And this gives you power over me?

This bane shitposters gave me an interesting thought.

Raimi and Nolan both did some of the best superheroe movies ever, movies that transcend the genre and became classics.

Both peaked in the second movie and failed in the third movie, why Holla Forums?

Batman Begins is better than Dark Knight,. fight me

I wouldn't say that, but I'd admit that without BB, TDK wouldn't be as good. Same with SP1 and SP2.

Their third were still awesome, don't listen to the ((( naysayers ))) watch them in a row to experience the beauty of these perfect triptychs.

SP3 is fun because the trilogy was never too complicated. Not too bad, I'd watch it gladly.

TDKR's script is a fucking mess tho, Bane dies like a bitch, the twist about Liam Neeson's daughter is shit. In fact the whole third act is pretty bad.

I always like how, with a literal ticking bomb, people he cares about being sent out on the frozen river to die, the first thing batman does upon his release from a secret underground prison is climb up on a bridge and draw a giant bat in gasoline. And then he stands there talking to gordon and he's like throw the flare. How did gordon know where to throw it?

That was the cinematic equivalent of pull my finger.

Tell me

Be careful not to choke on your memes, shitposter.

Ok Bane's death could have been better but overall I found it to be kino despite its imperfections.

The second spiderman movie was pure garbage.

Spiderman 3 is the best.

Have a (you)

Name one good thing about Spiderman 2.

I wouldnt say that. BB made Ra a terrorist that only cared way too much about Gotham. Ra is a GLOBAL eco terrorist.

I have to deduct points for making him a pleb.



Alfred Molina. His Doctor Octopus is pretty awesome, he is a real tragic villian. Also Kirsten Dunst. That's two things already

Comfiest scene in a capeshit

Relatable character you care for
Camera work that isn't flat fucking boring marvelshit

That's a cute outfit.
Did your husband make it for you?
I miss those days when you can joke about gays without controversy




Rises is the only good one you normalfag poof

Maybe instead of yelling he should have called 177-CASH-NOW.

Batman Begins was totally mediocre. It felt more like a movie about a black ninja than a Batman film. I still can't believe this thing is considered one of the best super-hero movies ever made.


Nolan movies are always filled with weird conveniences.

It's because BB resurrected Batman after that fag director fucked him up