Japan heading towards Fascism nationalreview.com
Japan heading towards Fascism
The same thing is happening all over. WW3 is going to be fascist former Western/Westernized democracies versus another """"communist""" bloc led by China
the koreas will join against japan before anything else, china will hop in too because every body on asia hates japan.
Those fucking nips have no chance.
Japan exploits violence in South Sudan to dispatch military
Shocker. What actually surprised me is that, for being one of the most spooked nations on earth, it took Japan and its ruling class this long to start truly applying fascist chemo. Since the '90s, Japan had prior to this new development only been playing wishy washy with the nationalist band-aid on the otherwise neoliberal policy.
Vietnam already sided with america
Japan is always ten years ahead of the west, right now america is in the neet stage japan was in the 90's
probably by 2030 we will be fascist
Unlike the Nazi vs. Liberal vs. Communist shitfest, there's not really any ideological conflict today though. They all accept private property and market economies, they're all under the same national law, their economies are mutually dependent, etc. Countries who fall outside this narrative are hardly military threats to anyone.
lol, they got owned so hard after ww2.
Alt-right's wet dream
Will us proles and Best Korea set aside out differences and team up?
They actually just came right out and said it. Usually fascists beat around the bush and just talk about preserving their culture and race. Unbelievable.
Nah fam the author of the expose described them as that
with how spooked japan is, this is not really special. we're talking about a nation who's soldiers managed to not just commit acts many times more cruel and inhumane than any, including fascists, ever committed before in cold blood, but also wrote home to their families and nation talking about them in merry detail. there's an archive of those letters put online where you can see unit 731 operators happily describing the vivisections, forced contaminations and frostbite testing they did in the name of the almighty emperor of japan.
Oh I thought he was quoting them directly.
The nazis did the same thing. There were war photographers in the eastern front just to keep track of the german soldiers doing their patriotic duty by exterminating slavs and poles. Soldiers took pride in it.
fascism is one hell of a drug man.
japan's gonna end up going into civil war before fascism
the younger people as well as a lot of artists (and others) are all pretty anti capitalist whereas the older people as well as business people are all reactionary
the stormfront shills seem to be pretty lively on this article
I would like to punch this guy in the mouth.
every time
Wait, degeneracy is not worldfiltered.
I was sure it was.
The control that this group has is very concerning.
If they banned animu they'd take away the peoples greatest drug.
They'd have "The Great NEET Uprising".
imagine how pissed /a/ and Holla Forums would be if the japanese government starts shitting up and censoring their anime and cartoons
A group of biologically and culturally similar people inhabiting a certain area.
This tbh.
An expansionist Japan would need the US holding it's hand every step of the way. Not that the US would ever go along with the ingenious idea of poking the bear that is China. And there really isn't anywhere to expand in east asia without fucking around with what the more nationalist elements of the CCP already consider theirs.
Go ahead and piss in China's cheerios Japan, just don't expect to get any help from your 'firthy gaijin' allies when the anemic retirement home that you call a nation gets overran by the largest army in the world.
We need the JRA back.
Pick one.
I await the return of glorious military anime.
It's already coming back but goddamn this shit would be gold.
WWII wasn't ideological either, the Western world was falling in love with fascism until America got involved and Stalin didn't give two fucks what was happening in Germany until they invited themselves into his territory.
War is, and always will be, about power, plain and simple. To lose it in any way is unthinkable.
So, US is not a nation?
It's not "Biologically similar" and 'Muricans have no actualy culture.
So… Belgium is not a nation? Spain? GB?
The nation-state is a concept created after the french revolution in order for the leader of the state not to be "he who has been selected by god" but "he who was selected by the people".
So, the Greek Nation is a group of people that decided to "identify" as Greeks and anyone who does as well is part of the Greek Nation.
Now, Japan is shit, cause it was forced to become a nation by the US, and never "disspelled" the emperor. Thus, they cannot become a proper nation state. This complex is what creates the need for fascism there.
You want army propaganda?
You got GATE.
I want more.
inb4 Itano steps up his game and makes Angel Cop 2.
You'll get more. MUCH MORE!
Japan will keep using animu as a medium for propaganda.
The future is .. .. interesting..
Yes, but US IS a nation-state! The definition of a nation-state!
Thank you.
Not only anime, but vidya and visual novel as well. Militarism comes back in full force, as a military otaku, it's like coming back to heaven.
Sino-Nip war when?
Go ahead Nips I dare you to create a new empire.
Ye, Ok, I'd be backing you, if the propaganda animu of today weren't shit made to tell the average NEET "Join the army, and get a job, a qt gf and possibly goth lolis in another dimension!"
How about "Serve the emperor, love your family and expel the barbarians"?
Warhammer Fantasy, the animu?
I like skaven, though
Good taste
You can be a military otaku without being a fucking fascist. Where the fuck does this misunderstanding come from?
From people saying "HotD is a fascist animu".
When its about Ideology and everyone in it that doesn't see beyond their ideology, dies.
How do people say HOTD is fascist?
It is clearly created by right wingers, but fascism? It's just zombie/gun/survivalist porn
This is kind of the moral of every zombie story
The famous photo and video of a Japanese politician is actually more interesting when you realize its a Japanese fascist assassinating the head of the Japanese socialist party.
The left in japan wont do anything, the japanese arent going to start a civil war lol, half of them are neets.
The reason this fascist coup happened is because the people voted them in as the article says, why would they vote to have their rights taken away?
You would think its impossible.
But the people are the ones who voted these guys in so it isnt impossible they would vote for the measures to remillitraize and ban free speech.
The Japanese are an unsocialized people, they want fascism, they want glory, they want a return to greatness.
They want to worship the emperor again and say the japanese are superior to other races.
You just realized two nuke really weren't enough
Let them try, they'll get their asses kicked again.
Japan is a technology advanced country that could make a nuke in a couple of months, and they have the 4th best military behind america, china, and russia.
The only thing they lack is manpower.
Are you trying to (pol/inize the thread?
By telling the truth?
The Japanese government was taken over by a hard right wing secret society that stayed underground since the end of ww2 in order to slowly restore japan to its past glory.
They will repeal article 9, ban all religions except worship of the emperor,strangle free media, and participate in wars again.
I imagine they might follow the putin model of illiberal democracy
You just sounds kind of apoleptic to the idea.
must be me misreading your stuff. sorry
It's going to Be Western Countries and Russia/China/Iran.
China is not commie anymore. Nobody is commie anymore.
I'd still prefer Iran having control over the middle east than Wahhabis and Nejdcucks
Who knows. The true spirit of Iran's revolution may yet be realized.
BOO! Hahahahaha
Yeah, they spent years trying to forge an anti-fascist alliance because they totally didn't care
Did you seriously not get to the part where the Ultra Nationalist compound is the only safe place in a sea of roving dead and the feckless liberals ruin it
Did the writing and art of an artist and writer known for their complete lack of subtlety fly over your head
Except Japan was never great. For two thousand years it was a backwater full of barbarian pirates and it lost every war it fought with Korea. Then the tokugawa come to power and the military dictatorship shuts off the country until MURRICA shows them that they're 200 years behind the rest of the world.
Then they make an empire and the only people they take a shot at greatness that backfires so spectacularly that for the next 70 years they not only don't have a standing army but also remain the only people only the planet shitty enough to have nukes dropped on them.
Which isn't even to mention how everything "great" about Japan was ripped off wholesale from China, instilling thousands of years of inferiority in them which culminated in the most tremendous expression of asspain ever, the Sino-Japanese wars.
Woah! Children and woman are going to be enslaved because the constitution don't pay some lip service to it!
frankly i dont think we need the constitution paying lip service to anyone's rights
The military is inherently fascist due to the way it's organized as a hiearchiral order.
Yeah but their cartoons are fucking sick.
I knew SocDems were dumb, but goddamn
Volunteer battalions to Peoples Republic of China when?
Well, until the nips invent a war robot, they are as dangerous as a dragonfly then, I guess
I'll go, comrade. Also willing to fight for the glorious DPRK against US imperalism
Japanese civil war when?
while i agree the Iranians are infinitely preferable to the wahhabis, they are in way still revolutionary.
The most radical elements of the 1979 revolution were quashed by the fundamentalist faction right from the get to.
I bet they would still be MUH CULTURAL MARXISM even after seeing fascism killing all that GG was originally supposed to be.
Idiots will fight to be useful.
For example?
Good riddance.
Though I've heard it said that the emperor was just a meatpuppet to the generals of the imperial japanese army.
Their government, their religion, their writing system, their philosophy, their social structure, etc. As "great" as Japan ever got, to China it was still nothing more than a client kingdom of backwards pirates that the rest of the civilized world (i.e., China) wanted nothing at all to do with.
Was it the older population that voted these individuals in? Granted you can only take so much from "On the street" interviews, but in various documentaries I've seen that have involved interviewing 20 to 30 somethings in Japan on political issues their knowledge or maybe just interest seems sparse at best, so I can't see them frothing for a return to imperialist nationalism.
Ban happy moralists are christbaiters, especially neocons.
The Japanese (the proper rulers of Asia) are finally awakening from the kike grip destroying their country.
Yellow geNOcide will be overthrown by New Imperial Japan.
Can't believe these nazis are taking over Japan again.
We can't let women, children, elderly, mentally ill, gays, transsexuals and POC people die in extermination camps by that porky emperor.
As an American I can't blame them. I liked our initial relationship where we protected japbro while he wrote manga for us, but with our current politics and china erroding us financially I can't blame for the Japanese for acting to protect themselves from a growing china, because I don't think we can do it anymore, considering how many wallmarts are in the US
I doubt this will be about political ideology rather than racial and ethnic protectionism. Plus China has a long hatred for Japan, even more so than Britain. Wake me up when relations become hostile between India and China then I'll be concerned, but at the moment India is no where near military prepared compared to Russia and America, but then again do you really have to be prepared for nuclear war other than having lots of nukes?
I don't think it's fair to characterise people like this. It's more apathy from people who don't agree. I've met many Japanese people in Japan who do not agree at all with what's happening, but the feel I picked up was that they're apathetic toward it when it comes to taking action.
That said, the daughter of the host family I was staying with the last time I visited participated in the demonstration against the change to the law concerning Japan's military last summer.
I know the kanji system was thoroughly stolen from China and I guess by "philosophy" you mean Confucianism but what exactly does their monarchy and Shinto has to do with China? And what does that have to do with the Sino-Japanese wars? I don't see the connection.
Shinto is the indigenous Japanese religion, it's not from China. Buddhism, on the other hand, was transmitted to Japan via China and Korea, but it's not Buddhism that the nationalists want to be dominant in Japan.
yeah mang this is all China's fault u got it
this is why we need bunkers
The people, regardless of demographics, are mostly pacifists and have been protesting like crazy. If the government and the Fascist conspiracy actually pull this, the already-rising based JCP can only get stronger. They're already Japan's only serious opposition group in a sea of rightist clone parties and some discredited centrist foolery.
I have high hopes.
Like Eastern Roman Empire created it's own silk, so can we create ourown waifus.
Dude I'm trying.
Relax… they haven't gone there yet…
But you are a hero of the revolution for being ready for it!
friendly reminder that the japanese walt disney is a pacifist and anti imperialist
Japan's been swinging right for a while now, but I can't trust NatRev calling anything fascist with accuracy.
The Japanese are a very asocial people, and asocial behavior is heavily correlated with authoritarianism, hatred for other members of the community who you think have it "better off" etc. The strange thing is, that discounting Otaku neets or the old people who are both welfare leeches, the Japanese salary man even though he slaves away for 15 hours a day overtime, he is completely politically apathetic. While the grounds of Japanese leftist radicalism in the 80's which were the universities have been completely de-funded for the creation of technical schools by the state. You can even see it in their art or anime which is very bound in an extremely simplistic view of gender relations, emotions, love, adulthood etc.
The irony here being that Japan had the best Marxist economic and social theorists in the world until very recently like Okishio, Karatani, Kozo Uno and many others.
Pic related, Kojima at least understood the cancerous role US imperialism plays in Japan's post-war late capitalist ideology. A mindless consumerist digital media, with no political engagement or context. (essentially as what Frederic Jameson describes as post-modernism)
A little bit reductive: Jameson calls himself a post-modernist. Basically he's being a somewhat orthodox base-superstructure guy. Both positive and negative aspects of PoMo are related to capitalism, as is almost everything produced under capitalism.
never heard of any of those
probably only weebs care.
I at first had second thoughts about the article since it is on the national review but after seeing other sources it does seem to be a troubling matter.
Explain please. You can't just expect to insult anime without giving a propor explanation and getting away with it.
But western cartoons are even worse in this aspect.
western cartoons are a minuscle niche to fill airspace on tv not a million dollar industry like anime.
A million yen isn't that much
Yeah, those fascists better watch out for those social democrats or they'll really be in trouble
Image source?
Don't be a retard. Any group can arbitrarily declare themselves a "nation". Hell, channers could all meet up on a little island and declare themselves one. Your spooks sprinkled on top of the concept are ideological filters that you use so you don't have to face the pain of cold, hard reality.
death by hanging.
Death by hanging by Nagisa Oshima, great film maker. The Japanese new wave is a very interesting movement.