Look at my tiny legs

look at my tiny legs

god damn

Only Gal Gadot allowed, delete this please.

Cumskins are always so disappointing.

Posted more jewfus

delicious cellulite

Do I make you hard you silly gentile.

As some sort of super adamantium mithril alloy cock thing. So yes maam, extremely.

Stop staring down there, my nose is up here teehee.


Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!


I'm cunning 😍😍😍

I want ScarJo's flabby ass on my face

You'll never fuck her. You'll never fuck her tiny legs. It's so tiny, she got such a freaking. Such a tiny little legs.



All shit

wtf I love jews now

You like shitty rat faced actresses? Connolly is the only decent one

They're all pretty hot. I doubt they're all jewish tho. At least they have to be like half-jews or something.

They are not hot at all, wow. I'm honestly disappointed in you and not even surprised at the shit taste. They are all jewish, you don't even know what you're talking about if you didn't know that before you looked at the image. And you're on a film board bravo.

I'm not ameriat so I don't know most of these women. I only know Winona Ryder, she doesn't look jewish to me, but I know she is. Do you not find her in particular attractive? I think you are exaggerating.

She was at one point in time but once you notice her face looks like a jew face with all the traits it kind of ruins it. And okay, most of those women are B and C tier actresses.

Fair enough.

That means Emily is /ourgirl/

That means she wasn't included because nobody would recognize her

Reminder the only reason scarjo is even considered attractive by plebs and the media is she had plastic surgery on her face

Included like in the pic? she's there on the bottom right.

I've been saying this for years.

I only care about her aesthetic cellulite tbh, she was a fine kike witch before getting the goy makeover.

What is the name of the girl on far left, 3rd from the bottom?
A little disappointed that she is jewish, but my penis doesn't discriminate.

Right in da teenage benis.
But fuck she went downhill.
I'd guess cocaine.
still a redfu

Melanie Laurent is not Jewish she is French guys.


She's still hot as fuck. God, she looks so evil in that pic on the right. So sexy.

Selma Blair i think

She was a jew in Inglourious Basterds

Evil? she looks like tumblrina that's about to lecture you on some bs cause.

It was just an act.

Right, like I said, evil.