Trying again. Not spam just holy shit I forget how fucking direct this place is. So there was a wealthy Christian convert in 120 ish AD who composed the first Christian book of books but was also the first major heretic. He was Marcion of Sinope. He postulated that the God of Christianity, by bringing redemption to mankind, basically was a new God, hence the gift of redemption trough the revelation of Christ. If this God had been known to man previously, then there already would have been Christianity. He then looked at the Hebrew scriptures and decided that their God was savage and capricious and therefore Christ was not the Jewish Messiah. Marcion's flavor of the religion may have spawned, after 300 years and Eastern weirdness, what is called Gnosticism. Or maybe what Gnosticism came from (syncretic Hebrew/Hindu mysticism) inspired Marcion. But he called the Hebrew god "Demiurge". He did not teach gnosis and all that esoteric shit. He was just painting the Hebrew God as a pretender spirit that seeks to be worshipped in place of the actual God, where the actual God has a very different character than Yahoo or whatever. Also important is that scholars believe that early Christians didn't believe in a literal man Jesus carpenter, but that Christ was seen as a cosmic spirit who stood in as a Greek philosophical interpretation of Hebrew theology, where Christ invalidates the need for temple sacrifice. And this Christ was later conflated with the messiah after the Jews lost their war. And only later, after the cosmic metaphor was turned into a children's parable featuring a made up literal man Jesus, was the idea of a man Jesus invented. Here's the point: there's a branch of theology called philosophical theism. I think Marcion is essentially a philosopher discovering the true nature of the God phenomenon. Meaning doesn't come to us from a will to power, it comes from the God phenomenon in a spiritual way analogous to plant photosynthesis. Meaning is perceived via the gift of reason. And use of reason coupled with intuitive grasp of abstract good and evil, choosing, acting upon the right, is pure purposeful meaning. Will to power is horseshit demiurge talk. It's Hebrew talk. Where Yahoo is the cosmic alpha and they are the cosmic betas. But Aryanism is just aspiration to cosmic alphadom but it's all Yahoo's dumb system. The demiurge is a false god, not in a Gnostic sense, but in a philosophical sense, because demiurge sense of meaning is tautological, and therefore false, and dead. It's telling that the Germanic and Aryan people believed in a great wheel and cycle of death and rebirth. It's a cycle that has no ultimate meaning and no life in and of itself. No wonder the Hebrew Essenes so favored Brahmic thinking, with their inherent cuck nihilism attracted to the meaningless Aryan cycle of violence and cosmic struggle. In Christian thought, real Chrsitianity as the Brythonic Celts understood it, similar to Marcion or Pelagius later, God is an alien being (not ET fags). God is outside the wheel, and His influence, His perspective is the source of our perception. What's my point? You all want to win right? Non-winners are shitlords. Dying for your race makes you a cuck of those who don't die. Look, some day if you win you then need to complete the cycle right? And have kids right? And some principle needs to carry them, and their kids, forward. Real meaning. Not this masochistic SS fag shit. Your redpills are good. Race matters. But Whites are just niggers to some better race yet to be. Reason, truth above all, is our central commitment. Even low IQ fucks can be taught to worship reason, or at least respect those who do. To defeat the Jew you only must transcend the Jew. Be better. Kindly laugh at them. Recognize that they only control a tiny piece of the destiny of the universe. An insignificant piece. Don't empower it. Call it out, speak truth. But the time will come, especially once victory nears, when real adult men, the wise elders of the race, need to step forward and exalt truth, and condemn the will to dominate. Win through truth, a relentless barrage of it, through will unyielding to schemes and lies, but not through violence alone. The cycle of violence belongs to Yahoo.
FUCKING AUTISTIC FAGGOTS - Okay, I'll Speak More Plainly
Wew OP, tour thread is all over the place. You should consider organizing each thought line in a separate paragraph to ease our understanding.
Nevertheless, I will engage with you when I get home.
tl;dr or learn how to format a post, nigger
tl;dr: If you kill your enemies, they win.
I never thought I would actually WANT to see reddit spacing in the OP.
Get anchored, faggot.
Very interesting, I've never heard of this guy before. Guess I've got some reading to do.
Jesus fucking christ, PARAGRAPHS NOT WALLS OF TEXT. Just use the 4 sentence rule if you aren't mentally awake enough to break things up into logical chunks.
Since I'm a nice guy, and the content of OP seems interesting:
I'm not sure what is meant by "will to power". I quite like the last paragraph though.
And you call us autistic with your word soup of ranting.
If having gnostic beliefs empower you, great. The danger however, is defeatism.
And meanwhile the jews keep fucking everything up because you bought the newest flavor of "sit on your ass and do fucking nothing" religion in a new and shiny wrapper.
If a religion doesn't urge you to become as powerful as possible physically and spiritually and better yourself, then it is worthless and another trick of the jews. Hinduism was good until it was poisoned with "karma" beliefs and look at the Hindus now. They poo in the streets and do nothing all day while they get fucked over. It wasn't always like that though.
You believe the demiurge is real? Then go debate him when you die. But while you're here, you're no use to the race if you sit on your ass doing nothing thinking you cracked the cosmic code.
That's basically gnosticism, in 90% of the cases.
For you:
Interesting thread OP, I always like hearing about history and historical religious speculation.
You have to go back.
Your reading of OP is very different from mine. I think OP rejects gnosticism and in fact directly calls for us to better ourselves.
Formatting makes this more clear I think: , particularly the last paragraph.
Use paragraphs next time you shitpost
daily reminder that Marcion was an unrepentant heretic!
It seems his "heresy" amounted to little more than rejected the asserted divinity of the jewish god (the god of Abraham, or YHWH).
So you'll have to forgive me for not hating him for that….
Worship of reason is Greek faggotry. Reason is important, but so are passions and emotional motivations. Each must inform and temper the other.
Gas yourself op
I understand the need for truth and the pursue of truth , but you wont be able to tell the truth if you are dead , or suppressed .
I support violence only when necessary , do you think Europe will be white ( truly ) again if we just tell the niggers or sandnigs the truth ? Not only wont they listen , they wont understand it and also kill you in the process .
The cycle of truth and reason , can only continue in white civilization . In my opinion , the modern task of whites is to secure the future of white civilization , in what ever way is necessary , and it cannot be done with truth alone .
I'd always wondered at the origins of Gnosticism, now I know. This is the missing link to my understanding.
Also, consequently, explains the crusade against the Cathars. The were playing at being Christ the man, when Christ was always a concept. The concept of Christ was never really meant for one hundred percent practice, as it is a singular person's philosophy. It brings down the society around it to a certain lowest denominator. Like those acting out as mohammed bring society to a medieval standstill.
If only Jesus had been conflated with Solus Invictus this whole mess could have been avoided. Canonize the 'myths' of Greece and Rome as mostly ante-diluvian man and nephilim. Would all make a lot of sense once we learned of rising sea levels.
Just an odd point, the concept of a fallen angel in a philosophical scope is terrifying. Here is an übermensch on his way downward. He has a piece of the eternal fire you seek, but the piece is fractured and wrong somehow. Everything it creates or touches is stained by an incidental evil.
It's a bit much to claim a direct lineage for Gnosticism. Consider Simon Magus, or Bishop Valentinus a staunchly Gnostic Bishop who damn nearly became a Catholic Pope.
He's saying that what white people should become is far greater than white people are now. It's a call for self-improvement.
Well, I think that is a uncharitable reading of OP. Certainly we should not be nice to jews. I think we should adopt an all-encompassing air of superiority when dealing with the jews. We should take no prisoners.
I think he is for Gnosticism , because he calls for the use of truth , and truth comes form our ability to reason ( which we also get meaning from , who we shall pass down to our future generations ) And by passing down meaning that is not based around a demiurge worldview ( second part ) we will be able to form the next race which will make us niggers compared to them .
Also he talks about "masochistic SS shit" , and since the ideas of natsoc come from a very naturalistic world view , where nature is supreme ( Like demiurge in the text ) , he supports Gnosticism as a result of his shunning of the natsoc worldview .
That's an interesting observation and one I've had tension with for some time. Nature is the ultimate fascist for sure. But I also have a very spiritual feeling of world-otherness, like I was born in the wrong time or place or wrong kind of species or body. NatSoc in life and Gnostic in death? It's a definite tension.
I don't think Gnosticism is adequately summed up as the embrace of truth. I think he is rejecting the gnostic viewpoint that the old testament god, the god of the jews, is an authentic god (albeit a demiurge). Marcion's ideas seem to me compatible with the idea that the jew god is just a jewish myth, which the jews have deceitfully associated with Jesus.
As for the "masochistic SS shit", you might be right. The way I read it is that the acceptance of the truth of nature, the true essence of national socialism, should be distinguished from Germanic fandom. The essence of national socialism is timeless, unlike the aesthetics of lugers, hugo boss, etc as much as I like those things…
All aboard the failboat
Denied by Kek. Sad!
In my opinion
The god of the jews is not a Jewish god
If we read the text , we can see that Marcion has a belief that the jewish god is real ( demiurge ) , and according to the jewish torah , the demiurge ( yawy ) chose the jews as to be his chosen people . So , the god of material has chosen a people to "represent" him , can you guess what kind of people they would be like ?
In addition , Marcion also said that
So naturally , the chosen representatives of the material god , in the material world , would do what they can to replace the worship of the "higher Christ" with a "lower" material Christ which resided in our world .
Go back to plebbit
You may be right, I need to read more about this.
wew lad.