Hey guys, so ive been thinking, with every revolution there is a tipping point for the general public, where they feel like they have no alternative other than to take to the streets. Ive been doing some internal searching to find where my tipping point is, and as a UK fag, its the full privatization of the NHS. So after this, i have a few questions to you.
Whats *your* tipping point? Whats the public's tipping point? and what do we do once this point has been reached? Its always good to have a plan for this, as those who show stability during an uncertain period of conflict usually come out on top.
Starting the Fire
It's an interesting question, and one I'm very nervous about, since I don't really think there is a tipping point for the "public" as a whole. Young black people in America are getting closer and closer to that tipping point, I think, whereas the white working class has a LONG way to go. I'm worried about radical leftism taking on a racial character in the US, which would make it all too easy for reaction to grow and liberalism to pacify - neither of these are good for us.
I went to a BLM protest (idpol yeah yeah, shit's still super bad for black people in this country), and while a lot of them were cool and radical, there was a bunch of weird pan-African psuedo-religious shit going on, pushing Santeria and other bizarre crap.
Fine, whatever, black people need to make their voice heard outside of the consumerist treadmill. Still, these are pretty much the only people (aside from weird nerds at college like us) who profess any kind of radical ideology, and if leftism is tacked on as a side-note to anti-racism that's how it'll always be perceived.
So the solution for this is to have a tipping point that's not racial, and God knows what that'll be. I expect the huge drain of jobs that will come in the following couple of decades will help out; maybe we can get the white working-class out of the captivity of reaction when they have nothing left to lose. But it's a slow fucking process, since the people capitalism captures cling to it with whatever they have.
As for us, I don't think you can even say we have a tipping point. We've "reached" it, but through study, not necessity.
Good points made. Im not sure how i feel about the whole Idpol thing, sure its all true, no war but the class war, but im not just gonna push the trans-atlantic slave trade as just another porkie scheme, nor do i wanna perceive what blacks are currently going through as their version of "class struggle"
I've already reached the tipping point, I'm simply waiting until people are genuinely ready to take to the streets.
The next tipping point I'd say is when the next recession comes around, which might be just a few years off. Or it could be from automation laying off people, the first major point there I think will be when the trucking industry starts replacing their drivers with automated trucks. In the U.S. alone that's 3.5 million people who would lose their jobs. Either way, people will be pushed past what their willing to tolerate, revolutions usually happen when things seem to be getting better and suddenly they don't.
Problem with modern left in the western world.
Theres no doubt we are all waiting for others to take to the streets, but what im suggest is that if we can successfully predict when things will start to go (badly) sour for many the working classes, then we can be pro-active and be the first in the proverbial line. We need structure in place, ready to go, so that we arent reactionaries, we are revolutionaries.
Good point about the automation, could lead to another thread.
Tbf, its how those people choose to get "in touch with heir heritage", i have no real problem with it.
The tipping point already passed. The material conditions for revolution are already here. There's just no ideological condition.
Its passed for us, but not the proletariat, or at least they haven't recognised that its passed.
I think this poses another important question.
How exactly do we make left ideology and theory more accessible?
infographics with overlysimplified arguments.
It's already accessible. We just don't have the ability to propagate it the same way the existing power structures have. But there's nothing complicated about the idea that "you don't need a boss" or "you want democracy in your government, why not in the workplace as well?"
Honest to God, I already expect the near future to be so shit that nothing will ever be shock me to the point where I'll engage in some street shit.
Look. My heritage, from 1600 or something, was not Greek. It was South Slav. Should I then start identifying as "Romanian" or "Slav"? NO!
Black people in the US are AMERICANS!
Sure, all 'Muricans have to identify as something, cause there is no american culture, but if you wanna be american.. BE AMERICAN!
If you wanna be "african-american" .. you cannot.
This is what's actually racist. Thinking "I am different from the others, cause of my skin colour".
Had it been, say, 3 generations, sure. But these people have been there for more than 200 years! WHAT HERITAGE???
As of late we have black people in greece too, and if they say "am Greek", they're Greek. If they say "I'm Niggerian" they're Niggerian.
Tradition is the stupidest Spook.
We don't really have to. Efforts at making the theory more easy for digestion are already there, they're just isolated because the Left lacks proper channels of communication.
In all honestly, youre right and i agree to some extent, but go up to a nigger at a BLM rally and tell him his heritage, his fight and even his skin colour is a spook. Blacks arent forgetting slavery, so we cant either.
Americans are super spooked by race
Can we not utilize SocDems as the middle men? Its a little thought ive had from time to time which always seems to make sense, push someone from the radical left, whose good at pandering and simplifying to liberals into a position of power for them to try and get society in general to change.
Being Canadian the first thing that comes to mind is the privatization of our health care system, I think the entire country would riot if that ever happened, which is why it really seems unrealistic for that to ever happen any time soon.
A much closer tipping point is the general affordability of living, I work a full time minimum wage shitjob and the pay is barely enough to get by despite the fact that I live with roommates and subsist on ramen noodles. frozen dinners, cheap pork and potatoes. If a time ever comes when I just straight-up can't afford to survive anymore I don't know what I'd do, I really don't want to go on welfare, I can't afford a car and the only places cheap enough to rent now mostly don't have any bus access.
Honestly if shit were to hit the fan tomorrow I'd be down for some revolution, I have almost nothing to lose, maybe the tipping point has already passed for me in that case.
Situation is similar here in the UK
You're not supposed to forget history, but history is not the present.
So, I am to now hate turks for they had Greece for 400 years?
Oh wait.. .. That IS what I'm supposed to do, by the establishment!
The example isnt relevent, black people dont hate whites for slavery, theyve kinda chilled out on that now but they dont like the police because IN THE PRESENT its almost exclusively them being murdered.
Dude, it may be a spook, but its widely believed in. Education over time is how we eliminate spooks, not by shouting at those who believe in them. So, go with it.
Yes, the stereotype of "black thugs" combined with a police that afraid of it's shadow, since everyone has a gun and noone wants to die, has created this monster of a police force in the US, that will kill you, unless you put your arms behind your back and let them rape you. .. Oh wait. Even then they'll kill you!
So… The answer is "we are black and we are now to hate "white people""? Not "We are citizens of the US and the police is supposed to treat us as such"?
In true Capitalistic fashion, instead of critiquing the material conditions, they found the spook of "White people VS PoCs" and made everything about that.
The blacks? NOPE! The fucking system itself! The College Nomenclature.
Divide et Impera.
Again, im saying i agree with you, but its not how the real world works.
As an American, I don't know what my tipping point would have been, but whatever it was, it happened before I was born.