Let's get the polls that need to be persuaded posted on here lads, this is the big one.

Other urls found in this thread:
twitter. presidential debate poll&ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^search{ "tweet_id" : "788928678679891972", "choice" : 2 }&ref_src=twsrc^tfw




Such a nasty woman.


Look's like she got her lectern light back.

Clinton winning both. I guess CTR was ready, get on it boys!

He did better than Clinton, though this was lower energy then the second debate.

+ Better on rhetoric and talking points overall, countered Hillary's attacks better, mention the first O'Keefe video

- Less sensational soundbytes to bring up that hype, and missed an opportunity to mention the second O'Keefe video when talking about rigged polls and elections



I think Trump played it cool and only went for a few shots. The fact is most of the work is being done behind the scenes by people like you and me (and even the cucks on /r/the_donald) in spreading the bombshell shit.

I except we haven't seen the worst of the leaks yet. Something will come out that is undenyable right before the election. I don't think Trump would have played it this casually otherwise. Assange or O'Keefe must have contacted him about this sort of thing.

That mediator attacking both sides equally

Nice dodges hilldog, you may fool the time and waste the two minutes, too bad you can't fool the voters

that's from the first debate….

I'm gonna need a source on that image op.

Trump was weaker than the last debate, but better than the first. He missed a lot of opportunity to hammer home the wikileaks information. Disappointed.

for those who missed it,

Who do you guys think won the debate?

Trump did great, but, I wonder why he didn't bring up Okeefe videos for people to watch. That and Clinton Cash, he missed too many angles of attack. He did great, I think it was his (((advisers))) telling him not to go into the good stuff, when he was showing his powerlevel the good stuff came out.





pretty good, all Hillary did was attack his character while he attacked her past and plans.

She was very nervous as well, might not notice consciously but the unconscious sees what it needs

he brought up both, liar

heil hitler tbh

Are those the only polls? Post all the polls in this thread. You know what to do, this helps drive the media narrative next couple of days. We need the kiked polls NBC , CNN, ABC, (((media))) which they will use for their attack pieces. Let's take them out.

disappointed in this one. Not defeatist or negative; I just expected to watch the Emperor eviscerate clnton on live tv.

I missed the debate. If Trump was holding back on all the critical damning evidence against Hillary what was the direction of this debate? Was it all typical sanitized shit youd expect in any other debate?

He did, but he didn't name project Veritas specifically, just said "the clips" about Obama and Clinton agitating his events.

He should have named it outright. Normalfags wont find it.

Anyone who didn't notice she was nervous has never seen a nervous person before.

They have already rigged this one.

They came across as more of a sidenote instead of a main point of contention.

Seems legit. Looks like they are scared because the real polls didn't go so well for them.

Terribly rigged.

One thing that he really could have pressed her more on is the Saudi Arabia donations to Clinton foundation and the hypocrisy of it. She let her wiggle out of it. A mistake, really could've red pilled a lot of people if he pressed her on it again.

He didn't mention them by name, only that they exist. Not enough to have people look into them. Maybe I am wrong, I would of liked for him to say Veritas videos, or Okeefe. I guess he has too much info to remember instead of remembering a video's name.

The salt mines are open


Get on this one

These people are retarded.

Trump respects women that actually act like ladies and not old traitorous hags

It was great, don't listen to the influx of (1) shills, they've shown up after every damn debate so far.



Hillary violated national security laws when she told EVERYONE that it takes ==4 minutes to launch nukes==




That's why women shouldn't vote. Appearence and Ad Hominem is more important than actual political argumentation.

spread these around, I can't post on every thread due to spam blocking. CTR was already up on some of them by 7k before it was over



I didn't see the whole debate, is it true that Trump mentioned Soros? He also said something that apparently made Hillary scared as fuck, but the other thread hit the bump lock and I can't find my post now.

Overall, this debate was good, but it was only good when he was given the silver platter of wikileaks. Anything feel maybe he was being silenced?


That nasty woman comment was gold, absolute gold. The memes are reaching critical mass.

Yeah at one point, he was ripping her apart and it looked like she almost went into a seizure.

So no happenings in next 3 weeks? Any chance for wikileaks stuff to reach the masses?

what's wrong with "such a nasty woman"?

He did, and saudi arabia, and the emails and wikileaks and the o'keiff video. Briefly.

He mentioned Buffett, Soros, and her causing violence at the rallies

Well, looks like the shill took over the board. Probably to push another "internet turns on trump" story. See you all in the morning.

oops, my bad

He mentioned Soros in this debate and the last one.

Interestingly enough it actually takes less time for one to hit DC from the Atlantic. Hmmmm. Спасибо Comrade Clinton. 谢谢

Yes, mentioned him in the last one as well.

Women as a collective are incapable of doing any wrong

Every poll I have gone on she's in the lead by alot. We need to get in these polls and stop ctr

Already see a bunch of news articles revealing that…

He mentioned Soros, and he also mentioned her campaign hiring people to disrupt their rallies, and she didn't even deny it, just deflected. /
need more anons on this few thousand vote difference /
need more votes around 8 thousand /
this one is just starting and trump leads, doesn't hurt to go at it though

Post the polls then nigger, shes always ahead in the beginning, then people start actually voting in them.


I feel disappointed. He did well, but not as well as in the second debate. He should've gone for the throat and bring up all the pay dirt from the Podesta e-mails and the Project Veritas. At the very least, he could've brought up who she casually spoke about sending a drone after Assange.

Mind you, I still have confidence he'll take this election by storm. It's inevitable at this point.

Yes he briefly scuffed over it. This stuff is world breaking shit, it shouldn't be passed over. I really feel like he was silenced by the forum, even more than the regular channels

Don't start acting like a fucking baby just because some people try and think instead of going "MUH TRUMP CAN NEVER MAKE MISTAKES 924389D CHESS XD". He won the debate but he could've done much better.


I think he missed an opportunity when she started with the Trump is the most dangerous stuff.
He could have said something like 'for you foreign interests'.
I'm also disappointed he didn't mention term limits.


They are not laughing anymore.

twitter .com/washingtonweek/status/788935612191559680
twitter. com/NewsHour/status/788935099500859392

It's from Welcome to the NHK

The last slash isn't needed you nigger.

CTR is on the case!

Something is afoot on the polls… it is taking forever for the votes to be counted and Trump is even losing on Brietbart… (((HMMMMMM)))


All this salt
Mike we already know you're transitioning

How did 8ch miss when he was asked if he would respect the democratic process if he wasn't elected?

"I'll keep you in suspence."

CTR isn't paid to watch debates. They were voting while the debates were ongoing.

re: Mike moore, pic related


I honestly can't say trump won. He should have hammered in on the Wikileaks information and Project Veritas and how corrupt Hillary is. If he really went after how corrupt and despicable Hillary is then there shouldn't even be a question as to who is going to be elected. I'm just so disappointed he didn't hammer that point home as hard as he should have.

Thanks for Controlling the Rectum

It would have been nice to see more of that, but hey, he's still got 20 days to hammer that shit right out o' the park.

That's a good thing you dumb nigger.

I think he does that on purpose because he's trying to reframe himself to the undecided voters.

That level of cuckoldery only leftists are able of

There has never been a confirmation of this number by any member of the US Govt.

All speculation.



ya,ya I see it
he is winning but an edge won't hurt presidential debate poll&ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^search

twitter polls{ "tweet_id" : "788928678679891972", "choice" : 2 }&ref_src=twsrc^tfw
another twitter poll

he is winning on twitter, they can't rig personal ones…yet.


I'm pretty sure that was the most epic moment of the debate faggot.

He basically lined out that there might be blood.

That'll be a lot of rectums getting corrected.

Yeah it is intentional, but, was it the right move. Which demographic is he targeting in the debates? People like us are already die hard supporters. I am thinking he is going after niggers, spics and women. I don't know his demographics well though.

Straight out of Texas Democrats, primed for use on Facebook. Damn, they're quick.

does anyone have the pictures of the autistic and retarded fact checking from the second debate???


Of course just the way it was worded was a little to black pill


well nasty women are just that, nasty, and won't get any respect no matter how much they bitch


Looks like they are trying to steal another one of his ideas so, paint themselves as "deplorables" - another forced meme from the Clinton campaign that wont catch on, they don't have Kek on their side.

How fucking autistic are you to make suck an irrelevant connection with out making that clear?

who even listens to this faggot
seems all of the ones that trump is losing in are by

That guy has good english

I'll have to agree with that completely. But I'll also add I don't think Trump had much chance of maneuvering. Imo he either attacked Hillary or tried to explain his policies and I think this time he went for the second option.

They think women are useful for anything other than their uterus?

Fucking morons.

Repeat after me: You. Are. Replaceable.

I wasn't aware that social security was a human right. I think that's why it's called an "entitlement" and not a "right". You work your whole life, you pay your taxes, and are entitled to it back when you retire; but it ain't a "human right".

For them. Clinton lost her composer at that one.

He implies in front of all america what he mentioned a long time ago in a rally..what last year? That maybe those second amendment folks can correct the record.

He straight called it all out and put it on the table. Toes in with his palm Beach speech.

This is it. The last chance.

They have multiple digital firms on standby that get paid a small fortune, to make that shitty graphic. Not even a meme.

This was possibly one of the biggest moments he could have pushed it and have gotten that out there. Both Hillary supporters and undecideds were listening. Hammering in how corrupt she is could have swayed them there. Hillary supporters and undecideds are likely not going to go out of their way to be told how corrupt she is. This moment, where all sides are watching it, could have been the best moment to hammer that point home.

Anymore besides that one? I knew there were some real stupid ones.

First was Don Jr. and now is Rudy.
65K watching

Get fucked cunt.


She ranted and complained like a shrill cunt the entire time.

Every white man in this country will go and vote for Trump just because of that.

I apologize for not being clear, too busy voting for the future President

Non-burger, what's the "FINAL FEC deadline"?

Because ALL women now get special privilage, and accusing Clinton rightly of being nasty is now sexist when Shillary says the same shit to Donald.

You don't tone down to please undecided fags, you DROP BOMBS like mentioning clear evidence of rigging elections in front of her to turn them to you.

But Trump didn't.

Undecided fags ALWAYS massively end-up voting for the status-quo.
I let you figure out which side it is this time.

Yeah he could have done worse but I was hoping for more

they already are. he needs minority votes, which he must have gained ground with by hammering in that democrats only shill to minorities, only to peace out once they get the votes.

Trump has literally raped another woman.

FEC is Federal Election Commission

yeah imagine if the democrats were doing that the whole time

I get that, but what's the deadline for?

Not that gore would've been good.

I think it's for campaign donations

so you can't donate after

I think it's to post how much you got in donations for your campaign, still looking though so I'm not 100% sure on that.

Of course you do Snowflake










I'm assuming that means you can only accept donations for so long under the rules. I'm not a burger either so I'm just going by what I can find.

Mediaite and are showing almost the exact same ratio of Hillary to Trump votes as they did in the last debate.

This means that they likely have some kind of code in effect that automatically skews the vote in favor of Hillary, regardless of how the people vote.

For example, if their code added 1.25 votes for Hillary whenever somebody voted for Trump and 0.8 votes for Trump whenever somebody voted for Hillary they could maintain a similar ratio of votes in favor of Hillary no matter how people voted.

Fuck ton off polls here

It is, the elite have been handing the baton to eachother for years now. Only now that a well deserved ruckus is made do they freak out and think that it is the end of their reign I fucking want it to he, it certainly needs to happen

Cheating comes naturally to marxists/commies and "leftists", that's why they assume we'd cheat and rig polls too. Then when we don't they come here, shitpost pretending to be us, claiming we rig polls.

They just don't get it. They just don't know who or what we are.

There were fun edits. I didn't save any real one.

To be honest I was confused when they mentioned the such a nasty woman thing, I didn't hear that at all.

His bringing up wikileaks. Beautiful. She was stronger on foreign policy sound bytes and sounding experienced, but I think that his quips about iran and iraq and how we were creating a better position for them and being outplayed was a point for him.

I roll my eyes whenever they play russia for hacks, like seriously? everyone doing anything wrong-ish uses a fucking russian proxy, it's common sense at this point, so he's right when he says the country has no fucking clue who's doing the hacking, and wikileaks, I believe, has said that russia was not their source. So why the hell does that horse have to be beaten over and over.

His bringing up the emails was untimely though, and did come off as a deflection I think.

Hillary's stupidity in saying that her plan wouldnt' raise the debt, when the question included that economists have said that she will, was fucking retarded and I hope that viewers realized that and didn't get pulled into her oratory snafu.

Not as many one lines as the second debate, but still a few zingers that made me laugh and smile.

Yeah, there are various deadlines when it comes to campaign fundraising. I don't understand much of it myself, but from what I can tell it's monthly.

i think the highlight of the debate was when Trump was talking about syria and concluded with "great job secretary clinton" - really pressed home how poorly the Obama administration handled the whole crisis

I'm surprised they've recuperated from the absolute shitter shoah they experienced in the Wendy "Abortion Barbie" Davis campaign.

Bunch of pussies that need safe spaces.
Send them to the middle east. They only bring our country down

I didn't like his response to Clinton calling him a puppet for the Russians. He lost his cool and did a "NO U" thing. He should have just smiled and said nothing because it was a completely irrelevant and retarded comment on her part.


I think I have been reading too many wikileak Podesta emails. This whole debate reminded me that shillary has said nothing new and that all her positions were written months beforehand, by other people, and all she has heen doing is repeating them over and over.

Someone needs to tell that ghostomatic faggot about the lawsuit the democrats filed back in 2000 over the results of that election.

crap forgot the pic

Don't forget to vote, goys! :^)

Heat Street is also where that fuckin' jewess Mensch writes her kikey articles.

Something stinks

That's part of the problem when it comes to normies. Repetition is the key to driving home your point. It's done in the military all the time.

You tell them what to do, then you tell them what they're doing, then you tell them what they've just done. Lather, rinse, repeat as necessary until it's muscle memory.

They've learned from the last debates & bought more shills this time.

What was Meatflap Moore's point regarding Chicago? Should point out how much he doesn't care about #muhblacklives

The poll won't load to me in the first place.

yep. can you imagine listening to this fucking cunt for at least 4 years?

Then we would have a million headlines like Trump's silence speaks volumes about his connection to russia
Trump pleads the fifth on russia connection
and etc.
I don't know how best he could have handled it, but I know that his views on russia echo mine (let's get along and fuck over isis) and I'd hope that the common voter would realize that working together with another super power will end all these crisis's faster

Did anyone else think that Hillary's closing speech sounded like she knew it was coming?

Yes, either Wallace or someone working close to him fed her the questions ahead of time

Anyone else notice Hillary mention nuclear response time? I would have thought that'd be classified.


I think this debate was okay,
to analyze it Roman style this is how it went

Logos: (logic) trump was winner here with superior economic policy and foreign policy. Clinton had almost no substance here since she actively works against (white) Americans' intrests.

ethos: (ethics) hehehe, Considering all the shit with hillary's emails alone this one goes to Trump easily. I Wish he had pushed the latest o'keefe videos since they expose INSTITUTIONALIZED VOTER FRAUD, should have at least name dropped O'keefe or Veritas.

Pathos: (Emotion) I think this honestly was a dead draw. Hillary was very emotionless considering her responses were canned and pre-packaged. Trump though didn't deliver, charm. He lacks that Charm the presidents like Reagan had to pull people in. I think this is why (aside from the actual shills) people on here are not as quick in declaring these debates as decisive victories. He lacks the Big Charming Daring personality that he had when he made the Rosie O'Donnell joke with Megan Kelly.
I think he needs to step up charm factor a notch and the audience would have been in the bag. But now, comes the post debate slog. He really needs to appear human in these next weeks. Get a Reagan landslide with Reagan charm and persuasion.

We should concern troll these people and weaken their resolve.

It's better that they believe they're winning. That way they'll think it's less necessary to vote and will produce more salt on election day because the result will come as a shock.

I cannot even vote on the Breitbart poll.
Something is off.

That is true. Maybe we could urge them to stay home then and marathon whatever shit these creatures like to watch.

Theyre useing bots and overloading it, thats why you cant vote.
Look at the comments on breitbart, its all Trump


What's more, Dems SUED THE GOVERNMENT after Gore lost. Bush v. Gore was a HUGE FUCKING THING THAT THE SUPREME COURT RULED ON AND WAS IN THE NEWS 24/7 as it was happening..

And now they tell Trump to sit down like a good goy when he loses? Even after the O'Keefe videos? Fuck these arrogant pieces of shit.

Exactly, I can't get a vote in.

This poll should be in Trump's favor, especially on Breitbart.

They even had decent memery.

Make sure to remind shitlibs that Hillary said Wikileaks committed espionage. Therefore confirming the leaks real.

Bumping to get these poll numbers up

Did you ever just consider the possibility that Hillary actually won the debate?

jk I think reddit is raiding the polls and they way outnumber us

The 19th amendment, everyone.

Well, they weren't wrong. The Bush cuckservative dynasty has barely been better than Clinton, with the added detriment of fighting wars for Israel.
I'm glad it's out of power for now.

or you know only like 10 people have voted

thats not real is it?

Thanks a lot, Wilson.

Going to be honest here. Trump under-performed this time.

I liked when he asked if Hillary would give back the money she got from countries that treat women poorly, after pretending to care about women so much. She weaseled out of it, but I'm glad he pointed that out.

At this point it's up to the leaks to seal Hillary's fate. We've got to have the best stuff yet coming, because this could still be a rough battle. Hillary still manages to squirm around this stuff and it's disgusting. Trump was 100% correct that she shouldnt even be getting to run for pres, but he's fighting a system that has already let her get this far.

I think Trump disappointed. He has my support, of course, but this was less than great performance considering the normfags and fence-sitters. I don't feel like he convinced many new voters.

Please Kek do not let him fail during rest of the campaign, he must win this or USA is doomed.

they're trying to get him to calm the storm when they go for the rig. even in their immense collective idiocy, they KNOW that there are people who, if trump loses, will have nothing more to lose or live for and go after their enemies, be they politicians or media folk. lefists don't have that kind of threat unless they congregate in overwhelmingly massive numbers. a couple guys or even a motivated lone wolf with an understanding of how to use weapons and such? worst case scenario for these fucks. they think if they can get the leader to stand down, all others will follow

He had a lot of good points but his presentation was somewhat poor. He also let her weasel out too much, he should have pressed the points MUCH more. He has her with smoking gun stuff with the Podesta emails for fucks sake.

Brit here. Voted Trump on every poll I could.

Best of luck and MAGA, Burgers.

Thanks, lad. Voted in support of Brexit where ever I could.


I cant believe she actually thinks those are "the people" she is shaking hands with

What the fuck does the Chicago Cubs have to do with anything?

I didnt know we were supposed to patrol polling sites? Must have missed the memo maybe i didnt get it because I wasn't privileged enough

she doesnt know, should we tell her?

Do these faggots realize that Gore challenged the election in '00?

They're equally as horrible. ¡Jeb! would be just as disastrous a president as Illary. If you don't realize that, you haven't been here long enough. This year's Republican primary was an indictment of Bush politics, and just look at all his buddies who refuse to support their party's democratically elected nominee.


this is fucking smoking hot gun, why would ctr faggot rig breitb4rt when that site is mostly trump lovers ?? this is the proof that they are very retarded in crt, they probably play minecraft and jackoff to anita the merchant gamer

i bet ctr have a click farmer in india or china, or they are pouring money to every fucking media as their samson option, the establishment can and will print infinite amounts of money to stay alive

no one will dodge million just because is a wrong cause only you


click farms are relatively cheap tbh, I hired one to botspam freech until their admins actually made rules
it's no joke about fourty cents per minute per person, one dollar if you have them running scripts


The Donald was pleased with the debate. I don't know what you doubters all are on about tbh.


start saying he's too fat to be a woman and he will do it in a week

We need to get the Breitbart poll up=

WTF is happening with Hillary being up in all these polls? It wasn't like this in the past two debates…

Also Fox5 San Diego and

Have you guys given up on trying to improve the polls?

We'll make our voices heard well enough come Tuesday, November 8th friend.

But Trump always likes to brag after the debates that he won all the post-debate polls. He makes a little infographic of it and posts it on his facebook and his twitter.

Would you deny him that?

Being raided.

FYI - O'Keefe released another Project Veritas video a couple hours ago: Huma contradicting Hillary's statements about Syrian refugees:


pissed me off:

when she mentioned about Trump comments on women and how she always helped them:

trump should have said: you only helped bill hide his rapings


when hillary brought up that story about the mexican girl born in usa:

trump should have said: what about the children born to legal parents in usa?

disregard, it's an old one

There are a lot of things he could have said better.

For example, when he was asked whether he would accept the election outcome, he should have made it clear that he would absolutely accept the decision of the American people, but that he only wanted to make sure that it was really the people's decision, and not the result of corrupt rigging. He should have said that he would question the accuracy of the results, but would accept whatever the people's decision was proven to be.

The way he said kind of pissed people off. People want to feel that their votes are respected, and he should have just emphasized that there is the possibility that the system might try to rob the people of their power.

Fuck that noise, Trump just signaled it's DOTR if they rig this and media is first target.

And there's nothing that the people can really do about it…

I'm voting for him, but Trump totally sucked in this debate. Any one of us could have done better. He's low energy now. His primary campaign was his golden age. If he could fight Hillary as hard as he fought Jeb we'd win for sure.

What in the actual fuck am i reading right now?

Don't waste your time. "Anyone with a uterus" as in to include women transitioning to, or identifying as, male.

and, checked*

People with female anatomy aren't necessarily women you stupid fucking pig. Hey guys, I found a poll or two you might be interested in.



this describes me perfectly, you classcuck shills.
now cry.
