Daily reminder that Freetardism is Left Wing virtue signaling and the people that preach it don't even practice it.
Holla Forums pretty much dead
Couldn't be more wrong, kid.
great thread, OP
the only thing left to do now is kill yourself
I prefer to use open source software, but i'm not stuck on a "free as in freedom license".
The majority of libraries I use are licensed apache or compatible.
But yeah, if you call it gnu/linux you are pretty much a faggot.
Cant go on halfchan because you're too paranoid for clearnet now? Yeah, "freetards" ain't in short supply here.
If you have an idea how to shitpost in bed without roasting ones testicles or spend more than 20 dollars but also retain freedom from government botnets, please let us know.
If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear?
checked. Paranoia is usually a step in the right direction, but OP seems a bit new here if he thinks freetards are isolated to halfchan.
So what you're doing is right wing virtue signaling?
This place is even more depressing and pathetic than cuck/g/, and that's saying something. /g/ has more leftist parasites (probably paid by google in all honesty given that 4chan is just as mainstream as reddit) than any other board over there, and yet this shithole still manages to outdo it.
Is this a suprise? Holla Forums is dogshit with all the shilling but it would still be better then that garbage dump that censors pic related.
Bill Gates just looks like an older version of his younger self, but AIDS really took a toll on ol' Abdulfattah Jandali Jr. there before he died.
The Apache License is Free as in Freedom.
Oh Holla Forums is back with their conspiracy of ICANN taking down their precious dailystormer.
Before you criticize Holla Forums at least understand how Holla Forums, DNS and top level domains work.
Not everything is controlled by the jews, but then again I love the government money and bounce to my boys dick as the cointelpro is a good tax write off
Why are you here and not in nntpchan? Don't you like freedom?
Everyone has their own tolerance for isolation, and if you didn't have any you'd be in NNTP right now instead of the more popular Holla Forums.
I don't really care about open source software, I use Windows and closed source software often.
Freetards grate on me the same way SJWs do, I just don't like dishonest people.
Irony, thy name is Holla Forums
If you've read the 4 freedoms it's really more of a practical stance and not necessarily an idealogical one. Simply put I don't like when I'm not in control of my computer. It's not going to stop me from using a proprietary driver or something if I have to, but I don't have much tolerance for bloated, locked-down crap, or this concept of 'renting-software'. Things like that just screw the end-user, and it's baffling that so many people think it's just fine and dandy, or that you're somehow even morally in the wrong for being against it. I assume you wouldn't be pleased if desktops stopped being modular, so why wouldn't that also apply to software?
Place the laptop over your chest with a blanket inbetween the laptop and your body.
I'll have you know I spent a full 50 dollars for my chinkpad.
Freetardism is a scam. The goyim work for free and (((they))) profit. Free software relies on the slave labor of "autists" who believe their time is worth nothing. Google created Android from slave labor.
Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure it was created from code written by Android Inc., code written by Google, and pre-existing parts like Linux that were also mostly developed by companies.
There's only three things I see in the software world.
>SJW Communist GNU/Apache/GPL/LGBT ((( free )))
You need to go back.
BSD is masterlicense.
Stay buttmand /salt-left/
shemitah-cuck :^)
Red Hat, Canonical, and Google make huge profits from the work of Freetards.
What a great thread.
You really should do what your idol hitler did, be a an hero.
Inb4 weev fags come in talking left/right when the truth is always convoluted because there are many chess pieces being played.
Sure am salty, I'm lubing my cock with my tears as deepthroat my illegal Mexican lover that happens to be Muslim.
PS. i also have a buttplug that says I
>PS. i also have a buttplug that says I
I'm 100% Holla Forumsack and a proud FLOSS advocate.
I see no issue with making profit off of software. My issue is ownership. If you don't have the four freedoms, you don't really own it. If you aren't allowed to fix your own car, you don't really own it. The idea of patents, copyrights, and 'intellectual
property' in general, is that you are granted a temporary monopoly by the government as a reward for your creativity. Instead we have kikes that have gamed the system and fucked the laws so bad, that you can patent lifeforms, and copyrights keep getting extended longer and longer.
>PS. i also have a buttplug that says I
Why don't you head back to 4/g/?
No, free software is pretty much the software version of the self-repair manifesto (pic). The reason the it exists is because some people are smart enough to understand that entrusting everything you do to a giant, opaque black box that you can't control, fix, or patch yourself, and is most likely riddled with anti-consumer/malicious features and backdoors is a terrible idea.
For examples see IoT anything, stock SoHo router firmware, Steam with its digital game rentals and jewry like forced updates that remove content, "the cloud", "smart" locks bricked by manufacturer's forced firmware update, smart TVs hacked by digital broadcast signals, Android phones stuck on obsolete versions for lack of vendor support and drivers, Adobe Flash, Windows 10's forced spyware, telemetry, updates, and backdoors, etc.
Admitting going on cuckchan
That's just, like, your opinion man.
Or you just think that the ideas of Torvalds about software freedom is BS.
You can thanks politically driven anons for that.
Holla Forums is a mess too m8
Like said before politically driven people don't care about Holla Forums they care about their movement and themselves.
But a lot of things are tho.
They have the same influence has the emirates but they don't have the gas.
Just ask them to put aside politics when they come on Holla Forums
Why are you even on Holla Forums then ?
Don't you care about your own freedom of use ?
Don't you care about owning your own hardware ?
Don't you care about having control of your life ?
The questions is how do you recognize them ?
Best post in this thread.
Or rented Hardware.
Proof or GTFO.
Ok now this is BAIT.
Cuck license
This too.
^These here. You can be a "freetard" without following left-wing ideologies. It's more the opposition of (((monopolies))) and respect for personal rights. You don't have to be leftist or rightist to believe in these ideas, whatever these words mean. If you don't want to get used by (((companies))) and want it to stay that way, you are more than obliged to be a "freetard".
Choosing between 4ch and 8ch is like choosing between two different piles of shit. Other sites are either dead or shit. Pretty much any discussion site or comment section on the web is shit. It's all just shit.
true but 8ch is still better. The problem is more people not making use of the smaller boards. Which is exactly the problem with the web.
This didn't become a problem till Social Media became a thing. Now no one wants to because they're all trying to fit in with the whores of Social Media. They have no problem with letting them get away with coopting nerd and tech culture.
I'm here because I just got tired of captchas.
You don't have to use politics to explain why Holla Forums is shit.
I stopped posting on Holla Forums because fucking Holla Forums has better technology discussions at this point. Just look at the front page. It's a mess.
I see it as clever plot to make programmers do things for free, and give corporate leadership possibility to hire & fire programmers as they please since information or even most of the codebase is no longer valuable. "all u need to know is in stackoverflow anyways lol and its just a fork bro".
Stallman, in his pissed rage over not being hired into well paying jobs like all his other MIT AI Lab fellows, threw a curse on them and all of us.
Understand that and exploit it, just don't contribute or you will be expected to do free work in future, too.
That one sad bastard who didn't get hired at Twitter even when Twitter uses free component he made and couldn't run without it. Good example. Only dumb fucks work for free.
Keep your hobby projects private, on LUKS protected USB-stick and inside encrypted tarball. That's what I do.
Confirmed for no idea what they fuck you're talking about. If you think they are using more RAM because there is some benefit provided by the use of more RAM, you are so out of touch it isn't even funny. People like to think their latest dev tools are saving time but they really aren't, nor are they decreasing bugs or making the software better in any way. If you're doing web shotting in the first place it's already taking you about 10-100x longer than traditional software.
Tell that to the guys in the actual thread then
most yes, however that's because there's proprietary software people need to use and there's still a lack of libre alternatives. I'm working on a fully free system but it's time consuming and sometimes expensive depending on what you're doing (I'm just trying to make my X200 fully libre).