What are you leaking?


What are you leaking?

Other urls found in this thread:



How else are they going to pay for their servers?

Not much I disable JS.

Ironic isn't it.

the website is still very useful.
I would like the code of it tho.

how cute

This fails hilariously when you have µmatrix installed.

Yes but it depends of your configuration.
If you accepts first parties you accept scripts.
Only the whitelist methodologies permits this.

Here's an example of the said config

https-strict: * true
https-strict: behind-the-scene true
matrix-off: about-scheme true
matrix-off: behind-the-scene true
matrix-off: chrome-extension-scheme true
matrix-off: chrome-scheme true
matrix-off: localhost true
matrix-off: opera-scheme true
referrer-spoof: * true
referrer-spoof: behind-the-scene true
ua-spoof: * true
ua-spoof: behind-the-scene true
* * * block
* * cookie block
* * frame block
* * other block
* * plugin block
* * script block
* * xhr block
* 1st-party * allow

And normally it's should look like this
All web problems comes from two factors:
The first one being the outdated architecture of the internet.
The second comes from JS.

>website certified by (((verasign)))
I ain't clicking that shit.

This website is a least five years old.
Try it and see what you are leaking.
If so use umatrix with the said parameters of

Gas yourself cianigger. Did you not see that it is a bait website that is five years old?

good luck with your random UA placebo



And so do sites that use tags correctly. gorhill is a shitty coder.

Very little that might be useful. I use Tor Browser with the security slider set to high.

The website is especially made for testing fingerprinting you faggot it's not like they try to hide behind what they do.

Tor passes through many OSes, and rewrites all layers of the packet in the process (several times).
A VPN will minimize the work of sending the packet through it. An IPse VPN (90% of all VPNs) will simply rewrite layer 2, a TCP/SOCKS VPN will do some work on layer 3, but exactly what it will do depends on implementation.
Tor rewrites layer 2 and 3, and also its own onion layer which sits below the HTTP.

Thank you for sharing a better version of the software.


He says while using a site that sends everything through cloudflare.

lol retard

why is this not showing anything even though it says JS enabled?

its a trap

gtfo goyim, your 16:9 porn consumption slate is not welcome here
Memes aside, websites can determine your riced slim taskbar size by measuring page height and assuming your browser, then your window rendering toolkit by measuring scrollbar width. All without javascripts, pure css shit.

tor doesn't rewrite higher layers such as http.


The browser alone could do the job if it didn't let umatrix cuck it.

Post of the month right here

fuck off skiddo. it also fails the exact same way by setting one option in about:config:

kys if serious