Richard D. Wolff Sponsorship

Honourable fellows, us on the old fedbook meme page have had an idea. As a lot of us know, Richard D. Wolff's monthly economic updates are the bomb. Recently, Democracy at Work (the main people behind the updates) have been taking sponsorships to fund a whole episode of Wolff's updates.

So, I was thinking it'd be a good idea to crowdfund on leftypol for a big donation of at least $500 (to be sponsored) to be sent in from our community.

We'd likely use Crowdrise for crowdfunding, as their rates are only 3%. After we hit the $500 minimum, I was thinking we could wait a week for any extra donations, then the money will be sent to Democracy at Work in a single transaction.

At the moment, on the donation page there isn't an option to donate as a group, only as an individual. Therefore I am going to shortly send an email off to [email protected]/* */ Here is the first draft:

"Hello, I'm inquiring on behalf of the online leftist discussion board Leftypol ( as to sponsoring an episode of Richard D. Wolff's monthly economic update. Many of us on the board are very big fans of the program, and would love to show our appreciation as a community.

If we were allowed to sponsor as a community, I would set up a crowdfunding page to get to at least $500. Any more than $500 will also be included in the donation. In the unlikely event that the crowdfunding does not meet $500, the collected money will be sent as a regular donation, instead of a sponsorship.

As I say, there is much appreciation for these economic updates amongst my friends on the board, and the chance to sponsor as a group of us would be much appreciated.

Look forward to hearing from you,

[my name]"

Also, along with funding the wolffster's brilliant updates, we also may have a chance to have Wolff say "This episode was brought to you by the kind folks at leftypol, that's l-e-f-t-y-p-o-l". This is, of course, is priceless.

Here is a link to the details of the sponsorship on [email protected]/* */'s site:

and here is where Richard D. Wolff talks about sponsorship in his latest update:

Other urls found in this thread:

Holy shit I wish I had capital to give to this. Brilliant.

oh that's such a great idea user, you're so intelligent and also sexually attractive

Trips confirms.

thank you very much unbiased commenter

any suggestions would be much appreciated. I'm just testing the waters at the moment to see if there would be support for this idea.

Thus would be amazing! I think I can scrap together 50 bucks

Nigger, does it look like I got 500 dollaroos?

Neither do I, that's the point. You donate a small amount to the leftypol crowdfund that we all contribute to. Then, once we reach $500 in crowdfunding, we can (hopefully) donate as a group instead of as an individual.

If you just have 1 it will still help

I'm about to send off that email as described in the original post. Any suggestions for anything to add or change?

Ok, I've sent it off. I'll come back if or when they respond, and I can tell y'all whether the plan's viable or not.

I don't know, but it sure looks like you didn't read OP's post.


For the proletariat's sake, at least fucking spell the board's name properly. It's Holla Forums.

I'm not your friend, buddy.

Sorry but I already donate all my buckaroos to charity

Looks like capitalism wins again :^)

I for one really like this idea, though I have some doubts about whether they would be willing to give us a shout out considering how NSFW it can be here. I will try to donate at least $10 regardless.


Will donate.

Make sure it's "Holla Forums that's forward slash el ee ef tee why pee oh el forward slash"

On the one hand this could be very profitable. On the other I dunno if we want to infect 8ch with too many normies.

Remember the importance of hazing newfags at least.

I doubt the kind of people who watch R D Wolff videos will be particularly cancerous.

Not a bad point, actually.

I'm not sure we'll reach the goal here, but hey it's worth a shot.

Definitely make sure to double down on maintaining board culture. An influx of people can destroy a smallish community. Don't be afraid to spoonfeed though. Whenever there's a considerable influx of people and they all have to figure out the site's culture on their own, that's how you get a bastardized version. Any individual is going to mimic what they see, and a significant portion of what they see will be other newfags imitating what they see.

I saw this shit happen several times on 4chan. The clearest example I saw was probably on Holla Forums around the time chanology fags all figured out that 4chan isn't just Holla Forums. Holla Forums had been a haven of vidya lovers with often harsh but pointed criticism for video games. When the newfags got there, they didn't realize that Holla Forums criticized games out of high standards and a desire to see better games. Their interpretation of what they saw turned into the "Holla Forums hates video games" meme. The equivalent here could wind up looking something like this:

God, I hope people would be able to pick up on the humor a bit more but I should really know better than that.

They pretty demonstrably don't. The other best example is the story of Holla Forums's origins.

To be fair, /new/ was an attempt at funneling away the stormfronters that had taken over /k/ after /n/ got deleted. The whole thing is a fucking ridiculous mess.

I forgot about that part. Thinking back, it seems like m00t never grasped the concept that you don't want to delete a containment board. IIRC he did it at least one other time, but I forget what board that was.

I can't help but think that a surge a newcomers who were already predisposed to leftism would be a very good thing, but we'd also need to put up a thread for them to read first so they can get into chan culture in general and ours in particular and have it stickied.

You're probably right that imageboard culture would be more the challenge, but remember too that Wolff puts marxian economics in terms that a layman can understand.

To be honest, imageboard culture isn't too hard to get into. It's just that people need to learn to adapt a different mindset.

If anons refuse to pay, we will make him say "de-classcucking memes for commie proles"
de ee cee el uh es es kay uh kay ee en g em ee em ee es ef ow ur cee ow em em ee pee ur ow el ee es

dont do it user

Ill donate if I can, anythings better than the cancer from the facebook page.

ok but can we make the name something funny like 'cuck'


Now I really want to tell him to read Zizek.

Imagine the memetic possibilities!

I hate how this guy speaks. All that tongue-spitting and over exaggerating syllables.


I hate you

I want to listen to Zizek but his speaking, I just can't do it.

How about you instead donate to something that teaches people about the economic injustice and failures of global capitalism. The more people Wolff teaches, the more people understand the main issues that are solved by charity are only solved by economic change.

Donate your pennies to whatever charity you want, but the only way you'll really contribute to a change is by funding the spread of knowledge.

wrong porky, wanted to use my special rudimentary porky

I would happily chip in for this.

chiggity checked

Link this thread to them, u fag

& provide a general description of chan culture

Also, OP, note that google filters us. Out, so mention duckduckgo as an alternative search engine

Not if you type in leftypol specifically, our kym page comes up first tho

I could part with $500 flat, but I'd rather see a lot of people chip in and spread the expense around.
OP, if you set this shit up, you'll get at least $50 from me.

Well, it all worked out in the end


I'm a prole, I'm just not poor as shit.

Still waiting for a reply from [email protected]/* */ atm, sent the email off about 24 hours ago.

Thanks for the update.

Did you send them a link so they could experience the cancer firsthand?

No worries, i'll continue to update if I get any information. If it turns out they're ok with it, I'll create the crowdfunding campaign and link it here or in a new thread.

I sent them a link to the board. If they ask for information, I'll probably tell them that we have a "somewhat eccentric community, which stems from very little rules and censorship" or something along that lines.

It's true, in it's own way. In the end, I don't think the actual content of the board in itself matters all that much. I don't think a direct link or anything is necessary. I'd be happy if Wolff just said "this is from the online community, Holla Forums" or something along those lines, but I don't know about you guys.

It would warm my heart to hear RDW mention us by name.


Guys, can we please talk about this? I said this in another thread…but I love Professor Wolff and he's a great spokesperson for socialist talking points.

However, his position on guns is fucking despicable.

If that pepe was two shades darker I think BLM would start to have a problem with you.

Right?! Holy shit, I was just telling someone about this the other day. The drive to physically protect yourself is false consciousness? Makes me mad.

How does he expect Capital to be taken down if the people are disarmed?

Shit man, I've been here on and off for the past year and I still hate all you muhfukas.


That image took way too long to load. Just sayin'.

Also young Zizek looks like Ramsay Bolton.

can you link me to some of his views on gun control? wanna see this for myself

His latest one, about 34 minutes in, he basically says that america is gun crazy and that it's gun manufacturers manipulating the public.

He's not wrong, though.

He has typical American liberal views on most social issues. But he's doing good work by educating people about socialism. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Did you listen to it?

I listened to it a couple of days ago. I don't think "ban all guns" is the correct way to deal with the problem (and I doubt Wolff does either), but he raises some valid points, imo.


He does, and nice trips. Just as long as it's not a mental disorder to want to own a gun in a world that's getting crazier and crazier.

And I just don't think you can ascribe guns in america as ONLY being a result of capitalism. Guns are tied to masculinity as fuck. So that's my thoughts, but otherwise he's RDW, I'm not going to have too many problems with him.

comes up for me

Still haven't had a reply to that message, yet. I might send them another one off tomorrow or something. I don't want to rush things with them, but I'd like to get the crowdfunding set up whilst the idea is still fresh in people's minds.

As I said in the other thread about Wolff:

He's a FilthyMarketeer and a reformist that transpires at the idea of revolution.
He is also a charlatan that preaches to a choir.
Look at how he hyped up Syriza and S█████ and how he just meekly shifts the talking points once their betrayal becomes apparent.
He even started justifying their betrayal as necessary compromises.

Richard "Filthy Marketeering Charlatan" D.Wolff

As I said in the other thread about Wolff:

Anyone who doesn't agree with me 100% is a traitor to the cause.

Jesus fucking Christ no wonder why the left can't do shit.


not mentioning constitutional monarchies, ftfy

There is literally nothing wrong with worker cooperatives operating in a market economy.

except the market

I'm OK with markets. But I'm not really an orthodox socialist, so if you think the labor theory of value is correct, I can see why you'd oppose it.

He doesn't, hes a charlatan who's found a choir to preach to.So he keeps his views as inoffensive to the people he preaches to as possible,
Currently those people are reformists, socdems and liberuls.Funny how he started hyping Sand-llary and Syriza and is currently cautiously backtracking now that their betrayal is evident.That's what populists do, they are not wrong,ever.

You don't need to think that the LToV is correct to see how markets are incompatible with egalitarian economics.

Marx's whole deal was doing away with production according to the law of value. If you're going to retain the law of value, markets are the only sensible option, because planning doesn't allow for accurate pricing.

Of course they are not!

Transactions are the result of free actors taking informed decisions for their mutual benefit!
Markets are the OPTIMAL way to aximize this obvious feature of human nature.

That's no longer true feudalism.

Selling consumer goods is one thing.

Engaging in unrestricted and unregulated capital (MoP, not finance) market is completely different thing.

Who the fuck wants money to be a thing?

Doing away with production dictated by the profit of capitalists.
I suspect this might not be Kosher arround these parts but here you go

Markets presuppose money.

I'm not talking about a market for equity, that would obviously be impossible under a system of worker cooperatives, because you can't buy or sell ownership of the product of others' labor–it's owned equally by everyone in the cooperative.

If you still have production according to the law of value, you still have to have money, even if your economy is centrally planned. That's why the USSR had both planning and money, for example.

Free trade of MoP. I really need to stop referring to it as "capital market".

THe USSR was market capitalism practiced by the state, not socialism. The state just became the employer.
Also they were fucked by the same reason Co-Ops are fucked.

You cannot compete with the fruits of exploitation, without exploitation.And when you have a vast mayority of your environment that antagonizes you, you be fucked mon.

What's the problem with a market for capital goods?

I'm not arguing otherwise. Though I'd say that what made it capitalistic was the lack of worker control (either directly through the workplace or indirectly via the government), not the presence of money.

You can't beat capitalism through planning, either. I'm not talking about cooperatives as a means of defeating capitalism, I'm advocating them as the next step to take after capitalism is dead.

Accumulation for one thing. Competition for another, which is just saying: totally irrational and wasteful way to organize the economy.

But accumulation is only possible if you continually extract surplus value from your employees, which can't happen in a cooperative.
If you're talking about accumulation by the cooperative as a whole–I mean, that's what businesses do. They build up until they reach a maximum size that the market prevents them from exceeding, due to diminishing returns.

That's utter nonsense.

Which is why Co-ops have to exploit themselves by funneling increasingly amounts of capital into the co-op and "freely" impose similar conditions to the capitalist-led enterprises, or be priced out of the….Surprise , Market!

If I have one vote at the company table like everyone else, how the fuck am I going to make an exorbitant profit off my coworkers' labor? Do you understand what a worker cooperative is?

Some coops will get richer, some coops will get poorer. Then rich coops will continue to get richer, while poor coops will continue to get poorer.

Is this simple enough?

Come on now.

Again, I'm not talking about cooperatives as a means of "competing with" capitalism.

gj, market

The only way you can have a situation like that is through monopolies, which any decent government will of course prevent through antitrust laws.
Markets reward companies that deliver quality at a low price. It's not even remotely similar to the system exploitation that capitalism allows through property rights.

How's a coop not property?

A co-op is property, but it's equally (and non-transferably) owned by every member.

Good news, comrades. I've had a response from [email protected]/* */ regarding donating as a group. It seems that, once the money is raised, it will be donated using the usual donating process. Then I will send off an email to the specified email address about leftypol being represented instead of that name.

Since this is essentially the green light, I think I'm going to set up that crowdfunding page today. I've been considering using Crowdrise, because it only has a 3% charge. However, it only allows you to be based in the US/Canada, and I'm from the UK. Any suggestions on crowdfunding sites to use?

Any other suggestions would be much appreciated.

This is the response, forgot to add image because I am retarded

Nice meme, fam, but Wolff only supports market socialism as a transitional state towards a planned system.

Well I feel all warm and fuzzy inside


I don't really think its a a good idea for him to namedrop leftypol. I mean, i'll donate, but this isn't a great place for newbie socialists or normies

Site is for Use in the United States and Canada. The site is hosted in the United States and is intended for users located in the United States and Canada. If you are user of site from outside of the U.S. and Canada, by visiting the site, using the services and/or providing CrowdRise with any User Generated Content specifically or Content generally, you agree to comply with all federal, state and provincial laws governing the site, the services, online conduct and acceptable Content and User Generated Content. You further agree to comply with all applicable laws regarding the transmission of data exported from the United States, Canada, or the country in which you reside.

2. b. If you are located in the United Kingdom, a third party who is not a party to the terms has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any provision of the terms, but this does not affect any right or remedy of such third party which exists or is available apart from that Act.

By the looks of it, I can use Crowdrise to crowdfund whilst being in the UK, as long as I comply with US laws and regulations. Should be able to use crowdrise, then, unless any of you can see a problem.

It's hardly as if we're requesting a direct link. "The online leftist discussion board Holla Forums" seems reasonable tbh.

I don't know. I mean what if they came during the numerous raids (like the one happening now) or saw one the cp links. I don't think this is a good place for anyone who isn't aware of "chan culture"

That'd be a fair assessment if they were directly endorsing the site. However, all they're doing is mentioning the name of a group of people who've sponsored. The content on the other end isn't really relevant, I don't think.

but it will inevitably get a bunch of people curious about us and they'll end up visiting here

Good. Perhaps they'll learn something. If they don't like the board culture, then that's a shame. But [email protected]/* */ is certainly not liable for their sensibilities being bothered by what they hunted for out of their own curiosity.

I do see where you're coming from, and if they were providing a direct link I'd sort of agree. However, if it's a simple name-drop, I don't think it's a problem to be honest.

This is great news, I'll drop a few bucks in once the crowdfunding link is up user.

About as likely as "This episode was brought to you by the kind folks at Pornhub, that's p-o-r-n-h-u-b."

this tbh. wolff will take one look at this board, see the front page consisting of race bait threads, cp, shitty memes, and other cancer, and turn 360 degrees and leave

Also his idea of "transition" means co-ops driving capitalists out of the market.
Which is as good an idea as charging a machinegun in flatlands.
But he speaks plainly enough that awkward gommies can point at him and go "See? HE makes sense!"

This is part of why normalfags can understand him. He tempers criticism of capitalism with "the free market will fix it" to avoid scaring them off with "REVOLUTION!!!!"

What the fuck is this bullshit Holla Forums?

The hyping of Syriza.
The hyping of Sand-llary
The hyping of Wolff

All of them were characters that didn't align very well with leftypol overall hate of reformism and socdems, yet out of fucking nowhere you get threads where apparently a large amount of posters cant get enough of their wank.

What the fuck is up with all these personality cultism going on recently? Are we getting shilled/raided?

read zizek fam

Yeah the Gentle-Slavers party is our best hope against the masters, by not explicitly antagonizing them and gradually,non-threatenly , politely requesting NOT our freedom but small things, we are sure to seize control of our lives!

All of you calling for the masters head are just going to get us all whipped!

lol. shut up larper. Revolution isn't happening in your lifetime

Yeah, your post is pretty much exactly how they think. Thank you for illustrating my point.


If you listened to his radio broadcasts, he's actually done interviews with people openly advocating revolution.

His avocation of worker co-ops is a way to help rebuild the workers' movement.

He's actually seemed more open to the idea of revolution lately.

but comrade thinking that you need a gun is insanity
thinking others would try to stop you from getting a gun is also insanity
and we can't let insane people have guns

RIGHT LADS! Good news, I've got the crowdfunding set up.

I was going to use crowdrise, however I'm UK-based so it wouldn't work properly. "Youcaring" seems better too, frankly. Also does shit through paypal, which is much easier.

New thread at:

If you niggas are still up for donating, here's the link:

It's done nigga…keep your shit together user :^)


Thanks, comr8. Will donate $50 when I get home today.

Done, just gave $50.

BO, pls sticky for more donations.

This needs to get stickied



Oh, it looks like there's a separate thread dedicated to just the donations.
So uh…sticky that instead, please.

Also, when you send them the sponsor name, make sure you spell it right: Holla Forums

Gave my $50.

I'm proud of all of you, really.

Damn, I just realized I should have given "Alunya" as my name on the donation. Oh well.

You've made me feel warm and fuzzy, user.

my nigga.

I'm glad we could convince you comrade.

we did it!

Do you guys realize how this is going to affect traffic to leftypol? We could actually surpass Holla Forums in users.

It probably won't.

I honestly wouldn't get your hopes up/down. We're most likely just going to get a short namedrop and thank you from Wolff. Hardly a direct link or anything, and I wouldn't expect them to.