No thread about apples new space program?

No thread about apples new space program?
For shame



So bluebeam.

Does the circular thing signifies anus of applefags in sodomy?

The building was designed to resemble their hardware. Thin, massively overpriced, impractical, and probably terrible thermal design

Who's gonna buy that when Apple has to sell it because without Jobs they can't make shit anymore?

I doubt that will ever happen at this point. But if it does ever come to that I think Apple would still make a pretty penny just renting office space from that behemoth. That's prime real estate

The design makes no practical fucking sense because it's obviously a horrible use of usable space per sq ft. It looks like a walled city tbh. Maybe Apple is preparing their employees for when shit goes down. Seriously, the middle of that massive complex looks like a safe holdout in an apocalypse. The building is like a modern fort

It represents the anus of an Apple fanboy who just spent $999 on the new iphone x

There are real people out there that do this unfortunetely. Pathetic.

$1000 is nothing to those of us that do this. Don't be jealous of your superiors.
You should strive to be rich and successful as us. My wife is a 10/10 btw.

The new "office" is just a cover story. It's a walled city. A castle for the elite. They know The HAPPENING is almost here. They want a safe space.

oh wow.

Nearly all its main features are things that Holla Forums have created fake ads for to get retards to destroy their previous new iphones.
Microwave charging. Waterproof. The only one it's missing is built in scales to confirm that you're a fat lazy fuck and they sell watches that tell you that now, in a suitably patronizing AI voice. There's even anti-nigger security so they can't just chop your finger off when they steal your phone.

Apple's going to be raking in the idiot tax this winter.

unless they have some sort of black-sector cyclotronical antigravity in that butthole-lookin' headquarters i'm still never giving them a single shekel.


2017: Apple successfully creates the small hardon collider

got eight plus ama

are you reseling


Apple understands their fanbase.

my name chad longdick i fuckd your bitch first she a dick whisperer don't be jealous of your superiors cuckboi you can have your kids but they gonna look like me thanks telegony!!

Holy shit. That is some Oscar Wilde level wordplay.


sounds like homosex


Tim Cook vision