You want the shots I'll take the staff job
You want the shots I'll take the staff job
Only true Spiderman!
Audition test for Spiderman.
Even though the clip is barely over a minute, we can discern a lot: It’s a dark take on the hero, a clear indicator of the film’s director, Sam Raimi. Whoever is standing in for the thugs in the movie went method, dropping a lot of F-bombs that wouldn’t have wound up in the final PG-13-rated production. But most of all: Tobey Maguire is absolutely ripped, and his shirtless self in dark pants resembles an inspired martial fighter like Bruce Lee, especially when he fiercely takes on the thugs in hand-to-hand combat—no webbing in sight.
is that like a handjob, except you use your staff instead of your hands?
The scene where he dances down the sidewalk is the best scene in all of Spiderkino.
People who hated it or thought it was too stupid or whatever took it too seriously, the scene is hilarious.
I always do his moves at parties each time women are in trance.
Pretty effective.
Without the music, you can truly appreciate the autism galore of Peter Parker to think that strutting and dancing around like that was a cool thing to do.
By Spider-Man 3 Peter Parker is less of a nerd than he was in the first film. He's grown up and gotten a better sense of himself. But deep inside Peter there will always be that dork, and when the alien symbiote takes him over, that's what begins to surface. It's a wonderful character concept: when Peter Parker gets cocky he doesn't get violent or gritty, he turns into a raging dweeb's version of a cool guy. Growing up a loner, Peter's vision of cool includes John Travolta's 70s dance moves and a vague idea of beatnik jazz action. To Peter, always an outcast and always unsure of himself, these archetypes represent the ultimate in self-confidence.
This is why I've never understood the massive hatred for the dance sequences - they're totally in character. And they're not supposed to be serious; perhaps, like Ash in the Evil Dead movies, some viewers don't pick up on the tongue in cheek aspect of the scenes. Or maybe they do and that's what's bothering them - Raimi isn't honoring their childish desire to see an evil and angry Peter, he's poking fun at them. This is your dark side, he's saying. It's silly.
The sequence where Peter gets his cool new duds is the sillier of the two, and it's hard to imagine anyone watching this and not realizing it's comedy:
because being alpha is evil, amirite?
Exactly my thoughts, good article.
I'm not sure how you can call that being alpha, to Peter it may be so but not otherwise. Evil, because I guess it's emo Parker and the evil symbiote's doing.
he gets a promotion just by telling his boss to give him one. that's pretty alpha.
Ah that, yes, everything other than that street dance was pretty alpha.
Great article indeed, the comments on the other hands remind me why I hate Comicfags.
it's mostly comicspergs who went full "how dare you add an ironic spin to my deep comic lore" and assorted redditors who jumped on it once it catched on
I don't see why they'd be mad about that but not about the physically impossible biological web generation
Then how the fuck do spiders do it?
impossible in the amount that Spider Man does it. where does all the mass come from?
Not this crap again.
Same place as all the other spider-men… :'^)
True facts
A spider can make a web link of two metters in just one go to climb down a door for example, that is 200 times its size, compared to a human like Spiderman 170*200= 34 000 meters = 3 times the Everest.
Not to mention his 6th sense, his extra strenght the fact that he can walks on walls, his regeneration powers, OH NO BUT THE ORGANIC WEB IS THE REAL PROBLEM EVERYTHING ELSE MAKES SENSE.
Spider-Man had the first variation of wall-crawling. It's still a mystery to him as to exactly how it works, but Peter guesses that he can mentally make his molecules bond to any surface. At first when Peter gains his spider powers, he sticks to a wall without even know. Very early in the comic book years of Spider-Man, Peter can only stick with his hands and feet. Later on, it is seen that he can stick to surfaces using his back.
The bond is unbreakable, and can be used by any part of the body, including his feet, and allows him to do things, like catching a ball with one hand. The suit designed by Spider-Man is thin enough so that he can still stick to surfaces.
Its very little mass.
is this meant to be unusual?
I remember when that edgy 90's clone of his would use the hand sticking shit to rip off parts of peoples faces.
new levels of contrarianism are being reached
hello reddit
If you didn't like that scene, you're an idiot.
Eddie Brock in Spider-Man 3 was such an annoying little bitch.
What a faggot, it really is like Raimi hated Eddie Brock's and the symbiote's involvement in the whole movie such that he wrote Eddie into this pathetic faggot.
Isn't that the kind of shit reddit would love? Just like the whole "dance off" in Guardians of the Galaxy.
Reddit got assblasted that the symbiote which made Spider-man 'badass' in the comics, made Peter into an emo and look silly. Might be because all the women scoff at Peter so they know that the scene is not 'cool', unlike GOTG which is presented as a fun movie and Memelord dancing in front of the final boss in the final fight was absurdly funny to them.
One is a dork dancing with no worry, acting cool to impress women even though they are obviously not impressed and another is dork dancing like an idiot but I think memelord was self aware that he was being an idiot so, redit could accept that.
When will this meme end?
'Emo' Peter Parker was savage
The third movie was never supposed to be about symbiot shit and all of it was forced from the top.
Take your meds.
he didn't think he was being cool, he didn't give a fuck either way
ironically, this is the essence of 'being cool'
Peter was pretty cool in Spider-man 3, objectively, tbqh with you
I am on meds 24/7.
Bake your breads.
Even without the symbiote. By then he was experienced as Spider-man for some years, learnt to handle his double life and even started dating the own he's been in love with since he was a kid. No reason why he would be anything other than cool, he's living his dream!
Fake your deads.
you're not fooling anyone, reddit
i always thought the abs on the spidey suit were painted on
yeah, I used to be fat too
It is called core strength training
#TeamFitness #Fitspo #DeathToHomeComing #AmyPascalMustDie
Is that Martin Shekeli?
Back to Holla Forums, politisperg troll.
iirc he was supposed to have some backstory about coming from an abusive home (which makes him introducing himself as his father's son interesting, to say the least.)
but the movie was already jam packed so that was cut out
I know his dad was a dick in the comics, but more mentally abusive than physically
>>>Holla Forums
they just released a new collection that has all 3 movies, and the alternate cuts of 2 and 3
that would be the one to buy
People are stupid. They fall into hype and used other people opinions as truths whenever those opinions are repeated frequently enough. The dance scene are pure quality, but general consensus from uncritical critics is that it is cringed and a defining scene of the movie overall quality.
If they used their critical minds more, they would see most if not all of Spiderman 3 individual scenes are well written and directed. However, the movie as a whole completely suffered from Sony stupidity.
I don't have internet
Sound judgement. TBH I watched again the trilogy weeks ago and it made sense, mind you that a series like Supergirl has an approval rating of more than 90% at rotten fucking tomatoes .
The trilogy as a whole was a commercial success, anyone saying that Honecoming was better than Spiderman 3 is insane. To me it is on par with Green Lantern, yeah I am talking about Homecoming here
hey are you implying there's anything wrong with supergirl? it shows female empowerment and you're fucking sexist for implying it could in any way be bad.
I have watched all the episodes and it is really bad, only like tge actress that plays Super Girl and Allie McGill
just finished rewatching the whole trilogy and i have to agree with this dude
the 3rd movie is only bad because the corporation wanted to press 3 fucking storylines into it, not giving enough time to properly focus on any of the stories and making it all feel rushed
that said, the movie parts taken by themselves are enjoyable and well directed, and there's literally nothing wrong with the dance scene
it just took a different approach to the whole symbiote thing, instead of the dark edgy shit of the comic, we see his suppressed desires for popularity from the high schol surfacing, making him basically a high school bully tier jerk. it's perfectly in character and it adds an ironic spin to it which perfectly fits the tone of the other movies
but of course, the comicspergs who already couldn't calm their tits from the organic webbing thing didn't like it and started autistically screeching everywhere, and once the meme that the dance scene is bad started to catch on the reddit crowds parroted it without any critical thinking
also mind you that late 00s were the period of twilight and the last hairy pozzer movies, dark edgy stuff was in auge like capeshit is now, so seeing emo parker shown with an ironic eye probably contributed to its bad reputation among normies
My sentiment exactly.
These fuckers were rejecting the idea of an organic web because of physics while at the same time finding Spiderman glued at a wall from the wall totally normal .
I am glad I have studied classic litterature instead of reading Comics
Comics are not an art, it will never be, fans are even worse fir indulging themselves into this decadent jewified piece of trash.
This being said Rami's trilogy, though Jewish himself, is a fine work of cinema.
Kirsten is at the top of her cuteness
Totally Kino.
Glued from is back
From this dude here:
Correction: Normies Crowd. Reddit is just a place for normies to pretend to be individual thinkers while parroting the most popular opinions.
I really, really disappointed in Spiderman 3 growing up with the first two films. The villains are not threatening. The overtone of the films felt off. They tried hard to be dark, brooding in contrast with the adventure feels the characters are portraying. It is hard to follow the story. But when you have a grasp of it, the personal story is very well-written despite the superhero story is terribly plotted. While on the other hand, idiots on the internet kept blaming on the wrong stuffs.
Yeah me neither.
im fucking loling
and how
I am in love again.
Reported for astroturfing.
stop having a shit taste, user
Incredible, an actually well shot fight scene without massive amounts of CGI. What a difference it makes.
I should rephrase.
That's on me for not being clear.
Yep, and both fighters felt vulnerable.