Why are alt right comics so retarded ?

why are alt right comics so retarded ?

Other urls found in this thread:

people.virginia.edu/~ent3c/papers2/Articles for Online CV/Nisbett (2012) Group.pdf

Who cares about race.Every people has their day.

political comics are always garbage

Oh wow is red panels "alt" right

This pic does have some truth to it, though. Liberals don't think about what they believe very much or consider other possibilities. As such, this kind of revelation would probably make them uncomfortable; they likely wouldn't know how to refute it.

And retards like cuckpanels know this perfectly well. Race and IQ is only brought up for shock value. Being edgy and contrarian is the alt-right religion. They are no different from liberals in that they are too engrossed in their own egos.

This is why I like that user's idea to make a compilation of data proving racialism wrong. Bombarding these idiots with actual data by actual experts always leaves them baffled. The first try needs some work, though: debunkingstormfags.blogspot.com.au/

Because the ideology and the people who follow it are retarded.

this. Also nice satan trips

I've actually read said "evidence" on race. I can refute it with ease based on the massive body of science that contradicts it.

The alt-right pushes things like this because concocting apparent strawmen with a simplistic narrative is easier than taking a respectable position.

I agree with you here. If it were true, it would make everybody uncomfortable. I don't know whether its true and I don't even know what "race" is supposed to mean because I'm not a scientist. I don't care too much either, but the people who tend to promote it sound pretty stupid and either way, humans should be treated individually case by case.

But the alt right doesnt actually care about science, any evidence that febunks their claims is brushed off as jewish funded nonsense

Also this, but they will happily claim that science supports them when they can misconstrue it to appear so with cherry picked "evidence".

RedPanels beg for edits


Damn… Makes you think…

Science is the logical Jew.

Anyone Remember that Holla Forumsak that came here arguing about muh scientific racism and got BTFO once he posted the actual paper?

More info? The situation you describe happens on a regular basis.

Then you learn that CFCs are a really cheap way to build cooling systems and that by banning them globaly we fucked over a lot of poor countries who typically are on the hottest parts of this planet and thus a cheap cooling system would help them a lot.

Fishy to say the least.

It's funny because it's true.

The "dude weed lmao" vote…

Ozone layer and climate change are two distinct phenomenons.

Here is a bit of data about ozone layer, that specific problem seems to be slowly resolving, but the general warming up is another business.

I know they are separate problems I was just saying that some of the environmental bullshit is made up by porky.

race isnt really a determinant, though. the genetics of intelligence are still uncertain. race is just a convenient way of judging someone's heritage, but it's far more complex than on the surface. black people aren't just carbon copies of other black people, and someone deemed 'black' very likely has non-black dna in their lineage. yes, they're going to generally have more in common with other black people than white people, but they can still have genes unique from most within their race. so there are average differences, but there are still brilliant blacks and moronic jews.

regardless, the difference between denying average racial iq differences and denying climate science is pretty major. one might comfort people with no major consequences, the other could destroy the planet.

Climate Change isn't made up. "Porky" literally spent millions of dollars trying to refute it for years until it was realized that fixing it was in their best interest to. The Porkiest party in the U.S. (the GOP) still denies it.

Trump buzzword detected. The door's that way

This one is actually pretty funny.

salty little cuck aint ya

Race is pretty much a myth, genetically speaking.

Probably because they're all Jews and faggots


The alt right needs to purge its cum worshipers


it's ok. milo said he dislikes the fact that he's gay. if the 'alt-right' is going to win they need to appeal to minorities but ensure they're self-loathing to stay consistent with the platform

there are way too many of those in the movement anyways

that's a good thing. they recognize their superiors.

Really surprising to see how the pollyps turned on Ramzpaul.

I mean, he is literally the meme embodiment of Holla Forums old days.

Shows alot about the stormfags taking over, I guess.

he's oven material, fam

while these people are funny to laugh at we should always take them seriously, we're one 9/11/LA Riots away from them becoming a serious threat

why did they turn on him?

Because the newfaggots really believed the stormfaggots. For example


How does it feel knowing my children will be less susceptible to genetic disease than yours (if you ever reproduce lol), because that's how biology works?

He's a cuck who just says edgy stuff about feminism.



This board doesn't include hyper-specific political identities as flags, does it?

I highly doubt you've ever heard of outbreeding depression. Enjoy the mental health bills associated with having mixed-race kids.

Well, I'm planning on a society free of racial distinction so the identity formation bullshit won't be a problem.

As for innate distinctions, utter bullshit. There isn't enough genetic diversity for human groups to vary significantly enough for outbreeding depression (because race isn't real lol), whereas there certainly is enough for inbreeding depression. Pretty basic math there.

In any case, my kids are going to be gorgeous bronze-skinned ubermenschen, whereas yours are going to be one-eyed, schizoid, translucent horrors of nature. So we'll see.

genetic diversity is healthy, you dunce. the study you're referring to showed that mixed-race kids struggle with mental illness slightly more because they're victims of racism/alienation more. but miscegenation is on the rise while racism is dying. racial barriers are rapidly dissipating. just look how far we've come in the past half century alone. our president is mixed-race now.

anyway, enjoy the low iq associated with being a stormfag.

Yep, that sure is a place that will exist.

I see no math in your post.

And the ethno-masochism comes out. You're probably just a irrelevant shiter because nobody of your race would have you.

Spoken like somebody whose entire knowledge of genetics comes from pop culture memes. A more accurate statement would be

Guess which of these situations we're facing.

That's never proven in the study, it's just assumed by the researchers because the genetic conclusion is heresy.

Actually, it's still relatively rare.

Lel, clearly all your experience with "racism" comes from western media. The rest of the world is insanely racist. Most ethnic and racial groups pursue their own interests at the expense of others.

And what a terrific human being he is!

I see no math here.

Because you're dumb. Not going to explain it to you.

so much projection I can't deal

Nah, I'm pretty hot. My white ex was pretty boring, didn't really get me (e.g. wasn't a leftist). I like my brown sugar.

Oh! I forgot!

lol, actually, I'm in something called "love". Also, I have a lot of sex. Faced with the option between that and… whatever you've got, I don't give a shit about my "heritage"; I can read the Tain Bo Cuailnge whenever I want.

that video was pretty funny man

have some kneesocks

Wow, that's a pretty cool thing to say over the internet.

Annnd we're right back to the cummies.

so the reasonable explanation is that mixing the genes for high and low melanin density causes mental illness?

hate to break it to you, but genetic diversity being a good thing is some pretty elementary stuff.


just a study that links loq iq to racial prejudice.
of course, im just generalizing (like you do about other races).

If you can't see the basic math in "there's not much genetic diversity between "races" = less outbreeding depression / there's a lot of genetic similarity within ethnicities = more inbreeding depression" then yes, you are dumb. And now I feel bad explaining it to you.

Yes, I prefer to have sex with someone I love than… whatever your Alt-Right overcompensating bullshit is about. Sorry!

of course it's still rare, but that doesnt change the fact that it's on the rise.

the west is what's relevant. isnt that what you're fighting for? notice america is rapidly becoming more and more diverse. soon whitey will be the minority!

That study, if I recall, included more than just white hybrids.

Nope. Like I said, sometimes it contribute to fitness of offspring, but it can also take away from it.


Can you link to the actual study itself? I am just seeing a Daily Mail article. One problem I already foresee in the review's methodology is their insistence on height as a factor-height is strongly correlated with childhood nutrition. It could be that people from shitty poor places moved to Britain, then had kids, who were then well-fed and therefore became much taller than their parents.

I'll hold off on making too many assumptions, though, until I see the actual paper.

A study with shit methodology:

Still no numbers.

Virtually everybody says they approve, because nobody wants to be racist.

I thought that diversity was for everyone, not just white countries :^)

Yep, and that's why its time for an ethnostate.

Cucked by biology. Better start miscegenating so your kids (if you even manage to have any lol) are better off than you.

Pre-algebra might seem hard now, but just you wait…

Nah, ""white"" countries are just what's going extinct first. Thanks in small part to me, lol.

This is why Holla Forums is hilarious, if anything the "master race" would have the best traits of each race. But no, they're so wrapped up in this idea, so determined that different races have vastly different average numbers of neurons (which they don't even realize they're implying), that it's all they care about. Phuggin cumskins :DDd

We are going to irrelevant shit with the machines anyway.

They don't know race is not genetic only haplotype is and they don't understand correlation is not causation.

They just suck with humour because they themselves are jokes.

Can someone in this thread explain why evolution can't be slower or stagnate in certain locations? No, I don't care about humans specifically, just about the animal kingdom as a whole.


Well, "evolution" isn't a linear progression. To say that "evolution stagnates" in a particular case just means that the species doesn't develop any adaptions because their environment hasn't changed, or because their features happen to be fine for the environment.

The difference in humans is that human adaptation is slowed significantly by tool use and culture, meaning biological adaptations aren't as important.



Which you base on what? Global IQs have been rapidly rising for a century. There is not only a lack of evidence of dysgenics, there is strong evidence against the notion. Hereditary illness is also not uncommon among what you likely assume to be superior peoples.

You're basing your views off of gut feelings because you're a massive pussy.

At last i truly see

what did he mean by this ?



That like most alt-right faggots he knows jack shit about anything

Who's Denton?


that happens like every day fam

tfw you get punched so hard your eye turns into an ass

The guy who owns Gawker. That's why Hulk Hogan and his lawyer are in the first panel.

I was gonna say how we shouldn't pay mind to a circlejerk, but I think this could be an opportunity to relish. The reasoning in these comics is so poor that it's hard not to make fun of them.

We should make a "bluepanels" or something and poke fun at them


Or just call the edits red panels, because communism. Do what Holla Forums did with Ben Garrsion.


ughhhhh. Will the race=intelligence meme ever die? I feel like we refute it everyday

I can make the edits if you guys want to write them.

get out

what? why? ughh is just a common expression for disgusted frustration. You get out.

outbreeding depression isnt even observed in humans.


go fuck your cousin and make beautiful white babies that die before age 5.

Ok… I can make edits too. The one thing I don't know is what font the guy uses.

Nah, you gotta reply to him with emoticons to trigger him further. Like this.
( ° ʖ °) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Fucking Americans not knowing shit.

How much of a classcuck can this guy be?


oh sorry.
Am I meming now boys?

For you should put "un-peer reviewed" on the end of the book and give the guy a "seriously?" expression. Then put debunkingstormfags link in the border


hehe memes xD

I think you meant "non" but if "un" is the correct term I'll change it



Man, can't he decide if he is he a notsoc or is he a lolbert?

can you please stop using such a excellent word?

He's that horrible abomination resulting from the fusion of both. It is actually a thing sadly, and unbelievably incosistent, as is to be expected.

t. not him

Tbh fah i don't think he or most Nazis actually want to wipe out all P. O. C.'s.

implying the guys incharge wouldn't just cut other
things to continue bombings


Although besides the damke meme's he just seems like a generic cuckservative.


Unless they're a walking stereotype I can't honestly tell the difference between jews and white people 99% of the time.

The Jewish ethnicity is nonsensical and basically white. Judaism defines Jews according to their mother being Jewish. This was in contrast to patriarchal lineages and a way of saying "haha you lose, now you're jewish" if they got conquered and their women impregnated by foreigners (their religion is full of "heads I win tails you lose" that kid tier logic). Because the Jewish population spread out and comingled with other ethnicities, they are basically nonexistent in terms of defined racial lines.

I'm sure something better can come out of this. Any ideas?


I look very Jewish to the point where people will tell me I look Jewish. I am 1/4 Mizrahi which adds to my Semetic look though.

Slightly modified

I don't get the original. I can only get a very generic message from it.

That's not the original. The original involved "communism flakes" and "basic incomes crunch". I removed thoses parts to ease potential edits.

Oh okay sorry. Now I see. Thank you


Because, you know they're basically the same thing right?

I'd really like yo get this editing altright comics ball going. should we make another dedicated thread or stay here?

Just post here, we can always gather what was already done and repost in the OP of a new thread when this one will 404.

as a science guy I can tell you "peer review" is basically bullshit.

Won't start spoutng the shit I have seen publicated but it's enough to have me and several other colleagues wondering if science as we imagined actually exists.

I heard you get funds according to the number of publication you get and the number of time it's cited in other works. The quality being really accessory. Is it true?

Why not just pseudoscience?


Would you care to offer something to use for that meme that would be better.

So, do some alt-rightists actually know climate change is real?

I think they know it, but it's verboten to say because it's a librul thing to say.

dismissing legitimate claims is a long fought tenant of the right

I think you're allowed to acknowledge it if you identify as an "eco-fascist" or something, which in turn means that you're probably as close as you can get to Evola and Iron Pill without actually being volkish.

even if alt-right people realize climate change is real they still think the left exaggerates it as a part of muh jewish conspiracy

Thanks for teeing it up for me user

whoops forgot the bug

Question when your worker revolution happens and you get communes or what not, will I have to be working with a nigger with an IQ of 80-90?

They said an upcoming ice age would freeze the browns out of europe and were praising "ice age chan".

Yes, but apparently so will the rest of your coworkers.

Because the alt-right is retarded. Their entire MO operates off of simplistic appeals to emotion and logic.

Saying shit like "Deport all Muslims because I don't want ISIS to slaughter my family" almost sounds reasonable until you apply any shred of analysis to it.


fixed and answered this for you

Especially considering all the characters in these comics have big noses

I do computational science and seen papers (and even a PhD!!!) with false positives, a complete lack of rigour when comparing results from the new method being tested vs the established one, claims backed by papers that do not mention said claim,
and even one of the big names answering an e-mail saying "lol we didn't know what we were doing back then".
Oh and one of my bosses, when was tasked with a review literally gave an OK without reading the paper.

Not saying that everyone is like that. But there's a good amount of bullshit in the scientific world, enough for me to not consider "peer reviewal" or "published in a certain high-impact journal" not too seriously.

what's the name of the font

The closest font i have to the original is Segoe script.

Rational leftists turn into creationists when discussing race differences. Some even turn into creationists when discussing sex differences.

Climate change is perfectly natural. I would worry if the climate became entirely stagnant and unchanging because that would not be normal.

Some porkies push man made climate change while others deny it.

Meanwhile the liberals create blacklists of S.P.O.Cs. Shady person of color, if they don't buy into their idpol.

So are you acknowledging that there are real racial differences that actually matter?

No one assumes Muslim Arabs to be superior in any way.

Someone has to be literally retarded to make that comparison

all me


Jesus do they not know any basic biology?

Even if it is correlated with genetics (and it is to some extend) the arbitrary classification of "race" does not cause it.


Fuck off back to a gas chamber, Kike

You win the gold medal in mental gymnastics, Chaim

Quick review
(Pretty shitty cultures tbh)

As the autor said himself,
But he don't explore them
So not an argument







why ?

The fat fuck that draws AYM cartoons is so deep in ideology that he can't even be consistently insulting. He's incapable of thinking outside of silly Disney caricatures.


We're not, the point we're trying to make is that "ooga booga lmao" is a nonsensical stereotype, one that was largely manufactured to justify colonialism and the Scramble. Holla Forums wants to convince us that blacks are so impossibly backwards that they cannot be part of any society, even their own.

Why would a muslim have this opinion…?

because he's an edgy kiddo looking for attention

I can understand where he is coming from, Islam (the wahabit variant at least) does not exactly favorise emancipation.

I agree with him but it contradicts his flag.

I can get how a Burger doesn't understand how the EU flag works, but how the fuck does he not know that the 2nd Amendment is federal law, making all states "2nd Amendment states".

Jesus Christ.

(ideology intensifies)

holy fuck this is stupid

I wouldn't mind this as much if only it was funny.
At least you can laugh at Ben Garrison's stupidity this is just


Shieeet, das rite Mr. Goldberstein. I sho is glad you's be defendin us muthafuggin black folk on dis rayciss ass website, nowhaimsayin?


getting sick of copy pasting this

Let me ask you this, leftycucks. For about 50 years now, niggers have been getting free welfare, jobs that they can't get fired from, free university education, and much, much better treatment than other races. They get money, black only scholarships, go to special schools to assist them, and have been given everything by compassionate whites. Yet, they still are poor, stupid, resentful, tribal people. They have no government in Africa, and no sense of time, duty, or honour. They were given step-by-step instructions on how to run a civilization, and they still let many of the African countries really, city-states collapse, because they are too stupid to figure anything out.

Why has Africa never done anything? And, you're list of "le nigger inventors" is a list comprised of people who used WHITE education, WHITE systems, WHITE government, and WHITE culture to do those respective things. Not to mention, they were most likely at the rare, far-end of the bell curve anyway.

Please, tell me why niggers get "Black Studies" degrees, and nto physics degrees? Why they have been given everything, but still blame "da whhat man shieeet."

These numbers were barely even accurate in 1980, let alone 1990. Now most of the distribution overlaps near the center.

It's the whole spectrum of bullshit that we've heard a million times!





people.virginia.edu/~ent3c/papers2/Articles for Online CV/Nisbett (2012) Group.pdf

Your two years of college education in basic physics does not give you any more weight to your credibility with genetics than it would give to underwater basket weaving.

That's part of the joke.



top kek

Nice Freudian slip, but no, that's not how it works.

Please, I won't comment. What is it exactly that you faggots actually believe? Do you really think all races are equal, and we can all live in harmony, after we kill the rich? Is that what you guys honestly believe?

thats what I believe

We do not care about race, but have little choice but to provide counter-evidence because barely anyone will shut up about it.

Alright, fair enough. I will go back to where you guys know I'm from. You had my word that I wouldn't comment.

Race is a spook created to divide the poor. It's a scapegoat used to distract people from the problems in the system. Change the system and race won't be so big a problem.

Not that I'm saying that it'll remove all the problems, but it helps

We hold the extraordinary belief that no race or sex is a vaccine for retardation and assholishness, nor a magic ticket to be an awesome genius.
Is judging according to one's character rather than to one's birth an impossible concept to grasp?




Thing is they're so deep in ideology that to them this is like asking "How do you know there aren't any dogs that can talk and drive cars?"

They know we don't care about nitpicked statistical averages so they try to push the argument further and contend that blacks are so inhuman that their existence is a plight on civilization.

Ctrl-fagging will defeat the left mark my words