Absolute fucking state of Star Wars

What is Kennedy and Disney doing?

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Before people start crying about the webm:


does it repel women from wanting to have sex with you?? Kappa

So why is it spinning like a helicopter?

Why not have repulsors on the soles of your boots if you can make them that small?

I'm kinda decent looking so it just comes off as quirky irl, sorry to disappoint you, you bitter man

Star Wars has always been about cool looking > logic

Lightsabers in general would be fucking useless and dangerous in real life.

only 3/10s and lower say that LUL


That's one of the worst things about it tho


Well I guess they wouldn't be useless, thats the wrong word but they would be too dangerous to even consider as a real weapon.

Fights would last like a minute with a high chance of people cutting their own arms and legs.

Imagine Maul's lightsaber irl, that shit would get yourself killed in a second.

I didnt say it was good or well done just what drove normies to meme

i think the word you're looking for is impractical

you just described a sword fight…

that's it user, thanks.

real swords need a lot of strength and intention behind every hit, lightsabers would just fuck you up just by getting close to your skin.

Katana's would be the closest thing and even those aren't nearly as dangerous.

this is the most realistic lightsaber duel:

Star Wars was never good

Which movie is that?

Queen Fatass is in the Han Solo movie for God knows what reason.

I don't understand why this would have been an issue. Is Han suppose to be a tragic character?

like poetry

They're pretty happy with all the Disney diversity, wait for them to announce a transgender cast and it will be a poppers and lube party for the hipsters.

That's not the issue, the issue is that the writer (Lawrence Kasdan) is a hollywood legend and the whole reason to make the movie.

If they do too much improv they're not doing his script, and the point of the movie was to be a circlejerk for Kasdan and his writing for Han Solo.

cranking the milking machine up to 11. doesn't matter how god awful star wars becomes because its fucking star wars and those fuck yeah science nerd culture redditors will gobble it up regardless.


Fuck off.

There is nothing good in the prequels. They are shit in every aspect.

Repulsers.. in a lightsaber hilt. My god you jumped the shark lad. Go back to tumblr

It is what it is, if you don't like it keep it to yourself faggot, nobody cares.

You belong in reddit, no even memeing here, fuck off back to that place and never come back.

t. halfcuck redditor

The prequels are vastly superior in design to Jew Jew's stuff. His stuff isn't even derivative, it's just bad copies.

The only thing in the prequels which doesn't work is Anakin and Obi wan's characterization in AotC. They come off too antagonistic and Anakin is too whiny. Otherwise they are fine.

No im telling you to fuck off because you are too gullible and stupid to be on this site. If you somehow managed to get yourself into Holla Forums there is a decent chance they will get you a darwin award.

And Phantom menace child Anakin. To be frank, episode 1 was unnecessary. Episode 2 would have been a better actual Episode 1. Episode 1 felt and behaved like a side story.

Post the webm where it ain't me plays in the background.

Episode 1 is fine, honestly, except Jar Jar kinda fell flat. It really feels very close to Return of the Jedi in terms of style. Those two are probably the closest to each other.

The only crime Episode 1 had was that it didn't meet the unrealistic expectations of man-children like Mike Stoklasa.

Still pushing this meme, lads?

dude everything is relative lmao

I was 16 when it came out and raised on a steady diet of the Zahn books, VHS copies of the triolgy, and my older brother's toys.

I was disappointed as fuck.


They are kinos though.

But I saw the phantom menace 9 times at the kinoplex when I was eight years old user.


People that are triggered by Harry Potter are actual retards that didn't understand the source material is supposed to make fun of how asinine the brits are

I think most people are making fun of the fact redditors are such manchildren they aren't ashamed to sprout Harry Potter memes in public.



The fact of the matter is though that there are a ton of parallels since HP is a sort of dystopia that unfortunately still parallels our world because history repeats itself

so voldemort did nothing wrong?

He was a hothead when it mattered most, too egotistical for his own good

I want Summerfags to fucking leave.

Self deprecation is not new for the British. J.K Rowling didn't do anything new or clever by pointing out the idiosyncrasies of the British people. Jokes about tea and the weather and having a stiff upper lip are stale as fuck and that sort of inoffensive 'US BRITS HUH, WHAT ARE WE LIKE' humour is popular among hollow patriots like Rowling (people who don't actually give a shit about the U.K and actively undermine it). So yeah people understand, they just aren't impressed.

I see what you did there.

The entire ministry and their decrees parallels the british ministry and their shitty laws like a Holla Forums license

Still a children's book about gay wizards who gangwank eachother, get over it. Oh and David Yates is a fucking mess nobody director who looks JUSTed.

Jesus Christ Marie.

Stop buying the 6 million folds nonsense. Katana's aren't special, they are just a pretty good slashing weapon. Long swords will fuck you up just as bad. Both weapons take a lot of strength and skill to remove a limb, however both can also cut soft flesh extremely easily.

As for lightsabers, I always took it to be deliberate that they were impractical weapons for an average user. Suicidal for anyone to use them who didn't have supernatural abilities, outside of as an impromptu cutting implement.

You sound triggered completely since you're wrong


You've never held a sword, have you? They're easy to move despite the weight, by design. Because you know, you want a swift and agile weapon.

That thicc asian next to him looks H O T though.

As a test, try to remember two characters names from Rogue One without looking it up. Can't do it? Neither could I. Next try to remember the main characters name, the girl. Still no fucking clue.
All I could remember is the blatant chinese pandering and that forest whitaker shows up. Also the original trilogy shilling as well. But nothing about the characters or the dialogue.

pfft, that's easy… vader and tarkin :'^)

Which scene did it better?



I finally saw Rogue One because riffs came out. the only truly terrible parts were the unnecessary nods to the old movies, like CGI Tarkin & random cameos for the fanboys. I give it 5/10, would not watch again.

He was the product of race-mixing (magic blood with non-magic) so he did that wrong or rather his mother did which they depicted as both a victim of her father and brother as well as a abuser herself/whore/homewrecker since she basically raped the non-magic father.

Its typical for leftist propaganda to do that to their "bad guys" jew "nazis", or black KKK/racists ( Example Anthony Hopkins" The Human Stain")

As if the left are afraid of making their version of "Satan" accurate ie practice what they preach would result in converting people over to that side so they have to make the "bad guys" giant hypocrites and cartoon level incompetent. Check out the new star wars Niggers, women, other mystery meat shitskins but its still a "white supremacist organization" according to disney jews.
It's comical since the propaganda is so lazy, & obvious and also a bit depressing as the millennial, hypster, trash seems to eat all this up.

t. butthurt zweihander cuck
He said a katana (and i add even a tachi) would be the closest thing to a lightsaber because they are very lightweight and highly depend on their sharpness to do damage, as they do not have the weight/density on their side. Thus would be tough to handle without training, but not as much as a laser sword with no weight and power to even burn your shit up at close range
Both the longsword and a katana are used very differently too, you might be confusing it with an odachi

A Katana is between 1.1 and 1.3kg
A Longsword is between 1.1 and 1.8 kg
An Arming sword (1 handed sword) is about 1.1kg.

Bear in mind Long sword is a rough classification and covers a wide range. Katanas are pretty similar to most other swords, just specialized for cutting like sabers.

Leaving that aside, lightsabers can and do thrust quite well. The mere act of turning one on ran han solo through and Qui Gon was fatally stabbed as well. I would say the best usage of them is like a sport fencing sword, where a touch means a kill.

If that's so i take it back, my uncle had one and that was easily 3kg, shit was too tough to use, probably because it was against armored horses and knight fags
Tachis were under a kilo, around 900 or so, but were slashers only and were sharpen often, reason why i guess thy were replaced by the katanas

How much money do you donate to RLM and how much reddit gold do you have

Not really.

I thought Anakin and Padme's scenes were alright. As much as people like to shit on the "I don't like sand" line, given the context it's a good line. Sand reminds him of his home on Tatooine and his fixation on it shows that he can't let go of his home. Jedi are supposed to be detached and emotionless, whereas Sith are known to be passionate, and cling to things familiar to them. Anakin's autism and not being able to let things go is what leads to his downfall.

this. If nothing else, I would have made child Anakin a little older in episode 1 just so there would be less of a break in continuity between episodes 1 and 2.

He should have been a teen around Padme's age, they should have dumped the "engineering prodigy" part of his character (since in serves no actual purpose in the whole PT) and just illustrated that he has really, really good reflexes.

Now I've seen it all.

What about spinning though

It's a bad trick and a worse meme

Absolute Plebe


how the hell these niggers are rotating those lightsabers?

Absolute Helsinki


Her dancing caterpillars are erotic as fuck.

If that was Disney it would be Blue Milk.

It could always be worse, they could've had han or even chewie with a light saber or some shit…


> yellow light saber

now THIS is cuckposting
the prequels will always be garbage, pretending to like them is just contrarianism because Di$ney's new movies are "le pozzed XD" and the kids gotta signal, gotta try to fit in. it's possible to dislike both the prequels and the new crap for different reasons.

Why would you want to dislike kino? The prequel hate is pretty much only based on trying to fit in and Kike Cucklasa's inane rants. It's funny how you both say it's to fit in and to be contrarian thar people admit loving the prequels, contradictory much? I also like how you can't even phantom people liking something you didn't care to understand enough to appreciate.

Make your bait good before attempting it, stupid

It's the fact that the directing combined with the directing of the acting and the fact that it was bad made it almost laughable, for attack of the clones at least, the delivery was I'm assuming directed by Lucas.

How is it cuckposting? There you go again randomly using words you see posted here. You really are the shittiest poster on a chan, which is saying something.

That user is talking about people like you


Do we know what the plot of the new one is about? I'm sure it will be nostalgia rehashing trash, but if they touched a little bit on the themes of KotOR II and specifically the themes discussed in the vid I'm linking it could actually be pretty good and I think based on Luke's lines in the trailer that may be the direction they're heading. Anyone else know? I'm probably getting my hopes up for nothing though because doing this story line would mean exposing the Force it's self as the ultimate villain in Star Wars and could only end happily with the end of a lot of what makes Star Wars profitable.

Also if you haven't watched the vid I'm embedding you should. I really hope they touch on some of this shit because Star Wars really gets interesting when you start seeing less Thesis/Antithesis conflict and it starts moving in to the Synthesis phase.

Fuck no, Episode 1 is an objectively bad movie. Kill yourself.

TPM is fine. After all, you've watched it multiple times.

>it's good because __
Just because you grew up watching shit movies over and over again doesn't mean everyone else did.

Try having an original thought someday, kid. You might like it.



Okay hipster.




I can see you digging your hole even deeper but I don't see you going back to reddit.

Sounds to me like you're from reddit. I mean you're defending the prequels to stand out as "original", and you have no actual defense of them other than "I watched them a bunch so they must be good". Reddit likes to project.

Okay manchild

Can you be more of a reddit cancer? Every word, every sentence. Kys.

George, just stop posting. No one likes your shit films.

You're getting your hopes up for nothing, user. Didney nuStar Wars is too faggoty and retarded to get inspiration from the best Star Wars story.

I know you're right.

How about no?

Who are you quoting?

Some redditor who has crawled too far up the ass of Kike Cucklasa.

Funny because I don't see him mentioning RLM or Plinkett's review at all. So, again, who are you quoting?

Plenty of people thought the movie was bullshit before RLM did their thing. like me. you faggot. go prep the bull. You're the one that can't stop thinking about Mike cuckoldlasa

Hating kinos like TPM is for the likes of redditors and RLM drones. Sure, you could be a liberal faggot without watching Colbert or still trying to get Shillary into office but you're missing the point if you think trying to distance yourself from those people who do and think that will make your fundamental core cuckery any different.

George, please stop. I know you're retired now and have a lot of time on your hands because people won't let you make movies anymore, but you're really pushing in to the realm of absurdity linking libtards with people who hate your trashfire. Disliking your garbage is something that unites all people.

You can pretend all you want, Mike, nobody but the most cucked drooling autists will buy it.

George has no reason to post here. He made his billions and gave you manchildren what you wanted. You now how the mindless social justice nostalgia farm you demanded Star Wars become.


He's one of the most uncucked directors alive.


Still pushing this meme, lads?

He is right tho, he created lucasfilms so he didn't have to kneel to the jews.


he's basically an old David Yates

It's simply the truth.

George Lucas is the king of Holla Forums. Not sure who the queen is as that still seems to be under debate.