Where were you when Tarantino saved cinema?

where were you when Tarantino saved cinema?

What the fuck has he become, Jesus Christ
It looks like someone photoshopped his face on Bill Maher

Why? As far as a know there were no strong black bucks on the mansin family. Just a bunch of trashy cumskins and hippie whores.

This isn't saving anything least of all my teeny tiny itty bitty caucasian cock.


shit it does

The nigger-lover's clearly becoming Manson himself.

Dropped forever and I suggest you redditors do the same



When's he making the Columbine movie?

Jesus christ he looks awful.

I'm not overly familiar with Murrican stuff. Did the Manson ordeal involve black dingus?

What's going on here?

What have I become
My sweetest friend
All the hair I love goes away
In the end
And I could have it all
My empire of plugs
I will let me down
I will make me JUST

In a way.

so basically manson was redpilled?

If by "redpilled" you mean "obsessed with black dicks entering white vaginas", then yes.

will it feature Charles Manson watching as Patty Krenwinkel fucks a black man?

all the Manson victims will be black people who dindu nuffin

he dindu nuffin it was his friends

feels bad


So this gonna be historical revisionism and end with Manson getting raped by niggers, correct?

It will be just like Inglorious Bastards, Manson will be a ridiculous character of himself, and in the end he'll be killed by the black protagonist and it will probably end with interracial sex.

It it's going to be accurate it needs to start with him being raped by niggers.

I know that feel bro ;(

I thought David Carradine was hilariously dead.


Manson hates the kikes

satan's black hell-besmeared farting hole..

hey, he sounds based as fuck