Pentagon Officials Furious After Clinton Announces US Response Time for Nuclear Launch During Debate


Following Wednesday’s presidential debate Pentagon officials found themselves completely dumbfounded as to why former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would feel it appropriate to announce U.S. Special Access Program intel on national television.

According to sources within the Department of Defense speaking under anonymity, Clinton likely violated at least two Dept. of Defense SAP protocols during the debate by announcing on live television the United States Government’s response time for a nuclear launch.

To the dismay of intelligence officials, the fact that this top secret information is now publicly known not only proves that Clinton is “unfit to be commander-in-chief,” but it also poses a direct threat to national security.

One high ranking intelligence official explained that any time frame calculated pertaining to a US nuclear launch “would have merely been an educated hypothesis, absent leaked documents and there have been no such breaches” prior to Clinton’s admission Wednesday.

“Secretary Clinton proved tonight she is unfit to be commander-in-chief,” a top-ranking DOD intelligence source said. “What she did compromises our national security. She is cavalier and reckless and in my opinion should be detained and questioned so we can unravel why she did what she did.”

According to Pentagon sources, the information Clinton disseminated publicly is Top Secret intelligence governed under the U.S. Special Access Program (SAP) which dictates safeguards and protocols for accessing and discussing highly classified and Top Secret intelligence. The specific details of the country’s nuclear response time discussed by Clinton, sources said, are only known by a handful of individuals outside top military brass…

“Targeting options by ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missiles), air or sea, launch order, launch procedures and response are some of the most secretly guarded tenets of national security and nuclear war policy,” a Pentagon source said. “It’s truly incredible that (nuclear) response time as part of an ERO (Emergency Response Option) is now out there in the public domain to our adversaries.”

U.S. Defense sources said according to developed U.S. counterintelligence, military officials in China, North Korea, Syria, Russia, Iran and even actors like ISIS had no previous definitive intelligence to determine the U.S. nuclear response time, especially during an ERO, prior to Clinton’s admission Wednesday night. Sources reluctantly acknowledged her calculations were accurate.
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I'm still disappointed that Trump didn't call that out on the spot last night, could have burned the witch down right there with it

Okay, but what will be done? USA is obviously weak on security if they can't punish someone who releases such information on national television. Perhaps they should be told how weak they are.

“But here’s the deal. The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed. There’s about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so.” –Hillary Clinton

They won't do anything about it.

Hahaha, 5d chess

Nothing will be done while Obama is in charge, if they try to prosecute her Lynch will squat it and worst-case scenario Obama will pardon her. You learned this with the FBI investigation already.

That's why Trump must win.

This is because she has dirt on Obama - and Obama is a coward

that's because obama is on the same side as her

The Russians hacked her brain!

Another line on her rap sheet come January 20

How long till we hear her say that she didn't know that its a crime to release nuclear response time

Wikileaks showed Obama knew about her private e-mail. As said, they're together in this.


At her trial during MAGA. Shitlery doesn't give press conferences and shuts it down whenever someone tries to ask a genuine question outside of "how great are puppies" or "muh vagina".

I am tweeting the DoD and I would encourage people send letters chastising them as weak on national security if someone authoritative can get away with announcing that on national television with impunity. It's a kick to the balls to call them 'weak'. Worse than saying they're incompetent.

Irrelevant. They hate each other. That 2008 primary was bitter. I think Bill Clinton even said of Obama that a few years ago he'd be serving them coffee.

The reason he's backing her, the reason he's campaigning hard for her, the reason he's doing his best to destroy Donald Trump, is because he not only knew about the email server but was actually in on it and if he does the right thing and prosecutes Hillary, she will destroy his legacy and put him in jail right next to her

Also his brother backing Trump might have something to do with it.

Probably today.

Like anyone would bother nuking the US. . The damage is already done.


Meanwhile, normies everywhere are writing




Death by vaginal nuking.


Always the first post.

Like most of us, he probably didn't realize how sensitive that was. I doubt he's been instructed on that yet.

Always the first post. Always.


Should've talked about her bus dumping shit in the street then.

If Trump loses (he won't), I will look to see what the election results would have been, when broken down by race, gender and combinations thereof. If only white men were voting, as the founders intended, Trump would win in a landslide. Whites, including women, might be a little closer, but I'd still expect a Trump win.

With all these non-whites, and anti-Americans who stream in? Who knows if it is already too late to elect a nationalist…

Nothing will happen as long as they're anonymous. We'd need some chief of staff to condemn her openly unfortunately.

That's a called an opinion you retarded double-posting nigger


You know she's going to say that.

But then they would accidentally end up shooting themselves in the back of the head four times.

The Russians made her do it. The ones in her head.


It doesn't matter if it's too late to elect a "nationalist". Have you actually listened to Trump's speeches? He literally cannot shut up about making niggers and spics wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. It's not a long game or a con. He's not a White Nationalist.

There is quite honestly nothing to be done. Freezing immigration and kicking out illegals is such a drop in the bucket with what we're up against. Moreover, 95% of Republicans [who are NOT nationalists] are perfectly content to manage these nigger hordes in perpetuity. Just look at the massive shift in tone seen on this board when Trump's people filtered in.

The damage has already been done and the population isn't willing, or even capable, of fixing it. They don't see it as a problem.

It was Pepe. Pepe made her do it.

It was simply a treasonous Freudian slip as the drugs and hypnosis were wearing thin during the debate.

This aftermath may be better and easier to overwhelm dnc deflection online. She seriously fuuuucked up. Her campaign is having to deal with her sabotaging it.

Shills want trump to have the focus and not her herself.


source: True Pundit

So, when nothing is done about this what will the pentagon do?

If she becomes president we deserve the horrible future we will be getting

She's only becoming president if they manage to rig the election and then have the better position and manpower to quell the revolt.

Yeah, no shit


Now the DoD has a reason to hate her. She keeps burying herself. Not saying there will be, but IF there were a revolution.. There'd be some serious shit to worry about now after the stunt she pulled just to make a 'witty' or 'clever' come back. That's not worth risking national security.

I will just hope that, she's going by Sun Tzu and gave a misleading information, the Pentagon is playing along with her to fool the Russkies. R-right guys?

Is this going to make it to the MSM?

Good point. No one will come forward because charging her would be equivalent admitting that the info she spilled is accurate. It gives the Pentagon plausible deniability while they try to mitigate the damage.
Pic unrelated.

Carlos, your dubs have been checked.

Would they air a Holocaust skepticism story on CNN?

Highly doubtful, unless one of the rats fleeing the ship goes rogue.

Normies will forget this.
They need reminding before it's too late.

He would've raped Hillary if he knew our nuclear response time was classified. But it couldn't be classified the way Hillary was just casually talking ab out it, right?


He didn't know she was quite that stupid. Neither did I. Now we do.

You'll be deported last Carlos.


Most people who have studied our nuclear capabilities in a non-biased fashion guessed around 4-5 minutes was best case scenario.

This sadly. Clintons have killed for less so of course the leaks will be from anonymous. It's other's jobs to see if the leaks have substance and then spread it to the normalfags.

The Clintons have blackmail on everyone, it's how they operated since the Arkansas days.

Yeah, but that's just that. An educated guess. Not confirmation from a former Secretary of State.


Damage is done, I think.

Her timing was too specific, Had it been a rounder number, like "a minute" or "five minutes" she might be able to get away with gaslighting the word "about" in. But four minutes is too specific.



Also, this information is most useful to non state actors i.e. terrorists, who won't have the time or knowledge to study the US and come up with that estimate.

MAD protocols exist for dealing with countries, not for terrorists with nukes or whatever.

Part of the rules regarding classified information is that you are not allowed to confirm or deny whether or not something is true even if it's been made public. Just because information is public does not mean that it is declassified. Most likely the other anons are right in that he hadn't realized how sensitive this was at the time, but if he knew that what she said was classified then he is not allowed to make any comment regarding it.

That sound more like a shillary talking point. If you notice Hilldog loves to make mountain out of mole hills and then run from the mountains she made when Trump drags them out to the spotlight. If you are going to attack someone like shillary then every blow should count, don't bog yourself down with reddit tier garbage when you have the catalog that is the Clinton flies files.

This guy gets it.

Watch her trot out Brodercuck to say its just four minutes to turn your key, sir in the movies, goy.


Britbong here and I remember a fumy conversation about tank armour I had with a chap from DSTL, our equivalent of DEFRA.

Essentially the chap said "I can't tell you what's in this, but you can look it up on youtube."

Honestly all of them are starting to piss me off.


This shit is why we are losing and have been losing. If the DOJ did its' job, if the president did his job, if the DoD stopped making up false flag bullshit and allowing these corrupt officials to profit off of americas military industrial complex we wouldn't be in this situation.

DoD, FBI, whatever other feds.

You can either work with us and MAGA or you can lay in the bed you've made for yourselves and watch as our nation crumbles.

It really is up to you, as smart as we are,as good at finding shit out as we are; Holla Forums doesn't have the power to do what's necessary yet. We've done all we can, all that's left is us winning or full scale revolution to prevent WW3.

You could have listened. You could have gassed the kikes. Is this the future you chose?


This could be the smoking bullet, but only if someone presses the advantage. Either she has to publicly face legal consequences, or Trump has to nail her for it hard. We CANNOT let this go into the memory hole, and we CANNOT risk the feds letting it slide like all of her other shit.

Yep, actually NOT getting a comment on secrets is a confirmation itself. I do it all the fucking time.


It's better that he didn't IMO, had he said anything he would be confirming the information to be true in the eyes of the media who would spin it as the same thing as leaking it himself. They would spin it as both of them being in the wrong. All he had to do was let her destroy herself in this instance.

You need to sacrifice for him, basically.

If that's what you got from my post, you're way too far gone. I'm telling you Hitler isn't possible, nothing even remotely close to him. The niggerization is permanent and you, for the most part, love it and embrace it. Make another thread about how niggers are "alpha" and "respect Trump" and how that's great.

Stop pretending it's anything more than a tax cut.


4D chess, mate. The thing with these debates is they say it's live, but it never is. There is always a buffer period so that they can shut down the feed if some anonymous jerkoff creates a serious political disruption. If Trump called her out there, we would have instead seen "technical difficulties" halfway through the previous question, and then them coming back to an angry Trump and a giggling Clinton.

By not reacting, he allowed it to spread outside of the debate room and allowed it to become another piece of ammunition against her. Another nail in her coffin.

And the beautiful part is that he really wanted to push on it to the point he opened his mouth but then quickly closed it and smirked. He knew exactly what was going on.

It didn't even phase me until i came back here and saw the thread. Couldn't even ==FATHOM== that level of stupidity

Wrong. You don't want The Don to do it, let the MSM do it instead. They are, after all, rabid demonic beasts at heart apparently. They'll consume their own once they are no longer of service.

Let Trump's hands stay clean in this affair tbh.

inb4 shillary dies from a rare case of explosive diarrhea that leaves her with four deep wounds in the back of her head

Trump would be accused of 'helping spread' it irresponsibly by talking about it. If this is to gain any traction, the DoD needs to do its job to protect the American people. They need to be pressured.



Remember when Joe Biden pointed out a guy responsible for nuclear weapons?

No user, now they will be gassed or glassed.

This could be BS.

Joe does realise that he's gone and made that guy a target, right?

At this point an intelligence agency agent should just take a big risk and blackbag her. Fuck all who are connected to her and may spill beans on whoever. She is way too much a security threat to everybody to be let loose opening her mouth about military secrets to whoever wants to listen.


torch this bitch alive



Did you see Bill's last day in office. He pardoned, I think, 140 people, including his half-brother. Presidential pardons can't be rescinded. If Obama felt like it, he could issue a Presidential pardon for Hillary, if Trump wins, on his last day and never suffer any consequences. He'd be very unpopular but he doesn't give a fuck, his political career has hit its zenith anyway.

Hillary hasn't been convicted, so there's nothing to pardon.

Was just about to say this.

How can a pardon be granted when an indictment hasn't even been made. That will happen later when President Trump addresses the litany against Crooked Hillary.

Trump won't be President until January 20, 2017. Until then, Obama can pardon whomever he wants.

Nixon wasn't convicted either, but Ford pardoned him. The President can give amnesty pardons to people facing criminal charges, but have yet to be convicted.


No, he cannot shut up about putting niggers and spics TO WORK. The plan is to bring back all the sweatshops from china and put the city people into them. That'll boost the economy and then white people can all have high-level jobs in tech/engineering/overseeing/art etc

Not if it hasn't even had an indictment, much less a conviction he can't. There would be literally nothing official about such a gesture.

That's not true. Nixon was pardoned before any indictment.

Can obama pardon himself? because they cant convict hillary without obozo

This is generally how I see it as well. Keep the niggers occupied so they stop having time to nig up the streets.

Articles of Impeachment certainly amounts to a legal censure user.

The last 3 years have been all Obongo desperately trying to establish some kind of legacy so he can be remembered for something other than being the first nigger to sit in that chair, he already failed it and really have doubts if he wants to shit his record even more because of a Clinton of all people - and if she accepted it would be an admission of guilt.

Also, as much as I hate Hillary and Bill, the charges against his brother were from 1985 and he had already served his time (1 year) so it didn't made much of a difference. There are better examples like Dan Rostenkowski (Dem Congressman, House Postal Office Scandal) but even him had been convicted and had served his time already.

Impeachment just means that congress agrees that you did something bad. That's not legal culpability, though ostensibly they would be related. If you remember Slick Willy was impeached but he stayed in office.

according to this it's "common knowledge" based on some random writings from 1970.
w four-minute-nuclear/

But of course there's probably been a million speculations on this. Doesn't help for a presidential nominee to say it like that and confirm a time.

Trump shouldn't attack on this specifically but rather Hillary's quick assumption that it's the Russians behind everything. If anything comes up, she'll send nukes at russia.

Holy shit, how is she still allowed to run?

Well here's some secret information you don't know, Hillary…you're not going to be president…ever.

Bullshit. Why do you think they call them lawmakers, friend? Nixon's impeachment was much bigger srsbzns than the literally dozens of indictments that came from his scandal.

That seems to directly conflict with the OP, specifically

Trump did a really good jab at that when Hillary pivoted from immigration to Russia.

"never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake"

less reliable than fucking CTR

You know what that is? Israel Cohen's Racial Program for the 20th Century. Give them jobs. Give them money. Give them status. Give them a role in society. Give them White wombs.

You don't even functionally understand what you're advocating. You think it's a good thing. That's why I'm saying the damage has been done. You have no will or capability to even deal with this. You are resigned, beaten, and accepting of massive, massive, massive non-White hordes among you breeding and earning money. It's over.

There's two stages to impeachment, the impeachment vote which is really just a 'you did something wrong' and the vote to decide if the person should stay in office. The vote to decide if the person should stay in office requires a supermajority which means that you'll never have it passed. Impeachment is big because it's so rarely applied in the US.

stop trying so hard to fit in

You two are my Napolebros.

they cite this
That is obviously a pro clinton source.

That leaves 2 options. Either foreignpolicy is making up a response time for clinton to cite, and she's citing a lie to make trump look bad, or she's confirming that 4 minute launch window is correct. Either way is bad.

Obviously snopes is pro clinton, no need to tell me.

Military action. If Obummer pardons her, then coup

That's a Jewess, not a grill

Why are some of you this delusional about the military? The US military isn't the antidote to America's corruption – it's the enforcer.

fire up those ovens mane

Obama hates Hillary, he wont do it just to get at her and then brag about it on twitter. before he gets arrested for funding isis

Its bit fishy to be honest. How could trash journalist have sources in such high places willing to comment on crooks statement about nuclear weapons.

Also people in those positions should not be stupid enough to confirm publicly if this 4 minutes statement is accurate or not.

The fuhrer would dislike anime, just sayin

You're treading on rough ground m8

I thought the "four minute warning system" during the cold war made it obvious.

Did they really think this was a secret when the warning system was specifically made to be FOUR MINUTES?


Im sure Fuhrer could have appreciated japanese art and culture. They were honorary aryans afterall.

hol up

is u sayin

that what "conspiracy theorists" have been saying for decades


It's almost like the CIA created the term "conspiracy theorist" in order to spread disinfo and propaganda and keep the goyim under control.

Yeah sure, schlomo.

Is that fucking silk, damn people were rich as fuck last century.

He'd prefer traditional aryan art.
You know he would.
Don't throw that denial at me.

shoo shoo jew

Does this mean the deep state is kind of on our side now?

Probably moeshit.
I'd say he'd like Berserk or Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

I didn't watch the debates, but this video makes me uneasy, because she can't be that dumb. She must have given out that info publicly for reason, to prime public opinion. I have a feeling there's going to be a false flag soon, where this 4-minute data point will come into play to sway people's judgement.

Show me any traditional art that came out in 2016.

Of course he'd prefer traditional aryan art it is aesthetically superior.

However all "artists" post 1940's are complete trash by and far, in the modern era japanese create some of the best art, sadly.


I don't know man, Hitler didn't really like the kaisers.

Have you been asleep the whole year? She IS that dumb. She's senile at least and has never been particularly competent at anything, the only reason she's where she is is because she played ball for the right kikes

There's a site dedicated to this shit.

Western professional illustrators? Bro, even motherfucking furries can produce better quality than the flat faced garbage that comes out of the east. You're just a bunch of fucking hipsters and don't realize it.

0:13 Trump looks at the camera, he knows she's shitting it up

Silk production in Japan was fucking huge just pre war, a disease swept through europe that killed silkworms and so the Japs gained a near monopoly on it. Japan makes less silk now than in the days after they were nuked, which is why its so costly for us today.


I take it we should start mass suicides through nukes and Ebola now?

The goon has in fact revealed himself.

Sure, the guy who wanted to create a German animated movie industry and drew Disney fanart would have hated anime.

Back to SA, goon

You first, baby girl.


I don't think most people caught it at the time, I didn't hear about it until people started mentioning it a few hours after the debate.

There's a new trend on twitter, after the debate. Red pill time?

How would he know that information is classified if he had never been in a high ranking government position like Hillary, retard?

You know damn well if Hitler lived to see anime, he would be drawing his waifus every day.

And then some faggot would say his art was shit

Maybe, but they wouldn't be flat faced abominations.

I bet you think you're really fitting in fellow goy.

A lot better link with more information on how Clinton violated the law.

Are you some kind of inbred retard? I'm being polite. Our discussion is off topic. Damn, you're slow. Maybe you're just new, don't know, don't care, doesn't matter.

Hitler liked traditional art more, didn't even view cartoons as art but more as a tool where traditional technique would be ineffective.
He enjoyed, drew, and used cartoon but did not think of it as "art"
Here's his rendition of Pinocchio

Try harder next time faggot.

mmmmhm, filtered


Is it true that Hitler was the one who designed the Nazi logo? Because that shit was a stroke of genius and Hitler's true calling may have been graphic design rather than traditional art.

The man never lived to see the age of computers.

It was missing something.

To be ruled over by a woman is a curse, the argument starts and stops at that point

Ford pardoned Nixon for everything.

Nobody is going to run for president promising a Nigger Holocaust.


How the fuck would Trump know that was classified and not just another buzzword talking point?

Anyway, Hill fucked up
It's obvious she'd been reading up on or being brief on these systems a lot lately.

Pentagon is probably rustled because she just gave a VERY big tell to the Russians that some serious shit is going down.

Well golly, I wonder if she'll be punished for this one?
It's only been thousands of times at this point.
Surely any day now she'll face repercussions.

At least she poos in the loo.


damning undercover footage is a conspiracy theory

however, if someone should somehow prove that obama was illegible for the presidency, then all his pardons and executive orders would be null and void. for example, during swearing in when obama pledged that he has never used another name in his life. Or his fake as fuck certificate of live birth. or his conneticuit SSN.
im not exactly sure if this counts but its realism anyways

That's exactly what I'm saying. It's not possible in the US. The country is permanently niggerized and the population embraces it – so I don't know why it's strange or objectionable when I simply say it.

They aren't going anywhere. It's just South Africa all over again. The problem is never going away. Colonialism doesn't work. It's almost insane how ANTI-NATIONAL SOCIALIST the Trump squad on this board. Their ideas are diametrically opposed to National Socialism at every turn. No overlap whatsoever.

I expect it from Trump. He's a functionally jewish billionaire nigger lover. I certainly didn't expect it from this board.

sounds like a load of crap to me.

#1 if it was a big deal then why make a big deal out of it?

#2 why would "sources" then "confirm" that what she said was accurate?

sorry for sounding like ctr but i mean come on.
go trump though.

It's not really defeatism for you though, is it? You don't have any problem with niggers being around and breeding up your women. You'll wave a magic wand, give them lots of money and social stability, and we can keep dumping them all over the globe in violent jewish wars.

WTF is this?

Simple, addicte them to animu, free internet porn and white wimmenz blow dolls (that screams when you punch them), kung fu massacre, KFC and malt liquor, brightly colored food full of sugars and fats, "soft" drinks.
Mexicans are already getting fat as houses as it is.
Free meth and bath salts @ the local welfare office too, free abortion and welfare as long as they don´t breed.

They´ll litterally eat, drink and fap themselves to death and they´ll do it quickly once implemented too.

When I first saw it I didn't really know what it entailed, we all knew that the president had such powers and the topic was focussed on something else entirely (not the response time). Looking back, Clinton fucked up massively I really fear for the world if she gets to be elected president. In countless ways she is waaaaaay worse than Onigger.

Why can't you just be honest and say you're so unequivocally devoted to jewish capitalism you'll never ever get rid of them? Why do you feel compelled to make up completely fantastical scenarios that don't line up with any of the policies your candidate is actually putting forward?

No the topic was on temperament and Russia, if you're getting attacked you're looking to attack the opponent back or deflect the attack. You don't really assume that the opposite side is leaking insanely sensetive information in the heat of the moment.

OC fresh from the presses


you might also want to change the font

Actually the NSDAP would have sent you moeshits to a forced labor camp, come up with a new special designation for your specific brand of degeneracy accompanied by a mark specially invented for you that gets put behind your name in the inmate administration, and then let you work up some muscle and testosterone while Nazi scientists frantically researched your mental illness for a cure.

Everyone please take a moment of your time to appreciate just how fucking deluded weebshits are.

New and improved

I wouldn't mind if they forced me to do that in the current year…

Maybe change the news date too.

On a side note, I don't know if every first letter in the title needs to be uppercase. It's a less important detail anyway.

Great idea user.

But this user is right. It's pretty low energy and there's a lot of easy improvements to make.

6/10 for effort, would download and edit.

I'd say an 8/10, the text required work and it's nice.
It's just the small details. It could just be autistic me though.

I'm wondering how to debunk this debunk. Unsurprisingly, everyone and their dog has begun flooding the internet with "we already knew that there was a 4 minute response time" but that assertion itself is difficult to disprove. In order to disprove it, or maintain the current claim that Clinton fucked up bad, we would have to find some statement from before the debate that asserts that nuclear response times are confidential.

Right now, I'm trying to scour the National Security archive for such evidence, but the closest I've found thus far is … where it mentions a 6 minute response time as part of a discussion between Yuri Andropov and US Envoy Averill Harriman in 1983. I can't find any indication yet that this discussion was confidential.

Kek, literally as busy as a cat burying shit on a marble floor.

Reading through the Snopes article, theres a couple things already that may or may not have already been addressed (I'm at work and can't spend all my time on my phone, sue me).

Their first point is that Hillary tweeted this fact already and it's no big deal. Except the timing of that tweet is DURING the debate, which means that Hillary did not tweet that, and in fact they may have tweeted that as the most basic of damage control.

The second point is that an August 2016 Foreign Policy article mentioned the 4 minute nuclear response time l. Except, in reading their quote from the article and the rest of the Snopes piece, they're talking about the time that the president has to decide on launching missiles. That is different from the time it takes for the order or missiles to launch actually takes effect.

Holy Shit! Everyone go to the Snopes article and scroll down to the author bio!

Weren't those the word salad she tossed at the Don last night?

Upon further reflection, this could just be a Snopes joke.

Hitler and friends were the NEETs of their time. I saw a story that came from /r9k/ about how Hitler got rejected by a Stacy. Somebody please post it, I forget how it goes.

actually, it's costly because the buying power of every single coin is diminishing by the second thanks to international banking and make believe money. That's why we work so much, so much much more efficiently than ever before in history of mankind, but still have less buying power than we used to.

Just imagine, we shit out Iphones like it's nothing. Just imagine how many Iphones people would do per year without the 'overpowered' tools we have now


ahaha even CNN can't escape the fact that she done goofed.


Get this bitch in prison already.

Why the fuck is that a question?
Why would you put a fact in question form?

jesus fucking christ

Top fucking kek.

They sidestepped it as effectively as Snopes sidestepped it. The documents that back up what Hillary said which are open source back up the amount of time that the president has to formulate a response. That's in no way helpful information for antagonistic nations. What IS helpful to antagonistic nations is knowing exactly how much time goes from the president giving the order to the missiles launching. The former is just a snap decision, and awareness of it reveals how stressed the president would be at that situation. The latter is the window of opportunity that the enemy has to neutralize America's missile launch system.

I hate the cunt on the left trying to damage control so hard the fact she's throwing classified information.

Also, the best part is, Colin Powell, despite being a cuck, said Hillary was a fuck-up and turns everything she touches into disaster.

She is pretty damn stupid. She is always at the center of something. She's that bitch from "who is this 4chan".

The NSA has been archiving emails since 2001, who do you really think leaked all the emails?

The NSA is pissed that Hillary had word for word GAMMA intel on her server. Worse, no one at the state department caught it because it came from Blumenthal so it didn't have any classified markings, so the entire world knows about the NSA's ability to listen in on Sudanese leadership's encrypted conference calls live (so anyone else using similar tech is due for an upgrade).

Didn't she also say a few days ago that Congress already has term limits, when Trump was talking about instituting that?
How can someone this stupid keep their fucking job? I'm sure CNN can find someone hotter (not hard) and smarter (definitely not hard) to replace her.

Yep, same person.

seconding need that story

Clinton was a trainwreck as a child though. She always looked like a bus-stop prostitute.

She's a pretty average south easterner, they all look inbred and retarded.

North East and mid-west/south west America is the purest genes.


She was born in Chicago, parents from Chicago and Scranton. Bill's from the southeast, she followed him there.

What sources? I bet she made this up to confuse other countries. They'll miscalculate.

My concern though is that she told the truth for the first time ever. What a stupid bitch if she did. Of all the things to tell the truth about - nuclear codes is not it.

I'm OK with this tbh user.

How is that even relevant to the topic of culpability and legal censure? Obonko can't make any legal maneuver 'pardoning' Clinton to any degree other than folktale-tier hearsay prior to any formal charges being levied against the evil cunt.

So… she's not followed proper security protocols again? shocking

Holy shit I can't stop laughing.

Biden's son may well have been murdered at the behest of the Clintons, and he knows it. I wonder if he did that on purpose.

I kind of doubt it if only because Joe is a fucking gaffe machine.

Honestly Bill Clinton's gaffes are more suspicious.

jidf gtfo. If he time-traveled to 2016 and was immediately exposed to anime he might or might not dislike it but his main reaction would be "wtf uh ok…i'm going to go gas the kikes bye". By your logic he would dislike all modern music including fashwave nsbm martial industrial etc, and he would dislike modern clothes movies and basicallly everything. You could also apply this to basically any historical figure. If you just ressurected Churchill and showed him tentacle porn I don't think he would approve. In conclusion you are a retarded shill.

What is you point schlomo? That doesn't mean anything. I don't think rabbis like anime very much btw. Comparing traditional art with anime is pretty dumb. Anime is animation not million dollar paintings in a museum.

Force yourself, user.

I can't wait to see what she offers the Pentagon to get them to retroactively declassify the nuclear response times.

Its like Trump said. Foreign leaders are all way smarter than her

She'll probably offer them a gym membership.

This was Hillary advertising using free samples ,just as leaks have shown, she is willing to sell US secrets to China and the Middle East and others just so long as they give to the Clinton Foundation.

heh quid-pro-quo?

I need this


You plainly haven't seen many beautiful young southern women user. BTW, Clinton isn't from the South.

According to TGSNT, yes.

I thought napoleon as well

I'm glad gamergate taught me something else besides the nature of corruption and co-option

No, according to TGSNT, he found the symbol, found it's origin and meaning, saw how it had been used in Europe for hundreds of years, and revived it