what is Holla Forums's opinion on jews?
also post yfw Trump wins and all of you amerifags will have either immigrate to Canada or get fucked by RWDS
What is Holla Forums's opinion on jews?
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tbh I like Jews
They're mostly indistinguishable from European-Americans in the USA, so I have 0 opinion.
Some how, I'm not afraid of autists who dub over Disney cartoons.
I like Seinfeld
If Jews are marxist and not porky, I don't care.
Life in a Hoovervile is going to make America great again.
dis nigga gets it
christ talk about LARPing
He shoulda believed in the Nihilist Death Squads famrades. Worldwide gulag soon
Doesn't it bother you that it's mostly Jews that are in control of the most powerful institution, the media? That this group of people always somehow ends up at the top positions? I am not trying to shove a redpill down your throats, but you guys are fed up with it, you just don't know who the real enemy is.
don't post here, so I am surprised I am not saged with pitchforks
Why should it? Do you pause to contemplate the the subspecies of a roach before you stomp on it?
half of the posts here are just Holla Forumslacks desperately trying to le redpill and have srs discooshuns about race before getting BTFO, so most of us at this point don't really care anymore. How long have you been browsing the chinz, good man? 2, 3 months? Came from youtube after watching a few cant stump the trumps? Comfortable with being part of le anonymoose army of truth yet?
Don't be mean, if someone's willing to hear our side we should at least be courteous.
i work alone, kid
and the media, government etc. are ENTIRELY in the hands of the capitalist class.
Surely if you are bothered by the fact that a group of people lords over you, you should look at the entire group, not a select few based on such an arbitrary measure as religious belief?
"The real enemy" is capitalism. Idgaf if capitalists are Jews or Irishmen, whatever.
If you're not with us you're against us fag.
Oh yeah! Hehehehe
what are you, some kind of cuck? :^)
everyday some newfags come over to shitpost, get fucked over, leave, and the next day another wave comes. He's not going to be willing to learn anything new, that would actually mean studying history, science, economics, philosophy and all those silly things that makes his head hurt : (
If you have a problem with that rich cliques controlling the media, then get rid of the rich cliques, not just a part of them that happens to have a mutilated dick. Your idea would just result in replacing one group of rich fucks with another group of rich fucks
Hey, this board converted me, so maybe I'm just speaking from personal experience.
Nothing against Jews until the formation of the state of israel after WW2. Israel immediately demonstrated itself to be aligned with the West against the rest of the world including the Soviet Union. Things have gotten increasingly worse as Israel's right wing insanity has led it to do all sorts of actions that have been increasingly crazy. It is all going to have to end eventually hopeful not with the Samson option. Anti Zionism is not anti semitism
I like Jews, and jewish culture. You can call me a philosemite.
Although that dose not impact my political views.
Why the affinity?
You can't get fucked over for thousands of years and not develop a good sense of humor.
im just playin famalam, dont take it personally
sometimes a hard hit while another one comforts does a better job at getting someone to come to his senses
even before the war, most jewish socialist parties were ant-zaionist. Any idea why?
Zionism is basically a religious and nationalistic project so it has always been opposed to socialism. Of course this was demonstrated in history when the USSR and China and every other socialist country (even after the sino-soviet-albanian split) united against it.
Doesn't it bother you that the rich of whom only a slightly bigger fraction that the average population are jews and whom most of them got into that position because of how capitalism works since they had greater capital and experience when monarchist societies converted to capitalism are in control of all the media, banks, workplaces, much of the government and educational instututions and want to keep it that way?
"For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are also no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power." - Albert Einstein
Jews also have the coolest revolutionary anthem.
The irish are at it again
reminder that nazi propaganda literally called Einstein the "probability Jew" and shunned modern medicine because it was Jewish
They were retarded. Thats why they didn't get the bomb and they lost the war.
Maybe I just like rooting for the underdogs but the Irish are also pretty cool.
Nice, but those not works for me as communist/socialist and anarchist anthems.
Trump-sempai probably shit the bed with the VP selection tbh fam.
You needed a left-right anti-establishment coalition vote, a la Brexit, to win – harder to make that case now.
Way before /baphomet/, as a matter of fact. Very edgy of you to say that.
He sounds like an average liberal college student, wouldn't surprise me if he was.
Surely if you are bothered by the fact that a group of people lords over you, you should look at the entire group, not a select few based on such an arbitrary measure as religious belief?
I am not focusing on Jews alone, though they are the main target. I am not for a capitalist world or a communist world, I am for a world where Jews are exempt from position of power in a country where they are not a majority. They can fuck off to Middle East.
If they support (((Our Greatest Ally))), Zionism or put other race before their own they have to go
How convenient that your edgy webms cutoff the part for the opposition to speak, left being left.
We can start with Jews and work our way to their collaborators
Interesting, but what is your opinion on the Jews, (((Lenin))) and (((Trotsky)))? Good or bad, you can emphasize.
Hope you get killed in the next happening.
Don't know about that too much, but if you provide a solid link I will read it. Not Wikipedia
(((Einstein))) was not working on atom bombs you idiot, it was (((J. Robert Oppenheimer))).
not for Pence since he's a cuck, so it hardly makes any difference
hello autismo
hello autismo
The group of people that "lords over me" are the bougeoisie, some of them happen to be jewish. You are for a capitalist world, it just seems you'd rather go back to the good ol days of white robber barons. Interesting how you focus on petty ideological differences while ignoring the very structure of how the economy and government works.
are you some autist that does not understand metaphor?
Its from the propaganda film Der ewige Jude, you can download it off pirate bay
You understand that the relativity theory is crucial for the development of the atomic bomb, yes? You know, that whole e=mc^2 thing you might or might not have heard about?
I'll give you Trotsky, but I've never seen any proof of Lenin being Jewish.
I think his grandpa or some shit was Jewish
Its funny how Holla Forums insists how the USSR was a jewish terror machine when Stalin purged all of them
Lenin did nothing wrong. The tsarist regime was horrible and the tsar was a tyrant that needed to be deposed. At the same time, anarchism wouldn't work. Russia needed to be move past tsarist barbarism without descending into chaos and anarchy. In this sense Lenin was awesome. The fact that he had some Jewish heritage has nothing to do with it. There were many Jews which were awesome before the formation of the apartheid Israel, Einstein is another. The development of the theory of relativity is one of the greatest achievements in human history.
The reason I posted that quote by Einstein about how the Jews were protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power is he said that in 1954 and it is more relevant then every now. The Jews were protected by a lack of power but now as we are clearly seeing as they have been giving power in apartheid Israel through Zionist racism they are no better then any other group of people.
I thought Jewishness or whatever was reckoned matrilineally? Not that it matters, it's not like religion was popular in socialist circles.
Incidentally, I believe that was why right wing writers like Yockey wanted to collaborate with or at least coexist with the Soviet Union, because of Stalin's purges.
you're a nutcase, aren't you..?
It's funny of you to assume I am for Trump, Hitler or anything "capitalist, but go on.
It's not only white Europeans who ousted Jews… they are despised by everyone where they went. So it is quite peculiar of you to think I am white.
It's on jewtube
Nazi Germany was on the brink of inventing one themselves. But it is pointless to say that they wouldn't lose if they had one since they were fools for fighting on both fronts.
Yes, he realized they posed a threat, but didn't get as many like Hitler because he targeted only political opponents and did not see Jews as race.
Thanks to him, mostly Russians died in the bloody Civil War between Reds and Whites. I'd rather have a Russian as the head of the government than a Swiss spy of Jewish origin. Also, it is not his real last name because and the real reason he was so opposed to the Russian rule was because they killed his brother. Just extra info.
Jews are a race, not a people of a religion called Judaism.
Ethnic group, but whatever. And only extremely right wing Jews and Stormfags care about any sense of Jewish purity.
You are really trying to appear as well-read, aren't you?
It wasn't Lenin's decision to engage in a full out civilian war; his name was literally Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov , he just used Lenin because of persecution. And no, he was opposed to the Russian rule not only because of that; if you remember correctly even in 1905, during a civil unrest, the czarists literally murdered a good amount of people who weren't even protesting against the Czar. Good guys am I right
Ashkenazi Jews have a mean iq of 115, the highest of any ethnic group. It's only right that they lord over the masses of stupid goyim. Capitalism, socialism or communism they are humanity's eternal master due to centuries of sexual selection for intelligence in Europe.
Deal with it goyim.
Einstein disagrees
You don't understand what capitalism means. You see fit with the current social order of one group of people owning the vast majority of capital as private property while one group is employed to work it, it doesn't matter who you vote for you dingus. I was pointing out how even if you replace the Jews another percieved group will come in to fill its place, as it has happened throughout history and throughout the world. Try looking at how the economy and government is structured and how they historically developed, and not just meme-tier divisions based on your imagination.
As were the Hmong, as were the Arabs, as were the Kurds, as were the Gypsies, and all other groups in diaspora, but sure lad
thanks to the Heisenberg affair, however, they probably weren't going to go anywhere
wow is this really why the USSR failed whoowee
So what? Look at how many Nobel prize winners are jews. The results speak for themselves. No ethnic group can rival Ashkenazi Jews when it comes to raw intellect. Ashkenazi Jews are the brains of humanity therefore they deserve to rule it.
You know that almost every political writer from left to right had to write with pseudonyms at the time, right?
how do i into historee
Jewish women are pretty hot. Matzah ball soup is tastey.
Yes, kill the ones who are holding the leash you're on and then pass that leash to somebody else instead of becoming a free man, after all you don't mind being somebody's bitch if that somebody is 100% nordic aryan :^)
Like I said previously, I would rather have a Russian monarchist over a Jew in the seat of power.Yes, I am Russian.
Won't deal with it Chaim
But not like the Jews which time and time again are persecuted. Maybe the problem is not in the persecutors.
No, I am simply saying that even though he purged them with the help of Ezhov and other mass executors he did not pursue them as a race. He only went after Trotskyists, not common people. They have simply reemerged like bacteria that you do not target completely.
Because there are no Jews who decide who is going to win one..? Come on goy.
I don't want to be lead by anyone, but I see myself as part of my people because I love my people. Because of this affinity I will try what is in my power to rid it of the problems facing it. Without the love of your race how can one survive?
except, you know, they were
perhaps whether or not jewish people exist have little to no effect on the shittiness of an economic system. Care to reply to people who've repeatedly pointed out that jews being in power has nothing to do with ideology and that the real problem is the way the economic system is structured?
The corrupt bureaucrats that steal and cheat from you are no people of yours simply because they speak your language lad
I am moving back to Russia where I will live off my land. You can keep the corrupt bureaucrats, degenerates, minorities and I will enjoy the good weather of Krasnodar Krai surrounded by other white Russians.
Also, Trump becoming president will slightly make America great again, but he's still part of the establishment. Have fun!
Why are Russians so reactionary nowadays?
At least you can die in hole somewhere for your beloved monarch fighting against the Germans on the eastern front. But, hey at least you weren't being ruled by one of the meh ebul jooz.
The Bolsheviks were the only ones who wanted to end the first world war which was a war of imperialism. It was a senseless war between monarchs like the barbaric German kaiser and the Russian tsar. Rather then actually opposing imperialism you have polluted your mind with delusional spooks about anti-semitism and muh peoples.
They spend all day drinking and no time studying.
I think I'd be a drunk too if I had to live in oligarchic shithole with no semblance of social safety nets.
We are not, we are pretty calm and to our self. I guess it is due to living in Toronto and then being redpilled. It really opens up your eyes, but for anons that know about Holla Forums and do not lurk I know someone like me won't be of use.
did I hurt your feelings shlomo?
Name me one successful communist country with no flaws besides Soviet Union at the time of Stalin.
going to work, I will be back
No but you are insufferably retarded.
well thats a good way to summarize your argument and ignore everything thats been said. Are you even aware of the current economic situation in Russia?
Its not all of them, some of them on dvachan are quite nice and the russians I've met before were all based, learning russian just to know em better. I guess thats just what happens to teenage expats.
anyways, the Zapatistas in Chiapa, the YPK in Rojava, and in the past the Makhnovistas and the CNT-FAI all come to mind as good examples of showing how leftism is a strong alternative
This thread won't be here when you get back, so I don't know why I'd bother, but USSR was far from perfect, so I don't even know what you're trying to imply.
I kind of understand Lenin's frustration with Russian culture now.
tbh Russia has a pretty great culture, at least in the areas where I've been to, which tbh is really the Siberian east area
Friendly people, most of 'em.
Not to forget that many of my favorite left-leaning writers such as Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky were Russian.
It's just these autists that claim to be tru pure ethnic conservatives (TM) that are terrible and actually the most removed from their culture
It's a recurring experience. Socialism doesn't mean I have to like everyone.
I'll probably end up married to a Jew and make beautiful Jewish babies who are secretly Hibernians.
good luck
I agree with Lenin.
Don't care about the individuals
But, oh, do I hate Israel
Gee, I didn't know that all CPC members and Arab kings were jews
eh they're okay
rosa luxemburg and emma goldman come to mind
as jews who did good
Haha no. You are not white. You are vanilla asians.
As others said Capitalism as an economic system is the main problem.
The Capitalists and their lackeys can be Jews, wasps, Irish, Armenians whatever. At the end of the day their identity doesn't matter with regards to the system that keeps them in power.
As someone who has Jewish comrades who are anti-zionist this thread is meant for Holla Forums people to disperse agitprop or try to bring out anti-Semitism and normalize it here. Fuck off back to Holla Forums
Someone pls make a comic like this replacing Stirner with Seinfeld, Ayn Rand with Marx, and 'self interest' with 'communism'.
Jews run Hollywood because they started Hollywood when it was a recent thing. It's like being surprised that Creole people own businesses in Louisiana.
Most of them are bourgie af tbh
This is cult mentality. Like people for their character, not for group association.
Most of Holla Forums probably looks like me but I'd let them die in a fire.
I had a Jewish history teacher and he was pretty cool. I also had a uni friend who was Jewish, also a pretty chill guy. So Jews seem pretty cool with probably a few bad examples, just like humanity in general.
A lot of my friends are Jewish, and my grandma's surname suggests her family was Jewish once upon a time.
Jews in the US tend to be pretty cool. I'm generalizing, but Jewish Americans seem to be more open-minded and intellectual than your average whites.
Capitalist Jews are just as bad as capitalist gentiles.
It's not "mostly Jews". Jews are disproportionately powerful in Hollywood because they created Hollywood, same goes for the banking industry.
We're socialists, so obviously we support a society free of biases where anybody can rise to their heights.
It's cultural, not genetic. Jewish families generally encourage education more than Christian whites, and are less likely to dissuade their children from following a career in academia.
I’ve lived in Hollywood, New York and Israel also occupied Palestine.
Most people who hate Jews are idiots who’ve never been around much Jews. Seriously—when will this genetic spook die? They’re literally the same as any ethnic/religious group: some good, some bad, but the bad ones make the rest be easy scapegoats (this is true on a macro level with the State of Israel). It doesn’t help that in Western society, for historical-cultural reasons, some members of that easily scapegoated minority have been wealthy; or that today, one of the most prominent rogue colonial states calls itself Jewish.
She makes my dick rise to my heights.
I have no particular quarrel with them as a whole, but the state of Israel is absolutely idiotic and perpetuates the quagmire that is contemporary Middle Eastern geopolitics.
To be fair, the ultra-orthodox Jews are ugly as fuck.
Yeah because they're inbreed.
zionism is bad.
tell the doctor to not bother tissue typing you when you need an organ transplant
I dislike capitalist jews but consider proletarian jews as my brothers.