Countering "muh abortions"

Sup fam.

I've noticed a lot of people, Bernie fans in particular, are pretty red pilled when it comes to Hillary's corruption.

They seem open a bit to Trump, but "muh abortions" and "muh roe v wade" is a reason they wont vote for the God Emperor. Yesterday I had 3 separate women tell me "yeah I hate Hillary, but at least I'll still have my right to choose"

So how do I red pill the baby killers that love their abortions so much?

Other urls found in this thread:

The body inside your body is not your body. Abortion is a post-conception contraceptive, but I'm not going to spoonfeed you.

The abortion line should never have been pushed, he didn't need to be "pro-life" to get the nomination, but it does hurt his chances in the general with pro-choice women

Pro-life is anti-white anyway. Without Planned Parenthood we'd have lost decades ago.

u wot m8?

you can't, I just don't give a fuck about murdering fetuses, and I don't mind about killing a newborn baby either, if it's retarded

there is nothing you can do for these people. With so many major things going on in the country and the world, if someone's single issue is the right to kill their own fetuses then they completely hopeless.

Abortion should be illegal for white women only, as payback for slavery and institutional racism. :^)

I'm pretty disappointed to see how petty sentimentality and non-issues are more important than real issues.

Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics around the country have aborted dozens of millions of niglets
The only thing standing in the way of expanding this service to beaners is pro-life cuckservatives, who just like Hilldog and her masters are salivating at the idea of importing millions of shitskins and other electoral cattle

And this pretty much too
If it can't survive the rest of it's life without 24/7 care while still suffering in constant pain, then it's better to put it out of it's misery on the spot

Fuck all of you murderers.
Sure, abortion affects Blacks more than Whites, but that's a great opportunity to gain with Bernouts and other White Liberals.
Do you really think these people would support killing Blacks?
Also, aren't you against the forced sterilization of Black (Ethiopian Jews) in Israel?
Fucking hypocrites.
Anyways, this isn't "Muh PR", either.
Roe v. Wade and No-Fault Divorce are two ways that (((Feminism))) has destroyed our society.
Bill Gates' Foundation is intricately linked with Planned Parenthood, and his family, especially his father, and his wife's Jewish relatives are also involved at high levels.


but abortion is an absolutely vital tool in slowing down the growth of spic and nig populations

Planned Parenthood and abortions are mainly used by niggers. Without them, there would be exponentially more niggers in the United States and whites would have been a minority decades ago.

The issue with abortion I have is the potential for white children to be aborted. Granted, the last thing we need are more broken-family raised kids that turn into racemixers, which is the risk of low-income whites not being allowed to abort.

It's a complex issue, honestly.

No. Because they're niggers. The only reason I ever bring it up is to make Israel look bad and slowly redpill normalfags.

my balls hurt

You won't get far with "abortion is murder" or "you don't have a God-given right to an abortion." Decades of official brainwashing on the subject have convinced women that it's morally wrong to foreclose their options even after they've caught.

Your best bet is to attack the legality of Roe v. Wade. The Court was basically pulling a trimester test out of its ass with that one, and it imposed a blanket set of rules on every state without legislative approval or federal recognition.

Try walking them through the consequences of an overturn: Abortions don't become illegal across the country if it happens. It just means that states will be free to craft their own laws. Some, like Mississippi, will undoubtedly ban all abortions. Others, like California, might actually expand access. Without the federal judicial straightjacket, communities will have the power to decide whether they want abortion or not.

Of course, you won't get anywhere with a feminist with this. They can't stop thinking about all those poor women in Kansas who might have to drive into another state to correct their little misfortune (none of which was their fault, of course). Forget about hard-blue bitches - in their opinion, the sacred right to not take responsibility for their shitty choices is more sacred than the First Amendment.

Fortunately, the very blue have a weakness here: encourage them to support sex education and prevention instead of abortion. Try to make the case that, however important reproductive justice and women's health (both euphemisms for killing your sprog) are to us all, isn't it better to reduce the DEMAND for abortions? Then everybody's a winner.

And if none of that works, choke her out.

If anything abortion needs to be expanded. Laquisha and Maria need to be able to have an abortion even if their fat asses prevent them from noticing they were pregnant until late term.

It should also receive full federal funding. A single nog will cost more over its lifetime than 20 abortions.

"If you kill your enemies they win!"


No, that's why we let the killing of their niglets slip under their noses
Sounds fine to me, aside from Israel not being wiped off the face off the Earth.

If you don't support eugenics at this point there is no saving you.

only sociopaths are fine with abortion.

You fags can pay 300 dollars to make some jews kill your white babies because the niggers are doing it.

Go sacrifice them to molech.

Simply inform the hysterical cunts that Trump only adopted these stupid issues to try and secure the Evangelicuck vote. Tell them that, just like every republican president before him, he won't do shit about it once he is elected into office and probably won't even mention abortion or planned parenthood again until he starts his re-election campaign.

I don't want shit-tier whites either. If a libshit doesn't want offspring from their habitual fuck-ups, I say the gene pool is better without their piss in it.

It's a matter of pragmatism, if the effective fertility rate of niggers and beaners is lower than whites, and immigration is stagnant, we win.
If you are not willing to do what it takes to save the future of our race and your children, then perhaps this is not the place for you

You should abort all sick fetuses to keep race healty and strong. And remember that without Planned Parenthood you would have double of today nigget population.

I was between two abortions my mother had. I think about it every day. Can't even look her in the eye

Conservative whites have a higher fertility rate than liberals (and blacks). Within a few generations white liberals will be a rarity

You sound like one of those resident mulattoes that insist on creating more mongrel offspring, or those yellow fever race traitors that want their trophy girlfriend to bear their children because "muh feels"

I'd be willing to die in a heartbeat if it would end the shitskin menace

That's only because your mind is stuck in two directions, either we abort every race, or we abort none

I have nothing against removing the rights of non-whites to reside in historically ethnic European counties

Tell them about how we have a moderate stance.

Trump's not totally against abortions– he seems to be okay with it as long as its within the first trimeseter (and he's okay with it in cases of rape etc)

I mean ultimately abortions are kind of a non-issue when you look at the shit we're facing today (which I guess is why it makes sense that they're talking about it a lot right now)

They're funded by our fucking tax dollars. It's disgusting.


They gain rights once they exit their mother's pussy

This image shows why we need abortion
Non-hispanic whites are 62% of the population, of the Whites aborted a majority are from liberal households
Once we close the borders and expand the abortion clinics, all we need to do is wait and win

(retrospectively checked)

How about you also ban abortions for White people?

Muh PR.
Trump is doing what he believes in.

Good thing that this debate isn't about down syndrome kids but feminists who want to kill their babies in the 8th month of pregnancy because they feel like it.

Depends on the situation
Abortion as a vanity operation is a disgrace, but what if you are walking in downtown of some horrid town, as a girl, and then some nig grabs and bangs you Mumbai-style, and 3 months later you check that you have a downie negro inside you… what would you do?
You flush that out, especially if you are underage and you are under health risks

Why don't we just ban abortion if the kid's white, and mandate it if the kid's non-white?

That's a high ball number too since it includes a lot of other racial groups as "white"
And if you go further, say whites under 50 we're probably below 50%
Remember, median age of whites in the US is 46 or 48 right now

Abortions is the one thing I disagree with our God Emperor on, at least in procedure.

We need to remove the muds first and *then* fix Roe v. Wade. Do you realize how many more niggers there will be if Roe v. Wade goes away? State-paid abortion is the #1 nigger birth control.

You think they'll get boxes of condoms after Missouri outlaws abortions? No, they'll just settle for a larger check from Missouri's (and thus the federal) welfare system!

This one's easy guys! Don't let the Christcucks fuck this up!

And on this he's wrong
If we win on the border but lose on the womb it still doesn't matter what we do

Expanding abortion is politically acceptable. Implied ethnic cleansing is not (currently).

Horrible. But their genes won't be passed on, which is what matters.

You drop it. We're not the Religious Right. One of the great things about Trump is that he represents a new era for the American Right, which means being free of the shackles of the Republican Party on issues like human sexuality and abortion.

It was never government's job to regulate those things anyway, right? You oppose abortion? Then you should leave it to winning hearts and minds on the subject and leaving the government out of it.

As to Sanders supporters, most people in general oppose late-term abortion. That is your common ground.

Nobody loves abortions. Well, except maybe people like Andrea Dworkin; but it's a tough decision and the one thing I agree with the Democrats on is that the government should not control it. I wouldn't want the government telling me whether or not I can have a vasectomy.

I'm Catholic, so abortion is out of the question; but I'm not going to force my religion on other people. My wife would never have an abortion, but we're not going to demand that our neighbors don't.

The truth of the matter is that abortion is a feels issue, not a logical issue. There's no way to quantify it without talking about feels or religion. I tend to stay out of it, myself.

Ok, but you're gonna have to keep your stance a secret to your friends and family

You cannot raise a (white) family while openly supporting abortion and expect your wife to not flush your future conservative sons down the toilet on whatever whim it pleases her

Just vote in secret for whatever you think is best

Kek. Make like your pope and go suck an african muslim invader's cock on your knees.

A nation must be united by one culture, one religion, one morality. There is literally no excuse for abortion in an age where cesarian operations and adoption are safe, easy, and available.

The only instance where it's acceptable is when it's not a white fetus, or there are significant defects such that our ancestors would have left it to exposure.

Not to mention that it sort of takes the snuff out of "small government" to have laws saying that it can stick its nose into our very private affairs.

Part of living in a free society is accepting that people will behave in ways you disapprove of, and especially in ways that upset religious moral values.

Abortion is most definitely a logical issue
Roe vs Wade saved our country, without it we'd be a northern Brazil right now

If it's appealed it doesn't matter what Trump does, it will be over

Actually if you think about it abortion logic makes a lot of sense and works in our favor.

Women's argument: no one should force me to support a life I don't want to support.

Counter argument: I agree with you completely. That's why we should not be forced to save refugees or immigrants. Their lives depend on us and we become enslaved to their dependence.

Women: But Trump is going to take away our right to abortion.
Counter arguement: No one is going to take away your right to abortion. The arguement is over what types should be legal. Look at this horrific late term abortion, that's all Trump was talking about.

It will be funny though to watch white people go extinct because they're genetically unfit to survive compared with peoples who just have no problem fucking

Goes to show Whites are artificially propped up to carry on existing, otherwise natural selection would have taken care of them by now

Planned Parenthood is exactly that, an Altar to Moloch.

Just tell them that worst case scenario, the states will decide the issue so if you're in a blue state you don't need to worry.

Also just mention that he doesn't actually give a shit about it either way.

That's all you got, boyo? Good. Never breed. Enjoy being a genetic cul-de-sac.


But if it's inside your body, you have the right to remove it.

Actual arguments, not christcuck whining, please.

You don't have the right to remove it if it's (a healthy white) human

Full fucking retard. Do you know how high the abortion rate among blacks and hispanics is? Abortion is a godsend. After the demographic issue is solved we can talk about abolishing it, but white women don't get many abortions in general and returning to a family-centered society will lower the rate even further.

If Row v Wade is over turned the rights of abortions would go back for the states to decide. This would mean the states with the top poz would keep their baby killing. These states include Illinois, New York, California, most of the states with large brown, black and libshit populations.
I dont think its going to change who commits abortions.

But, if you put it inside of your body because you don't understand cause and consequence, do you have the right to remove it?

The consequence of having unprotected sex is having to procure an abortion.

I feel if welfare/gibs, abortion and contraception were terminated, we wouldn't suffer. Sex would actually have a true consequence that can't be undone, no hedonism clouding judgement as the chance of pregnancy would be astronomical. No safety net with abortion, welfare and contraception means people would have to keep it in their pants until they get with the right people.

Or maybe I'm naive and it won't work. We did pretty well with a strong moral compass and none of those things. We'd have to undo the degeneracy and liberalism first though.

The pro-life cuckservatives in the border states should absolutely have no say in this. If it were up to them they'd all be speaking Spanish from Brownsville to the rocky mountains.

You forget the border states. If Roe v Wade is overturned we might as well overturn the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

Beaners aren't the ones having abortions.

This is why the average 25-year-old beaner you see will have 4 beanie babies and 1 in the oven.

I'll tell you what'll happen:

You christcucks in this thread may have enough power to overturn abortion.

You do not [yet] have the power for mass deportation of muds who have citizenship (nevermind the illegals).

If you take out abortions before you kick the nigger hordes out, you instantly double the nigger birth rate. Full stop.

You christcucks will cause more niggers to exist in our countries.


No. We simply need to get rid of food stamps. Then we can get rid of Roe v Wade. Nature will ensure the nog population remains limited due to their inability to feed a large family.

Keep in mind that the majority white women lean anti-abortion (and also lean conservative- if only white women voted, Trump would win). The only ones who have abortion as their make-or-break issue are libshits and blacks/hispanics/asians, groups with devastatingly high abortion rates.

(((Charities))) and (((churches))) would feed the nog/spic hoards. Though I agree that ending welfare is an excellent idea.

You think your stupid Christcuck neighbors won't feed them through community outreach programs?

Who do you think foments this cancer when the government falls short?

Honestly, if someone is stupid enough to believe that abortion isn't literally murdering her own child because she's a selfish, stupid cunt, then there's no hope of red pilling that person.

You honestly think the churches have the economic resources to replace a mutli-billion dollar aid program? lulz

t. salty nigger

abortions are bad and we should make women feel bad for getting them. shun the fuck out of them, let everyone know they killed their children. if we can't make it illegal we can surely destroy the public image of the women.

We don't yet have enough power to full on deport beaners or end welfare yet, so I think abortion and contraception should be kept legal and the latter made 100% mandatory for any and all welfare recipients. If Lupita can't puch out 4-6 beanlets and get more and more free shit, she'll go back home.

Because cuckservatives prevent planned parenthood from expanding and ditching all the mud larva into the trash

This is why the (((churches))) need to be torn down, they've been a fifth column for decades.
No more 501 exceptions, bleed them dry until they wither.

I wouldn't count on Roe v Wade being overturned. Reagan and GWB both appointed strong pro-life Justices and it wasn't overturned.

This makes me sick that people actually think this way.

Trump's debate performance was strong, so they're resorting to two main avenues of attack.


Hillary supporting late-term abortions is pretty bad fam, I'd just hammer them with that.

Abortion is not a real political issue. It's just used as a way of corralling Christcucks and women into their political pens. Nobody has attempted to change anything regarding abortions for decades because it isn't a real issue.

For now, bully them. Show them contempt and disgust. It's not just "her opinion" it's infanticide.

They know it's taking a life, they just don't care because [insert excuse]. Most women aren't interested in fairness or consistent beliefs. As long as an excuse exists, no matter how irrational, it's valid in her mind. Because it makes her feel good. When it no longer makes her feel good, she will stop.

The real red pill will come from the rope.

You don't get it. You could have a baby disposal facility in every town and the muds would not peruse it. They are still going to reproduce like roaches because of the gibs.

We have to remove these incentives for irresponsible breeding, that is the only way to reduce the mud numbers. Abortion is more detrimental for Whites who breed responsibly versus a spic or nigger who has one child per annum.

2/10 propaganda tbh m8

Wew lad

Anyways we're giving op good arguments, not advocating for anything in particular.

Doesn't change your psychopathy I know I'm right, and you fags are sociopaths that will never have children.


Abortion logic is our friend.

You're not going to convince them with biology, theology, or a moral or philosophical argument. These women are brainwashed to the very core.

Debating from a rationality perspective won't work, because they don't think rationally. You need to debate from THEIR PERSPECTIVE. I've only tried this once, but it worked: mention that abortion is racist. Mention that the reason why planned parenthood exists is to euthanize blacks and other minorities, that's what the founder of it wanted. Mention the amount of niggers who get abortions. Make abortion look racist. If you must, make abortion look racist as its "current state."

The person I tried this on was an old friend who subscribes fully to cultural Marxism and muh body muh choose. She basically told me to stop the conversation because he was feeling uncomfortable.

You think like a liberal, feels over realz. Giving aid to Africa feels good too, but in the end condemns far more people to starvation and violent deaths than just letting the excess people starve.

Similarly, you feel good when you "save" babies, even though you're condemning them to a life of poverty and not only that, but allowing them to grow up and kill, rape, and steal.

For all the cucks that like to scream that our board is a echo chamber, threads like these are what they ignore. Look how split discussion is on this issue.
Fucking hilarious.

also, the federal government spends shit on it. Tax dollars. If you want to waste money and give money to kikes instead of handing out tax breaks for those who decide to take birth control via injection. Its less money to kike hands.

you are literally giving kikes money and power.

Im not the cuck wanting to give kikes money instead of pulling the rug under their feet.

Kill yourself socialist.

White women use more Pre-coitus contraception. Catholic Fascist would band all contraceptives. You logic is like saying we ought to take away our 2nd amendment because Niggers kill more often.

here is the statistics from the CDC

What are you talking about? You're still being irrational. I didn't say anything about government subsidized abortion. I said that low-income and low-intelligence people and nonwhites in particular getting abortions is a net positive.

i still cant believe the planned niggerhood supporters are willing to let the government pay 300 dollars to kill a niggers baby.

the solution can come from a tax incentive involving a 60 dollar injection and doctors proof of sterilization for a while year. they can pay this out of pocket. and receive a 120 dollar tax write off.

You're retarded. kill yourself kneejerker. you stupid nigger loving socialist.

Not disagreeing here, though the OP was about abortion. Without gibs they go back, but for those who've been here for generation we need population control.

It won't spike the birth rate, but it will decrease the amount of abortions. If the beaners in the south had greater access to "reproductive health" it would dent their birth rate just like happened to the nogs. (In combination with the end of welfare)
Most nogs are religious, yet they still fill up the abortion mills.

I would happily support the sterilization of niggers.

You haven't made a single argument against anything I said, silly user. You're just calling names, another trademark of emotional-minded liberals.

If you want to redpill them, tell them that Trump doesn't really give a shit about abortions and wants to make it a states-rights issue, so if they live in a liberal state, they can still get abortions.

Also explain to them that Hillary is insane and supports late-term, partial birth abortions. During the debate, when Trump put her in a corner saying that she would abort a baby even 1 day before birth, she did not deny it

I don't understand how anyone, even the craziest SJW, can believe that its ok to abort a baby at 8 months and 25 days. That decision seems unconscionable to even amoral, fucked up leftists.

sterlize niggers, and then sterilize yourself because you are an autistic lowborn.

I personally believe that abortion should be allowed, but only if legal paternal surrender is also allowed.

Women should be free to get abortions, but I should be free to bail on an unwanted kid, too. And I should also be free to call them a shitty person for getting them (I already am for that part at least).

Rope is more efficient than paying jewish doctors user. Kill or sterilise but fuck this molech worship drenched practice.

just trick the niggers to sterilize themselves. The people on this thread are obsessed with money and cost of each nigger baby.

maybe the tax incentive could work. It would better than the US government paying for this socialist act. Let the free market fix it by tricking these stupid niggers into getting birth control. Have each obsterics clinic mention this tax break to minorities.

The clinky shekels will make their subhuman ears perk up.

Virtue signal harder you kike. It's all your kind is ever good at.

And whites would be smart enough to use older ways of controlling pregnancy

Niggers and beaners on the other hand would shit out kids till they pop
See South America for where this policy gets you

See my earlier point. One hundred abortions are cheaper than a single niglet or beanlet making it into adulthood.
How else are you going to fund it? Private donations?


Looks like I'll archive the thread just everytime a "moderate" good goy shows up.




Acts 17:26
And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

hide behind the christcucks chaim, my sterilization program is better than wasting money on abortions, you should know these niggers sometimes waste the states money with 2 to three abortions per year.

Anyways we live in a modern age, i dont know from what subhuman country you come from, but hiding behind catholics is a very kikeish thing to do, especially with hypothethicals.

spics have to go back. niggers and any women who gets abortions should get a penalty and sterilize themselves for the rest of the year.

Boy white people sure are desperate to avoid reproducing. Even they don't want to carry on existing :^)


Liberals, Jews and feminists only support abortion cause they think it's killing white babies.

redfems would be useful idiots, they would storm out and demand for contraceptives if there was a ban, a bunch of normalfags would do the same.

Better up that testosterone levels cuckboy

Trump loses the women vote?

He'll still win.

Ye are all brethren user-san :^)
- Luke 8:21
- Galatians 3:28
- Colossians 3:11


Follow based Singapore's example:

You do know that planned parenthood also offers sterilizations right?

We're talking about what's politically feasible here, not fash revolution larping
Expanding "reproductive health" to "disadvantaged minorities" and "vulnerable communities" is mild enough that both sides will buy it

Niggers are utterly irresponsible, without abortion and subsidized contraceptives they'd multiply like an out of control algae bloom
Even then they still need multiple abortions per year



He doesn't. Not among white women anyway (see other thread)

I'd gladly sacrifice the shitskins to Moloch


yes it does, but if other obsterics plans and insurance plans pushed for this birth control incentive, maybe the country could stop paying THE KIKES alot of money because it would reduce the use of abortion by using a preventative measure.

Yes goy, let them breed!

Teaming up with the kike's puppet master will not save you, traitor.

Sure m8. I think whites have always had a death wish to begin with

Its just a child, not even that. Supporting this makes you no different then niggers. Also

Most of them like science so you have to lead them like a baby,
When did life first begin on earth? they''ll reply 'microorganisms'
Then you say "but when did they first start living?"
At this point you will loose most of them so continue on,
"When the cells first divided"
They will agree and say something like "oh yes of course"
The you tell them,
"When a sperm first meets an egg it only takes 18 hours for cell division and replication of unique DNA occur"
This seems to work.











Thats sin, goy!

And so? Spartans throwed sick and weaklings from rock.

degenerates like you should be chucked out of a cliff.


anyways have other places OTHER than PLANNED JEWKEVETCHING, mention about incentivized birth control per doctors visit.

And they aren't around anymore are they? Just because people did it in the past doesn't always means its good.

He does make sense though

Incentivized sterilization saves more money. Just fracture and make it a part of culture and the less intelligent will be distracted by money.

fracture the shitskins ideas and make it a part of their culture.*

abortion is disgusting. it shouldn't happen.

Two logical errors in one sentence. Wow.

You can attack Pro-choice from the angle that the woman in question has already made her choice. Taking away the consequences of her action (sex) dehumanizes women. Are you implying a woman can't make good decisions? Are you saying that when a murderer regrets having killed someone 3 months into the sentence the murderer should be released? Why do you think women are so irresponsible? I've had great success with this sort of rhetoric and it plays right into women not having agency

Abortion is a great thing. It means that tons of libshits and niggers will have their babies aborted and we'll end up with less useless cancer.

This place is pretty funny.

So why would you want idiots making more babies to fill up america with? Seriously, do you anti-abortion idiots WANT more hungry mouths, more offspring from retarded idiots clogging up the world?

prove it

I've seen this before and it's stupid. Who cares when something starts 'living,' that's not the issue.

overpopulation is disgusting, it shouldnt happen

Nice try CTR you sick fucks, childless white neets getting sterilized when they never fuck anyway.

eat shit and die nigger

its disgusting no matter what race, the fact that niggers do it the most should prove that even more
not as common as you think, i don't think i have ever met parents who regretted having a kid with some crippling issues. Its a challenge life brings that can bring out the best in people. Most of the people who go through this struggle are some of the best folks I have met.
see my first point

Isn't a problem for us in the US, although if you are in Europe its likely because you are filled with shitskins

I know your a shill because you bought the Gates and Rockefellers con hook line and sinker

Nice argument, you sound smart and I must change my position immediately.


I've heard Bill Gates was doing that in India a few years back

Huh, what ever happened to the whole depopulation agenda? Most of the growth is with shitskins

I don't want you to change your position because you're beyond hope, like a cockroach.

If I'm a shill then where the fuck is my paycheck.

Still no actual counter arguments from Holla Forums geniuses

i could see a liberal with a hatred of niggers using this as a talking point

ctr adderallhead

Yes, because we have abortions.

Indeed, which is why niggers, street shitters and chinks should be euthanized.

rapists dont take birth control.


So? Just like shitting or childbirth. Thats why you dont do it in restaurant.

kill yourself autistic lowborn larper.

crime rates have dropped in the us a large amount thanks to bad parents killing off their otherwise fucked up offspring, abortion is a good thing


There's my opinion on the Abortion issue.

All blacks were once babies. Whites are being outbred. Nonwhites get far more abortions than whites. With your emotional virtue signalling you're encouraging whites becoming minorities in their own countries.

You did it again.

If there was a fire in a building where living fetuses were being kept, and you only had a choice between saving the fetuses, or a 5 year old child, which would you save and why?

How would you propose you promote sterilisation with Western shitskins then?

What if they're all black?

It's moloch worship, a blood sacrifice.

better than worshiping a jew

by deporting them back to their country and have new legal immigrants and new citizens be sterilized for two years.

I would promote realistic solutions, like abortion.

They are all aryan white, wouldnt want to trigger you, Holla Forums

moloch is a semetic word with jewish origins, it is the jew god.

That's some nice mental gymnastics

Jews kill their enemies, does that mean we should be pacifists?

Serious question, would you have pushed Hitler off a cliff?

I see you haven't read the stats posted in this thread?


you would push hitler off a cliff because he wasnt german enough for you.

Stop being a fucking kike.

so they're both jewish then

here's another way to look at the question.

If you hate the type of people who would get an abortion, then why would you want them breeding? From your point of view it should seem like the problem is taking care of itself

I'm sorry I just don't give a fuck about abortion.
It's a big issue to me.
Abortion is responsible for taking a lot of nigger criminals out before they can kill someone.

One can dream :'^)

I'd probably go for wherever the blue-eyed blonde ones were

*not a issue


It really does amaze me how many Holla Forumsacks can believe in meme magic and internet pictures summong ancient, primordial deities but can't figure out that allowing the kikes to sacrifice millions of unborn children to Moloch makes them more powerful.

Take away the kikes sacrifice to Moloch and they will lose even more of their magical power.

Nits make Lice

Keep in mind that Trump is not strongly against abortions. As he said in the debate, it will likely fall back on the states to decide if the supreme court overthrows it.

I counter with:
- Trump is not really strongly against abortions, it's just a token position since he's running as a republican.
- Trump has said the federal gov shouldn't be involved in regulating abortions. (let the states decide)
- Abortion is a minor issue in this election. Most important issue is to overthrow the establishment before they corrupt our country permanently.

No because we have plenty of space, this is a big continent. For the longest time we where against abortion and still was fine. In fact, the majority of the US population is from cities.

idiot, you can't help to shit its what we do, without it our body would poison itself. Childbirth is need to continue generations

Yet crimerates are still bad, another libtard argument is if it reduces crime its good right? So lets legalize drugs goy!

Did you ever think its because blacks are being supporting by the government via welfare at a much higher rate then whites and that is why they are outbreeding us?

see above also
its not virtue signaling if i believe we should get rid of welfare would solve that issue real quick. Many black's birthrates would start going down, and even then I think they should go back to Africa.

Look, you have abortion that is majority non-white reducing the population and the population being filled with niggers and sandniggers that are 100% non-white. You do the math.

You really believe jews get powerful from baby sacrifices? :^|

we should, then we should not fund and rehab facilities and let the fools who abuse them suffer.

they kinda get money from it, a dead white baby tends to sell higher than a black dead baby.

2-Take away gibs;
3-Gradually reform moral compass to hamper deviance, inconsequential way of life, hedonism and etc;
4-Implement a traditionalist system to keep what it was achieved in step 3, while adding family roles;
5-Ban abortion or make it only for defects and health threat.
It might take a few generations to undo what Boomers did and over 60 years of subversion completely, but step 1&2 can help with illegal/non-white breeding in a small time spam.
Like most anons pointed out, we need to bring back the slut shaming, reward the ones that guard themselves. Plus a increase in marriages, decrease in divorces and better parenting would be a huge bonus.

Where do you even sell dead babies??


He's not taking away contraceptives, and hospitals have to preform abortions if the mothers life is at risk.
Trump even said the money he's taking away from PP, is going straight to providing better medical care for women.
Seriously, if these morons can't take a fucking pill or get a one-time injection to prevent them from getting pregnant, they are too dull to understand basic logic.

The right to choose starts before you are even partaking in intercourse, if you can't be responsible for your actions, don't expect the government to foot the bill for your ignorance. There are mountains of methods of contraception, what choice are they talking about, if anything it's a way to escape responsibility. Wanting equality, but not wanting responsibility is fucking disgusting, we all are responsible for our well being so why do women get a pass when it comes to their personal problems.

Except both things are brown, disgusting, and thrown away.
The only difference here is you being a total cuck, a shit should be treated the same as a person.

they aren't just going to go away, in a sick society such as ours they will keep comming. I like the Philippines approach of drug users and dealers.


backroom deals and stem cell research, the organs are sold of as "biohazard waste" theres probably a bunch of shell companies who "dispose of it" and sell to lab auctions.

A dead white baby is worth way more than a kid nigger or baby wetback.

Are stem cells different with white babies?

I agree, I also think it should be legal for citizens to shoot dealers on sight, it could be like a sport.


Black babies do look like pieces of shit..

Organ compatibility, necessary nerve tissue for experiments and other things. Its worth alot of money if the white child doesn't have HIV or some std.

True but they are still kids, if you have good parents via adoption they can still come out better then the majority of niggers. Still have to go back.

The people who get almost all abortions are stupid, poor, and primarily non-white. Exactly the kind of people who shouldn't be reproducing. If anything we should make abortions more available to them. If you wanna satisfy your moralfag drive then ban late-term abortion, that's fair.


except niglets

Except you can't rehabilitate or reform a nigger at all. This is why we need abortion because of we didn't Tyrone and Jamal would have already busted a cap in you while dindu nuffin you leftist cucks race apologist motherfucker.

Yo, look here the application of "worshiping Moloch" is more practical than it appears. its purely trading a mothers years as a caretaker for years as a worker "Finding herself". when the Carthaginians did it, they knew what they were trading for. less mouths to feed means more laborers in the short term and less people to share that wealth with. its a trade. simple as that. and we are getting the shit end of the stick. as all the excess wealth generated, by hamstringing our fertility rate, is stolen from us and given to fertile niggers.

all that said worshiping Moloch falls down to any practice or methods of reducing the population's fertility. this falls down to putting off mirage, all birth control, giving women time to "find themselves"…. it all goes back to Jews trying to squeeze more money out of everyone but themselves.

we sacrifice our fertility for wealth and then give that wealth away

Totally agree. He was trying to pander to the christian conservative demo… I guess to scoop up the Ted Cruz stragglers.

But it was a bad move because of exactly what OP is talking about. Womyn.

Planned Parenthood is as close as we are going to get to state run eugenics of the black population.

BUT - you can show abortion stats to these girls and give it a good SJW spin. Say that planned parenthood and abortion is an attack on poor minorities and is essentially the state killing off the black population. Play to their feelings. Accuse them of being racist if they don't agree with you.
Don't ever make it about them and their right to choose. Don't ever make the argument about "regret" or "wrong time to be pregnant" that is a losing battle and they won't budge at all.

I don't care about the morality of abortions too much, it's more the federal vs. state issue as to why I'd like Roe v. Wade repealed. I don't really know how to argue with people who think abortion is a great thing other than morally shaming them.

Trump said he wants to leave it to the states. The states that want abortion will keep it. The states that don't want it will repeal it. Conservative, religious states will get rid of it boosting white birth rates while shit infested liberal states will keep it.

This results in aborted blacks and more white babies. What's not to like? If anyone uses the pro-choice argument, tell them they have the choice to move to a state that will keep abortion. God damn I wish people weren't this retarded.

So you care enough about them not to kill them, but you'd abandon them into a third-world war-torn famine-ridden country as soon as they're out of their mother's pussy?

Not very consistent..

If you truly cared about humane treatment you'd end them before they can comprehend the degradation and misery of prison life or a jobless existence on welfare.

Do you people even care about the survival of our race?

Very funny, but we both know what I am saying is not different from what many great white leaders and cultures have argued since the dawn of civilization (see Sparta).
Human rights or the idea that "every sperm is sacred" is a semitic/kike myth.

More nogs and beaners is less space and resources for us

I know parents that gladly aborted their nonviable (in terms of an ability to live a meaningful and productive life) fetuses. And the world is a better place because of them.

The only reason it doesn't happen more often is because bleeding hearts like you shame them into keeping their mentally and physically unfit offspring, to the detriment of the parents and the child itself.

And if Roe v Wade were overturned and it went back to the states to decide, the blue states with the nig and hispanic populations would be the ones with legalized abortion.

its not just womans fault that birth rates are on the decline. With the destruction of traditional gender roles, men are also free to live like hedonists, and many choose that lifestyle and refuse to procreate.

like it will happend in modern cucked society

abortion itself is a disgusting act that people do because they can't keep it in their pants. I have read stories of men having their kids aborted by their mother against their will (or for it) and have major depression and stress. Unless your subhuman of course you wouldn't care.

In ways you can, look at america before the civil rights movement. Blacks where doing much better then than today. Rhodesia is another before they started feeling guilty and cucking.

Carthaginians sacrificed their noble sons when there was a drought
it was always boys chosen from the Phoenician aristocracy, the sacrifices had to be willing
the child would be drugged by the priests during a festival celebration, then to the sound of hymns and music the child would be led away by a priest who would slit the childs throat
afterwards the wound would be hidden with a wreath of flowers and the body burned on a tophet

It's the southern states that matter, as they're full of cuckservatives that want it overturned.

Niglets can't be saved, even when they're raised by whites they're still gonna nog.

Besides, we need whites to have more kids, not adopt more mud larva.

And I told you - thats why we dont do it with public. Childbirth is disgusting too. Blood, shit and fetal waters.

And people are against this why?

Moloch is to the kikes what baphomet is to Christians
its made up, a corruption
Moloch is Ba'al Haddad/Hammon the Phoenician storm and fertility god

because muh ingroup religious ideology

How far along is that fetus in the OP?

Because as has been said multiple times in this thread, it would screw the southern states

Except christians didn't praise and returned to Baphomet every once in a while

i agree that whites need to have more kids, but with so many libshits and cucks this won't solve much of anything but our destruction.
Southerns are much more superior then most of the northeasterns and westerns.

I'd say about 4-5 months roughly

YHWH has its own human sacrifice dont be misled by kike lies
the kikes practice human sacrifice when they have their temple, who knows how many other secret rules and rituals they keep hidden

How would leaving abortion law to the states screw over Southern states?

if nobody gave a shit about them being jews. they would abort children with a kosher blade.

You would have thought the real danger was jews completely abandoning religion and deciding to make up their own rules and morality

I'm not really buying the whole Moloch thing

No way. I'm real doubtful there could be that much of a rapid explosion of growth in the last 4-5 months.

i am done, this is just going in circles


eyes, skin and other extraneous parts are formed later
genitals are some of the last things to form which is why theres so many hemaphrodite genetic fuckups in history

its hard to saw a foetuses throat open though
maybe the kikes just burn them that would be the simple manner

Southern states are pretty Christian, would likely ban it. Nignog (and to a lesser degree spic) population will explode.

They see the goyim as cattle, it wouldn't be outside of the realm of possibility.

Banning abortion and letting the shitskins breed like vermin won't solve anything either.
This also isn't about southern whites, this is about the shitskins living there

The north will allow abortion, but the south will restrict it. See the maps why this is a problem.

abortion is good when blacks are getting them, bad when whites are getting them

put it to them that way. If they don't like it, shoot them.

the kikes unlike the Phoenicians are weird in that regard
Phoenicians deemed that since their gods were Their gods, their gods could only be satisfied by offering their own flesh to them
kikes thought up a nice little story about Abraham and Isaac so they could wriggle their way out of sacrificing their own deformed progeny to the kike god

this guy knows

Planned Parenthood means niggers and spics get abortions. Whites still relatively give a shit about themselves beyond their individual ego, the slave races don't give a shit.

I'm pro-abortion because I feel like that's the best practical solution, but I also feel like that also has to come with a pushback against promiscuousness and all this rhetoric that makes abortions seem like no big deal and an easy fix to a problem when it's really not. Right now it's like libtards want their children to fuck when they're 12 cause that's totally liberal and whatever, and because they have no real concept of consequences and responsibilities.

I also disagree with every liberal argument for abortion. They are all retarded. Even the "scientific" ones that totally tell us that it's not a REAL child yet goys. We all know what it is no matter how far the process has gone. "Muh stop controlling my body". Women are scum. Completely insane spoiled egocentric cunts. ME ME ME ME ME Fuck you.

I can respect your view of life as sacred if you're religious, but I just don't see it that way. To me it's just making a choice whether to bring a child into a dysfunctional situation or not. Most likely into single-motherhood which is an even bigger disaster.

However I think allowing men the ability to choose as well is reasonable to a point. It's difficult to argue for forcing someone to carry the child and deliver it so the dad can take over when you're coming from a pro-abortion perspective in my opinion.

I think straight up no abortions is hard to sell and practice, but I think you guys have the only decent arguments.

Yeah, you're so oppressed by losing one option, ladies.

Thanks, anons. So OP's baby is about 3.5 months, the size of a lemon. Amazing!

And it seems like this thread was derailed early on. The whole point of OP was how to convince women it's bad so they'll vote trump, not if abortion is right or wrong (we can deal with that later).

I think the best way to change the women's mind is simple show them these graphic images that say how old that baby is when it was aborted. Woman are fucking dumb and all visceral.

there has to be abortion and forced sterilization for nogs who keep visiting PP.

It would help to curb the bullshit and cut down on it. IF planned parrenthood refuses to do this then they should have their funding be cut off. But they wont do it because they get too much money from it.

Wrong. Before I found Holla Forums and got redpilled, I was the typical "muh body, muh choice" retarded woman.
Once I got redpilled on the fact that blacks are sub-humans that are exponentially increasing in number, and that whites are being systematically genocided, I did a full 180° on the abortion issue.

Women CAN be redpilled on abortion, you just have to do prep them with other redpills first. Do it in the right order, and you'll have a higher success rate.

(Also show woman a classic portrait that looks similar to woman. Appeal to the vain nature of women.)

It worked on me, and it worked on my three sisters. TRUST ME, THIS WORKS.
(Please don't banish me, I'll go back into lurk mode now.)

Get some vitamin D.

yeah pretty much
if you want to convince a woman use emotions and fear
its all they fucking respond to logic and rational discussion is lost on them

fixed that for you.

Availability of abortions has nothing to do with the nog population. Adjust welfare up or down, and the nog population adjusts up or down. Doing a bit of weeding doesn't change the long term vegetation when you're spraying shit all over the land.

Good list. That's about how I redpilled my gf too. Subtly introduce the contrast of white culture and achievements with black culture and achievements, or lack thereof. Show her rape and violent crime stats of blacks and "refugees". Talk about how whites aren't reproducing that much and how shitskins pump out tons of babies that white governments pay for and subsidize.

Haven't gotten to Hitler or the holocaust yet though, but we'll get there. It's just a matter of time.

have you seen Africa?
throw them a bone and they'll come stampeding towards you for the whole skeleton
better off adjusting the chemical composition of crystal meth in circulation in nog heavy areas and then watch the population go wayyyyy down

This is good too, but it depends on the nature of the relationship you have with the woman in question. If this is someone you don't know that well and won't have time to go into all that, just show them dead babies for now and get them to vote Trump. You don't have all that time to give them any racial awakening and how there are benefits to abortions in some cases.

That will mostly cull the trailer parks
If you want to reduce the nog numbers spike the heroin

I thought heroin was getting harder to come by what with all the poppy fields in the middle east getting torched

if you are anti-abortion you are probably 100% retarded and you should abort yourself. birth control should be in the water supply. once you guys stop being teenagers you might understand

say's the cucked moral subjectivitist utilitarian who likely larps about being an Odinist, Tips fedora hat m'lady while quoting Nietzsche will to power, likely supports Sodomy, spreads Kike lies about Christ and believe in using progressive means in a "Liberal democracy" to push back against the system.


Haha no. You shoot that baby killer/satan baby sacrificer right in the head for being a witch


It already is in the water supply

Ban white abortion, give free abortions to niggers

problem fucking solved

wew sound kike logic fam.
Christ was white, a pure blood Galician from the House of David. Modern Kikes are swarthy and Nationless because they rejected God's law. Modern Israel is blasphemy and Will be burned asunder like Sodom and Gomorrah


At least you admitted your defeat.

fucking hell where to even begin

Galilean aint Galician, Galicia is a region in Spain

the House of David are kikes through and through, they're the original kike followers of YHWH

kikes are swarthy because they breed with anything
there are nigger jews in Africa and chink jews in Asia because the kikes wanted to mix even further

they're nationless because they pissed off the Romans for the last time and the Romans forbade them from every owning land or congregating in one area in a large population ever again
supposed to stop them from trying to rebel again but all it did was spread them across Europe where they begin doing what kikes always do

and I've yet to hear of archaeological evidence that Sodom and Gomorrah ever existed
most of the biblical age is set in a time period and world POV when the kikes were the last semi-independent tributary state to the Assyrian Empire that stretched across the middle east until it was overthrown by the Medians

Yeah, it's fucking frustrating trying to redpill people on Hitler and the Holohoax.
The Jews made sure to go all out with the social programming on their sacred Shoah.
Those topics are BY FAR the hardest to redpill someone on.

It is possible though, it just takes time and patience. The redpilling process is definitely not a one-day affair; it takes time and patience to re-route the Kosher hardwiring in the Goyim normalfag brain.
I'm not sure if there's a way to quick way to redpill someone in one conversation; the methods I mentioned have only worked on close family members.

I've noticed that male family members are EXTREMELY receptive to redpills, and usually take what I have to say at face value, but females tend to put up with more of a fight. Going against the grain is apparently very hard to do for women, but if they respect you enough they'll listen to what you have to say.

Good luck to anyone trying to redpill people. It's easier than you think, and it is very satisfying recruiting people to your side.

the problem is less genetic and more the promotion of marxism in school/media.

The right to choose only extends as far as women having the right not to act like whores and spread their legs for every chad that comes her way. The real world consequence is pregnancy, don't like it don't be a whore its that easy.

Niggers getting abortions is fine by me however do we have numbers for this? It would seem they have a ton of kids because the more they have the more gibs they get from the government. In any case Nigger abortions are ineffective what we need is sterilization of the inferior races.
I would offer "deluxe wealth-fare" that includes free I phones ( + upgrades) and other nigger tech but you need to get sterilized.

Single white women have become degenerate scum. Its like they are incapable of living by themselves. Only way to fix them is to marry women off as early as possible + reeducation.

I find a great fact to instill doubt about the holocaust is shit like this
things so ridiculous anyone who can think objectively has to doubt it

honestly 90% of blacks would accept sterilization for a one time payment of 10,000.

Call them baby killing sluts that need to get back in the damn kitchen

hell in Africa you can just give them the drugs for free then lop their balls off while they're passed out in a bush

You know Plato was smart enough to conclude Monotheism. I don't know why this alludes you.
Yes there where 12 tribes, 10 of them died in Babylon. One of them remained Pure which was the and did not race mix and keeped the faith, keep to the TRUE LAW, they where the Tribe of Benjamin which was the Line of David which produced Christ. The other Tribe was Judah, the Heretics who fallowed the Talmud. The Judahites (THE JEWS) where those who Killed Christ. Judahites lived in Jerusalem. Christ Threw these bankers and merchants out of the temple.

this. I'm willing to bet a good chunk of blacks would be dumb enough to re-locate back to africa for a few thousand dollars.
It's all just a matter of getting the right man into office. (AKA a dick-tater tot not being held back by congress cucks.)

Degenerate (((scum))).

There are faster and more effective solutions to the nigger problem that don't involve more or less telling white women it's okay to be gigantic fucking whores without long term consequences.

Fuck off, kike.


Claiming Platos personal daemon as a monotheistic god is typical fucking kike logic
everything but that last part is pure bullshit
you're either a shill or so incredibly bluepilled you have no idea what you're talking about


Truth has a Monopoly on Truth kike.

A is A
Truth is Truth
Truth is Mind Body Mind Body Independent.
God is Logos.
God is Absolute Truth

filtered kike

And why do you think God has anything to do with the jews?

I'd like to make white people lose their abortion privilege. The only time a woman can have an abortion is if one or both biological parents are POCs.

Well if you take a look at Germany's situation in the war especially the late war when the holohoax was supposed to happen the Germans had huge man-power issues & had to use foreign labor. It would not only be nonsensical but impossible to kill off what could be a source of labor because they didn't like them.
The jews even lament about "slave labor" as well as about the holocaust…. You can't have it both ways had the Germans ended jews en mass then they would have lost the war in 1943 as they would not have had the man power need to build fortification, weapons, etc. It becomes really obvious if you stick to WWII history and read declassified documents and findings (BIOS, CIOS, WO,etc.).

Whatever the point is their race need to be reduced and ultimately extincted in America.
What's more humane than sterilization they can do whatever they want and don't have the burden of children. Its a good deal if you as me they get gibs and we get the fact that year that passes lessens the number of these brutes.

Sage, ya probably a CTR shill.

How is Donald Trump supposed to reverse Rove vs Wade? Even Reagan didn´t manage it.

Abortion is utterly repugnant but without it there would have been far more blacks, latinos and mixed breeds than Whites or SE Asians.
As a result, the US would have become a Democrat single party state, they would have legalized illegals years ago and expanded voter fraud even more.

If abortion is ended today then non-white numbers will grow even faster, a lot faster, shutting down the non-white birthrate is essential.

You have to frame it in a liberal way if you want them to take the bait.


I recommend this one never attempts to debate any liberal/lefty/marxist because they'd lose utterly

Just say that it should be a state issue where the people of the state should be able to choose. She should respect the opinions of others and become more involved in local politics or go to a state that allows abortions when she wants to make a sacrifice to Moloch.

this guy gets it
spot on
hit the nail head there
have a fresh one on me for that magnificent spin on newspeak lad

You start by using a crowbar to pull your head out of your ass.

Reproductive control is a good thing.

Spot on.
Abortion became a real issue when (((progressives))) took over and was a side effect of (((Sexual Revolution))) and (((Feminism))) stacking up, with a lil bit of [CURRENT YEAR] to suppress anyone that criticized the way things were going, people started to be rewarded for being promiscuous and started to find "ways" to solve anything that could hamper such sexual freedom things like needing to marriage or have a relationship at all, moral values, kids and anything related that brought responsibility or duty
Hence why liberal whores, cucks and chads tend to be the first to cowardly crawl or retract when someone calls them out of their bullshit or bring sense of duty, even if its shit like pro-life, since they dont want people to touch into their degenerate way of life.

Abortion is not only immoral, but it's a horrible example for the rest of society. It is a slippery slope that shows rapid decline, and I'm ashamed so many are in support of it. Not because aborted non-whites is bad. It is bad because it makes something valuable like motherhood into disposable trash.

The height of maturity is becoming a father or mother for both the sexes. While you people jerk off about eugenics, you're ignoring the strong social consequences. That strikes me odd with the rest of the complaining about degeneracy and how awful women are. If you want values and responsibility between the sexes, I don't see how you could be for abortion.

Jews are the Judahites, Jews have rejected God. God is the God of all lesser Gods, weather you call him Ouranos or Wōden etc, it dose not matter because God is the Absolute Truth and a rose by any other name would still smell just as Sweet. Absolute Truth is Absolute Truth, Moral Objectivity is the Key. All kikery and liberalism is born form this moral subjectivism.

so do you think that if you cut your stomach open and put a newborn baby in there you suddenly have the "right" to kill that baby?

you're sick


Daily reminder pro life is code for anti white

honestly, if he just got rid of entitlements, these people would have no need to come here in the first place. look at the Syrians going to german, its only because they give the best gibs. cut off the gibs, you cut off the gibsmedats.

Eugenics is a response to social consequences.

I don't see anything wrong with abortion, it disproportionately affects non-whites so much that pro life activists are calling it black genocide and I know everyone on here can agree with that being a good thing. Also, people in committed relationships don't do it so even if whites do use it all its doing is reducing single motherhood and ending the spread of thot genes which is also good. Children of single mothers tend to be worse off so it's a net benefit in every case. Abortion means less poor people and less untermenschen.

Die christcuckolds.

Even after all of the gore I've seen, there is something about that image that disturbs me.

Abortion can be a useful medical procedure. The problem does not lie with abortions, it lies with giving women the choice, and make men pay for it.

Daily reminder that debating the ethics of abortions is futile as long as women have the choice and men are raped to pay for it, as women in general in the current year are not interested in ethics or the betterment of society they have to be married to good men in order for them to be interested in those.

Nope, less Downies and minorities.

Try again. All the white girls who got pregnant in my High School, 3, kept their babies. One now has 5 kids, the other has 5 and they are still married to the same dad after 25 years.

I smell a christ-cuck who hasn't removed his semitic chains.

Your right to choose is when you decide to have a cock cum into your slutty cunt, whore.
Not when another human is already created, fucking murderers.

If I could pay directly I would work 19 hours a day 13 days every 2 weeks to support that program until I died for my children and my country.

This would single handedly restart our country, economy and get us to space/Mars in 10 years.

I would literally work until I died and would take out a life insurance policy to pay for more nigger abortions.

First pic, that is how Whites should think! This is the kind of thinking what we need to encourage, it just isn´t enough to realize races are different…

2nd, pretty much, ending abortion = suicide.

This. Abortions are slightly more expensive than contraception. Letting them live is orders of magnitude more expensive than either.

unless eugenics

White men should have the choice on what happen to their children even as a fetus, as long as it is w/ a White woman and doesn´t go against eugenics.

Research should be put into artificial wombs for fetuses to reach maturity and before that is possible, pay women to carry them to term (the experience might interest them into having children of their own).

As I see it, the only real problem is that the GOP doesn't discriminate between choice abortions and medical abortions.

The former is just aborting whenever you want. The latter is when something goes seriously wrong and has a good chance of killing you without an operation. You could probably win the debate, or at least come a hell of a lot closer, if you distinguish. Of course the problem is that presently neither Trump, the GOP, or a majority of senators and politicians DO distinguish.

By lumping them all together Clinton has a really powerful tool. She can declare that not only is this attacking loose women with no responsibilities, but it's attacking women with very real medical problems that could very much kill them, which are a distinct minority. By lumping the 10% in with the 90% the 10% becomes a bulletproof shield.

Because of the legalities behind hit liberty and all that nonsense. However there is a method in India which is a 10 year sterilization shot. Could have these injected at every police intake. Lasts 10 years and is reversible should the person actually be fit to raise a kid.

This. He's personally pro-life but as far as the law goes, he's moderate and allows some in cases of rape and such. In the end, I think he left it up to the states like a lot of social issues.

bible belt whites are the ones keeping us going.

of course. i'm just not retarded.
we have the same will, just not the same ideas.

why the fuck would you be pro choice in our own majority countries?
it is pants on fucking head retarded.

cool, that one had a strong rib cage and spine,ay have been a great cuckball player….

Abortion is an ethical and scientific issue, not a religious one. It's a question of defining the limits of sentience regarding murder. Why is killing a living being before it exits the womb not murder, if killing the same being the second it leaves the womb is murder?

Maybe you believe third trimester abortion isn't okay, but second and first is. The question is of degree. When does it become murder? When is the baby considered a discreet living being?

It's not a religious question. The catholic church has just laid down its own verdict on the question - the moment of conception is where you draw the line. The catholic church has also decided slaying your brother is wrong. That doesn't make murder a religious issue.

Do you also believe the government shouldn't be telling you whether or not you can murder your children? No? What if the baby is just a day old? No? But if it's the day before his natural birth, well then, they've got no fucking right, right?

The only thing the government shouldn't be stepping in for in this case is your right to fucking kill yourself.

Why should taxes be used to provide abortions for whores who can not keep their legs closed?

Most people in this thread:

When will America realize it doesn't have an abortion problem, it has a nigger problem.

Kill yourself.

No place is safe anymore.
Fuck this gay earth.


Iirc, about half them die in the womb. It keeps their fertility rates closer to hispanics than whites (shown in chart).

There's a non-profit called project prevention, doing just this. Their leader is a coal burner, though, and their strategy is somewhat flawed because they offer the same amount for a year-long sterilization as a permanent one.

Adding chart

Chart's units are total fertility per 1000 women.

I meant closer to whites than hispanics. I need to fuck off now.

Abortions exist for nothing, but to keep the European births low. It was revealed not long ago.

Source please? shit is obvious, but i didnt know about a paper or something like that.

I have my newborn daughter sitting in the room with me, and just seeing that diagram fills me with primal fucking fury

Under the current system niggers have kids for welfare and tax benefits while whites have the ability to be free of the responsibility of raising kids because they can abort them every time allowing them to continue their promiscuous ways. Not to mention Planned Parenthood is literally an organization for sacrificing to Moloch.

What is retarded about population control?

The argument for pro-choice is that it works. It's a pragmatic decision. It's all about effective fertility rates. Abortion lowers the beaner fertility rate enough that their numbers will remain roughly stagnant as percentage of the population after one generation, and that's without expanding "reproductive health" sevices in the south, which would decrease it further like happened with niggers.
The nigger population is decreasing. Without abortion it would increase massively.
Liberals and kikes are dying out, but conservative whites are growing as a share of the white population.

Pro-life is anti-white.

If you don't believe me, look at the hard statistics in this thread and the ones you can find online.
Abortion helps us, without it we'd be a second Brazil or even South Africa. Roe v Wade killed the black fertility rate and it's beginning to do the same for beaners.

Optimally we would end welfare completely, only offer tax breaks for married couples with children and give generous handouts for sterilizations. But at the moment, this is what's politically acceptable and it works.

There's plenty of abortion in those shitskin shitholes, that doesn't change anything over there because they still breed like rabbits and there are no white people. If we allow whites to not have to take responsibility for their degenerate actions then they will never learn, we will only accelerate 100% on our way to FULL ON SODOM and the impending collapse of the West and civilization for that matter.

Promiscuity causes aids and toxoplasma, both shit killing Brazil right now. Make people take charge of their stupidity and everything will be fixed after a little bloodbath.

Fuck shitty babies though. The offspring of ghettonigger sheboons, meth-addicted gutter trash, and generally people with shit genetics shouldn't even be allowed to reproduce.

Look, I understand. Seeing graphs like that or the videos online makes even me wince. Even if it involves Ebony and her 5th abortion it still makes me feel really uncomfortable.

But we need to do the right thing to preserve the future of our race, and this is a lot more humane than what some have suggested in this thread (For those crying about baby killing yet being completely fine with wiping out adults by the millions). It's also politically feasible as opposed to larp fantasies.

The statistics disagree. In most African and South American countries abortion is heavily restricted.

(Image by Robert Johnston)

Brazil also restrict abortion only to cases of rape, incest, when there's a threat to life of the mother or Zika. They also do not promote contraceptives and sterilization as aggressively as here in the US.
The result is the demise of the (non-mulatto) White population, favela sprawl, filth, disease, massive corruption and economic stagnation.

Brazil is what America would have been without Roe v Wade or Planned Parenthood.

In that moment I perceived myself, the fragility of life, and (you).

By joining them, if there's one issue that separates the cuckservative from the enlightened nationalist, it's abortion.
>Likewise, fertility rates are strongly correlated with poverty(1), which is strongly correlated with drug abuse (2)

Compulsory abortions/sterilizations are as redpilled as it gets familia.

How do you define murder? Surely you don't view the killing of any living being as murder, that would mean all hunters and cattle ranch owners were murderers.

Murder is the unwarranted revocation of another being's natural rights. But does a fetus have natural rights?

You may say yes instinctively, but think about it for a second; You cannot impede a fetuses' ability to speak freely as they lack the ability to speak, write, or even tap in a manner that even roughly translates to free expression. You cannot revoke a fetuses' ability to defend themselves, as they have no means of bearing arms. You cannot force a baby to quarter soldiers, as wombs aren't big enough to accommodate. unless they're your mums womb of course You cannot perform an illegal search and seizure as the fetus has no personal affects to search and seize. I would go on, but I think you get the idea.

How can a being who is incapable of exercising their natural rights even in the most ideal of circumstances (ie. no outside influences preventing them from doing so) still maintain possession over those rights?

I want to hear the rationale (or what you consider to be the rationale) behind this argument before I spend 20 minutes typing an autistic reply to prove you wrong.

it's not population control that i find abhorrent, it's the method.
it does, but it's still disgusting. slaughtering innocents isn't something i can ever back.
once a sperm and egg join, there's the first stage of a human bean.

even if i perceive the consequence to be beneficial to the end of reducing the population of those who ascribe to the current year ethos, i can't see this method as righteous.

the type of cure i would prescribe would be conversational. it would be difficult, as forming public opinion takes lots of time and effort, but it would be the right thing to do.

what i would want is the population to be convinced that these things are a positive for the sake of high integrity families and communities of whatever scope:
1) abstinence until marriage.
2) 2d pornography
3) examining and discouraging abnormal sexual behavior
4) use contraceptives
5) marry
6) keep family intact
7) don't abort.
8) same race marriage
9) plan to bring a child into the world

of course the zeitgeist would have to be fucking demolished, but i think we'd be better off like this.

i may be an idealist, but just imagine what the world would be like if population control tactics were unnecessary. this is why i advocate the golden rule and forming public opinion so much: for peaceful relationships between intelligent people of all dynamics.

abortion is not necessary when the cost of raising our beautiful young ones is not artificially imposed upon us and raised beyond reason

Why would you want abortion? Even without it Women already have the choice they want when it comes to wanting to have a child with things like safe sex or the morning after pill. In an ideal world abortion would only be for serious rape victims, like kept in the basement for months kind. A situation where there's no choice but the average person has more than enough choice.

Correct, it's one of the many fake (((issues))) jews have been using for years to divide white people, along with things like muh 37% taxes vs muh 33% taxes instead of actually questioning the system itself and where any tax money is going and who controls it, things like that.

And then we came. We saw.

It honestly stems from this whole modern feminist viewpoint of seeing childbearing as a tool of "muh patriarchy!" If women are allowed to freely slaughter the unborn, then it eliminates the responsibility of being a mom therefore allowing them to be a "stronk womyn" who can do her own thing. This leads to a lot of older feminists really regretting their decisions with they hit their 40s because they have done nothing to really satisfy their natural maternal instincts.
And when it comes to special cases like rape, or even severe medical issues and retardation I make an exception.


No, in fact I think it would be great if they expanded it to all Jews, like yourself.

Roman men had the right to their childs life until the child became a man/woman
the law of the father
I guarantee you'd see fewer marxists around if that law still held true

Abortions should be illegal for white except in three specific cases

1. Rape
2. Miscegenation
3. Deformity/Retardation

All non-whites should be sterilized, all whites with genetic defects should be sterilized.

hey cripples can serve a purpose
and some genetic defects in whites can relay immunity
theres a skin condition among whites that causes ugly red itchy dry skin across the body thats not eczema and that condition is correlated with the 3% of whites that are immune to herpes
but if you mean ensure all vegetables are thoroughly roasted to ensure the vegetable patch stays generally empty then sure

Cucktholics can go eat a dick, Abortion should not only be legal but be made mandatory for non-whites, especially southeast asians, niggers, shitskins, mexicans and so on.


Abortion is good only if the woman is kept on a public access database and offered a free sterilisation afterwards.

A man has a right to know if he is getting involved with a child murdering whore.

I'd say a man has the right to know whether a woman he wishes to procreate with will produce children who possess DNA from the last guy who knocked her up
I'm sure most men dont want a kid thats 10% Tyrone because their wife is secretly a coalburning whore 10 years previously