It's like the force awakens poster only even worse, somehow. Spiderman's pose is the same as Daisy Ridleys they have a format now

Oh noes! Call the good-taste police!

Is Tony the villain?

Yes. He's also the hero and love interest.

Really, it's more like the Iron Man poster that ripped on the old Star Wars prequels' poster style except that it made that style look generic and irritating TEN YEARS AGO.

Shitty taste Walmart shopper spotted and reported.

Let me illustrate here. Notice that, especially with a view to the originals, the prequels' posters have a hand-drawn photorealistic (rather than photographic) look that makes the subject matter actually look like the compelling, epic completion to the saga that Lucas imagined it to be, whereas every capeshit and StarCucks VII+ movie that has tried to copy this style ends up with soulless, photographic lensflare porn. And yes, I'm saying that the prequel posters did their own lensflare right by drawing it rather than just editing it in.


Episode II is my favorite poster of all time tbqh

Why does it look so Bollywood?

I think Bollywood looks better


You're a wise one, user.

It's also why the stranger things poster looks at least twice as good as it should have all things considering…

What the hell happened to hand-drawn posters? I'm sure that shit ain't that expensive


fuck those jews, just for a few pennies we have to deal with these ugly ass posters…

Quick, remember 3 Iron Man scenes where it wasn't RDJ with a holo ui over his face 80% of the time.

The scene in the cave where he build the armor
The scene at the end of the movie where he tells the press that he is iron-man
The one where he demonstrates how powerful his missiles are.
I only saw the first one, and a bit of the third one

I was referring to scenes where he was completely in suit and it wasn't just his face in a dark room with glowing ui. I'm half awake so I didn't word it properly I guess.

these dumb fucking heebs man, if they actually designed good nostalgic posters they could sell them for a decent amount and good goys will lap it up.

They are still buying them and the prices are up nowadays.
t. dr shekels

140Million shekels on marketing and they came up with that

op is the worst poster ever tbh


Is this movie about Tony stark?

I could shit out better in photoshop in less than an hour. Really pathetic.

Reminds me of this.

honestly iron man is a lame superhero and i've never watched any of his movies

It's just that his suit is cool, Tony Stark is ok but RDJ brought the character more to life than the comics did.

The first one was good.