typical election era cancer poster
Not a chad mate. Just think of how many subhumans who can't string a sentence together manage to get laid. Even hotwheels is not a virgin rolling in pussy.
Being a virgin out of choice is cool I guess but there is no excuse for it when it is involuntary. I think for most here it's a lack of drive and desire to succeed with the problem in other areas.
Have you even seen post related
This wizard disapproves of your bullshit.
just some youngfag narcissist who will probably shoot up the place because his special snowflake perception of himself is not going to cut it in the real world. just some empty set of clothes following other empty sets of clothes
So they activated the third stage already, sooner than i expected
Lost v card when i was 18 but haven't had a woman in 3 years.
In a way, you're right. But I never had problem "stringing a sentence together" and I didn't get laid until I hit my 30s. Though I'm married now, it's to a woman who had the same exact problem but on the other side. We only found each other because of the internet. Were it not for that chance meeting on a board, I would be relying on tissues or the occasional low-born desperate girl.
It depends on where you lived in a city that is best described as a ghetto, and an intelligent white guy who can read above a 5th grade level is seen as a faggot there, so your chance of being taken seriously by a woman when you live in a poor city within one of the poorest states in the country is quite low.
The real answer is for these virgin kids here to move to a whiter, more affluent area where you won't have mudbloods and the mentality they corrupt white women with damaging your chances at finding love. Just my two cents.
You realize this will only be for nations where the native population is too low, right? Places like Nigeria, Libya, Egypt. all need to have more children. Places like America and Germany can just import more people ;^)
tbh most of the virgins on here (including me) can attract girls (thru looks alone). we stumble when we have to open our mouths.
I shed
holy shit 100% this
good enough to attract average girls in day to day life but open my mouth and its over
not good enough for tinder though
wake me up
If it'll quiet you down.
Basically, you're trying too hard. Women don't want "cool guy", they want "provider". Be successful, and they'll come to you. Just make sure you don't get cucked.
and how do i put off provider
That story always triggers me hard.
How did you meet her
I'm willing to try to do internet shit
I dont want a god damn land whale though
I swear I did NOT starve myself for FIVE MONTHS to lose 60 pounds and no longer be fat to go with a fucking ham planet
yep I had to take a break for a minute when I read it as well, go and look out at the rain for a minute because I know of people who have been fucked like that as well, and that is my fear, working hard and trying hard and earning a great life and ending up back where I was at 26 in a one room apt with a bunch of nothing.
Haha just have your post here was really funny.
Seems a little confusing with your Ids though.
I don't want to derail this thread with "be urself :^)" But being a virgin at 19 isn't that unusual. It's not hard to use tinder or something too. Once you get it right once you'll get it right in the future. It's hard to explain the cues, signals and how you should act if you have never been there before. That said once you make out with a chick you should be able to get to sex pretty fucking quickly. If you are getting a girls phone number and not kissing her around the same time if you are interested in her I reckon you are doing something wrong.
Nothing bad with being upfront.
Yeah good point. Good point of view too. I'm probably a pretty shitty person to get advice off because though I can get laid I don't really care too much about the people I get with and I never have the patience or success generally when it comes to an actually worthy chick or a girl who is quite a virgin.
I'm still fairly young though and too damn depressed to really care about anything at the moment…
I wasn't really thinking about context much.
My dads ex wife (from the marriage before the marriage to my mom) did that to my dads first son and daughter.
I think its in my blood not to trust women for shit.
pssst… hey
tits or gtfo
Idiot. Caring about career and education is exactly what the kikes want. Find a man who is strong in mind, body and spirit; be a good wife to who is worthy.
Having children while you are young is worth more than any job can pay.
*Oh, God. The feels are COMING BACK!***
So when will (((WHO))) be publishing DSM the 6th version and adding this as a disability?
you know the rules, TITS OR GTFO
Dubs confirm your message
The older I get, the more I look at career women as failures.
my cousin is about to do this to her husband who is a super cool guy and probably the only person I talk to in my extended family. they have 6 blonde kids and they are both also blonde, literally a picture perfect goal of what I want to achieve. he is a superintendent and apparently that is not good enough for her, or maybe she is just activating all that media homer simpson "blame the man" programming, but she is basically kicking the guy out soon and everybody in my family is super grossed out by what is happening. most likely he is going to get pushed away and the kids will grow up to either be trans-fags or supreme gentlemen types like
Kek mit uns.
Women who do this sort of shit need to be shunned hard. This sort of behavior cannot be acceptable in any form.
got you on a nerve fucking neet
im bretty sure that's a trans
I just save these whenever someone posts them. I wouldn't know.
Dear autism faggot and all you other Elliot Rogers in this thread, let me explain why you're all so retarded.
Case closed.
But seriously, autism in its most basic form is a disease of excess egocentrism. You are unable to understand stand other people because you have no empathy. You are unable to see things from another perspective outside of your own.
Example: "I do everything women are supposed to like, why don't they like me."
You see you have made up some objective standards that you project on to women for them to judge you by. It doesn't matter what they actually think. And in fact it is generally very wrong. Women are all different, and they're not objectivity based, they're emotionality based.
Here is what women really want: attention.
Not attention like you give to your dog, they want you to show some meaningful interest in them.
But as an autist you can't give them that attention. All you can do is worry about yourself, because of your disease.
And this is why you see couples that don't follow your standards. You know, the fat ugly hairy poor bald guys with a 9.5/10 doctor bringing home bank. The ones you rage about because you don't understand. Well, now you know.
But, fortunately, just knowing this really helps. Its hard to stop worrying about yourself and find confidence but trying helps a ton. And if you do meet someone you might tell then about it, anytime if you can't figure out the appropriate time, but generally when things start to go wrong. And actually, this will give you some amount of notoriety and appeal to her emotions.
And in general, it's not helpful to do things specifically for attracting women. It makes that thing unviable for conversation, which is exceedingly awkward. You need to focus on doing things you're genuinely interested in. Being overly accommodating is off putting.
God's speed wizard bros.
Huh, I actually have forgotten how to treat a woman as a human. Reading all this, I get that some of you don't wanna be virgin, it screams to you that perhaps you want to be like them, that part of some that I try to comprehend. Modern women are vapid and hollow, I forgot when I started treating them as NPC were I pretend to have those notions and emotions. At 26 still a virgin, I still don't get it, is really worth it? I can talk about stupid shit with my bro and my best friend and get a far more stimulating conversation than I would have with a woman. I don't get it and I always find it odd that I don't understand this urge toward sexuality of any kind.
Pussy is no longer a reward, it way too easy to get and plentiful. Yet, some of you still find it a way to drop spaghetti.
Woman no longer have a sense of beauty or charm to them, still we chase after a standard long forgotten.
I still don't understand, yet I pursuit a phantom, much like most of you.
Meh, it's cool if you get it without having to work for it. Courting and orbiting for sex? That juice is not worth the squeeze, friend.
Hello me
B-but I thought the world was overpopulated? Stop tap dancing all over the issue Jews. No assigning me a government mandated gibs, tumblrina, catladycatlady, muslimess, or hag won't change how I feel about this degenerate society of ours. This is probably them trying to get civilized women to have keeds with rapefugees and muds.
this tbh
same age as you lad, women flirt with me alot but all of them I find have boyfriends and are looking to cheat so I just blank them until they fuck off
This exactly.
I had sex once in college. It didn't change me whatsoever and I haven't had it since because the effort to put forth now isn't worth what I'd need to do nowadays. Really at this point it's just a matter of waiting until I find a girl as fucked up as that again or when robot waifus hit the market. Whichever is first.
Pretty sure women have always been vapid and dumb user.
they were held to certain social standard before though lad, now they get giant thigh tatoos of the word fuck in cursive and refuse to shave and belch and guzzle wine and wear BDU camo to work where most men would have the cops called on them for doing the same
Someone better tell my wife that she's making me a cripple.
So don't pursue higher education and decent job I enjoy? Yeah no, I'm going to contribute to society.
Obviously I plan on doing this, but what am I supposed to do until then? Work a shit job and hope he walks in? Maybe if I have an education and job, I'll have a way to meet like-minded males.
This is why shit like
is disappointing. I can promise good conversation and character but not the sex that men crave. So perhaps I am disabled as the title suggests.
True, it the one that reek of doom and desperation that always seen to puzzle me.
hehe, you must have a pleasant aura around you, if you get flies to come to you. I'm chick repellent as I been told before not for looks but they feel threaten by me. High school I was label the serial rapist and AIT some chick label me as the serial killer among the soldiers.
Yeah not arguing that now there no standard to be upheld. So their stupid shit is now more available.
filtered, nobody cares about female opinions
You sound like a pleb. Working under someone instead of pursuing a free man stat.
people generally refer to me as "killer" since I also come off as a serial killer to normalfags, women generally are a bit excited by that whole jim morrisonesque dark personality mystique tbh but they can't control you so they generally stay away, strippers/prostitutes,etc. in general love guys like us because we are more interesting than the desperate normalfaggots
You seem pretty smart to me. If I was a chick I'd probably do the same as you. Most of the hostility against your is probably due to the fact that it seems you are fishing for compliments a bit. Good luck and never listen to the chans for relationship advice.
I live in a pretty decently sized city (300k people) how the fuck do you not find someone who would have sex with you? It's mind-boggling. Unless you're really fucking hideous you should be able to find a comparable woman to fuck. It's literally not that hard. Work is easily the best place to find pussy (as long as its not a fucking career job, then don't do that)
Because girls dont wanna talk to just random strangers out of nowhere
And there aren't that many girls in my day to day life that I run into, and a lot of them are already taken
its not a big deal lad just relax and get some hobbies and you will appear more interesting now fuck off
I can't speak for the other but I do feel the desire to fuck tons of women, it's a natural drive which has existed in humans for ages. The difference is that I want more than that, I want a real meaningful connection to a human being who I am to share my life with, I want loyalty, I want compassion, intelligence, comfort and I am more than willing to give those things back but I have yet to even hear of a woman (outside of fiction) who displays these features.
I', 6'3'', fit, Aryan features (even though I am slav), and not a NEET. I have had women approach me but every-time I have gone on a date I just get turned off when I see what they are really like, years of observation and the red pill has taught me to spot "problematic" signs from a mile away (I have yet to be wrong about a bullet dodged)
It also doesn't help that I am shit at lying so I don't try, politics inevitable comes up and even though I try to tone it down in public I am 1488 at the core and it shows.
One time in college I had date with this christian girl who was home schooled and never had a boyfriend at 19, she starts talking about how women deserve equal opportunity to be whatever they want while having a family (3 years maternity leave, gender quota's, etc) and I couldn't help myself and started talking about opportunity cost and how giving these benefits out is in fact inequality and is harmful for society, didn't even go full fascist but I could see that I hit a nerve and she was uncomfortably by my answers, especially since she had no couldn't even come up with a counter argument and had a blank look on her face. After that I called her once but she went radio silent on me.
when do I get my virginbux?
Says fuckin who???
Stop projecting your made up standards on to women.
Read this….>>7929578
When WHO publishes DSM-6 or makes a referendum to make the disability official
What is realistically going to come of it?
Will there be some kind of program to help virgins?
Having blonde hair and blue eyes means nothing if you have slavic facial structure Vlad. You're no Aryan
Never said I was, as for how I look those tow pics are actually somewhat close, I am somewhere in the middle between the two.
Tyrone getting Stacey's pussy to make mud babies with if you want to be cynical.
Yeah, I know but those two pic are really close to how I look (closer to the second that the fist but it might be the lack of detail in the old photo) so I couldn't help myself
To be honest I have no idea how to do any of that shit. I was under the impression that you're supposed to just like talk and get to know each other, maybe flirt some on the first date. Apparently that's totally wrong. I blame being raised an only child by a single mother.
Dem quads. Chekt.
Also, I tend to have trouble getting dates in the first place since I'm an engineering major and therefore I don't meet many girls. Doesn't help that I'm fairly intimidating because I'm really smart (sounds arrogant as fuck but being smart is basically all I have tbh) and I come off as blunt/abrasive despite being friendly. Some girls find this attractive but the hard part is getting the timing right because they eventually get put off by my perceived lack of interest.
I just want a nice girlfriend to spend time with, I could probably get pussy if that's all I wanted, but it isn't.
Women assume the mindset of the most dominant around them. Ideally, it's her father until you show up. Don't sweat her stupid opinions; eventually she'll adopt your stances.
source? It's not said anywhere in OP's article.
More to let a few guys know that there are still a few decent women in the world, we're just probably not where they're looking. And a little bit for advice, but not too hopeful. Thanks and you're probably right on that last point.
they probably don't leave their computer screen, so we can't harass them, smart.
Declaring yourself "one of the few decent women left in the world" is why you get negative reactions like that. Stop fishing for compliments, whoring for attention here is not going to get you the response you want. It's like you want congratulations for not being a vapid degenerate, when basically everyone here is the same way.
This is the same type of shit that women trying to solicit attention from beta cuckboi nerds do. "Lol xd I'm a gamer girl, sure does suck that there aren't many of us. Not really because then I'd lose my inflated value :^)"
Anyone here who isn't blackpilled to shit knows that there are decent women left.
Tl;dr: Stop.
Taking welfare in almost any Western country is okay right now. Just don't piss your time away. I would rather we have NEETs on here reading, learning, and getting /fit/ than having them slave away for some Jewish business. If we actually had a healthy society, I would say, yes you should contribute, and not leech off the system. This system almost certainly needs to crash to be fixed, and a good way to crash a system is to be a leech. It is pretty much only the white men who keep this country afloat. If we slowly stop then there will be nobody to keep it going. When times are tough is when people want real change, that is when they want to do away with corruption and fix the underlying problems of their nations.
Also think of it this way. Every time a white collects gibs that is less money and resources for the muds and/or (((government))). What will they do when there is no one left to tax?
and where do you guys suggest we find them
because at VCU in Richmond city, VA they seem to be extinct
I assume they join clubs or whatever to be with like minded people. That's how people organized before the Internet, at least. Just be wary of attention whores that only pretend to be interested, but you know that already.
forgot not to nametripfag
That's lazy. Look for the best solution, not the easiest.
user.. the problem is how this will be exploited.
Classifying them as disabled cripples their abilty to obtain licenses etc.
That's the real reason why they want this
Rearing good children is a far more substantial contribution to society than any career a woman can have.
It's worked so far right? They haven't been retarded at all right?
They make good decisions like dumping a girl for not putting out often enough yeah?
It's almost certainly because your diet is shit.
Go to church, find a man that isn't a wimp or a retard and you'll be happy enough.
You need a man to fix your shit tbh.
Young men with no women to occupy their time and bleed them for resources are exactly the kind that start revolutions, the Jews need an excuse to disarm and medicate these groups of white men, classifying them as disabled is very convenient.
Well shitlords, now we have an entry position into muh oppression stack.
Tits or get the fuck out you LARPer. Fuck all the redditfags that think you're a woman .
gibs me dats for r9k
Exactly, and they could also say that because we are not engaging in degeneracy that we are unable to get women. I also find it interesting that this doesn't apply to fags
The DSM is created by people with ties to international pharmaceutical corporations, diseases are voted into it on the basis of what will make the most money. Look at Hillary Clinton's mental health plan, she wants to integrate it into Obamacare and further its integration into our police force and schools. The effect this will have is putting all the "crazies" on a list, further the police's ability to evaluate someone's mental state and detain them(which they already have in almost every state, look up "EDP Bags"), and taking the people who're on that lists second and fourth amendments away.
Shit is going to get real fucked real fast if these people even get an inch.
pls be in London
Can I get paid now for being a celibate NEET shut-in?
Answer is you apply your autism to social situations. You're attempting to do this at the moment, but you're focusing on the material details, the sensations. No-one cares about your shitty undercut (they do, but only in how it relates to your role). Go to greater generality, the underlying social roles and dynamics. You look 'normal' in your environment, but when talking to you, your intensity betrays that you're masking yourself. Trick is to blend the external and internal in a way that works irl. Also, it sounds like you want a longer or medium term relationship, however all of the attributes you've listed are ones that have value to girls in the short-term, so it sounds like you're getting exactly what you're fishing for. Also, you sound younger than 23. With continuous application of autism to social dynamics, as well as the other generally recommended self-improvement the tide will turn big league in the next few years.
Oh, wait just got to this. Yes that sucks. There's a reason Tolstoy didn't become an anti-sex Christian before he was an old man. Doesn't change anything, though I'd add, try to channel as much of the pent-up energy into the activities that will be a greater long-term help. It will be inefficient, and you'll lose a lot of the energy, but every bit you harness will help.
If you enjoyed it it wouldn't be a job, you'd just as well do it for free.
If this is your end-goal, it's an awfully inefficient way to get there. If you can't think of a way to meet smart educated men, go to an engineering conference, and tell some presenter how his speech was so interesting.
As a student in a grad program in a high-stress, high-pay field, surrounded by bright career women, one of the things that draws my attention the most is when a woman is a good singer or violinist. This provides balance to my strong and stern mentality. Why would I want to pair with a woman who needs to complain and unload the tension from her high-stress work, when I want have the same tension? Sure there can be a form of comradery in that, but "Komrad" sexuality is not of the highest form. Do I need help with rational analysis or salary? No. What would I want (read lack)? Attention to aesthetics. Putting in the work to create and maintain a pleasant social circle. Doing outside work to "contribute to society" is good, but not if it's done in such a way will lead to the externalities I mentioned. Creating a soft and relaxed atmosphere to balance my harsh firmness. From your descriptions, the only value you mention providing is not being a slut and being healthy/attractive. You have low libido though so it's not like not being a slut is difficult, and think, if you owned a restaurant, would you attract people by serving half-portions? Also, I'm curious what field you're in. I'm thinking it's related to the medical industry.
There's more
In order to enable their sick degeneracy and power fantasies, these lunatics are ready to redefine reality to suit their pursuits, on top of dissent control. don't let yourselves be tagged like cattle and controlled.
I want UN to die already.
I just now realized we're a semi-secret society.
Are you claiming to not have autism?
A Wizard is waaaay beyond a common virgin, silly SJW goon.
So when do they go full nwo jewgenics and say that disabled people have to be sterilized for the good of mandkind? Will I be in the same category as mentally ill and be reeducated at a UN approved camp? Or will it be considered a communicable disorder?
who the fuck is this?
And you're not doing anything about this… why?
What's with the Jew sideburns?
Post yfw we do not only freely shill in our free time but we also get paid for it by no-gf bux from the World Health Organization
Shit. Something tells me that this is only going to apply to white women and colour'd men.
Bingo. It will be for those poor rapefugees who can't get their european qts
This is such an utterly blatant scheme for race-mixing and many white women will be stupid enough to buy it.
This is what Karl Marx and other commies feared and predicted. They call it the "breakdown of the reproductional sphere". Commies rely on people's sexual drive, contrary to popular belief (due to supporting gays LGBT and so on). It's the only basic instict they can use to control people, that's why they always endorse degenerate behavior, because when you dangle a pussy in front of a man, he will eventually take the bait.
Commies and Elitists are genuinely afraid of people who can resist their sexual drive, because it makes them virtually uncontrollable. Even the definition of Terrorists by the FBI and Homeland security, called "going dark" (a term used to describe people falling of the grid), also includes someone retracting from sexual activity, thus departing from normal goyim interactions.
This being said, sex is ofc great but It's a time sink (time to find a good pussy) + it fucks with your conditioning, espcially in degenerate societies. It is these moments when you are finished cumming all over your wimmin and sit there exhausted and look at that sperm ridden female creature when you realize that everything you've done up until this point with this woman was serving the purpose of acting like a degenerate ape.
I was a fuckwhore since I was 17. I laid bitches left and right. When I turned 25 I had a few eye opener moments, especially immediately after sex, when I became disgusted with me and these sluts. Since then I only had one woman and I feel my sexual desire degrading and fading away down to an occasional fap.
Never felt so liberated in my life when I stopped lying to myself and realized that everything I've done since I was 17, was geared towards claiming pussy. College, fitness, wealth, my behavior. The strive for pussy is a very powerful tool that once secured our survival but degraded over time into a primal instinct which can be manipulated by jews to literally control your life.
Please Enjoy Attached Jailbait.
Long Live Holla Forums!.
t. Holla Forums
My brothers, it does not matter if you are small or frail or big or hulking.
Your heart is the size of the infinite stars.
You will defeat this menace.
First: Man age like wine until about 70~
Second: Replace improved meme magic with sex? Why would you?
I don't care if it's placebo or if it's actually working, but deluding yourself that something is like you want it to be, either makes it actually become like that, or changes your perception of life to better.
Instead of just larping about meme magic, start using it.
Things like "Woman are getting hotter and hotter every day like crazy" is either making me notice hot girls more often, or actually changing reality though meme magic. I don't care which is it, but since it's working, I will keep doing it.
Maybe deluding myself that "normies are waking up at unprecedented peace" will kill all jews faster
Friendly reminder to all the voluntary wizards itt that if you've sworn off sex and still regularly masturbate, you still haven't transcended the flesh.
Shit when can I start claiming disability for it then?
Not like this.
It's going to be like in the assemblywoman, men will be mandated to have sex with the ugliest and most despicable women
Can I become a NEET now?
Oh user stop believing in such silly conspiracy theories :^)
tits or GTFO you liberal scum
The problem is that the ones that are interested in me are either
A. Fat/Ugly
B. Dumb
C. Annoying as Fuck
D. Feminist
E. All of the Above
Basically people that I wouldn't want to marry and I am not out just for sex.
I'm /fit/, knowledgeable about many topics. I do need some more hobbies though like you say.
But what hobbies do women even have? Everything I have tried has been basically all men, this includes pretty much almost all sports, programming/technology related clubs at uni, motorbikes, cars, economics society, powerlifting.
Only thing I could join is some fag shit like some save the animals or SJW shit and I would rather jerk off to be honest.
So does this mean that INCEL's can accuse women of oppressing them by making them disabled?
I can now post this image of Robot Hitler.
Just for you ;)
It is a drive to further discredit us. Most of us are wizards in the making. Outcasts, jaded, cynical, autistic, delta/gamma men. Our knowledge only makes it worse as our eyes are fully opened. Its the enlightened they can shout down at, the enlightened they can smear and ostracize further.
We're going to be recognized as disabled, so certain privileges are taken away from us. Guns for the Burgers comes to mind. Perhaps even internet access?
How in the hell do they even defend this ruling? There are men more than capable of getting laid, just not choosing to do so. They want their maiden girlfriend to become their maiden wife. What about the uggos? They struggle but only because of their looks. Is that a disability now?
Everyone is going to seen as disabled at this rate. We're all going to be given drugs and treatment to "cure" us.
im gamma+ on crack
something tells me this isnt normal
You have to be the Führer. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're the Führer they let you do it. You can do anything. They want it. Grab them by the titty. You can do anything.
If you have a family - ((((they)))) will take away your child.
If you don't - you should be ((((cured)))).
That's very sexist goy.
So I can get autismbux because I don't have a gf? Who am I kidding, I live in cucknadia where we don't even have food stamps.
not bad. I'm 22 now, still a green apprentice
any more post-25 virgins here?
33 year old wizard here. I can confirm you're fucked. Let's channel our mana into defeating the Jews.
I've fucked more than 25 women and they all had great titties.
Greek chicks give the best blow jobs
I bet you're a Wizard
What the fuck did you just say about me you little virgin ?
gross d00d
Titties or GTFO.
Holy shit… o_o
Level 32 wizard reporting in, with a successful job and no need for sex or cuddling. I feel no inadequacy because I never had sex. The WHO can suck all the cocks they want, the dirty kikes.
You're projecting a little bit
r u triggered?
Ah yes, just like "road rage" is a mental disorder, or "restless leg syndrome" is a physical disorder rather than a desire to get off your ass and do something.
I wouldn't be surprised if special exceptions were put in place to protect faggots, but it would be a middling kek if it did end up doing that.
Fuck off then.
I'm baffled more than anything. Disability? For not getting laid? Shouldn't the really disabled people of the world be pissed off by that?
what age do you become one?
Or, hear me out onm this, you can work now on software development, earn a cushy sallary, live a frugal lifestyle (no gf = no expenses getting out, gifts, trips, etc.), save money for a while, invest it, and then get rich by doing actual work.
30 fam
Trips confirm absolutely this. I know women have given me looks, and some have even tried to initiate conversation with me. But man, am I garbage at speaking normalfag fluently enough to entice a woman into a relationship. The only thing I still care to be actively knowledgeable about are the many why's on gassing all the Jews being a good idea. And how awesome Trump is, obviously. Other than that, I refuse to get (back) into normalfag hobbies to try and find common ground.
And how exactly would they prove that someone is INCEL and not just not interested in reproduction (long or short term)? How much time would have to pass since puberty until someone would be officially (and involuntary) declared disabled?
This is basic fag and feminist agenda no gun grab. (not that that's any better)
Who is that guy and what does he do?
let's see…
What a shock, he makes his money by selling babies to people who can't reproduce naturally.
He's also writes for huffpo.
kinda weird that he doesn't have a kikepedia page. those kind of people are usually narcissistic enough to put them up by themselves.
also not sure if he's a crypto or a shabbos goy
off by fucking one…
all i wanted was some serious love
A beautiful read to wake up to in the morning.
The justice couldn't be more poetic!
Hopefully with a mix of sex therapy!>>7926915
No, get rid of the shitskins! The shitskins will poo on your lolberg porno-scene!
So THAT'S the excuse they're gonna use to put Holla Forums in FEMA mental asylum camps. wew.
It's been a fun ride, lads
Here's another (You), cunt.
For all our posturing it seems Holla Forums is just as susceptible to this kind of bait as /r9k/.
who isn't?
Being a non-degenerate is a disability, now.
I love current year.
plz let trump be hitler
One or two anons took the bait, the rest was telling "her" to fuck off or show tits.
This affects the millions of moslems raping their way in Europe, will they get gibs for it?
Being 22 and virgin in this sex-centered society really makes feel disabled so it makes sense.
No, a Wizard who's had sex once or a couple times (statistical anomalies), but is effectively no better than a Wizard at attracting, is a Warlock.
It also makes you look and feel weak and inadequate for something you shouldn't. Sex is an intimate business; how much poon you're getting (or not getting) shouldn't be anyone else's business.
Honestly, all I can say is, it reeks of this weird r strategist thinking that I never get. What is it with so many people and this 'must have gf at all times at any cost', mentality? I see so many people become cucks overnight because of this fucking mentality.
If a woman isn't wife material, what's the point in even starting to court her?
sounds awfully like jizya to me
(((They))) are probably trying to prevent pic related
Fuck off and get a job NEETsoc
You're an evil son-of-a-bitch!
God put car and SJW in front of him.
It was easy choice.
My theory is that r/K isn't two separate strategies, as it is that K- is simply r- with lots of behavioral controls evolved.
Because look at the media, look at the people around you; aren't they all so happy that they have someone to cuddle with? Pay no attention to your friends and co-workers who bitch about theyr girlfriends and wifes being demanding cunts and focus on all the happy times you will be spending together, and don't forget all the awesome sex you will be always having, except when she (or you) are tired, or not in the mood, or busy, etc.
Now look at all the bitter, ugly, fat, disgusting people who are lonely. Look at all the time these people have for themselves, time that they must spend on their own thoughts, drowning in sorrow, or perhaps thinking about stuff. Disgusting.
Go get a girlfriend right now, lest you be left alone with yourself. Because you are worth nothing alone, my friend. You have no potential. Forget about this. You need someone!
Fighting in the [memetic] trenches today is no different.
In many ways,
get the fuck out
If the government thinks Im being such a bad goy then why doesnt it intervene and help me get laid since Im not living like this by choice
Level 29 reporting in!
Somebody say rulecock?
I couldn't get laid if I wanted to.
I'd probably have to pay the hooker a 50% neet penalty, and I'd probably last about 25% the time of her usual client. just not worth it tbhfamwizardry sounds way more interesting
I guess by people trying to seek advice. At my old community college I remember a counselor gave me a list finding a relationship conventions/rehab from five or six different government programs. I didn't go to any of it though. It felt very sketchy to sign up any of the programs maybe I'm just paranoid
Why self-improve when what will be waiting at the end of the tunnel has a good chance of being an all new kind of hell? You have no leash on modern woman, but she forever has a leash on your wallet if you marry that slut!
Thus why I'm a raging neet on chans cutting down CTR-tier bitchtits, and been doing so since 'manboobz' was a relatively larger pain in the ass on the internet.
>inb4 le plebbit spacing
Never seen such an aberration, though I assume something like that could plausibly exist somewhere. Just that the probability of a woman being that fucked in the head is way outside the 3 sigma range.
The real evil of this move:
Who isn't able to find a wife?
White men depressed by their status in society.
Niggers don't need to lie because leftists want to hand them gibs for other reasons.
Once you have someone dependent, nigger or not, they will tend to maintain the thing that keeps benefits flowing. (Not fucking/ not having children)
Thus, this move is engeneered to use gibs to reduce white birthrates.
You'd be doing that by having children, now's when you're being fucking useless.
We'll see how much your fucking career matters when you're six feet under and everybody has forgotten about you because you lived an absolutely meaningless life.
I lost my v-card at the age of 27…went from lardass to /fit/ and got myself a GF. Was it worth it? No, because I'm still not a Chad and women loathe men that aren't Chads on a genetic level. Can I approach women and try to get dates with them, etc.? Sure. Can I walk into the mall or club/bar and just point my finger at any women and make her follow me into the toilet or my place? No, and unless you get to do that you're not really having fun with women.
If women don't go out of their way to get your attention, you're not really one of the 20%.
Slavs are aryan, the word you're looking for is nordic, you're not nordic whereas pure germanic-descended populations are.
Blonde hair and blue eyes occur in multiple subraces, for example nordics, slavs and finnics, the facial structure and various other features are different.
Their shit is plenty unfucked.
Excessive funposting is a disruption tactic. 'Funposters' who do it in any event where the OP isn't a faggot should be gassed.
So they'll see my status and disability money will automatically be transferred into my bank account?
Hell yea, maybe this shit world will finally pay off!
There are so many loopholes in these classifications and the outer world I can't keep count anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm not downtrodden it's more like a silent rage.
Samefag. Filtered. Reported.
Who knows if it is deliberate (probably it is in part) or if it is just a side effect of the great Mouse Utopia (probably it is in part).
I know for a fact that population reduction is a goal for some political groups, I also know that population expansion creates conflict which is used by some political groups. And of course, when an entire generation sucks up all power for themselves and feeds on the younger generation it is only a matter of time before young men start dropping out because they realize the carrot will never be attained. This is essentially the great mouse utopia. So it's a lot of things at work.
I would say the primary beneficiaries of this system are women since if you are not rich, or a hot chad then women really don't want to interact with you. Historically guys like you are supposed to go off and die in a war so women don't have to look at or think about you.
I visit the red pill sub reddit but I had never seen anything like that. At the very most they just demonstrate why it happened in the first place.
this is who i am now
listening to music is pleasure for the sense of hearing.
watching a movie is pleasure for the sense of sight and hearing.
eating chocolate is pleasure for the sense of taste.
smelling roses is pleasure for the sense of smell.
having sex is pleasure for the sense of touch.
it's just a short lived means of utilizing your senses for pleasure.
a fulfilling life transcends this 30minutes of fame. look to gondola.
no 88 what the fuck is this cucked shit wheres my fucking Nazi Thule 1488 wizard
I love it when scum get whats coming to them.
Post more of these if you have them.
because they are promoting homo-sexuality and also pedophilia. How can they do that if the actress look like actual women?
That is the true motive behind the anti-body shaming crap….. "Its sexist to think women shouldn't look like men!" "Gender is a social construct".
Where's my handicap parking permit you fucks.
I know its not my physical looks that turns them off, I've had girls tell me before I look good and seen them look at me almost in awe because of my height, plus I've gotten rated 7/10 on /soc/ a lot
Its when I have to talk to them for more than a few minutes at a time when things break down
You sensitive bitch. Why not pay a ho?
Because hos cost a shit ton of money and I can afford it once maybe a few times and then I'm back to square one
You're not going to become a virgin again don't worry. By the way, either get a job to pay for hookers or work to get women. Either way it's work.
I've seen this many times before, but what I've never seen are any of the inevitable "You don't need him, honey!" replies. I also wonder if the stupid cunt ever grew the fuck up.
I've heard its worse to stop being a virgin and then be cut off from sex than it is to keep being a virgin
It's not.
>probably would have done anything she'd asked if she'd only fucking asked.
He's probably slightly on the spectrum and if she'd come right out and asked him what he made he would have told her without thinking twice. Instead she made rash judgements and decisions, accused him of lying through omission, and now I hope she dies alone in a house full of hungry cats.
It's worse to get married, expect sex on the reg, and then find out too late that your wife is frigid. In other words, you achieve wizard status while lying next to a vagina that, in a happier age, you could demand the use of without getting arrested.
Where's my gibsmedats for being a wizard.
You are a living embodiment of this comic.
Those comics are brutal. I think they were made by a hapa though.
You'll be surprised at what an underwhelming experience sex is.
I wonder what the normalfag reaction to this would be.
Especially married normalfags. It would certainly be subversive.
Why I will not marry until either women are disenfranchised or Islam takes over (and thus women are disenfranchised).
Thanks Obama!
Sure those ideals would be grand in an ideal system, but we don't have an ideal system. You aren't paid what you are actually worth. And people in the top 10-20% are being paid 5000% more than you, so why continue with the naive idealist line when the system is fucked atm?
Because he's a miserable moralcuck who's too ego-invested in being a good-working goy in a system robbing him blind, and misery loves company!
Low key "Homosexuality is a diseases" declaration.
Jared owns. good read any more?
Also taking money from the system is just piling on even more of a load and burden that will eventually collapse the welfare state. In the meantime you can always vote against the commies.
IIRC she posted later about how she moved back in with her parents and how her shitlord sister and her 'crotch fruit' were assholes for demanding she do the minimum to be part of te houshold and not letting her sleep all day and cyberbully people at night. can't be arsed to find it tho.
if there is a god she is a hobo or dead by now.
how would you not notice if you didn't have a drunk as fuck las vegas wedding?
kinda makes me wonder. back in the 90s when I was a total degenerate i was the 'chad' who loved to get women to do things they will never admit to future lovers. But now I'm in a stable relationship, even married and the thought of doing a lot of those things wth my wife disgusts me to no end. Could it be that SOME women see it the same way?
go rape some goats ufuk. you are subhuman, you will always be subhuman and you know it.
because to strive for less than a perfect system would be cowardice and useless.
He's still too dumb to understand that you must tear the current system down to replace it with something worthwhile.
suck the welfare system dry anons. immobilize it by holding it up to it's liberal standards.
have fun
ride the tiger.
Assuming you're not fabricating this, what prompted you to take up such a role?
Was there any other reason beyond typical degenerate lines of thought (aka, "it feelz gud")?
I'm genuinely curious.
What if you don't want to find a sexual partner? What about people that are waiting until marriage?
No, bad goyim! Marriage is a Christian invention, and we can't have anyone practicing that garbage in any way, shape, or form!
Racist locust hates nigger locusts.
How old are you btw? I have a 15 year old white gf and she's perfect. You're probably expired garbage and might as well kill yourself.
Your entire post is bullshit… or bait.
The fuck is wrong with that chicks face she looks like an ayy lmao
This is why we need to win, and change society. These women are so broken it's hard to believe at times, yet I fully fucking expect it now.
how long until we can fill out paperwork to have sex with anyone like in We
So what, if you're not a poz loads degenerate, you're a beta now?
have you seen those images from time magazine and such of the face of the 'human of the future' that's just a bland brownish NPC looking person? that is the goal. everyone must be the same, just like how our houses are the same and what we do in our free time and all the things we 'own' that were put together by robots
Pretty much, women want a stud who's been around.
Please let us get sex bots soon
It seems I'm not alone here.
Get good.
It can come from either a superb diet, unusual or different genes, or ones chalk full of hormones, GMOs, or chemicals. Most likely the later in this case.
It can also, come from high doses of photoshop.
It is probably the later, or something else.
She probably just stronk.
That, or she has a short torso, or a wide body, or both. Even if she is actually more manly, perhaps she just has unusual genes/evolution. I don't have those kinds of genes, but maybe we shouldn't be so quick to dismiss an unusual aesthetic (body, or head).
Negroid females look man-ish, but it's not abnormal for there men to like them.
Some here say getting gibs from this can cause you to give up you guns rights, and that this is to supress the power of virgins. I buy this theory over the rapefugee one.
33 here. No gf. The power courses through my veins!!! Truly alive with cosmic secrets.
We have 18 days left to stop Illary. We must not rest on our laurels.
so japan is full of disableds because a huge portion of their population is asexual?
There are a lot of wizards here. Didn't realize that Holla Forums was actually Hogwarts.
I'm not even talking about the formatting. Only reddit talks like this. If that is pasta, it sucks.
And treating women like dogs is exactly what you do.
Pretty much this. Commies encouraged all sorts of things that broke down the family, but they wanted people to be promiscous. Even back in Marx's day, people were worried about 'free love'
rok, trp, etc
tracked these and all the x-christain endless blogs since 2012. they all universally descended into muh dick nigger shitdom circa mid-2014. the only ones that didn't were the derelict sites that just purged all new arrivals/content until the scourge of mudslime, wetback, nogdick, asiabros, and cuckjews stopped coming due to falling off of google page-rank. saw the slow descent. trp falling to literal niggerville was due to the shit population and the literal chosen one mods - who were muh dick enlightenment nigger LARPers. after a while, they all stopped hiding the obvious. regardless of how they started out, once enough white left the room, each one of those 'an hero' ecelebs (roosh, etc) descended into their baseline forms: part insane (if crossbred like roosh), part self hating, then part muh dick, then all muh dick – using any excuse (namely their dick/black-pill, nog-mgtow, and etc) to just do what they wanted all along – the same thing they've always done, and will always do. rapes for black-restitution! rapes for roosh's rejections in polland! rapes for that snowflake that landed on my dick and reminded me of my dick!
and on and on. these sites never recovered. their comments were co-opted by agents (or cucks? as far as i can tell, all of them were), and subverted from the —-very—- beginning. they are all still magically funeded too… no small wonder there. niggernet for shitskins.
horrible memories, which had only one outcome: to forgive leads to forget. don't do either. grant no forgiveness. grant them nothing. all the insight i gained, was how all their lives are lies. the nogs are 'alpha' by poverty and utter left-behind-encoded-dna. the snackbars iranians lebonese diseases are 'alpha' by even more hyper-hyper-drama, and are behind mega-cucked at home – throughout their entire fucking civilization. i couldn't believe it. it's dumbfounding that it works, but that's women for you: zero fucking memory or knowing, only operating based on signal intensity of the now. the jews don't even try to 'alpha', and are cuck-city central, eating dicktips just to feel like they belong as they are surrounded by fuck butt ugly feminist harpy mothers eating men – life imitating 'life', following the now and strongest signal in the room, i suppose. this is the descent. it is genetic. culture-race-sex-gender-genetics are all inseparable.
watching them all play make believe then was surreal. watching all their endless role-playing shit take on a whole-new level – and have them actually believe their own LARPing lies – was when i just stopped torturing myself and never looked back.
it never ends, this shit.
/sage, because i'm not sure i stayed on topic, if at all.
holy shit
level 26 ausfag reporting in breh
now this is autism
The world is seriously fucking ending if this gains any ground.
Take your soma, citizen, and join the orgy porgy
I've been a virgin for so long, I honestly don't even want to have sex anymore.
Welfare is a fucking joke and so easy to scam.
Greentext pls
unless you are a white male, you goy.