This is what leftypol looks like
People say it not be like dis commrade
But it do
lol u stophid drupkink aer driggidid bih hte drued?
>>>Holla Forums
t. actually brainwashed Trumpeter
Lmao it's because this little kid is more articulate then reddi/pol
The only ones to think communism can work are little kids
A kid only can get this stuff off the internet. He's fucking fat too. Who would even let their kid post himself on the internet like that?
His parents obviously don't give a fuck and so he's a bored and lonely fat kid who spends too much time on the internet.
I hope one day he realises his true enemy isn't the rich or the so called opressor classes. It's the fucking normalfags that have done this to him and his shit fucking parents. Then I hope he fucking kills them in a glorious day of retribution.
This guys is adorable. It's actually interesting that hes so even thinking about these themes, even if i don't agree with his view, at the same time, it could say something about today's propaganda.
His parents are the ones who taught him this shit
Little kids doing "YouTube Commentary" is cute. Leave the fat little beaner alone.
bump for more leftist butthurt
/ourloli/ LtCorbis BTFO'd this little cuck some time ago
shamfur dispray
I can't articulate my anger.
Typical product of burger educational system.
Mexican American War Round 2
You are one broken little sperg aren't you? You've been at it for month's with this retard babble now. Stop changing your nonsense words, it makes it more difficult to filter you.
y u tink we do eet dumpalilump bababby?
geep garying druplezd, u ceand fildir dhe truaethd
tish bth, fma
You mean jews?
You know did anyone ever stop to pull thise kekistani kids to the side and make them watch videos of the tea party people and the post 9/11 patriots?
Like it seems like there is a real breakdown in parenting when they see their kids walking around the house dressed up like complete fucking tools and just let it pass. No one dresses up like that unlesd they are going to do some stupid fucking shit. I mean all it would take is looking up shit on youtube and sitting there with the kid. Aftet about the fifth hour of fat douchebags in shitty costumes screaming incoherently from the seat of their mobility scooter you could ask your kid if they want to be just like them. If he still insists make him watch any liberal commedian on a late night show from that era and explain to him, very slowly because if the first set of videos didn't work than he must be retarded, that he would be hurting his cause in the long term.
I mean I almost understand what it must have been like watching boomers grow up. Same fucking thing. Parents being too lenient on their kids and letting them grow up oblivious retards with no foresight or impulse control.
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