What Holla Forums-related chocolate qt would YOU race-mix with?
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None. They all stink, and even the best looking ones with tight bodies will eventually end up with an ass like a three dollar mule.
oil drilling is the REAL thinking man's fetish
No niggers but brown girls? Hell yes.
Young Sophia Loren is my shitskinfu
Cobie is my MILF Leafghanistani SJWaifu
(((Cohan))) is my Jewfu
But I like Zoe too, even though I would rather drill GREEN than BLACK.
pleb, Monica Bellucci is best spaghettifu
looks h'white to me fam
Would impregnate first pic.
Italian so she is a default nigress.
I've always had a thing for Julie Carmen
bitch got crooked eyes
1 eye on u
1 eye on da streets
Today, I bleached two girls, Holla Forums, one middle eastern and one east asian. I told the latter one she just got bleached right after I nutted deep inside of her. She asked what bleached means and I told her "It means I'm a big guy, for you" and she said "well, you are indeed, user, little asian dicks really can't compete". I really think this whole racemixing thing is the thinking man's fetish. I really hope they both get pregnant, I want to spread my seed far and wide. Neither know my real name and they think I'm French even though I'm not.
I hope you're proud of me, bros. I'll keep at it, maybe I can oildrill too, but there's really few niggers here.
Wow, just wow. Kill yourself.
real human bean
pics or it never happened
I'm proud of you, user, we must all spread the GWD far and wide. I've been banging a negroid woman in the ass regularly for some time now. I love colonising black buttholes.
Butt that's the wrong hole, user.
they do cartwheels to get the white seed in. or do you think all those twitch muscles are a myth?
Im not a jew. If i was a jew maybe i'd be attracted to mulattos and niggers.
Obvious answer is obvious
I usually have them pledge allegiance to the GWD and renounce all other inferior dicks while colonizing their uterus.
Good job, bro, keep fighting the good fight. I met a jewess a few days ago that clearly wants the GWD but I haven't really had the chance to talk to her yet.
Also, give me some outfit recommendations to wear while bleaching please.
Enjoy your herpes you mongoloids.
Southern Gentleman / Plantation Owner or Klansman
MUAHHHHH THE FRENCH GWD has always been celebrated for it's expansiveness.
A man of taste I see.
Only acceptable outfit is pic related.
9/11 would enslave
It's snow white in burguer standard
why live?
She's caramel not chocolate.
But all your mating instincts are only reacting to to her 3/4th white portions.
that's nigger user
this is chocolate
no, that's photoshoop
it's interesting how sexy slaves are made in media, seems to be really common.
That MC from the Dear White People show is a qt.
Is anybody else glad we don't have to look at this tranny freak and her niggerfaggot old man any more?
oops. forgot pic. i'm tarded.
Spidey is the thinking man's capekino
I wouldn't
Nice to see I'm not the only one who knows the real truth. That the only woman who could please a real man is a black woman. The queen of Holla Forums should be a black woman, no question about it.
Dumping some prime black kino material
That is one ugly trap.
Why is she so cute?
small dick tbh
That it mane
I want to racemix with Logan.
doubt you packing the gear to satisfy her
10/10 Would sack Jerusalem with
Alicia Fox from Total Divas.
Shut up user.
I want to to fuck the shit out of this chocolate qt.
Negresses are pretty into sex and so aren't hard to satisfy. Unlike white girls who see porn as a sign they are sluts, they are so primal they just cum even with a camera on them.
Lol he would cut you in 3 before you even had the chance.
The lone think that salved Edward Norton's Hulk
I love the way both extremes of skin color look, either really black or really white.
I'd like to see her fuck an albino. The children would be gray.
The colour palette doesn't matter to me, what matters is the facial and body structure. Most Africans have ugly facial and body structures so I wouldn't most of them.
No thats licorice
Like i said, no kike dna. Kikes should breed with niggets considering how much genetic problems they have.
24hours later and this thread is still up.
All you need to know about the Cosmopolitan infiltration of this very website.
Whites who marry black women are less likely to divorce and are earn higher incomes. Face it, they are the perfect vessel for GWC.
dude, I just realized why Cody is called "the American Nightmare"
it's because his wife is a black beauty, whereas in the traditional American dream there are only white people
But I thought the Holocaust didn't happen?
There were labour camps.
t. degenerate white male not man enough and large enough to satisfy a true cock succubus
This thread is still up? I guess the years of cuck porn have inverted in the average /tv user's brain. The Jews are going all out to try to destroy whitey while they still have some power.
You disgust me
You're forgetting… something.
Mad black boi detected.
I like to imagine those two ladies smell of mangos and cocoa butter. I'd make sure they change their weave regularly or more likely have them natural like .
Oh shit meant to spoiler don't kill me hotpockets
If your "woman" needs fake hair to look like a woman you are dating a chimp.
the most beautiful smell in the world
ah, what i would give to have a beautiful chocolate goddess with me right now
Covered up by the rotted and molded hair under the weave
RIP Aaliyah, Queen of the Damned
Sheboons smell like someone squeezed out a bottle of baby power at the ape house inside the zoo.
I worked with one who kept a can of fds in her purse because her pussy was so vile and smelly she had to zyklon b that shit every 15 minutes.
Daily reminder that, unlike puny white women who age like milk, black women age like a fine wine. "Black don't crack" is not a myth, it's a reality, much like "Asians don't crack". Face it, cumskins. Only true straight males would go for a healthy black woman, only followed by an Asian beauty. When it comes to looks, plain white women are no match.
RIP, she was true waifu material.
Are there any movies about white men raping sheboons and then killing the mutants that they reproduce in front of them?
No, because white men don't rape black women. (Source: FBI)
This is what she actually looks like
UK not looking too white these days either, bruv
She looks like a spic. The point is she only looks black when she gets nappy hair.
London does not represent the rest of the UK. Besides, those Arabs and pakis are whiter than all the mexishits in the US.
How Europa is going these days?
I think it's closer to 70%.
lol don't you have a spanish class to attend?
Don't you have to pozz your neghole? eurocuck
She looks like a Greek or Italian tbhfam
I'd argue that Burgers just don't know the meaning of banter
Low-class as fuck. Same tier as spics who talk shit about you in beanerspeak while you're in the same room.
She also fucks a Moroccan
Can we please get back to pictures of negresses that want GWC?
Sixty percent lad
Great White Dick
Circumcised obese spotted.
So what makes the rest?
Caribbean slave nigger
bump because why not
Good thread fam
If you want chocolate pussy why not just fuck a horse?
scared of getting kicked
She's literally perfect.
Holla Forums - oil drilling and ethnic demographic analysis
Their asses are so damn nice.
You mean "kikes" being crypto-jew not whites.
Zoe Saldana is Dominican. stop trying to claim her as a nigger.
Demolition Man was great.