What exactly are you referring to?
The """""""""rebels"""""""""" in Aleppo have reportedly been surrounded by the SSA. Only a matter of time before the whole of Aleppo is recaptured from the contras.
I'm so damn confused. Who are the contras? Who are you? What is going on?
I know nothing about the civil war in Syria, tbh.
Ok, I'll sum up.
Circa 2010 Assad is the leader of a progressive, secular, independent country in the Middle East. This of course displeases the imperialists in the US and Europe, not to mention Wahhabist hellholes like Saudi Arabia.
In 2011 there are protests across the Arab world calling for democracy, freedom etc. These protests were less serious and violent than in other middle eastern countries owing to the country largely being free and secular anyway.
The imperialist dogs see their opportunity. They start funding "Rebel groups" within Syria - western propaganda claims them to be "freedom loving resistance fighters" - when in reality they are hardline jihadists - who hate Syria precisely because it is so progressive. This includes groups like ISIS, who conveniently seem to acquire a lot of American weapons really easily.
Despite further progressive reforms in Syria, the fact that the majority of the people there support Assad etc. The western media continues to wage a propaganda war against his "regime".
After many years of fighting, with the help of Russia - the US backed terrorists in Aleppo have finally been surrounded - cut off from their supplies coming from Europe, Turkey etc.
This is great news for all anti-imperialists.
What organization do these "terrorists" work for?
There are countless groups, some small, some huge like ISIS. They comprise largely of guns for hire, drifters, common criminals and the occasional deluded westerner.
As for who they "work for" - they are funded and armed by the US and their proxies - the UK, Israel, Saudi Arabia etc.
The real "reward" they claim for their "work", however is dominion over parts of a foreign land, raping the Syrian country for its worth.
Alright, fine by me. Still not a fan of supporting unabashedly capitalist despotic strongmen, but whatever.
Well the "celebration" is sort of ironic - a mockery of bleeding heart liberals swallowing MSM and believing that Assad is a big evil dictator being resisted by brave freedom fighters.
The fact is, although a capitalist ruler, he also leads a party with strong socialist tendencies (another reason why Syria was targeted for destruction) and is essentially at the forefront of the current fight against US imperialism.
Assad is the only sane person in Middle East who is not infested by radicalized foolish ideologies just like Mohammedanism
what are you even doing
holy shit did he actually say that?
True, we have to stop those (((imperialists)))
top fucking kek.
Syria has not liberated the Golan heights, Syria lets Israeli jets violate their airspace constantly
Syrian regime encouraged young men to fight in Iraq as a solution to unemployment and Islamic radicalism, Syrian regime actively persecuted communist and the regime tries to appease gulf states and has never said a word against Islam. Even when there is precedent for it. The Asad clique overthrew the more secular Jadid clique in the Baath party.
here are some enlightening blogpost from As'ad Abu Khalil, an atheist anarcho-communist Arab professor living in the states.
Fuck this shit. Dictatorship is always worse than liberal democracy.
Do you think Al Nusra would have set up a liberal democracy?
Don't bother with Asslickers, m8.
So what was the initial reason the west went in? Because Assad was mates with Russia?
Rojava>Assad=shit>"moderate" Rebels>Al Nusra >ISIS
Ba'athism, not even once
Who're the revolutionaries? The Communists, Pan-nationalists, secularists, and minorities have all either supported assad, or are neutral (hoping he wins).
That leaves the peasant sunni militias, or ISIS, neither of whom are revolutionary groups.
or the YPG lol
just like Bin Laden was right?
RT doesn't talk about them so they're irrelevant
The YPG has been bowing down to Assad since pretty much the beginning of the war. They still haven't kicked him out of Qamishlo.
The YPG are an ethnic nationalist group at the end of the day. They won't take over the vast majority of the country.
They've united with Arabs, Syriacs and Turkmen. The SDF is still mostly Kurds but they are a multicultural organization.
They're multi-ethnic tho…
The YPG isn't, the various other groups come under the SDF.
Rojava isn't meant to cover the entirety of Syria, at the end of the day it will be the majority Kurdish areas, with the rest left to Assad.
read lenin faggot