As an European and a cis fucking scum, why should I care about the left?

As an European and a cis fucking scum, why should I care about the left?
I decided support the far-right because It's in my best interest to do so. The mainstream left (which you'd call "liberals") would have me executed for being a fucking white male.
The far-left revolution is not going to happen in this century, as society will continue to be divided by porkies. The islam will go after gays, the feminists will go after muhsogynist male workers, the blacks will go after whites and so on. The narrative will be shaped by Bell Hooks tier idiots.
The mainstream left has became racist towards the whites and sexist towards males. The radical left on the other hand is simply impotent. The only option for me is to support the far-right, which I wouldn't do otherwise. I don't care about nations and races but I do care about my own survival and well-being.

Can you convince me that I'm wrong?
I lurk there, as I do here.
Also, not a native speaker so please no bully.

I'm from Europe and am a white male. I'm also a worker who gets exploited by the bourgeoisie. Being far-left is in my best interest.

Unless you are rich, supporting right-wing politics is not in your best interest, end of

This would make sense assuming the far-left had any power. But i've only seen it shrinking in favor of "liberals". In my university I've only ever met one marxist, and dozens of idpoller.

I'm not rich, but please elaborate why. I do realise that I'm being used by porkies, but it's still better than being eradicated by deeply triggering and problematics.

I'm leaving for now, I'll check tommorow if there are replies.

do you understand what left means? Do you not see how the capitalist ideological structure pits liberals and right-wingers into a false conflict where one arbitrary group simply tries to dominate the other, without trying to change the system completely?
hey lad you seem to be missing one group of people from that list of retards chasing after spooks
perhaps the left is "impotent" because cucks like you decide that joining the safety of the mindless masses is the best thing to do, you coward and wimp. It is funny how you seem to recognize the madness and illogicality of alt-right rhetoric, but decide to continue to drink the cool-aid because of pure ideology. :^)

Far-right will not make your life better, or your nation(what the fuck is a nation anyway?) better.
The sad truth is that working together is the only way for our survival.
Communism or death.

What type of a far rightist are you? If its wrong for the mainstream left to be racist towards whites and sexist towards males how is it better to be far right and racist towards blacks and sexist towards females?

We already have this thread up you didn't have to make two

OP here, decided to hop in for one more reply

It's just semantics. Never ever heard anyone besides Holla Forums claim so called SJWs/idpollers are not leftist. Not saying this is baseless, so if you feel like it, you can call them non-leftist liberals. Fine by me.

The conflicts between sexual orientations, genders, sexes and races are indeed forged.
However, the conflict between islam and literally the rest of the world is not. It was a thing since before capitalism even existed.

Perhaps. Even if I joined the far-left it would still be impotent, though.

Hopefully it will at least stop my life from getting worse.

Dunno, said I don't really care.

Yeah, but under which banner? Communism you say, but even on this board you guys disagree all the time. Just like real commies did in history.

Non-specific, I'll go with anyone who shows promise of being able to end this bullshit.

I'm not saying that it's right and I wish it wasn't the case.
TBH in some places I don't even think right is sexist, homophobic or racists anymore. See Front National in France.
They are antiislamist though, which is fine by me.

Sorry then, I guess.

Also meant for


I fail to see how the alt right really has any more power than leftists

I fail to see how the alt right really has any more power than leftists


perhaps because you don't talk to leftists. How can you be leftist when you divide people up in a spooky manner, man and women, those that own land and those that dont, etc? This left-right opposition is a silly way to approach politics. It's also funny how you are turned off by leftists because of liberals, but are fine with alt-rightists even though you know their calls of race and nation to be a farce.
And how does this logically lead to the opposition to all of Islam? Do you think people just kill other people because they genuinely believe in a higher deity? Do you think the Catholics and the Eastern Orthodoxy split because of actual disputes of theology? Religion serves many purposes and affects many areas, this connection to Islam is just as silly as claiming Christianity is inherently intolerent of other beliefs because of the inquisition. It's all political lad. You should instead be saying "the conflict between those with less resources and those with more" was a thing since before capitalism ever existed.
You just seem angry and frustrated, you just want to do something and join others to stop some perceived madness. Well, you don't need to, just take the egoist pill lad, care for youself and don't subscribe to one spook just because another irks you

The type of leftism you're describing is being pushed by the media and other powers to, not only create profit for capitalists, but to also create infighting between the people to keep them distracted from real issues. Nobody here is in favor of SJW liberalism but that does not mean we should immediately follow the far-right as it has problems that are equal to, or even greater than, the mainstream left.

I hardly see how this is relevant to anybody on Holla Forums, we're not really interested in identity politics.

I think you're exaggerating the issue of SJWism. Their bourgeoisie moralism is leading them to tear each other apart, and because of that, they can't form a cohesive social movement. Workers are becoming increasingly alienated from movements like BLM and SJW.

I absolutely fail to understand how Bell Hooks is at all relevant in today's society. I remember Sargon of Akkad mentioning her in a video about Anita Sarkeesian, and then subsequently denouncing all Marxism as SJWism, which I thought was a bit ridiculous.

Bell Hooks has never been a relevant philosopher to anybody in serious Marxist circles. People that follow Bell Hooks have, historically, been on the fringe in Leftist circles and are often denounced as bourgeoisie feminists.

If feminism is going to have a role in the Leftist revolution, it isn't going to be led by the fat, content bourgeoisie "womyn" that are the figureheads of the SJW movement, it's going to be led by women in the vein of Alexandra Kollontai, Clara Zetkin, and Rosa Luxemburg.

Once again, you're creating a racial and religious narrative that doesn't exist in the West. Unlike what Holla Forumsyps would like someone to believe, we're not on the brink of Helter Skelter or some type of great Islamic jihad. I find it ridiculous to suggest that, somehow, 13.2% of the population is going to rise up and slaughter 77.35% of the population.

However, I will acknowledge the problem of Islamic violence. It's evident to everyone that Islamic terrorism has created an atmosphere of fear in the west and destabilized the east.

But, Holla Forumsyps are too quick to denounce the issue by saying that Muslims are inherently violent, or that their religion alone leads them to be violent. While unreformed Islam certainly preaches violence, I sincerely doubt that these people are violent on faith alone.

This violence stems from alienation. Why did the Mujahideen rise up to fight the Soviets? Because they were fighting against western imperialism. These young Mujahideen fighters were alienated from the western ideals of equality, republic, etc. and instead turned to Islamic teachings of Shariah, Iqta, etc.

The Mujahideen would go on to form the Taliban and al-Qaeda, organizations which worked to further Muslim alienation in the western world. Most often you'll find that Muslim terrorists who come from the western world are alienated in some way, and are then manipulated by already-radicalized Imams.

So then, I believe that the solution to Islamic terrorism is not to further alienation against them by encouraging discrimination. Discrimination against peaceful Muslims will turn peaceful Muslims violent.

While Liberals certainly form a majority in the Left, SJWs do not. You'll find that their reach extends only to the movements that they've created and the internet. The BLM has become too large for them to manage alone, as evidenced by Dallas.

Surely not. More radical left organizations engage at a community-level worldwide than far-right organizations, mostly because far-right organizations have been far more demonized by the worker. This is evidenced by the rise of B████ ██████, who was able to successfully identify as a "Socialist" without being thrown out entirely.

What's wrong with Islamism? Also, just ignore and their blatant bullshitting.

You're white, and right now that's advantageous, but at some point it won't be enough to be white, you'll need to be porky if you want to survive the war he's waging on your class, which by extension is all of our class.

You aren't going to be killed/persecuted by SJW's, that's just you having a victim complex.

Reminder that the fact that Holla Forumstards constantly whine about how gays, blacks and whatnot have a "persecution complex" and are "professional victims" is yet another proof of their mind-boggling immunity to irony.

Why is it that you believe this when there is not a single truly "far-right" nationalist party really doing well anywhere in the western world? I guess you could point to Putin but he's not doing you any favours, he is a complete porky cocksucker and does literally nothing at all for the lower class, or the majority of Russia for that matter, he is completely in the pocket of the oligarchs.

The far-right is doing far, far worse than the far-left right now. The far-right is being crusaded against and dismantled by every force imaginable and the far-left is being mostly left alone to do whatever it wants. You will find actual socialists holding public office almost everywhere in the western world but will find not a single Not Socialist, you will find Trotskyites but not a single Hitlerite. Where is this strength you're talking about? The far-right is the fucking laughing stock of the entire world, you can't win any seats anywhere, you have not a single bit of control or influence over anything. What you call "far-right" are mostly Putin wannabes that suck up to plutocrats and take the fat porky cock in the ass 24/7, Hitler would be shitting in his grave being associated with the likes of Putin.

The far-left may currently be small but the far-right is literally nothing in comparison, and it seems to be failing and shrinking almost everywhere. The only ones with any real power right now are libshits, and we both hate libshits, so come join the evidently more successful libshit hating group, the far-left, and stop being laughed at by everyone on Earth.

National Socialist*


we will catch up, and we will stop you.

Haha oh my god how's the LARPing going?

how's being cucked out of existence going?


its required reading in college

I don't know, you tell me.

Meant for

Not to mention the fact that Liberal =/= Communist, or the fact that children have ample time to change their minds.

Exactly, not leftist at all.