Want to be a computer person

Should i just give up and pick another path in life?

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You are literally the perfect candidate for a smartphone, just get an iPhone 5s or SE and jailbreak it if you want to run Leenhux on it, it's size is perfect for your needs as I myself have trap hands üwü

Or build a Raspberry Pi phone with a decent touch screen, or get one of those Playstation remote sized keyboards to go with it having seen it pop up when searching for Raspberry Pi on amazoon. Infact that's literally the perfect option just get that remote it's literally the size of the keyboard on the iPhone5/5s/SE but even smaller, so like iPhone 4s sized but even smaller than that so you will make mistakes every single time and never be able to type out a full sentence perfectly without checking it like you would on a full size keyboard.
Basicallly >die.

You should've put this in the sticky.

Wtf hand size doesn't matter lol. Typing fast doesn't help you code fast, and only hackers in movies need to do it. If you like learning about it then do it. But if you honestly think your hands will get in the way it probly bc you're not really that interested tbh fam


They all walk off giggling and laughing

Thank you OP, you've helped me come to the realization that a load of my shortcomings in life are entirely within my own head thanks to your ridiculously stupid opinion. It's like a gross parody of my own internal insecurities.

Become a trap, use your small hands as a selling point, get a lot of money through patreon then kill yourself in your 30s.

Use Vim Neovim, get more work done with less typing.
Even children should be able to reach all the letter keys easily.

If you were a trap, you could have had lunch with chad too.
and dessert

You're retarded. "Coder" is a fine term used since forever.

happy hacking keyboard

Problem ain't your hands, but with total incapability of dynamic problem solution you'll just suck at anything Holla Forums related anyways.
Try solving some advanced puzzles for 14y.o. kids, and getting that mind of yours a little more greased before pursuing your dreams.

Why? Because there are countless types of keyboards you could be researching before making this retarded, disgusting thread.

Yeah, by stupid little faggots who don't even think properly about what they're doing, so whatever.

Nice non argument. What's your problem mate ? If you want to call yourself a programmer then do so, but coder is exactly the same thing, just shorter. Do you think calling yourself programmer makes you more professional or something ? Kek

You keep putting spaces before and after the question mark. Your spacing is all fucked up, to the point where you resemble a fucking 16 y/o redditor.
Just leave, you don't belong to here. You clearly lack of intelect.

Top kek

If you don't know the reason why the term coder is frowned upon, then you're not asking for an argument you're asking to be spoonfed a very obvious stupid thing.
When I say someone is a fucking faggot for saying coder, I'm not assuming they don't know the reason, just that they don't care as much. And that's gay.
Now, if you don't know the reason for this question, then you're just not someone even worth having any conversation about the subject with.

Anyway, fuck off.

why is every post with pepe in the OP shit

Traps are gay.

It's not gay if it's a FEMININE penis!

Praise Kek v•v•v .,.
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Get an X60 with 1440x1050 IPS and chink mobo to future-proof it, it has small keyboard specially for girls.

Gosh, that's an awfully long way of saying "I have no idea what I'm talking about".

Use vim.

depends on how hardcore you are. and where you are, geographically

in the US now, coding is not the greatest job to have nowadays: it's the third most-commonly-offshored job, behind call center operators and medical transcribers. schools still say it's an awesome career, but schools are selling classes, not hiring coders. there are comp sci people making $100K+ and they like to pretend they're critical employees unraveling the mysteries of the universe, but they're mainly writing database queries from a web server and they're never more than a couple steps away from being laid off. Sandy Patel can copy & paste from stackexchange remotely for 25% of what they're getting.

a small number of businesses need software devs on-staff all the time. most don't however.
many more businesses could benefit from having a software dev around, but they don't need one full time. they're never going to consider you if all you have is a comp sci degree.

rather than get a masters in comp sci, it can be better to get a bachelors in some other subject that interests you, and a minor or some certs in comp programming. that way you get hired mostly for the first degree, but you can also do some coding too if it can be helpful.

you may end up doing more-than-one job, but then, sooner or later you should insist on more-than-one salary as well, even if it's not twice as much as one job would have paid.

and if they start looking to lay people off, they have two reasons to keep you, but only one reason to keep most other people.

That's not true at all, programming is is expanding so fast there aren't even half as many graduates as there are jobs for them. You have no idea what you are talking about, outsourcing doesn't mean no jobs, it means slightly less jobs in a huge growth industry. Programming simply will never be done by the majority of people, it is always a small percentage of the population.


As you can see, it is consistently low for all STEM jobs. And that is implying that all CS grads are actually able to program, which as we all know is untrue to a ridiculous degree.
Are you intentionally lying to him in order to reduce your competetion or something? Or are you just upset because you have been having bad luck or are in a bad area for jobs?


They had the second highest percentage among all college degrees of getting a job, and they made the most money.
And that's just actually getting hired, there is also the advantage of it being a trade that you can leverage directly. IE, making websites for people you know on a freelance basis. Or even doing pajeet work on a shitty freelance site for extra cash when you have some free time and want to work on your skills.

Computers and programs are doing more than ever and are endlessly prolific, more people being involved does not equal less work for you. In fact, in the case of programming, the more people working on it, the more others see how important it is, thus increasing the jobs. Also a ton of CS grads fail or drop out because they only got into for the money and can't hack it anyway.

For anyone who read this and saw dollar signs, you really do need to be interested in it in order to suceed.
I recommend finding some python tutorial online and see if you like creating stuff and fixing bugs and stuff. If you hate it after doing it for a few weeks, I can't imagine you'll enjoy it after years of school.

I'm one of these people. I know a decent bit of Java, learning C in uni. Do you have any advice on nurturing an interest in the field? Some entry level educational websites or yt channels maybe? I come to Holla Forums sometimes, but for the most part I don't know what most of you are talking about.

yea, but who is not buying houses, new cars? who is not starting families?
new college grads, that's who.
because those things all cost a lot of money, and they think they're in too much debt to do them.

--And note that this is even with BOTH people in a relationship having degrees and working....

the parties that are supported by the college industry always tell rosy stories about it, no matter what (,,,like, sites with names like "itworld.com",,,)

and many US companies --like MicroBillGates-- set high requirements and low pay, and then complain to congress for more B1-B's because "they just can't find enough US workers"

first computer jobs left, and none of the colleges said anything about that when it was happening
now a lot of other electronic/chemical/mechanical engineering jobs are leaving, and you have to look for evidence of that yourself. the colleges selling those degrees aren't going to tell you about it.

there is still programming work and companies will want people on-hand who can do it, but they don't want to pay for someone with that specific degree and so they need some other reason to hire you.

I'm not the user you were replying to.

Find a scripting language you like, learn it on your own, and start using it to scratch any itches you might have. For example, if you lurk boards with image dumps, write a script that downloads all the images in a given thread. You need the practice, you'll feel good about improving your quality of life with your own code, and in the process of solving these problems you might stumble onto a niche you're interested in.

Even as a green-horn, Computerphile is a nice channel to follow for generally interesting CS content. Find stuff that relates to your interests (e.g. LWN.net for Linux news, EEVBlog for EE/hardware, Handmade Hero for game dev). Avoid "tfw programmer" big brain nigga time-wasting shit that is common on Reddit, Hacker News, and most programmer blogs.

A lot of it is shitposting and LARPers trying to one-up one another. Verify anything you read here.


thanks for the suggestions, I'm in a similar position as the guy who asked.

Keyboards don't all have the same size, you can get a keyboard for handlets.

You can buy a small keyboard, you juicy little twink.

Can't fix the fact that you're retarded, though.

kek, do you know what "a small percentage of the population" of India is? Enough to fill every programming job in the U.S.

Stallshit is looking pretty rekt these days. Is that bottle of pills in front of him some kind of diabetes medication to keep him from keeling over?

With as fat as he is, I'm surprised he has made it to 64.

With as autistic as he is, I'm surprised nobody beat him to death before he reached 30, actually.


What cruel twist of genetics did I receive that won't allow me to be man nor trap?

How small are your hands? would love to see trump hands of the anons here.

It's diet. Eat red meat. Diet and lifting will cover it up, but you'll probably never be able to undo your childhood disfigurement without a shitload of hgh >>>/fit/

You need this, OP.

Disregard manlet and become a trap.


I wish I had tiny hands so I could work on electronics

I'm pretty sure Holla Forums is unmoderated. I reported a post for trying to get the board raided and there was no response.

I don't think Holla Forums is moderated.

I've seen this happen before. It's like the post gets caught in the tube and you have to send in more posts to dislodge it and push it through. The first post was made over an hour ago and only appeared after the second one was posted, just now.

If your hands are that small then I don't think that your hands are your only size problem.

haha EBIN post my man XD

Yeah, til you post some pic where you can see some girl's nipps slightly through her shit, without a fucking spoiler tag, because you're not a fag, and then mods add them for you because they hate tiddies and just like hairy ballsacks.
Man, gay people are so disgusting!