Would you fuck his boipucci?

Would you fuck his boipucci?

I would compress her pusser

Would you fuck her regular pussy?

But, yeah. Probably.

Muh dick

You are so boring.

anal sex should be illegal.

she looks like a man.



t. handholdless kissless mgtow

now this is what a man looks like


I bet all the other male actors have to take a 15 min fap break after the director yells cut if they share a scene with him.

His gf is a gold digger but shes hot as shit. That dude is so lucky to fug her tight pussy.

I bet she's great in the sack, I heard her ex got some mind-blowing head.

He's a born manlet, she'll be fucking dindus on the side in no time

t. degenerate jew

I would keep eye-contact with those baby-blues as his full lips work on my shaft and I bust all over his smooth, freckled face.

Sodomite spotted.

Nigger/Whigger spotted

Degenerate homosexual

Nope. I love women. Carl's a cute twink.

This is enough, reported.
You should get a good look of your face in a mirror and repent for your sins.

no im not a faggot

Then why would you fuck a boy?

Only if i can put it an oven afterwards.

But the Holocaust didn't happen.



Facts aren't edgy.

Prove it happened, then.

The burden of proof is on you, stormfaggot.